[15:55] [Combat (Self)] Critical Hit! Karsa deals 42187 (61015) Physical Damage to you with Lashing Blade.
100% Crit chance+Stealth+First strike+Lashing Blade (ofc without any buffs on me and tr)
No words needed here. 20k TR vs 24.5k GWF with Perfect Barkshield
Yeah, that is insane. Should roll back first strike to what it was before and not this OP ****. Not to mention 100% crit rate +50% crit severity when in stealth for lashing blade?..
demonmongerMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,350Arc User
edited December 2014
you fail to consider what paragon path this tr has... and his gear...
perfect vorpal and other things.
20k GS tr = 24k gs GWF
you can reach 20k+gs by stacking all sorts of stats, maybe you should stack other stats?
Executioner can bypass defenses and has so many damage power bonuses on their first attack.
Maybe you should try sprinting more?
Most of us are sick of people coming here complaining.
In high end PVP one shots happen bro...
I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
Yea well rejoy when you get hit with 69k Exe from a 15k tr is fantastic what the Trs can do and still bash anybody that says they have to much dam with l2p....
I am all eager to learn how to dodge 60+exe hits as a gwf,gf or sw or cw, hr, dc in daze....
The funny part is that they still say Tr is fine np but tell me this...
Put 2 15k gwfs hrs cws dcs gfs against a 24k Tr and see how long they live
Yet a 15 k Tr tcan easely win against any 2 but maby the cw combo.
A 15k tr can win against any class at 22k but no class has a chanse against even an eqaual geared tr and will loose against way way lower gs Trs.
I can buy the consept that all classes cant be 100% balanced 1-1 and that you have some anti-class and some that you can beat easy BUT a class that can beat all others with 7k gs lower is down right pure and simple bull shi**t.
Now ask the Tr community to explain why they have a kd ratio that is 100 times better then everybody else and all you get back is its a l2p issue nothing more or that its just one build that a few uses and then some more HAMSTER...
Ignoring every form of defence including tenacity is pure stupid 100% crit from hide is pure stupid as it allows them to skip crit and build power instead first strike+crit is pure stupid as you shown above.
This 2 sec visible by the ONE THEY ATTACK but they get all bonus as theywhere still in hide wont change much Tr need to come down to the lvl of all others everybody that pvped the last month know exactly what am talking aobut.
And yea Dc need some adjusting also for sure that healing **** is way up in the air .....
Lashing blade and first strike is fine. Half the time TR's miss with it anyways. Plus the cooldown sucks. So it's like a one time hit in most fights 1vs1. Without it hard to bring down a GWF etc to your level as a TR so you can stand maybe toe to toe with him.
So people have complained about pretty much every change TRs got with mod 5.
I wonder if they would like us to go back to mod 4 when our only choice in PVP was to hide in stealth all the time and attack with toothpicks...
fedurMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 27Arc User
Lashing Blade is an encounter. Slow and long cooldown encounter.
The problem is not Lashing Blade, the problem is :
- 25% armor pen from a feat. 25% from feat + 24% for pve cap = 49% resistance ignored.
- 100% power for one attack in stealth.
- 100% critical chance in stealth.
This is the problem. Very long Cooldown, dodgeable, Lashing blade is good. But the cumulation of Arp + power + crit chance should not be possible.
Remove armor pen. feat or power feat, let 100% critical chance in stealth for the first strike in stealth and the problem is solved.
if I read these comments from always the same people, who think they have to be the chosen "Defender-Of-The-TR" , I more and more get the impression, they live in "parallel universe" or..... are so untalented and unscilled that they even don´t know about the obvious OP skills of TR´s in PVP, can´t find another explanation ....
ok there is another one: they just like to kill and oneshot evereything even 7k better geared, like to ruin the rest off PVP, like exploiting their broken class as hard as they can, and ejoy to spoil everyones game the best they can?
What kind of person are you?
Is there any kind of problem u have to compensate in real life? So get a doctor and stop playing would be my advise in this case.
Decrease TR's DPS by A LOT. Give them back their stealth. Problem solved.
and get beck these stupid boring permas of previous mods ? permas must go, without the damage tr are useless in pve, they need just to nerf pvp part of tr, pve might be ok-ish
as for damage they should just check if tenacity is working on ALL attacks, maybe double the DR on it, and make it a separate instance of dr that applies on every **** thing(including piercing), reduce piercing damage etc.
and get beck these stupid boring permas of previous mods ? permas must go, without the damage tr are useless in pve, they need just to nerf pvp part of tr, pve might be ok-ish
as for damage they should just check if tenacity is working on ALL attacks, maybe double the DR on it, and make it a separate instance of dr that applies on every **** thing(including piercing), reduce piercing damage etc.
