Is it viable to go for a 1 shot build?
my main stats are crit, power, arpen, and eventually movement speed
(I am level 38)
I use ambush/muraders escape/hawk shot
then the green single shot arrow and rapid fire
switching to melee stance I get further bonus dmg from the hawk shot.
my other tree consists of straight out offence dmg with the inclusion of stamina regeneration.
PS I just started.
Post edited by destiniesgate on
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited December 2014
I'm assuming you mean in PvP (one-shot comment)? May wish to specify that in your OP though, so you get proper feedback. Thanks!
Safe travels,
Archmage Zebular of Mystryl PWE Community Moderator
yes PVP, I didn't think anyone would think PvE lol.
I do.
Can any class 1 shot those annoying spinning (dont even know what those are, they spin, and somehow my hero is frozen and can't do anything) & tank (the one that toggles defensive mod and become immune to Everything) mobs in WoD and those dragon dailies?
Can maybe a 10k TR do it? what would be the requirement? I've seriously had enough of these.
I do.
Can any class 1 shot those annoying spinning (dont even know what those are, they spin, and somehow my hero is frozen and can't do anything) & tank (the one that toggles defensive mod and become immune to Everything) mobs in WoD and those dragon dailies?
Can maybe a 10k TR do it? what would be the requirement? I've seriously had enough of these.
10k gs is not supposed to well of dragon
clear sharadar and dread ring and iwd first grab some t2 equip and at least rank 5 enchament
yiu need to running around evade freezing
well, can anyone 1 shot those mobs at lease? then we talk requirements later,
I can one-shot their equivalents in the other ToD zones with my Archer HR, but he's built as a pure sniper. I haven't taken him into WoD yet as I'm running two other toons through there and there are only so many dailies I can face at one time.
I doubt you could reproduce this in PvP though. Defences and HP pools are much higher and players don't stand around waiting for you to line up the perfect shot like mobs do.
Can any class 1 shot those annoying spinning (dont even know what those are, they spin, and somehow my hero is frozen and can't do anything) & tank (the one that toggles defensive mod and become immune to Everything) mobs in WoD and those dragon dailies?
Can maybe a 10k TR do it? what would be the requirement? I've seriously had enough of these.
I can one-shot a mob of those when my fiery bolt or killing flames crit, which is often. SW Fury Hellbringer 17 GS. I'm sure other classes can too with a proper build.
I can one-shot their equivalents in the other ToD zones with my Archer HR, but he's built as a pure sniper. I haven't taken him into WoD yet as I'm running two other toons through there and there are only so many dailies I can face at one time.
I doubt you could reproduce this in PvP though. Defences and HP pools are much higher and players don't stand around waiting for you to line up the perfect shot like mobs do.
Could you share with me the Encounter Power you use & some of your Feats? I'm very interested in leveling a new character to 60 just to 1 shot these **** mobs.
I can one-shot a mob of those when my fiery bolt or killing flames crit, which is often. SW Fury Hellbringer 17 GS. I'm sure other classes can too with a proper build.
I do.
Can any class 1 shot those annoying spinning (dont even know what those are, they spin, and somehow my hero is frozen and can't do anything) & tank (the one that toggles defensive mod and become immune to Everything) mobs in WoD and those dragon dailies?
Can maybe a 10k TR do it? what would be the requirement? I've seriously had enough of these.
An Exe TR with First strike slotted can one shot them with either dazing strike or lashing, either one shots. Something to remember with the spinning guys is that the first ice orb ALWAYS goes towards you. It's not random as it appears, the first one will always go in your direction. Those blocking guys can be forced to drop their guard with certain dot ticks and procs placed on them before hand.
I do.
Can any class 1 shot those annoying spinning (dont even know what those are, they spin, and somehow my hero is frozen and can't do anything) & tank (the one that toggles defensive mod and become immune to Everything) mobs in WoD and those dragon dailies?
Can maybe a 10k TR do it? what would be the requirement? I've seriously had enough of these.
Aye I wish Cryptic would fix the darn bug that allows those spinners to push cc immune characters.
Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Yes, a 10k TR can one shot those annoying enemies in WoD. Started my WK exec a few months ago when I heard about good changes on the way for TR's & finally got her into WoD a few days ago (casual gamer here). Running the stealth feats that buff......well, everything in stealth (don't remember offhand) with lashing strike will either drop them in one hit or take them far enough down that your companion can finish them.
I'm not running crazy gear, just some odds & ends T1/non-tier epics that I've been saving from other alts runs. Same with enchants, don't think I've slotted anything higher than an r5 draconic & a random holy avenger enchant from when my GWF didn't have a vorpal.
An Exe TR with First strike slotted can one shot them with either dazing strike or lashing, either one shots. Something to remember with the spinning guys is that the first ice orb ALWAYS goes towards you. It's not random as it appears, the first one will always go in your direction. Those blocking guys can be forced to drop their guard with certain dot ticks and procs placed on them before hand.
Yes, a 10k TR can one shot those annoying enemies in WoD. Started my WK exec a few months ago when I heard about good changes on the way for TR's & finally got her into WoD a few days ago (casual gamer here). Running the stealth feats that buff......well, everything in stealth (don't remember offhand) with lashing strike will either drop them in one hit or take them far enough down that your companion can finish them.
I'm not running crazy gear, just some odds & ends T1/non-tier epics that I've been saving from other alts runs. Same with enchants, don't think I've slotted anything higher than an r5 draconic & a random holy avenger enchant from when my GWF didn't have a vorpal.
Safe travels,
Archmage Zebular of Mystryl
PWE Community Moderator
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1 shot thing? No can do
I do.
Can any class 1 shot those annoying spinning (dont even know what those are, they spin, and somehow my hero is frozen and can't do anything) & tank (the one that toggles defensive mod and become immune to Everything) mobs in WoD and those dragon dailies?
Can maybe a 10k TR do it? what would be the requirement? I've seriously had enough of these.
10k gs is not supposed to well of dragon
clear sharadar and dread ring and iwd first grab some t2 equip and at least rank 5 enchament
yiu need to running around evade freezing
I doubt you could reproduce this in PvP though. Defences and HP pools are much higher and players don't stand around waiting for you to line up the perfect shot like mobs do.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
I can one-shot a mob of those when my fiery bolt or killing flames crit, which is often. SW Fury Hellbringer 17 GS. I'm sure other classes can too with a proper build.
Thank you.
An Exe TR with First strike slotted can one shot them with either dazing strike or lashing, either one shots. Something to remember with the spinning guys is that the first ice orb ALWAYS goes towards you. It's not random as it appears, the first one will always go in your direction. Those blocking guys can be forced to drop their guard with certain dot ticks and procs placed on them before hand.
Aye I wish Cryptic would fix the darn bug that allows those spinners to push cc immune characters.
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Yes, a 10k TR can one shot those annoying enemies in WoD. Started my WK exec a few months ago when I heard about good changes on the way for TR's & finally got her into WoD a few days ago (casual gamer here). Running the stealth feats that buff......well, everything in stealth (don't remember offhand) with lashing strike will either drop them in one hit or take them far enough down that your companion can finish them.
I'm not running crazy gear, just some odds & ends T1/non-tier epics that I've been saving from other alts runs. Same with enchants, don't think I've slotted anything higher than an r5 draconic & a random holy avenger enchant from when my GWF didn't have a vorpal.
It feels good
TR can do it!