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Looking for a PVE solo survivability build for module 5

generalklanggeneralklang Member Posts: 1 Arc User
edited January 2015 in The Thieves' Den
As the title says, with the changes to TR, All of the old builds are in the hopper. I'm looking for a solo survivability build with works with the module 5 changes. I've found *one* module 5 build, total, and it's mantis' glass cannon build..which is apparently the opposite of what I'm looking for.

I just hit 30 (I'm fairly new to Neverwinter) and the best choices are not immediately obvious, plus spending points needlessly just to have to respec them later seems wasteful and foolish...So I thought i'd ask the experts and go from there, as the way in which the mechanics work is not exactly intuitive, and some things *look* spectacular, while being lackluster.
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  • ibench200ibench200 Member Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    mantisa guide is quite good, focus on high power, recovery, AP gain, you can clear mobs very easily like this, although the artifact/enchant/ weapon choices may vary, you can use the same encounters. throughout your gameplay in NW u will most likely need to respec a couple maybe few times to polish your build. it costs 300 zen to buy a respec wich is not much.
  • nallifnallif Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Here's a short description of a Whisperknife Saboteur build. I tried it out a bit on the test server, and it's effective.

  • grac3n77grac3n77 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    You will never go wrong in scoundrelle path.
  • twilightwatchmantwilightwatchman Member Posts: 2,007 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Scoundrel is a great solo PvE build, either WK (which I use) or MI. You could also make a pretty solid Executioner for solo play.
    Jenna Sunsoul - Justice Tankadin
    Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
    Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
    Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
    Darquess - Soulbinder
  • generalklanggeneralklang Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    i've muddled through so far taking my best guess at skills based on an aim at damage/health/stealth..so far i'm soloing fine..but i have the funny twitchy feeling that it's about to get a lot harder, and I think the changes that went in in mod 5 weren't exactly solo friendly as a whole, or in parts.
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Here is the build I use for soloing PVE content, which is the entire premise of my tr: http://nwcalc.com/tr?b=cn4:13ydj4:13ydj4,1un0505:155000:100000:1uu0z1&h=1&p=min
    In terms of gear you want one of the pvp profound sets and if you don't want to grind pvp for it, the grim sets will do fine. Using this build a patient 11k gs tr can solo CN, these are the powers I would use to do it:
    At wills:
    Gloaming cut+sky flourish.
    Shadow strike (is a must)
    Smoke bomb ( is a must)
    BnS (if you dont feel confident about your perma stealth ability)
    LB (If you want to hit hard on bosses)
    PotB (The incidental damage this deals to lots of mobs is nice for lifesteal)
    Sneak attack (Makes running door to door in dungeons oh so much faster)
    Tenacious concealment (makes it much harder to accidently get unstealthed by aoe damage)
    Skillful infiltrator (once again, the movement speed)
    Lurker ( if you want to extend stealth further, also increases your damage quite nicely)
    Whirlwind (clears adds quickly when fighting large groups)

    It plays like any other perma build, using shadow strike to reset stealth meter and coming out of stealth with smoke bomb. In terms of stats crit doesn't matter and you want it fairly low as 90% of the time you stealthed anyhow, as its pve you want some large amount of power. For soloing I would recommend aiming for ~30k+ hp and 1.5k+ defense, to prevent you from dying if you stuff up your rotation. Recovery needs to be at around 2k+ and you need about 14 int or more. Arp isn't as important due to exposed weakness, so the rest of your stats can go into pushing power as high as possible. It is probably not an entirely optimal perma build, but it works fine in pve for soloing all dungeons in the game with the exception of epic ToS, MC and VT. I went with executioner instead of sab because of SoD mainly for the stealth regen + the exposed weakness.
  • ibench200ibench200 Member Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    for pve use swash buckling captains armor, they give u a 4 set bonus of about 1k power for dmg and 1k recovery for your encounters to recharge as well as action ponit gain, (right now they are very cheap) or try to farm them from dungeon chests during DD hours

    and get ur hands on a tier 2 set of weapons asap. good ones u can find in valindras tower end dungeon, not too rare to get, cheaper then the ancient spymasters but pretty much same thing. if u just started out, get some tier 1 main and off hands wenever u can they are very cheap maybe 10k for a set of tier 1, these will hold ud own til u get a tier 2 set b/c these give a 2 set bonus of 450+ crit, very nice to have.

    then u can work for artifact main and off hand, main hand u can get from researched it in a tyranny of dragons campaign (start this campaign asap cuz it takes forever to get to the artifact chest) ---** be picky with wich artifact u get cuz u get a random one from the chest, look up the bonus the weapon gives and pick one best suited for ur build. if u dont get the desired one u can salvage ur artifact weapon and then get 1 dragon shard. u need 6 of these to be able to buy an artifact of ur choosing from the ToD store and u get 1 shard with each aritfact chest u open, so total u would need to open 3 chests and salvage 3 weapons for 6 shards total. this is costly but very much worth it as u are stuck with the artifact weapon u get unless u refine it into another one which is another story.

