As we know, for some players (especially who play on a laptop), there is a big lag/fps drop problem that happen especially in Protectors Enclave.
Indeed, in my case for example, I experience fps drop rate JUST in protectors enclave (and lately in the event zone).
Since it seems that that kind of problem would never be solved (maybe more instance are needed? I don't really know), here's my suggestion.
Why don't you AVOID players to go to the Protector Enclave?
With Rix we can accept our quest by distance, is not needed to be phisically in front of him.
Why don't you make it possibile even for Dominy quests and for Knox quests?
I think it would be smart even adding the main merchants in other maps, but if that's not possibile, why don't you just make possible accepting quests from distance as well?
In this way there would be two conseguences:
1. Less players in Protectors Enclave (= less lag/fps drop)
2. Players who experience this problem can avoid to spend 30 mins just to get from the gate to Knox or whatever.
Hope it can be taken in consideration because if you are not one of the player experiencing this problem you will never understand the frustration given by going to Protector's Enclave to accept - for example - the daily dominy victory.
Honestly laptop or not, if you regularly have those kind of fps drops, you need to lower your settings by quite a bit. I haven't seen lag in PE that was the servers fault on a regular basis since the early days of beta.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited December 2014
First off, "lag" as you call it isn't universal. I run around Protectors Enclave with a 4K monitor and max settings and still have 60 FPS and never rubberband. It's not a problem everybody has. It's very much dependent on your computer and your settings.
Try lowering your settings particularly the maximum number of debris object and render distances.
Secondly, whether you agree with it or not the entire objective with Protector's Enclave is to have large amounts of players there. It's the "Central Hub" and every "inconvenience" which causes you to travel there, be it grabbing dailies or interacting with a mail box, are all intentional to force players to be in Protector's Enclave.
Most any suggestion which suggests features to enable players to avoid PE are more than likely not decisions the developers will consider.
Optimization will always continue to be something they work on. The "lag" has been much improved over the course of the last year and a half and will continue to improve going forward. However the only miracle cure for FPS Drops is in your settings. You can either lower them or you can upgrade your computer.
Hello ambisinisterr,
Thank you for your answer!
I intentionally wrote "lag/fps drop", because I believe it's something that comes either from lag and optimization/too many characters and poligons in the same place.
I do agree that Protector's Enclave is a main point, and that's where my post goes all around.
Since there are lots and lots of players there, once of the first problem solving could be lowering the amount of players at the Enclave, and a "fix" to the problem may be just make possible accepting daily quests/dungeon keys as we already do with Rhix.
I don't see why some kind of merchants should be JUST at the Enclave, but I do understand that implementing merchants all over the maps may be a more complicated process that just implementing the "daily quest link" as we already have with Rhix.
Regarding my settings, they are all very very low. Indeed in ANY map I experience fps drop but Protector's Enclave.
I don't know what you mean with "4K monitor", but I know that the game is designed for desktop computer and not laptop, because of high quality hardware that it demands.
So I do justificate all the problems that comes to Protector's Enclave (especially if I am playing the game from a device that is not actually supported - a laptop), but still the fact that many players are playing from laptops and experiencing that kind of problem is real and I believe that should be taken in consideration by the developers.
Of course mine are just suggestions.. May be crazy ideas as well!
aulduronMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,351Arc User
edited December 2014
On my old computer I had my settings all turned down as far as I could, and I still lagged like crazy in PE.
Why do they want to cram that zone full? Personally, I think they should add a few more salvagers, mailboxes and banks/guildbanks. I'm glad they put some of those things in CK, but that just makes CK as laggy as PE.
When people can't walk through a zone that they have to keep going back to, many will stop playing. That can't be good for business.
Hello ambisinisterr,
Thank you for your answer!
I intentionally wrote "lag/fps drop", because I believe it's something that comes either from lag and optimization/too many characters and poligons in the same place.
I do agree that Protector's Enclave is a main point, and that's where my post goes all around.
Since there are lots and lots of players there, once of the first problem solving could be lowering the amount of players at the Enclave, and a "fix" to the problem may be just make possible accepting daily quests/dungeon keys as we already do with Rhix.
I don't see why some kind of merchants should be JUST at the Enclave, but I do understand that implementing merchants all over the maps may be a more complicated process that just implementing the "daily quest link" as we already have with Rhix.