Last mod produced the fewest complaints out of perma because the TR was not able to one-shot anyone anymore. Everyone still complains about almost every class of course.
Well I've already stated this, nerfing TR's DPS is a good compromise for PVP and PVE. The TR can still do some DPS (better than DC, GF and GWF), plus Tiamat requires CC half of the time anyway.
Last mod produced the fewest complaints out of perma because the TR was not able to one-shot anyone anymore. Everyone still complains about almost every class of course.
Well I've already stated this, nerfing TR's DPS is a good compromise for PVP and PVE. The TR can still do some DPS (better than DC, GF and GWF), plus Tiamat requires CC half of the time anyway.
before mod5 tr pve dmg was trash, trs in mod4 were kind of bad + there were hrs and cws that were so op ppl didnt really care about permas, but that doesnt change how annoying it is to fight a perma
trs need to be able to dispatch high priority targets quickly but atm they do it too well and there isnt much counterplay possible
before mod5 tr pve dmg was trash, trs in mod4 were kind of bad + there were hrs and cws that were so op ppl didnt really care about permas, but that doesnt change how annoying it is to fight a perma
No no, PVE GF and DC were trash. PVE TR was mediocre. But in the end, in matters little since you just needed to ride your mount now across the Well of Dragons and now you zerg Tiamat and occasionally CC the mobs around the clerics.
CWs were powerful, but HRs were OP and I did call to nerf their CC abilities as HRs ate up the TRs.
fedurMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 27Arc User
100% Crit chance+Stealth+First strike+Lashing Blade (ofc without any buffs on me and tr)
No words needed here. 20k TR vs 24.5k GWF with Perfect Barkshield
I could easily copy paste and edit the number just to prove my point Until now we can't see a video and images that proves it. I just played PVP today as soon I attacked I'm dead already or 10 percent HP I could not even kill someone with BB even if its a quarter health. Sab is useless now and exec you may kill one just pray the enemy dont have soul forge most of the TR right now turn into scoundrel the only viable option for us. Low damage at lease you can run around like clowns for a long period of time. We are back to laughing stock again. TR should not kill some with a 1v2 they dont have the rights to win that kind of situation? how about HR and GWF they are the only one suppose to 1v2 or 1v3 and manage to win how about GF and DC that can handle even 4 to five players attacking them and not even dying why I don't see any nerf issues about it especially GWF you cant move when they start to attack you with the 3 hit combo.
100% Crit chance+Stealth+First strike+Lashing Blade (ofc without any buffs on me and tr)
Actually, it's more like:
■ 100% crit guaranteed from stealth
■ 15% damage buff from Combat Advantage(stealth)
■ 60% damage buff from First Strike
■ 100% power increase from Exec feat(Shadowborn)
■ 75% damage buff from crit severity
■ +50% extra crit severity from P.Vorpal
■ +15% extra crit severity from Exec feat(Artcut)
■ +50% extra crit severity from Lashing Blade itself
■ 50% of the damage dealt with all of above buffs applied, 6 seconds later, from SoD
So considering amount of damage buffs applied, it's not abnormal -- albeit a bit too high. The real problem, the two, direct culprits behind the damage increase is First Strike and the 50% innate crit severity buff LB has.
No words needed here. 20k TR vs 24.5k GWF with Perfect Barkshield
In terms of performance, there is very little, if at all, difference between 19k ~ 24k. A 5k GS difference between 13k and 18k is huge, but the same 5k difference between 19k and 24k is surprisingly small, not to mention fighter classes gain GS much more easily than TRs.
Stop making excuses. Be a man. If you know something to be broken, stop using it. Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Okay guys, I don't know if everyone knows this but a GWF can do more than 10k with just daring shout after using come and get it. EASY COUNTER to a rogue, ALSO, GWF's can run out of the rogues lashing blades range EASILY, it literally takes a tiny movement to dodge it. It's something i really hate when I lashing blade the AIR....Don't get me wrong, there are many counters to a one hitting rogue. As a rogue myself I've been pvping since module 2 and open pvping since Icewind Pass came out and I've met MANY 22k+ GWF's, CW's , PERMA STEALTH TR's and HR's. out of ALL, the only thing (as a non perma stealth-damage build TR) that annoys me the most, is perma stealth rogues.....i went into a pvp once with a 12k TR who was saboteur build and our whole team couldn't kill him for most of the game.
fedurMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 27Arc User
Okay guys, I don't know if everyone knows this but a GWF can do more than 10k with just daring shout after using come and get it. EASY COUNTER to a rogue, ALSO, GWF's can run out of the rogues lashing blades range EASILY, it literally takes a tiny movement to dodge it. It's something i really hate when I lashing blade the AIR....Don't get me wrong, there are many counters to a one hitting rogue. As a rogue myself I've been pvping since module 2 and open pvping since Icewind Pass came out and I've met MANY 22k+ GWF's, CW's , PERMA STEALTH TR's and HR's. out of ALL, the only thing (as a non perma stealth-damage build TR) that annoys me the most, is perma stealth rogues.....i went into a pvp once with a 12k TR who was saboteur build and our whole team couldn't kill him for most of the game.
2 skills hitting 10-20k vs 1 skill hitting 40+k mhm (and you can't dodge it/run off if enemy is invisible and you don't know when he will strike, and ofc sprint activation lag).
Dodge on GWF, GZ
One-hit Off-tank class.. with encounter (not even daily)
2 skills hitting 10-20k vs 1 skill hitting 40+k mhm (and you can't dodge it/run off if enemy is invisible and you don't know when he will strike, and ofc sprint activation lag).
Dodge on GWF, GZ
One-hit Off-tank class.. with encounter (not even daily)
ha.. well the TRs defending this issue said: Install a surround sound audio system so you can hear a tr walk ) Another thing: it seems that on high end systems the stealth leaks a small amount of shadow that can be traced. Ohh and last thing: you would better have the latency advantage.
So if you dont have any of those is clear that you lack the "skills" to understand how amazing they are
fedurMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 27Arc User
ha.. well the TRs defending this issue said: Install a surround sound audio system so you can hear a tr walk ) Another thing: it seems that on high end systems the stealth leaks a small amount of shadow that can be traced. Ohh and last thing: you would better have the latency advantage.
So if you dont have any of those is clear that you lack the "skills" to understand how amazing they are
I live in Europe, so ping is 150ms+
(ping tested on "/netgraph 1" in game)
Just cleaned out half this thread. If you cannot civilly respond to one another without insults, flaming, or profanity, then do not post. At all. Period. The Rules of Conduct are not optional to follow if you wish to retain your posting privileges.
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com
perfect vorpal and other things.
20k GS tr = 24k gs GWF
you can reach 20k+gs by stacking all sorts of stats, maybe you should stack other stats?
Executioner can bypass defenses and has so many damage power bonuses on their first attack.
Maybe you should try sprinting more?
Most of us are sick of people coming here complaining.
In high end PVP one shots happen bro...
I am all eager to learn how to dodge 60+exe hits as a gwf,gf or sw or cw, hr, dc in daze....
The funny part is that they still say Tr is fine np but tell me this...
Put 2 15k gwfs hrs cws dcs gfs against a 24k Tr and see how long they live
Yet a 15 k Tr tcan easely win against any 2 but maby the cw combo.
A 15k tr can win against any class at 22k but no class has a chanse against even an eqaual geared tr and will loose against way way lower gs Trs.
I can buy the consept that all classes cant be 100% balanced 1-1 and that you have some anti-class and some that you can beat easy BUT a class that can beat all others with 7k gs lower is down right pure and simple bull shi**t.
Now ask the Tr community to explain why they have a kd ratio that is 100 times better then everybody else and all you get back is its a l2p issue nothing more or that its just one build that a few uses and then some more HAMSTER...
Ignoring every form of defence including tenacity is pure stupid 100% crit from hide is pure stupid as it allows them to skip crit and build power instead first strike+crit is pure stupid as you shown above.
This 2 sec visible by the ONE THEY ATTACK but they get all bonus as theywhere still in hide wont change much Tr need to come down to the lvl of all others everybody that pvped the last month know exactly what am talking aobut.
And yea Dc need some adjusting also for sure that healing **** is way up in the air .....
I wonder if they would like us to go back to mod 4 when our only choice in PVP was to hide in stealth all the time and attack with toothpicks...
It isn't true. 20kTR=22k GWF, but 18k TR is more powerfull than 24k GWF or 22k any other class, and that is the point of OPness.
Belive me, im well builded. All stats capped and rest in Power.
And that is the problem. Exe can easly one hit you from stealth with 100% chance for crit
Maybay don't try to joke, it isn't funny,
But it shouldn't! 42k with P.Barkshield and 100% crit chance? RLY?
thank you i had really nice laugh.
Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
The problem is not Lashing Blade, the problem is :
- 25% armor pen from a feat. 25% from feat + 24% for pve cap = 49% resistance ignored.
