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how do i get a vorpal enchantment.

blackxxwolf3blackxxwolf3 Member Posts: 1,539 Arc User
edited January 2015 in General Discussion (PC)
so im trying to raise my hrs gs and i figured get a vorpal. but i did the math and i have 129k ad i cant refine today. it would take (starting from 0) 15 days to get enough ad to buy a coalessant ward to make a vorpal with the shards ive collected. thats insane. why would i wait 15 days for 1 enchantment. thats also with me logging in and losing my life everyday playing this game. raise the limit on how much i can refine please. its driving me nuts. sorry for the rant guys thanks. any suggestions for other ways to get it. and btw i farm dragons and dungeons a lot and still dont get anything really worth much to sell on the ah. and no one ever wants to run castle never or malabogs castle to get the best gear. the bow i get from charthraxis is worth 50k but ive only ever gotten 1 one of those. and i have yet to get the artifacts from the other one i farm. any tips please?
Post edited by blackxxwolf3 on


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    vadimt83vadimt83 Member Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Getting your weapon/armor enchants is the ultimate nightmare in this game for free players. There is no other way but paying out of your nose. If you value your time and money, just buy a lesser vorpal on the AH (costs less than a coal ward) and make peace with not having anything better.
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    alexgabriel23alexgabriel23 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 276
    edited January 2015
    there is only a way but requires to have more then 2 characters many runs of pirate kings and salvaging many items betwen characters using the zen tool to share AD betwen characters and buying and enchant from the auction house which is allready made it cost less then a coal ward
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited January 2015
    In my opinion, 15 days of commitment for an enchantment you'll probably use as long as you play, is hardly a long time. I used a lesser lightning for over a year before I upgraded it. Plus, you can take the enchantment out and swap it between characters at your leisure.
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    t8xt8x Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    15 days, that is 2 chances to get it free from the coffers.
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    aulduronaulduron Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,351 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    As was said: buy a lesser, don't make one. Refine the lesser, buy another, then make a normal. Actually, you're better off buying a normal, but that's a very large initial investment.

    FYI, weapon and armor enchantments don't raise your GS. In mod 6 they say they're getting rid of GS anyway. Whether or not they will raise your Average Item Level, I don't know.

    Also, you might look into debuffing enchantments, such as Plaguefire or Terror, if you don't have a high crit strike score. They usually cost less.

    The best weapon in the game is the artifact weapon you get from the ToD campaign.
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    darkstarcrashdarkstarcrash Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,382 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Pay attention to what vadimt83 wrote:
    vadimt83 wrote: »
    If you value your time and money, just buy a lesser vorpal on the AH (costs less than a coal ward) and make peace with not having anything better.

    Always check the AH: frequently it is cheaper to buy a refined item than to buy the wards/marks to make it yourself. Currently 220k for a lesser vorpal, 400k for a coal ward.

    By the same token, when you feel rich enough to upgrade, check prices to see if it is cheaper to make a normal vorpal or to sell your lesser and buy a normal outright. It is nearly always cheaper to buy a rank 6 enchantment than to upgrade a rank 5, etc.

    The nice thing about enchantments is they don't bind (with possible exception of Barkshield), so you can pass them on to alts or sell them back to the AH.
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited January 2015
    t8x wrote: »
    15 days, that is 2 chances to get it free from the coffers.
    Ah yes, good mention! You can get even more chances if you have more than one character invoking every day. In case the OP doesn't know, the 7-day Celestial Coin item, Coffer of Wondrous Augmentation, has a small chance to give you an account bound Coalescent Ward. When I pray each week, across 28 characters, I usually get one or two coal wards a week from them - more or less. Keep in mind, this chance is real low, but you can also get refinement stones and preservation wards from them also.
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    zephranuszephranus Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Hey, you don't necessarily even need a Coalescent Ward to refine the weapon enchantment. A few weeks ago, lacking any Coalescents, I decided to try refining the Briartwine Armour enchantment with a Preservation Ward instead (at 1% chance).

