As we look forward to a new module and the call has been put out for a new set class feedback reporters, I wanted to take a moment to thank the class feedback reporters who worked so hard to help us make balancing in M5 the best it could be.
GWF Advocate:
GF Advocate:
TR Advocate:
SW Advocate:
DC Advocates:
CW Advocate:
HR Advocate:
These people donated their time to help us and for that we are very grateful. If you're interested in becoming a class feedback reporter, feel free to check out the related thread in the class forum of your choice. Go Neverwinter!
Respect the work that the advocates have done for their respective classes. That's what this thread is about, to thank them for the work they have done. Whether you feel their feedback was effective or listened to does not diminish nor negate the fact that they have taken on this task for the community.
At the end of the day, it is still the devs that make the final decision but that does not mean that the advocates have not played a vital role in ensuring that your feedback gets to the devs in a logical manner. Also, things take time from presenting it to the devs to getting it out to the players--it's not something that can be done at the snap of a finger.
If you have issues with the class advocate system or its effectiveness, it's off-topic here; this isn't the thread to post it in. Such discussions should be held in Private Messages with the Community Team, or sent in via Support Ticket.
To clarify the task of advocates/collectors: It was never the task of the feedback collectors to guarantee that feedback would be implemented. It was their task to assist the CM and moderators in collecting feedback, organizing it into a logical manner, and presenting it to the devs. The devs still make the ultimate decision as to what feedback, if any, is implemented.
Again, no guarantees were ever made that any feedback collected by the advocates would be implemented into the game and their role should not be construed as such.
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Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited January 2015
The name was changed to better reflect their roles.
A lot of people had misconceptions about the role based on the name. Many people felt fearful that "advocates" had a lot more pull than they did and didn't realize the job truly consisted of compiling feedback from other people just as the community team does.
For instance whenever I express an opinion which differs from another person they tend to get scared that my voice has more sway than theirs. It doesn't. In fact feedback from me is likely much less heeded. They want me and the other members of the community team to provide threads and other sources regarding the topic to gauge the community on.
And this is what the Class Feedback Reporters are doing so "advocating" was really the wrong term.
I'd like to say 'THANK YOU' to all those players who contributed a lot of their time, effort and resources in order to help in the attempt at making the classes enjoyable and balanced to play. I know you guys and gals really did put in a lot of effort and it didn't go unnoticed by me and neither did your support either.
I think the Development Team should also receive some appreciation for their work. I look forward to your continued improvements on class balancing and enjoyable player content.
I think an incredibly large "Thank You" should also go to the Forum Moderators too. I'm not sure how many of you know, but these guys are volunteers too and they have been, and do, continuously collate your feedback and pass it on with very little thanks and, unfortunately often, much abuse. These guys aren't bad and they really do put in a lot of time and effort to help us as a community of players.
I wish the next players who take on the role of "Reporter" all the best. Good luck!
As we look forward to a new module and the call has been put out for a new set class feedback reporters, I wanted to take a moment to thank the class feedback reporters who worked so hard to help us make balancing in M5 the best it could be.
GWF Advocate:
These people donated their time to help us and for that we are very grateful. If you're interested in becoming a class feedback reporter, feel free to check out the related thread in the class forum of your choice. Go Neverwinter!
GWF is my main class so i am a bit interested who is the person helping you to improve GWF class. No offense, but:<snip - Read the Rules and the Mod Notice in this thread before replying again>
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
GWF is my main class so i am a bit interested who is the person helping you to improve GWF class. <snip>
That is a list of former "reporters," then called "Advocates." As Akro's first paragraph states, that list is an acknowledgement and thank you for their past help in their roles.
That is a list of former "reporters," then called "Advocates." As Akro's first paragraph states, that list is an acknowledgement and thank you for their past help in their roles.
ah my bad, read it badly, i am still sleeping i guess..
i want to give my thanks to those guys that spent their free time, even if their feedback was or wasn't what we expected. i hope the new reporters will do the same or a better job at, andi hope i am one of those
I very much apreciat all the time put in my these brave souls. Hearing and reporting on peopls thoughts on the good the bad and the op/underpowerd of each class is not something I would sign up for lightly. Your contributions and dedication to the game and community is inspiring.
I hope these emoticons bring each one of you joy and a sense of validation for your time and hard work.
Ara Atheanes GWF
Traxus Atheanes GF
Bastiel Atheanes DC
Ellara Atheanes CW
Keira Atheanes TR
Sarasin Atheanes SW
Jerkface McGee HR
Some posts have been removed.
Respect the work that the advocates have done for their respective classes. That's what this thread is about, to thank them for the work they have done. Whether you feel their feedback was effective or listened to does not diminish nor negate the fact that they have taken on this task for the community.
At the end of the day, it is still the devs that make the final decision but that does not mean that the advocates have not played a vital role in ensuring that your feedback gets to the devs in a logical manner. Also, things take time from presenting it to the devs to getting it out to the players--it's not something that can be done at the snap of a finger.
If you have issues with the class advocate system or its effectiveness, it's off-topic here; this isn't the thread to post it in. Such discussions should be held in Private Messages with the Community Team, or sent in via Support Ticket.
To clarify the task of advocates/collectors: It was never the task of the feedback collectors to guarantee that feedback would be implemented. It was their task to assist the CM and moderators in collecting feedback, organizing it into a logical manner, and presenting it to the devs. The devs still make the ultimate decision as to what feedback, if any, is implemented.
Again, no guarantees were ever made that any feedback collected by the advocates would be implemented into the game and their role should not be construed as such.
Please do not reply to this moderator notice, for doing so is not allowed. Instead, contact us via Private Message to discuss forum moderation. Thanks!
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at
A lot of people had misconceptions about the role based on the name. Many people felt fearful that "advocates" had a lot more pull than they did and didn't realize the job truly consisted of compiling feedback from other people just as the community team does.
For instance whenever I express an opinion which differs from another person they tend to get scared that my voice has more sway than theirs. It doesn't. In fact feedback from me is likely much less heeded. They want me and the other members of the community team to provide threads and other sources regarding the topic to gauge the community on.
And this is what the Class Feedback Reporters are doing so "advocating" was really the wrong term.
Thank you for the recognition and thanks.
I appreciate it.
I'd like to say 'THANK YOU' to all those players who contributed a lot of their time, effort and resources in order to help in the attempt at making the classes enjoyable and balanced to play. I know you guys and gals really did put in a lot of effort and it didn't go unnoticed by me and neither did your support either.
I think the Development Team should also receive some appreciation for their work. I look forward to your continued improvements on class balancing and enjoyable player content.
I think an incredibly large "Thank You" should also go to the Forum Moderators too. I'm not sure how many of you know, but these guys are volunteers too and they have been, and do, continuously collate your feedback and pass it on with very little thanks and, unfortunately often, much abuse. These guys aren't bad and they really do put in a lot of time and effort to help us as a community of players.
I wish the next players who take on the role of "Reporter" all the best. Good luck!
Hope people will not spam this with Balance inssues - justified or not!
GWF is my main class so i am a bit interested who is the person helping you to improve GWF class. No offense, but:<snip - Read the Rules and the Mod Notice in this thread before replying again>
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I hope these emoticons bring each one of you joy and a sense of validation for your time and hard work.
Traxus Atheanes GF
Bastiel Atheanes DC
Ellara Atheanes CW
Keira Atheanes TR
Sarasin Atheanes SW
Jerkface McGee HR