Regarding my settings, they are all very very low. Indeed in ANY map I experience fps drop but Protector's Enclave.
I don't know what you mean with "4K monitor", but I know that the game is designed for desktop computer and not laptop, because of high quality hardware that it demands.
So I do justificate all the problems that comes to Protector's Enclave (especially if I am playing the game from a device that is not actually supported - a laptop), but still the fact that many players are playing from laptops and experiencing that kind of problem is real and I believe that should be taken in consideration by the developers.
Of course mine are just suggestions.. May be crazy ideas as well!
Are you using an onboard video card like Intel HD Video in your laptop? If so you have to understand you are technically running below system requirements for the game.
3D video chipset with pixel and vertex shader model 1.3 supported. GeForce 4 Ti4200 64MB or ATI Radeon 8500 64MB or newer for Windows XP. For Windows Vista and 7, a GeForce FX 5200 128MB or ATI Radeon 9500 128MB or newer is needed.
If you are running on that kind of onboard card you will need to turn everything to min or off and reduce every slider to minimum to play well, along with tweaking some stuff in your windows installation. I know I used to do it.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited December 2014
I rarely have any issues in PE and when I do, I have FPS drops which means its not lag. If your Frames are dropping, it's not lag - its either a server issue, client issue, end-user device issue, or all of the above. Also, this seldom FPS drop I experience is usually only when I log out at the Temple of Tyr shrine, which is almost always bustling with players logging in and out, doing invokes and weird things. This is why I no longer log out there and instead carry supplies of Altars to pray wherever I want. I do agree though that we need Mailboxes spread around the various Zone Hubs and PE could even use a 2nd Personal Bank area.
Regarding my settings, they are all very very low. Indeed in ANY map I experience fps drop but Protector's Enclave.
I don't know what you mean with "4K monitor", but I know that the game is designed for desktop computer and not laptop, because of high quality hardware that it demands.
So I do justificate all the problems that comes to Protector's Enclave (especially if I am playing the game from a device that is not actually supported - a laptop), but still the fact that many players are playing from laptops and experiencing that kind of problem is real and I believe that should be taken in consideration by the developers.
A 4K monitor is the new technology that you may have seen advertisements for. In a nutshell a 4K Monitor (Also known as an Ultra HD Monitor) has roughly four times the resolution of a 1080P Monitor. This puts a lot of strain on computer hardware and even high end computers tend to struggle with performance.
Charononus brought up a good point, though. You are using a laptop and are not into technology...
As somebody who is really into technology and gaming my experience buying laptops can be summed up with two words: beyond frustrating.
When I look for computer quality the first three things I look at are CPU, GPU and RAM. When you buy laptops from your local store the GPU tends to be in the fine print or completely missing altogether which leaves me with a really bad haircut.
Point being unless you go out of your way to buy a laptop with a discreet GPU then you are likely buying an intel system with Intel HD Graphics. Intel HD will run NW but it is the bare minimum if not below the minimum requirements.
I run two GTX 780's just to give you an idea of how inferior Intel GPU's are. Now you do not need that to enjoy the game but unless you have a laptop with a discreet (Standalone NVidia or Radeon) graphics card then having issues running games is expected.
So unfortunately...if you are playing on a laptop that uses Intel for graphics then there is really nothing that can be done by the developers. Intel Graphics are not powerful enough to run modern video games.
Why do they want to cram that zone full? Personally, I think they should add a few more salvagers, mailboxes and banks/guildbanks.
When people can't walk through a zone that they have to keep going back to, many will stop playing. That can't be good for business.
They put a bunch of people into one Zone because that's what MMO's do...
It makes the game look populated. Full. Played. Etc.
I don't like the "all in one hub design" personally and would rather have varying starting areas but they chose the one hub design and that's how it will stay.
And really if you are playing on an "old computer" with below system specs you are not really expected to play. Non slimline desktops (those things should be outlawed) can get a GPU which can play NW at max settings for about $100. It doesn't require much but it does require not using Intel Graphics...
A good CPU helps but even that can be less than $100 to achieve max performance on 1080p.
A 4K monitor is the new technology that you may have seen advertisements for. In a nutshell a 4K Monitor (Also known as an Ultra HD Monitor) has roughly four times the resolution of a 1080P Monitor. This puts a lot of strain on computer hardware and even high end computers tend to struggle with performance.