    the off hand u get from temple of tiamat ( i would hold this off till u get a main hand first) by defeating tiamat 15x times for 15 linu favors. then ur pretty much set and just need to spend AD on refining them to legendary.
  • ibench200ibench200 Member Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    -build wise duellist flurry is a very good at will to use on bosses and monsters that have high defence/hp because it has a bleed effect. smoke bomb, very good encounter, i use it all the time.

    -sly flourish/blitz to kill weak monsters as DF takes time to wind up.

    -basically test out the encounters see which combo works best for you but DF is ur main DPS on the harder monsters

    -for ability scoring i would put stats into DEX and STR. dex for crit and deflect, str for damage bonus.

    -for ur rings, amulet, belt slot i would highly reccommend the drake seal store, these rings are very good starter ones and cheap, just do the lowest dungeon to farm drake seals - lair of the pirate king epic-, u can also get a set of tier 1 main and off hands i think, cannot recall, so u can just farm that dungeon if u dont have enough AD. also if u buy the wrong ring or u want different stats u can salvage the ones u have for AD ( ull probably spend excess seals to do this for rough AD to have a steady supply of AD comnig in) and buy different ring, belt, ammy for stats of ur liking.

    -for ur offence slots u will probably need to put dark enchants for armor pen, defence slots azure for defence.

    -artifacts, u need 3 and u shud pick artifacts that have stats that are hrader to stack, like power, arm pen, recovery, defence, etc. just get ur hands on 3 of these and decide wut u need from there, u can change artifacts by refining them into another artifact to level it up to the same or higher lvl (save this for double refinement point weekends so u can double the exp from salvaging ur artifact for a desired one of ur choice). some easy to get ones r the starter ones -waters or lantern-, blood crystal raven from pvp, one of the pvp banners (vangaurd banner very good cuz it has power,hp, and lifesteal) from pvp campaign, and the ice winddale artifacts (one u have 2 characters with 10k gs, 3 boons unlocked, u can do the quest to get the class artifacts which are very good for filling up artifact slots and for the active power they give.

    **for paragon path i wud go Master Infiltrator and take feats in the executioner path, you could copy mantisa mod 5 feat build/paragon path, those are good for PvE or Whisper knife for DH (not too sure on which is better for pve but MI is a very solid choice).

    *also always complete boons and campaigns as the boons will add alot of stats to ur character so these aer very important

    -- im not an expert rogue but this is a basic guide for how u wanna build ur rogue wen starting out.
  • generalklanggeneralklang Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    These last 3 posts were very helpful, thank you to "thefabricant" and "ibench200"...Most helpful.
  • mirrorballsmirrorballs Member Posts: 877 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2015
    Any build works well in PvE nowadays. But if you want to go really "over the top", and be able to not only solo normal content, but even stuff like Garakas, then Sabo's the way to go, friend generalklang. With a Sabo build in most cases you can stay in permastealth and just fling CoS attacks, and that would be more than enough to clear almost everything except the highest difficulty content in NW.
  • slack83erslack83er Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Hi mirrorballs, Slack83er here, also started some other threads. Sorry but...is really anyone out there still playing permastealth? It's a SOOOO boring way to play... just spam the same 3 Keys, pay attention to the timer, rinse and repeat. How can a game be funny like that? Just find a bot and let it do it for ya... :/ Now seriously... Does anyone of you guys have a build other that mantisa's (which is based on INT, kinda awkward..) to get a proper solo-player-rogue?
  • powerpuffponypowerpuffpony Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I call this my Dazed And Confused build and so far it has worked out quite well and is a lot of fun.

    Note I only PVE, my enchants are rank 7, and I have a normal vorpal and lesser barkshield:

    Gear & Stats:

    More Stats:

    Even More Stats:


    Ability Point Allocation (Note I am at a campfire):


    Boons (Still working on IWD and ToD):




    Companions (Slowly getting them all purple):

    I start with Blitz and get extra damage from the First Strike passive (this can 1 shot groups of minions). Sometimes the survivors get Dazed too.
    I get Daze every 15 seconds from the Skullcracker feat (AoE Cone Daze if it triggers on Blitz).
    I get Daze from the Dazzling Strike encounter power (AoE Cone Daze if done from Stealth).
    I get AoE Daze from the Smoke Bomb encounter power.
    I get a 2.5s Daze every 5 seconds on any power from the Concussive Strikes feat if I am behind the target or crit them.