- 100% power for one attack in stealth.
- 100% critical chance in stealth.
This is the problem. Very long Cooldown, dodgeable, Lashing blade is good. But the cumulation of Arp + power + crit chance should not be possible.
Remove armor pen. feat or power feat, let 100% critical chance in stealth for the first strike in stealth and the problem is solved.
ok there is another one: they just like to kill and oneshot evereything even 7k better geared, like to ruin the rest off PVP, like exploiting their broken class as hard as they can, and ejoy to spoil everyones game the best they can?
What kind of person are you?
Is there any kind of problem u have to compensate in real life? So get a doctor and stop playing would be my advise in this case.
so basically he used a daily to do that.
and get beck these stupid boring permas of previous mods ? permas must go, without the damage tr are useless in pve, they need just to nerf pvp part of tr, pve might be ok-ish
as for damage they should just check if tenacity is working on ALL attacks, maybe double the DR on it, and make it a separate instance of dr that applies on every **** thing(including piercing), reduce piercing damage etc.
Last mod produced the fewest complaints out of perma because the TR was not able to one-shot anyone anymore. Everyone still complains about almost every class of course.
Well I've already stated this, nerfing TR's DPS is a good compromise for PVP and PVE. The TR can still do some DPS (better than DC, GF and GWF), plus Tiamat requires CC half of the time anyway.
before mod5 tr pve dmg was trash, trs in mod4 were kind of bad + there were hrs and cws that were so op ppl didnt really care about permas, but that doesnt change how annoying it is to fight a perma
trs need to be able to dispatch high priority targets quickly but atm they do it too well and there isnt much counterplay possible
No no, PVE GF and DC were trash. PVE TR was mediocre. But in the end, in matters little since you just needed to ride your mount now across the Well of Dragons and now you zerg Tiamat and occasionally CC the mobs around the clerics.
CWs were powerful, but HRs were OP and I did call to nerf their CC abilities as HRs ate up the TRs.
I could easily copy paste and edit the number just to prove my point Until now we can't see a video and images that proves it. I just played PVP today as soon I attacked I'm dead already or 10 percent HP I could not even kill someone with BB even if its a quarter health. Sab is useless now and exec you may kill one just pray the enemy dont have soul forge most of the TR right now turn into scoundrel the only viable option for us. Low damage at lease you can run around like clowns for a long period of time. We are back to laughing stock again. TR should not kill some with a 1v2 they dont have the rights to win that kind of situation? how about HR and GWF they are the only one suppose to 1v2 or 1v3 and manage to win how about GF and DC that can handle even 4 to five players attacking them and not even dying why I don't see any nerf issues about it especially GWF you cant move when they start to attack you with the 3 hit combo.
Actually, it's more like:
■ 100% crit guaranteed from stealth
■ 15% damage buff from Combat Advantage(stealth)
■ 60% damage buff from First Strike
■ 100% power increase from Exec feat(Shadowborn)
■ 75% damage buff from crit severity
■ +50% extra crit severity from P.Vorpal
■ +15% extra crit severity from Exec feat(Artcut)
■ +50% extra crit severity from Lashing Blade itself
■ 50% of the damage dealt with all of above buffs applied, 6 seconds later, from SoD
So considering amount of damage buffs applied, it's not abnormal -- albeit a bit too high. The real problem, the two, direct culprits behind the damage increase is First Strike and the 50% innate crit severity buff LB has.
In terms of performance, there is very little, if at all, difference between 19k ~ 24k. A 5k GS difference between 13k and 18k is huge, but the same 5k difference between 19k and 24k is surprisingly small, not to mention fighter classes gain GS much more easily than TRs.
If you know something to be broken, stop using it.
Otherwise, you've got no right to be speaking of 'balance.'
Tbh, I've seen way more TRs with DoT enchantments in PvP. So they can abuse the bug that deals SoD damage twice...
"Most of us"... well most of you rogues dont get to tell people what to do while your class is being temporary gifted with broken abilities.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Dodge on GWF, GZ
One-hit Off-tank class.. with encounter (not even daily)
ha.. well the TRs defending this issue said: Install a surround sound audio system so you can hear a tr walk
So if you dont have any of those is clear that you lack the "skills" to understand how amazing they are
I live in Europe, so ping is 150ms+
(ping tested on "/netgraph 1" in game)
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
PC and PS4 player. Proud Guildmaster for PS4 Team Fencebane. Rank 5 Officer for PC Team Fencebane. Visit us at http://fencebane.shivtr.com