Charononus brought up a good point, though. You are using a laptop and are not into technology...
As somebody who is really into technology and gaming my experience buying laptops can be summed up with two words: beyond frustrating.
When I look for computer quality the first three things I look at are CPU, GPU and RAM. When you buy laptops from your local store the GPU tends to be in the fine print or completely missing altogether which leaves me with a really bad haircut.
Point being unless you go out of your way to buy a laptop with a discreet GPU then you are likely buying an intel system with Intel HD Graphics. Intel HD will run NW but it is the bare minimum if not below the minimum requirements.
I run two GTX 780's just to give you an idea of how inferior Intel GPU's are. Now you do not need that to enjoy the game and there are about but unless you have a laptop with a discreet (Standalone NVidia or Radeon) graphics card then having issues running games is expected.
So unfortunately...if you are playing on a laptop that uses Intel for graphics then there is really nothing that can be done by the developers. Intel Graphics are not powerful enough to run modern video games.
This is honestly the kind of system laptop users need to buy if they want to play games on a laptop. The bigger fans for cooling and the separate gpu are absolutely required.
OP If you are using an on board video card, send me a pm on the forum with your system specs and operating system. Before I bought this laptop I was running neverwinter on an i3 with intel hd video and managed to tweak things to get it to run acceptably. I can probably help you get yours running better though tiamat will probably be a major problem for you to do.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited December 2014
I wouldn't say that is a minimum but that is definitely ideal.
I have had gaming laptops in the past and the number one issue they have is with heat. The modern craze is this stupid "thinner is better" concept. At least once per month I see a review of a new "gaming laptop" which lists being super thin as a main selling point and I just cry out in rage saying "that's not a good thing!"
There are other options with similar specs which are cheaper...
However Asus is the ONLY company which has the right idea in making a thick base and giving adequate heat dissipation. You save a few dollars buying for direct performance alone but the cooling offered by their ROG Laptops can't be overlooked as worth the extra value.
I wouldn't say that is a minimum but that is definitely ideal.
I have had gaming laptops in the past and the number one issue they have is with heat. The modern craze is this stupid "thinner is better" concept. At least once per month I see a review of a new "gaming laptop" which lists being super thin as a main selling point and I just cry out in rage saying "that's not a good thing!"
There are other options with similar specs which are cheaper...
However Asus is the ONLY company which has the right idea in making a thick base and giving adequate heat dissipation. You save a few dollars buying for direct performance alone but the cooling offered by their ROG Laptops can't be overlooked as worth the extra value.
Yeah the one problem I have with my ASUS is the messenger bag I used to carry it in was too small for it with the bulk of it and I needed an different bag. =D I love it.
First off, "lag" as you call it isn't universal. I run around Protectors Enclave with a 4K monitor and max settings and still have 60 FPS and never rubberband. It's not a problem everybody has. It's very much dependent on your computer and your settings.
Try lowering your settings particularly the maximum number of debris object and render distances.
Secondly, whether you agree with it or not the entire objective with Protector's Enclave is to have large amounts of players there. It's the "Central Hub" and every "inconvenience" which causes you to travel there, be it grabbing dailies or interacting with a mail box, are all intentional to force players to be in Protector's Enclave.
Most any suggestion which suggests features to enable players to avoid PE are more than likely not decisions the developers will consider.
Optimization will always continue to be something they work on. The "lag" has been much improved over the course of the last year and a half and will continue to improve going forward. However the only miracle cure for FPS Drops is in your settings. You can either lower them or you can upgrade your computer.
sorry but the problem is on cryptic side(unless the OP has ancient hardware), i did a test back in mod4 - ten towns and changing settings - max setting 18 fps, min setting 23 fps.
atm it seems like /reduce_mip 1 helped, but since /showfps is HAMSTER now i cant test, maybe it helps for OP 2
the problem isnt in my GPU(HD6870 @ 1280x1024 my **** old monitor just refuses to die so ill upgrade when 4k will be cheaper, and GPUs will actually be capable of running games without spending 3k USD for GPU only ), its bad code choking CPU/memory/GPU
i can run much better looking games on max without any problems, so the problem isnt hardware but cryptic
maybe make a topic to find out if there are similarities, maybe game doesnt like certain OS/CPU/GPU or needs x amount of RAM, its hard to test for devs since there are a lot of options for hardware spec, but even devs had 2fps at Tiamat stream
Paladin Master Race
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited December 2014
This game is nowhere near optimized compared to other games. That's no secret. However the unplayable FPS is from bad hardware excluding the usual release issues.
