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Enchantment Progression Rework Suggestion

loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
Maybe it's not final, but the enchantment progression currently on the PTS is a disaster. It's like lowering taxes for the rich.

The devs seems to have noticed that the current system with an identical enchantment as reagent couldn't be extended, because costs would have exploded. R11 would have cost like 6M per, R12 13M. So they just erased the need for an identical enchantment. Now the progression looks like this:


I calculated the RP cost at 0.75 because the current price of a stack of R4 Radiants hovers around 20.000 (20k/27k RP ~= 0.75). I also inserted the new ratings for Radiants and how much AD per rating you have to invest to get from one level to another. Meaning if you already own R6s and you want to upgrade to R7, you need to invest 1,248 AD per rating gained. As you can see, the AD cost per rating gained rises for every Rank until R10. That simply means you have to invest more and more AD to get an addition rating point.
That makes sense, because it's getting harder and harder to improve as you near BiS.

Or let's say, it was harder and harder to improve. Because after R10, the AD/Rating drops considerably because a large chunk of the cost, the identical reagent enchantment, is missing. So after R10, you start to get more rating points for your AD again.

That's completely off and shouldn't work that way. The progression should continue in a way that you are getting less and less for your investment, because now the casual players will still work their butt off to get to the mountain top that is R10, why the rich can enjoy the downhill that is R11 and R12. It's simply not a fair distribution.

I propose the following system instead:


As you can see, we will be keeping the system of identical reagents, but R12 more or less will cost the same as in the current system. We cut down the cost of Potencys significantly (R6/7 would require only Lesser Marks, R8/9 Normal Marks and R10/11/12 Greater Marks) and devide the RPs by 3.

What happens is that you still have the same mountain to climb for a R12, but the mountain gets steeper again as you progress towards BiS instead of having a peak at some point in the middle. All the other ranks get cheaper in the process, allowing everyone to acquire the next rank for the current cost of the previous rank. Currently R7 costs 95, my system lists R8 at 114. R8 was 336, my system lists R9 at 316. And so on. The last ranks will remain the domain of the wealthy and hardcores, only that the threshold moves up a bit.

Sure, the current enchantments will get devalued, but that's how it is right? Whenever a new CPU comes on the market, the older ones move down in pricing and the new state-of-the-art takes over the top spot. It's not like prices stay the same and the newest tools just get even more expensive.
It's the same in MMOs. The old BiS CN weapons or profession weapons are worth <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> nowadays, T1 and T2s are cheap as hell and even Artifact Belts can be had for pennys.

This has to happen unless you want the gap between the have and have-nots to become greater.

This btw. also applies to all Armor and Weapon Enchants.
Post edited by loboguild on


  • koalazebra1koalazebra1 Member Posts: 1,173 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    give the 7-day invoke chest a chance to drop a bound GMOP pls!
  • barq3tbarq3t Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 165 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    Don't worry, enchantments price in new mod will drop a lot, and almost all of its price gonna be the purple marks you must use to make them. It will happen because of 2 things:

    1. In new mod mobs are droping rank 5s, A LOT (at least for me on preview)
    2. Blue marks of potency can be obtained from bunch of dailies, which will cause huge drop of their price

    Of course you'll have to wait a few weeks after mod 6 release for the prices to drop, because of big demand, but after this I expect rank 7 cost no more than 20k:P (btw around 2 months ago, when bots were selling blue marks for around 10-13k, you could buy silver enchants rank 7 for around 30k AD :P )

    Also even in today's economy with expensive rank 10 enchantments, it still would be a lot cheaper to make it from 1 to 10 than from 10 to 12, so I don't really get how can you call going from rank 10 to 12 a "downhill":

    rank 10 radiant nowadays -2,5kk
    going from 10 to 12: 10 x gmop, 1 coal ward, 1.680.000 RP, a lot green wards from going 10 to 11 (5% chance) = 1kk +450k +1.26kk (0.75 ad/rp) + 100k = 2.71kk
  • koalazebra1koalazebra1 Member Posts: 1,173 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    barq3t wrote: »

    1. In new mod mobs are droping rank 5s, A LOT (at least for me on preview)

    I wouldn't depend on this until its actually on live, this was the same scenario when IWD came out, rank5s left and right, and BAAM!! no more rank5s
  • vadimt83vadimt83 Member Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    barq3t wrote: »
    ... almost all of its price gonna be the purple marks you must use to make them....
    This is the way it is now on live starting from R7, GMOP cost is the real paywall here. It would be great if we could get those from the new daily, or from the weekly chest, or from leadership, from anywhere. Another option is to lower its cost at the WB.
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    A couple things:

    Please don't use absolute numbers to judge my downhill argument. You need to weight the cost relative to the ratings increase and the fact is that somebody owning R10s is getting more rating increase for every AD invested than somebody who is trying to upgrade from 9 to 10. Currently, the best way to progress with your enchantments is to rank them up level by level. Meaning if you own Rank 7s, bring them all up to R8, then R9, then R10. Under the new system, starting at R8, it makes more sense to upgrade one enchant to R12, then the next, then the next.


    If you remove blue Mark of Potencys and all RP costs from the equation, R12 would cost 2.6M, which is actually what R10 costs right now. But the issue remains that the gap between BiS and others will get bigger. Here's a simple example:

    Player A is a casual player and is able to get to R8s under the current system. That would cost him 336k AD per enchant and nets 220 rating points. Under the new system, spending the same amount of money results in a mix of R8s and R9s, which I'm gonna call R8.5, and nets 310 rating points.
    Player B is a hardcore player that is able to get to R10 (2.4M under the current system) or 300 rating points. Under the new system, spending the same amount of money would mean R11.6, or 552 rating points.
    Currently the R10s net 1.36 more rating points than R8s, under the new system R11.6s are worth 1.78 more rating points then R8.5s. Same money spend results in a better ratio for those that spend more. That's not the case right now.

    I agree that my system screws those that worked hard (or not...) to get their R10s. But as I've stated that's the way it is when new BiS is introduced, old stuff gets cheaper. Or that should be the way it is.

    You only have two choices to keep the costs down. Either you disvalue existing enchants or you cater to the rich. The alternative would be to keep the current progression and make R12s cost 13M. Is that what you want?

    And yes, GMOPs should be dropping a lot more, but I doubt they are gonna do that because the 100k per is hardcoded due to the availability in the Bazaar.
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I like where you're going with this, Lobo, but I'd like to see the costs of the previous ranks reduced by removing the need for a duplicate enchant as a reagent, then adjust the RP/Marks accordingly, but overall decrease the cost of going from 6-10, and keep that inline with the current costs of R11 and R12.

    I think that would eliminate a bit of the perceived complexity. Having to create a high ranked enchant, then having to go through the process AGAIN to get the duplicate, then merging the two is needlessly cumbersome. I think it also obfuscates the true cost of improving your enchantments, and thus most people just stop at a certain point.

    And to those who are already geared out in full R10s? I don't see what the problem is. Yes, you have to "work harder" for those, but you've also been getting the full benefit from them, and you're already ahead of the game when it comes to getting yourself back up to R12. And even then, the cost of going from R10 to R12 is still millions of AD per enchant, which is still out of reach of your average player, so it's not like a change in the system is going to make BiS enchants "easy" to get by any stretch of the imagination.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • barq3tbarq3t Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 165 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    Well if you look at the cost of raw materials (marks, wards, rp) it takes 150% more to go from 10 to 12, than from 1 to 10 which is perfect number imo (you just cant pay 300-500% more for last two tiers, make no sense...). Also consider that with new stat curves gap between rank 9 and rank 12 person will be smaller than today's r8 to r10.

    Anyway removing 1 (from total 2) gmop needed to upgrade from rank 8 to 9 would also help casuals to keep up
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    barq3t wrote: »
    Well if you look at the cost of raw materials (marks, wards, rp) it takes 150% more to go from 10 to 12, than from 1 to 10 which is perfect number imo (you just cant pay 300-500% more for last two tiers, make no sense...). Also consider that with new stat curves gap between rank 9 and rank 12 person will be smaller than today's r8 to r10.

    Anyway removing 1 (from total 2) gmop needed to upgrade from rank 8 to 9 would also help casuals to keep up
    exacty, you need tons of rp, coalescents and marks for a lower increase in stats from 10-12.
    Is ok like this.
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    barq3t wrote: »
    Well if you look at the cost of raw materials (marks, wards, rp) it takes 150% more to go from 10 to 12, than from 1 to 10 which is perfect number imo (you just cant pay 300-500% more for last two tiers, make no sense...). Also consider that with new stat curves gap between rank 9 and rank 12 person will be smaller than today's r8 to r10.