    To say I was shocked when it actually worked first attempt is an understatement.

    All hail our RNG overlords!
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    valencayvalencay Member Posts: 431 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    zephranus wrote: »
    Hey, you don't necessarily even need a Coalescent Ward to refine the weapon enchantment. A few weeks ago, lacking any Coalescents, I decided to try refining the Briartwine Armour enchantment with a Preservation Ward instead (at 1% chance).

    To say I was shocked when it actually worked first attempt is an understatement.

    All hail our RNG overlords!

    I tried once on the prev shard, 250 failed attempts LOL
    Aset Xharran, Oppressor CW
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    rayrdanrayrdan Member Posts: 5,410 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    zephranus wrote: »
    Hey, you don't necessarily even need a Coalescent Ward to refine the weapon enchantment. A few weeks ago, lacking any Coalescents, I decided to try refining the Briartwine Armour enchantment with a Preservation Ward instead (at 1% chance).

    To say I was shocked when it actually worked first attempt is an understatement.

    All hail our RNG overlords!

    .....always always try to refine with a preservation first.
    rng is broken 1%, 20%, 50% means nothing
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited January 2015
    I also made a wpn enchant with a preservation ward. It was on preview though and I went through 750ish (I forget the exact number) pres wards before it took. So, I can confirm that it is possible. This was just after Tyranny of Dragons launched, but before Well of Dragons. As seen here, I have also heard of others getting successes using MANY less pres wards than I did on preview.
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    ebonyshadowebonyshadow Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    raise the limit on how much i can refine please.

    OK everyone else had given you the only advice that I know of on how to get the enchant, but nobody touched this.

    It will never happen and frankly you don't want it to.... within days you'd see prices rise of the AH,the more everyone can refine per day, the less it ends up being worth so there is zero benefit to be had and the possibility that the price of the very thing you want would be proportionately even more expensive/take longer to save for. Some of these folks have 40-50 leadership farms feeding their mains and it is the rise in their income that would set the new prices. The more you think it through, the worse idea you realize it is!
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    omgnicktakenomgnicktaken Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    OK everyone else had given you the only advice that I know of on how to get the enchant, but nobody touched this.

    It will never happen and frankly you don't want it to.... within days you'd see prices rise of the AH,the more everyone can refine per day, the less it ends up being worth so there is zero benefit to be had and the possibility that the price of the very thing you want would be proportionately even more expensive/take longer to save for. Some of these folks have 40-50 leadership farms feeding their mains and it is the rise in their income that would set the new prices. The more you think it through, the worse idea you realize it is!

    I have seen this statement before, and it is completely WRONG. There would be a HUGE benefit from refining cap increase to 100-200k for a casual player. Why? 2 reasons:

    1) Increase in AD makes zen shop items comparatively cheaper since ZAX is already sitting at or near cap and Zen shop prices are fixed.
    2) Leadership bot farms can't utilize 100k - 200k refinement cap. This means that a casual player who just runs instances and salvages stuff will get more benefit, and the wealth spread changes more towards those players.

    In short, the prices rise, but the wealth spreads more towards casual players who run dungeons. This comes, of course, at the expense of people with a legion of leadership bots, as well as wallet warriors.

    EDIT: an even better solution: make salvaging loot from instance bosses reward refined ad instead of rough ad.
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    myowmyowmyowmyow Member Posts: 1,923 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    zebular wrote: »
    In my opinion, 15 days of commitment for an enchantment you'll probably use as long as you play, is hardly a long time. I used a lesser lightning for over a year before I upgraded it. Plus, you can take the enchantment out and swap it between characters at your leisure.

    One thing remains - a good many gamers have little patience. Of course, it is this very concept that causes some gamers to shell-out the money for Zen, which keeps Cryptic in business. :)
    SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! SEC! (repeat indefinitely)

    myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
    pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
    looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
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    actausactaus Member Posts: 64
    edited January 2015
    rayrdan wrote: »
    .....always always try to refine with a preservation first.