Protectors Enclave has not had FPS issues caused by programming in many months...
And the red flag is, again, laptop. That alone is a major hint at bad hardware.
And it is PE which is the direct subject of this complaint. Not Ten Towns. Not WoD.
This game is nowhere near optimized compared to other games. That's no secret. However the unplayable FPS is from bad hardware excluding the usual release issues.
Protectors Enclave has not had FPS issues caused by programming in many months...
And the red flag is, again, laptop. That alone is a major hint at bad hardware.
And it is PE which is the direct subject of this complaint. Not Ten Towns. Not WoD.
i tested PE as well, just not as much and on broken /showfps by how it feels
lately ive had issues everywhere, played til mod2 without issues(except for that awesome malabogs bug), skipped mod 3, on mod4 it was HEs, ten towns, PE etc. lost some 5~15(if not even more) fps on i dont have a clue what, if theyll fix /showfps someday ill chek, maybe its mip
and blaming it on bad hardware is bs, every other developer(mmo or single player) can make game run fine, cryptic cant... its like 300+ kg fatty blaming doors for being too narrow, car manufacturers for making too small cars but not himself for being too **** fat
maybe if they add player housing with mail/ah/bank/etc it will make it easier for ppl
Try lowering your settings particularly the maximum number of debris object and render distances.
Secondly, whether you agree with it or not the entire objective with Protector's Enclave is to have large amounts of players there. It's the "Central Hub" and every "inconvenience" which causes you to travel there, be it grabbing dailies or interacting with a mail box, are all intentional to force players to be in Protector's Enclave.
Most any suggestion which suggests features to enable players to avoid PE are more than likely not decisions the developers will consider.
Optimization will always continue to be something they work on. The "lag" has been much improved over the course of the last year and a half and will continue to improve going forward. However the only miracle cure for FPS Drops is in your settings. You can either lower them or you can upgrade your computer.
Thank you for your answer!
I intentionally wrote "lag/fps drop", because I believe it's something that comes either from lag and optimization/too many characters and poligons in the same place.
I do agree that Protector's Enclave is a main point, and that's where my post goes all around.
Since there are lots and lots of players there, once of the first problem solving could be lowering the amount of players at the Enclave, and a "fix" to the problem may be just make possible accepting daily quests/dungeon keys as we already do with Rhix.
I don't see why some kind of merchants should be JUST at the Enclave, but I do understand that implementing merchants all over the maps may be a more complicated process that just implementing the "daily quest link" as we already have with Rhix.
Regarding my settings, they are all very very low. Indeed in ANY map I experience fps drop but Protector's Enclave.
I don't know what you mean with "4K monitor", but I know that the game is designed for desktop computer and not laptop, because of high quality hardware that it demands.
So I do justificate all the problems that comes to Protector's Enclave (especially if I am playing the game from a device that is not actually supported - a laptop), but still the fact that many players are playing from laptops and experiencing that kind of problem is real and I believe that should be taken in consideration by the developers.
Of course mine are just suggestions.. May be crazy ideas as well!
~ Adam | Trickster Rogue | Master Infiltrator Saboteur
~ Essence | Hunter Ranger | Pathfinder Trapper
~ Veyl | Scourge Warlock | Soulbinder Fury
~ Abel | Trickster Rogue | Master Infiltrator Executioner
Waiting for DRUID and MONK!
Why do they want to cram that zone full? Personally, I think they should add a few more salvagers, mailboxes and banks/guildbanks. I'm glad they put some of those things in CK, but that just makes CK as laggy as PE.
When people can't walk through a zone that they have to keep going back to, many will stop playing. That can't be good for business.
If you are running on that kind of onboard card you will need to turn everything to min or off and reduce every slider to minimum to play well, along with tweaking some stuff in your windows installation. I know I used to do it.
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A 4K monitor is the new technology that you may have seen advertisements for. In a nutshell a 4K Monitor (Also known as an Ultra HD Monitor) has roughly four times the resolution of a 1080P Monitor. This puts a lot of strain on computer hardware and even high end computers tend to struggle with performance.