    Anyway removing 1 (from total 2) gmop needed to upgrade from rank 8 to 9 would also help casuals to keep up

    Why doesn't it make sense to pay the most for the last tier? That's how it worked with Rank 10 so far. R10 is 250% of the cost of a R9 and 700% of R8 currently. In my proposed system R12 is 250% of the cost of R11 and 600% more than R10. Nothing changes.

    In terms of the new stats curves: Taking my example from above the high-rolling Player B gets 0.48 percentage points more from power under the old system and 0.60 percentage points under the new system while spending the same amount of money vs casual Player A. So how exactly is is the gap becoming smaller?

    Your example: 9-12 is 0.65 percentage points differential while paying only five times as much for the upgrade vs. 0.48 while paying seven times as much for the upgrade from 8 to 10 btw. Again: Using absolute numbers is... well absolutely misleading.
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    rayrdan wrote: »
    exacty, you need tons of rp, coalescents and marks for a lower increase in stats from 10-12.
    Is ok like this.

    Guys, look at the math. So far with the identical reagent enchants they are using a square function and turn it into a linear function starting at R11 more or less. It's not that complicated. Overall the cost of RPs and Wards are a minor factor.

  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    ironzerg79 wrote: »
    I like where you're going with this, Lobo, but I'd like to see the costs of the previous ranks reduced by removing the need for a duplicate enchant as a reagent, then adjust the RP/Marks accordingly, but overall decrease the cost of going from 6-10, and keep that inline with the current costs of R11 and R12.

    That would look like this:


    I like it because 6-10 gets cheaper as you said, but R10 retains more value than in my proposed system, which shouldn't upset those that already own them as much.
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Another idea to get rid of the imbalance would be to adjust the ratings of all ranks to the overall cost.


    R6-10: square increase of cost and ratings
    R11/12: linear increase of cost and ratings

    The downside is that people already owning R10 have to take a hard look whether it's even viable to upgrade to R12 for a miserable 100 rating points. And the answer is probably that it's not.
  • barq3tbarq3t Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 165 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    I think you're not aware the amount of stat points a new gear provide - it goes in thousands. A single gwf lvl 70 sword gives you around 5,5k stat points. So even if you manage to outgear someone by 4k stat points by using r12 enchants, in practice it will give you only couple % advantage over that person
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    for what is worth i like how it works on preview and i hope they keep it like that.
    It's already more than 30M to reach rank 12 starting from rank 10
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    barq3t wrote: »
    I think you're not aware the amount of stat points a new gear provide - it goes in thousands. A single gwf lvl 70 sword gives you around 5,5k stat points. So even if you manage to outgear someone by 4k stat points by using r12 enchants, in practice it will give you only couple % advantage over that person

    So what you're saying is that it's ok to use broken enchant progression because it doesn't matter in the big picture? Nah sorry, the fix is easy, so you might as well bring that in line before release.

    In the end as I laid out you only have to tweak the ratings or the cost. It's something that has to happen.

    And btw.: This also applies to the Weapon and Armor Enchants and I don't think their additional effects are negligible.
  • barq3tbarq3t Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 165 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2015
    loboguild wrote: »
    So what you're saying is that it's ok to use broken enchant progression because it doesn't matter in the big picture? Nah sorry, the fix is easy, so you might as well bring that in line before release.

    In the end as I laid out you only have to tweak the ratings or the cost. It's something that has to happen.

    And btw.: This also applies to the Weapon and Armor Enchants and I don't think their additional effects are negligible.

    Perfect solution would be eliminate the need of 2nd enchantment to refine, and just put more marks needed to refine on every higher level (someone said that before I think). Anyway since that is not gonna happen, I'd simply stick with the old slightly broken system because of one thing: It won't break our economy. Enchantments is the only real investment in this game, since everything else is boa. With your changes EVERYONE will lose a lot ADs invested in their gear. Casual players who just spent a lot of time to get those few millions to get full r8, now will look how those few millions become almost nothing in one second.

    So after all they'll end up with maybe a little higher rank enchants, which will doesn't matter anyway thanks to new stat curves, but completely broken with nothing valuable to trade
  • ryugasiriusryugasirius Member Posts: 996 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    loboguild wrote: »

    As you can see, we will be keeping the system of identical reagents, but R12 more or less will cost the same as in the current system. We cut down the cost of Potencys significantly (R6/7 would require only Lesser Marks, R8/9 Normal Marks and R10/11/12 Greater Marks) and devide the RPs by 3.