    I get 50% bonus damage when a target is Dazed from Skullcracker and 25% when it is Dazed from something else due to the Skullcracker and Low Blows feats.

    Master Duelist armor helps my encounters come off cooldown faster when I use at-wills (allowing me to Daze more often).

    Dazed targets are unable to use daily or encounter powers.

    With my Wisp (15%), Mage (15-25%), and 5th ToD boon (10%) I increase the duration of my Daze (40-50%) so that I can, at times, keep the enemy perma-Dazed.

    With the high deflect I am very survivable and the high crit helps rack up the damage. The Fey Thistle boon means each time I deflect I deal damage back too (55% chance).

    Skillful Infiltrator passive and some dark enchants helps me run fast (around +24% or so).

    I rarely use my stealth unless I need it for a little burst damage, to apply AoE Daze from Dazzling Strike, or as an escape tool. Most fights I do not use it at all.

    Overall it has been very fun so far. I hope that helps. YMMV.
  • slack83erslack83er Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Wow... I'm impressed... you managed to get a scoundrel to success...
    But tell me... do you think this could be viable with a half orc? And most important.... I get you survive a lot but... does this apply to solo play or to dungeons? Thank you!
  • powerpuffponypowerpuffpony Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I think you would do just fine with a half-orc. Also I survive great in both environments. :)
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I haven't gone with the control pets on my WK Scoundrel, but the principle is the same... keep targets dazed as much as possible. Interesting idea to build for it even more.

    I have more of a combat advantage/stamina recovery/get back into stealth build which I'm still tweaking.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

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  • slack83erslack83er Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Thanks. The question is... with half orc you get str instead of cha... that means less deflect. Add that to that of the halfling... that's quite a bunch.... How much damage can you get out....for example via lashing blade? 'Cos it's unuseful to be the paingiver if your dead...hehe..
  • powerpuffponypowerpuffpony Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    slack83er wrote: »
    Thanks. The question is... with half orc you get str instead of cha... that means less deflect. Add that to that of the halfling... that's quite a bunch.... How much damage can you get out....for example via lashing blade? 'Cos it's unuseful to be the paingiver if your dead...hehe..

    I doubt the difference between STR and CHA will make much of a difference in PVE, even with the racial difference. So your deflect ends up 50 instead of 55 but you get more damage all the time in place of it.

    If you are really concerned about the deflect you can always add more deflect by swapping the Cave Bear (hit points) or Man At Arms (defense) for a Dancing Shield (2% deflect when purple) or one of the various companions which provide deflect like the Portal Hound (+300 deflect when purple). You can also change Azure Enchants for Silvery ones in defense slots though I personally like having enough defense for 30% resistance.

    As for damage, things die very fast for me. 1 Bliz can kill a group of minions sometimes. 1 Smoke Bomb can kill a group of minions. Dazzling Strike hits hard. I would not know about Lashing Blade with this build because I do not use it. The goal is to keep the enemy dazed so they can only hit you with paltry at-wills which you deflect over half the time anyway, meanwhile you are getting great damage bonuses due to your feats.
  • slack83erslack83er Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Mmm.. I get it.. So you say I can trade a little part of deflect for a good amount of sheer damage and crit severity? Moreover, the strenght gives me more stamina regen so I would be able to deflect a little bit more.... The orc also gives me a speed boost when entering combat, which is not bad, as I understand your build is VERY mobile all the time. Don't forget that your capstone feat grants you 25% speed bonus, even if not stated! ;)
  • powerpuffponypowerpuffpony Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    I haven't gone with the control pets on my WK Scoundrel, but the principle is the same... keep targets dazed as much as possible. Interesting idea to build for it even more.

    I have more of a combat advantage/stamina recovery/get back into stealth build which I'm still tweaking.

    The pets / boon do help. I use the same combo on my Stormwarden Trapper. His 3 AoE roots go from 7 seconds to 10 seconds, and with Master Trapper active to 14 seconds. Each second they do 200% weapon damage to the rooted target(s).
  • powerpuffponypowerpuffpony Member Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    slack83er wrote: »
    Mmm.. I get it.. So you say I can trade a little part of deflect for a good amount of sheer damage and crit severity? Moreover, the strenght gives me more stamina regen so I would be able to deflect a little bit more.... The orc also gives me a speed boost when entering combat, which is not bad, as I understand your build is VERY mobile all the time. Don't forget that your capstone feat grants you 25% speed bonus, even if not stated! ;)

    It should work out fine and mobility is definitely important. It is a completely different experience than a perma-stealth rogue and feels very satisfying when played IMHO.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited January 2015
    Cantankerous Mage is on sale... hmm....
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
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