Charononus brought up a good point, though. You are using a laptop and are not into technology...
As somebody who is really into technology and gaming my experience buying laptops can be summed up with two words: beyond frustrating.
When I look for computer quality the first three things I look at are CPU, GPU and RAM. When you buy laptops from your local store the GPU tends to be in the fine print or completely missing altogether which leaves me with a really bad haircut.
Point being unless you go out of your way to buy a laptop with a discreet GPU then you are likely buying an intel system with Intel HD Graphics. Intel HD will run NW but it is the bare minimum if not below the minimum requirements.
NVidia 8800 is the minimum if memory serves...
And if you are running Intel HD 5200 which is the best HD graphics score that I can find.
This is Intel's Best Graphics Score from their newer product line.
I run two GTX 780's just to give you an idea of how inferior Intel GPU's are. Now you do not need that to enjoy the game but unless you have a laptop with a discreet (Standalone NVidia or Radeon) graphics card then having issues running games is expected.
So unfortunately...if you are playing on a laptop that uses Intel for graphics then there is really nothing that can be done by the developers. Intel Graphics are not powerful enough to run modern video games.
They put a bunch of people into one Zone because that's what MMO's do...
It makes the game look populated. Full. Played. Etc.
I don't like the "all in one hub design" personally and would rather have varying starting areas but they chose the one hub design and that's how it will stay.
And really if you are playing on an "old computer" with below system specs you are not really expected to play. Non slimline desktops (those things should be outlawed) can get a GPU which can play NW at max settings for about $100. It doesn't require much but it does require not using Intel Graphics...
A good CPU helps but even that can be less than $100 to achieve max performance on 1080p.
This is honestly the kind of system laptop users need to buy if they want to play games on a laptop. The bigger fans for cooling and the separate gpu are absolutely required.
OP If you are using an on board video card, send me a pm on the forum with your system specs and operating system. Before I bought this laptop I was running neverwinter on an i3 with intel hd video and managed to tweak things to get it to run acceptably. I can probably help you get yours running better though tiamat will probably be a major problem for you to do.
I have had gaming laptops in the past and the number one issue they have is with heat. The modern craze is this stupid "thinner is better" concept. At least once per month I see a review of a new "gaming laptop" which lists being super thin as a main selling point and I just cry out in rage saying "that's not a good thing!"
There are other options with similar specs which are cheaper...
However Asus is the ONLY company which has the right idea in making a thick base and giving adequate heat dissipation. You save a few dollars buying for direct performance alone but the cooling offered by their ROG Laptops can't be overlooked as worth the extra value.
sorry but the problem is on cryptic side(unless the OP has ancient hardware), i did a test back in mod4 - ten towns and changing settings - max setting 18 fps, min setting 23 fps.
atm it seems like /reduce_mip 1 helped, but since /showfps is HAMSTER now i cant test, maybe it helps for OP 2
the problem isnt in my GPU(HD6870 @ 1280x1024 my **** old monitor just refuses to die so ill upgrade when 4k will be cheaper, and GPUs will actually be capable of running games without spending 3k USD for GPU only
i can run much better looking games on max without any problems, so the problem isnt hardware but cryptic
maybe make a topic to find out if there are similarities, maybe game doesnt like certain OS/CPU/GPU or needs x amount of RAM, its hard to test for devs since there are a lot of options for hardware spec, but even devs had 2fps at Tiamat stream
Protectors Enclave has not had FPS issues caused by programming in many months...
And the red flag is, again, laptop. That alone is a major hint at bad hardware.
And it is PE which is the direct subject of this complaint. Not Ten Towns. Not WoD.
i tested PE as well, just not as much and on broken /showfps by how it feels
lately ive had issues everywhere, played til mod2 without issues(except for that awesome malabogs bug), skipped mod 3, on mod4 it was HEs, ten towns, PE etc. lost some 5~15(if not even more) fps on i dont have a clue what, if theyll fix /showfps someday ill chek, maybe its mip
and blaming it on bad hardware is bs, every other developer(mmo or single player) can make game run fine, cryptic cant... its like 300+ kg fatty blaming doors for being too narrow, car manufacturers for making too small cars but not himself for being too **** fat
maybe if they add player housing with mail/ah/bank/etc it will make it easier for ppl