    Your proposal might work, but it requires a significant number of changes to the whole system. Also, it will sharply decrease the value of existing enchantments, and screw people who invested a lot. It's unlikely to happen (ragequits and so on).

    What would be far easier to achieve is to mantain the current system (and AD/RP required) and tune the stats bonus instead.

    It should be roughly something like this (we keep things low till R5, as those enchantments are quite easy to get and still don't require a big investment, they drop quite often so don't even need actual refining):

    R5 -> 150
    R6 -> 230
    R7 -> 310
    R8 -> 390
    R9 -> 470
    R10 -> 550
    R11 -> 575
    R12 -> 600

    It's just a rough estimate, but this way you get +80 stat/rank when you need a lot of resources to go up. As you get high enough (R10), you can still make a somewhat smaller investment and get a smaller chunk of bonus, +25 stat/rank (kind of diminishing returns).

    Stats will increase overall, so everyone will be happy. Investments will be mantained (and R10 enchantments won't be cut by 2/3 in value). R12 will still matter to "rich people", but they won't be terribly imbalanced as they are now (R7, probably the most common rank among non-hardcore players, will get half the total stat bonus instead of the current 35%)
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    You're having the same idea as I had here.

    As mentioned, the only thing is that with such a system, upgrading to R12 makes absolutely no sense. So BiS players don't get something to work for in the enchantment area. But I'd say that's the best solution for everyone regardless. Old stuff fully retains its value and if you still are eager to own the best of the best, you have to pay a lot of extra money for a comparably small return.
  • ryugasiriusryugasirius Member Posts: 996 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    loboguild wrote: »
    You're having the same idea as I had here.

    As mentioned, the only thing is that with such a system, upgrading to R12 makes absolutely no sense. So BiS players don't get something to work for in the enchantment area. But I'd say that's the best solution for everyone regardless. Old stuff fully retains its value and if you still are eager to own the best of the best, you have to pay a lot of extra money for a comparably small return.

    Ooops sorry, missed your other post :) well, with all the extra artifact levels (and probably new artifact items), there's hardly need for more things to "work for" in the refinement area. Most players will still struggle with R8s and purple artifacts, while hardcore/cash players will be ready to upgrade everything to max level the same day the module 6 hits live server :)

    What we need to "work for" is actual harder content and better items that come from actual gameplay.
  • denvalddenvald Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 702 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    My opinion,

    Removing 2x enchants completely, and adjusting in GMoPs + refining points. I think the system of r11 and r12 not requiring them is MUCH preferrable over the actual system of duplicate enchants.
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  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    loboguild wrote: »
    That would look like this:


    I like it because 6-10 gets cheaper as you said, but R10 retains more value than in my proposed system, which shouldn't upset those that already own them as much.

    I like this one. And as someone's already pointed out, because of the dramatic increase in stats on gear, the enchantments become less inherently less valuable, so lowering the costs a bit makes sense as well.

    And I know people who have max stuff might complain, but that's the ever evolving MMO system. Things change and evolve. I wouldn't let that criticism derail an otherwise great analysis (and suggestions for improvement).
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    i m strongly against something that devalues people work, you have to keep people working not to keep people regretting about the work.
    i would rather prefer to use 2 rank 10 for a rank 11.
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    rayrdan wrote: »
    i m strongly against something that devalues people work, you have to keep people working not to keep people regretting about the work.
    i would rather prefer to use 2 rank 10 for a rank 11.

    Why is their work "devalued"? They still get the stat increase. And all the content they did while having R10's doesn't get taken away from them. And they're still WAY closer to getting R12's than anyone who doesn't currently have R10 enchantments.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • ayrouxayroux Member Posts: 4,271 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    loboguild wrote: »
    That would look like this:


    I like it because 6-10 gets cheaper as you said, but R10 retains more value than in my proposed system, which shouldn't upset those that already own them as much.

    This is genious IMO and creates more prigression without drastically increasing costs. It also more "levels" the playing field for PVP since the actual bonus a rank 12 player would have over a rank 9-10 would be minimal.

    With THIS system a casual/semi-casual can attain rank9/10s with some work.