    Do not ever waste your preservation ward on a 1% item. Only 10% and higher. Save those for artifacts and low level rank enchantments. Why people troll like this.. OP clearly stated that he got very limited amount of AD, and preservation cost money too.

    Here is your option:

    1) Farm pirates king: if you get any "bind on equip" sell it on AH. Rest can be salvaged.

    2) Always pick up valuable items: rank 4 - 5 enchantments, lv60 blue gear (weapon, belt and neck: as people use those for refining bonus) and sell it on AH.

    Remember: When you run pirate king, you always have to aim on dungeon delve. End chest will get you garanteed epic item, which could be sold or salvaged. 10 - 12 seals (once you get 40 +, you can buy epic item and salvage).

    There are so many other ways you could farm AD, explore my friend.. But please be warned!! "Do not ever, ever use green wards on any 1%".
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    moljinirmoljinir Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    aulduron wrote: »
    In mod 6 they say they're getting rid of GS anyway

    Where is this information? Id like to see that.
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited January 2015
    moljinir wrote: »
    Where is this information? Id like to see that.
    The Preview Forums, where its in preliminary testing now on Preview.
    Item Changes
    Gear Score – Gear Score is going away. It never really filled the niche we wanted to approximate player powers because it could not consistently track things we wanted and was often getting adjusted by things it shouldn’t. Therefore we are opting to make some other changes to replace Gear Score as a player metric.

    Item Level – Items traditionally have had a lot of under the hood variables that governed how effective they were and this made comparing two items harder the less stats they had in common, and made them relatively confusing overall. Therefore we are exposing a stat on items to simplify this process and help players identify when new equipment has more stat (although not necessarily when it is better for *you*). Item Levels will increase pretty steadily until you reach end game, and then when you reach your first tier of dungeons (item level 130) they will simplify drastically. Each tier of items is 10 ilvls higher than its predecessors, with half tiers being 5 ilvls. Item Level in some form will become the mechanism for locking out dungeons, although the final form this will take has not been decided yet.
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    kyafoxkyafox Member Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Tons of ways to farm AD here.
    1. If you have a strong guild, they will run Castle Never easily.
    2. However, the biggest bang for the buck has been touched on already, the Pirate King speed runs. You can get 4 in during delves, and make quite the little profit.
    3. Seals we often forget about, but the gear can be salvaged. Again a guy on the first page had it right.
    4. Vorpal enchantments will not raise GS (not that it matters soon anyway)
    5. The game is now grindy...face it :( So, run like mad.
    6. They should raise the refinement cap for sure. (spread the wealth around a bit) 24k a day is seriously ridiculous. Reward a player that grinds Arc, because that is the player that is going to stay with you now.
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    theevilskeevertheevilskeever Member Posts: 31
    edited January 2015
    kyafox wrote: »
    2. However, the biggest bang for the buck has been touched on already, the Pirate King speed runs. You can get 4 in during delves, and make quite the little profit.

    Important note: that's 4-5 runs during the delve with a good group, not necessarily overgeared, but knowing what they're doing. Party finder, on the other hand, tend to bring the guys who can't deal damage, can't control, can't tank, rarely use pots and collect all the green garbage they see. So that'll be a "proper", 30mins - 1 hour run.
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    thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    It is not that difficult to get, I am completely F2P and I have no problems getting those enchants. A weapon enchant like a plague fire is excellent and costs ~60k on the AH, if you want a vorpal, that is a bit more expensive, but the method of aquiring it is more or less the ame. You want to win that last drop in CN about 2-5 times and sell it on the AH, so you run CN with a bunch of friends and when you happen to win the drops, you stick them on the AH and sell. It is nowhere near as lucrative as it used to be, but you can still earn more then enough rather quickly to get your vorpal :)
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