    I thino the system has to adopt something like this otherwise you will juat create a larger divide between have and have nots. Typically with new content like this, MOST games make the obsolete gear much easier to get.
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I'd like to point out that also the BiS players should have some interest in the margin between them and the others not getting too big. We already have extremely few players at the very top and need more to reach and compete there.

    Weapon and Armor enchants have to be reworked in a similar way btw. Example using Terror:

    Lesser: 6% WeaponDmg - 5% Debuff
    Normal: 11% WeaponDmg - 10% Debuff
    Greater: 17% WeaponDmg - 20% Debuff
    Perfect: 25% WeaponDmg - 40% Debuff - 2% Root
    Pure: 25% WeaponDmg - 40% Debuff - 6% Root
    Transcendent: 25% WeaponDmg - 40% Debuff - 10% Root

    Currently, Pure and Transcendent offer too much improvement for their cost. I think you can keep additional utility mostly exclusive to the new Pure and Trans as incentive to get those, everything else scales until Perfect.
  • setimoselosetimoselo Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    I honestly don't see why they need to make this game any easier then it is. People say that this game is not a pvp game but the only justification I can see for having the best enchantments equipped is for competition in pvp. You don't need rank 10's, 11's or 12's for pve content. There's simply no justification to water down the current system. This game has made it pretty easy to do things faster for those that don't have the patience to do it the long way.
  • jaotutjaotut Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    Is there a calculation error in the cost of wards?

    To fuse a R11 is 5%, and R12 is 1%. R11 is questionable whether most people will use green or blue wards, it will surely take more than double amount the cost of wards compare to R10 for green wards which will take you another half an hour of clicking to fuse one, so I'd imagine most people will use blue ward (500k)
    Fusing R12 with 1%, I think using blue ward would be the only option here.
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  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    jaotut wrote: »
    Is there a calculation error in the cost of wards?

    To fuse a R11 is 5%, and R12 is 1%. R11 is questionable whether most people will use green or blue wards, it will surely take more than double amount the cost of wards compare to R10 for green wards which will take you another half an hour of clicking to fuse one, so I'd imagine most people will use blue ward (500k)
    Fusing R12 with 1%, I think using blue ward would be the only option here.

    R12 is 3%, not 1%. Armor and Weapon Enchantments are 1%.
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    macjae wrote: »
    I agree with this, certainly; it's a huge gap right now. But as I've noted before, the relative value of enchantments is likely to diminish with the new gear model and a higher level cap. At the same time, the value of mechanics that add straight % values will increase in relative value, and those are tied to feats and to boons, which are comparatively easier to acquire. However, moving the costs around as you propose would just be likely to create an even smaller group of "haves". Simply making sub-r11 enchantments cheaper would help close some of those gaps without doubly penalizing current r10 people.

    There is also another factor to consider in this discussion, which is changes to the loot model. Currently, the available HEs can drop MOPs, which suggest a future drop in cost for r7s. If dungeons and higher-end HEs drop GMOPs too, then that will likely drop the cost of higher-end enchantments a fair bit too, and relatively more so at r10 and below.

    Have to admit that a small factor why I'd like to see a change is that I personally despise inconsistencies. Presenting such a broken system simply suggests they haven't thought about it long enough. So no matter whether the costs will come down due to a higher GMOP availability (which remains to be seen) or the overall diminish of value because you get more stats from gear, the system is still <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. And that's annoying.

    I think the most elegant solution would actually be adjusting the stat points each level gives. See here. That way you don't devalue the current R10s, but fix the progression nonetheless.

    I don't see a way to bring down the costs for sub R11 without penalizing the ones already owning R10s though. It's one or the other or am I missing something?
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited February 2015
    loboguild wrote: »
    I don't see a way to bring down the costs for sub R11 without penalizing the ones already owning R10s though. It's one or the other or am I missing something?

    How are you penalizing them? Keep the stats the same, rework the cost curves.

    They still have their enchants, and they're still just as valuable to their character as they would've been without any price reduction.

    People need to get out of the mindset that stuff NEVER changes. This is an MMO. Things changes, gear changes, enchants change. What was once difficult and valuable might one day be easy and cheap. It's the nature of the beast.

    But you can't let improvements that would improve the quality of the experience for 99% of the playerbase be ruined because you're worried about "devaluing" the "work" of the other 1%.

    And even to that regards, if people are playing this game like it's "work", then they're going to wind up disappointed at some point or another...
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
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