Hi guys,
got a question for you:
I'm a fresh 60th level warlock, (GS is still 8k-ish) and I'm wondering if I'm correctly specced, because I can't seem to get out of dragon mobs alive (or generic mobs by the way..).
I just can't get rid of adds, and find terribly hard even putting a single enemy down. I'll post my NWcalc for you to see:
Anyone has got an advice on how to get rid of numerous foes?
What encounters/powers are you using? As a fury build you probably want to be using dreadtheft combined with Warlocks Bargain which is pretty optimal for dps and boosts your defences as well. practice strafing with dreatheft to stay out of enemy aoe/ while angling the beam to hit the maximum targets. Blades of Vanquished Armies can also be good if you get melee adds trying to pile on top of you.
If you haven't already, head to auction house and grab up some cheap level 60 blue gear and don't skimp on the defensive states like life steal early on.
Axios Guild Officer,
As for the feats.. I am Damnation. So I don't know. At a glance I can see some things I would have done differently, but that does not mean your choices are not as good or better than I would have done.
I am using total HAMSTER gear and have GS of 13.8k.. which is more than adequate for ToD.
Dreadtheft is a mass-melter if you have good stats behind it and move to best effect while it is active.
Can probably get a T1 Infernal Diabolist set for under 20k AD right now, even.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Really?? In the auction house??
I can't seem to use it properly.. I know it should "connect" 3/4 mobs damage-wise, but it has an awfully long casting time, and I get smashed.. Should I raise my defence or dodge stats?
I have only 2k defense (or maybe it was just a bit under) and have been completely ignoring deflect. I found it's best to use TT when you have some breathing room, which you should be able to find in almost any situation that doesn't involves two very angry scorpions.
Care to elaborate? I used to be Temptation, but found myself doing the field medic for others... I was thinking of getting my GS up, then reverting back to Templock or trying the "puppetmaster" path...
It wouldn't do to elaborate. I have never played that path.. that is what I meant when I said I might have made different choices, but that it didn't mean my choices were better options. I can't validate my choices having not tried them.
I really only wanted to comment that 8K is very low for even a fresh 60 SW. I am still using a mix of purple thayan armor, and some really good blues. Although I do have an augment pet, good boons, and a purple artifact weapon, along with 3 purple artifacts.
I wouldn't say my SW is slick or anything.. but he gets the job done well enough that he won't have too much trouble getting better stuff.
Damnation is a bit of a PvP spec from what I have understood. Temptation is the pew pew healer, Fury is the best damage.
I used to think likewise. But problem was doing damage. I spent hours trying to kill mobs, whilst helping the entire community
I've called it "Social warlock" 'cause of this
Then i respecced to fury, and it kicks a**es slightly better...
But i plan to turn back to Tempt once my GS grows..
You weren't using Vampiric Embrace, were you?
No, I wasn't... Am I supposed to? I didn't find it very effective tbh...
Fiery Bolt, Warlock's Bargain and Dread Theft are my go to for solo play. Fiery Bolt cleans minions, Warlock's Bargain + DT drops pretty much everything in solo play. Most lair bosses don't survive WC + DT.
For dungeons I use Harrowstorm instead of Bargain (I find it HAMSTER, too long a cast time, easily interrupted if we so much as blink and the anchor dying is too common, but it's an AoE and dungeon trash needs AoE) and for bosses Killing Flame, Warlock's Bargain and DT.
Thank you for your feedback!
I am too using those encounters. What dailies are you using?
This means you are tempt but delve into fury?
What I found is that I rarely used my dailies during solo play, and that a well geared party destroys mobs before I can even get started. Things usually die before my Hellfire can start to tick (so less than six seconds). That means I go around will full AP. Might as well put it to use.
Tell me now: what do you think of Murderous Flames and Brutal Curse out of the fury path? I find them interesting but the real question is: do you miss that ability with Tempt? Do you find the puppet to be effective or you can live happily without it?
I concur with the other suggestions given here. I do a lot of changing between Killing Flames, Blades and Fiery Bolt depending on the circumstances. For mobs I often replace Warlock's Bargain with Fiery Bolt. The trick with TT is to get it off right before a big fight and then use another daily for the rest of the fight if you don't have the casting time. I find Brood of Hadar to be a nice first ranged attack against small mobs. Quite frankly, all the SW dailies are great.
One tactic to use for those annoying spinning fighters is to rush right up to them, fire off Blades and then attack with Hand of Blight. A second or two later and they're dead. Works for those nasty rangers in ToD too.
Killing flames just revels in the Fury path... without it, it seems to me that it loses sooo much.. no AoE damage, less damage.. it's just a puppet-spawner... The bargain is single target.... while clearing mobs it becomes useless... Are you telling me you switch your encounters every minute? :O
Oh and about TT... I understand that you cast it before the fight but then it makes your curses a lot slower, and by the time you put it to good use, it just expires.... I just don't understand how to use it....:(
I'd use Wraith's Shadow if not for two things.
- The first six seconds we can use the skill again for CC, which means it stops doing damage. This is a problem because sometimes skills don't go off and we don't know if Wraith cast or not.
- The cooldown is large. It says 8 seconds as I have it now, but only after the six seconds have ended does it start counting down, so it's 14 seconds. Killing Flames is 11 seconds which means means more Killing Flames and no problems trying to figure if it went off or not.
Warlock's Bargain is pretty good for soloing and bosses. Strong damage, interacts with DT. Starting with Fireybolt tends to kill minions and then what's left is usually a lieutenant or boss which WB and DT will melt. For soloing Fiery Bolt and DT is all the AoE we need. Blades could be fine, but it demands me to be in melee range. If the mobs want to crowd me it's fine, but if they don't then I need to chase them. I find Fiery Bolt does the same whether they are in melee or in range (though Fury might prefer Blades because of necrotic damage, but Fiery Bolt is burst and is as I said above).
As for TT it is an odd bird. Like many of the Warlock features it is very clunky to use.
- First the long-ish, activation, but that's fine, just plan ahead.
- Then we must put it on three targets (that I've noticed Warlock's Bargain does not count as a curse for TT).
- Then we must hit those three targets. But this assumes the mobs did not die (which happens really fast in well geared parties).
- As mentioned above most times your TT targets will have died even if you targeted the mobs with bigger HP pools. Most times you'll also be mid-DT channel, which means continuing, and wasting TT uptime, or stop and recast, but you'll probably have everything on cooldown, so you'd be at-willing the mobs.
This is not something that has a generic strategy. It's only by playing the dungeons and knowing when big clumps of mobs come, or seeing how quickly things are dying, to know when or if to use TT. There are some parts where a warlock will simply devastate, like the area just before reaching Valindra.
Regarding the Puppet I stopped bothering with it once I realized it hits five times and disappears. I'd suggest checking http://laggygamerz.com/forum/index.php?/topic/434-scourge-warlock-guide-bargaining-for-effectiveness/ for more in-depth Fury questions and such.
Is it because it is single target?
You use your target's suffering to fuel infernal flames around them. Damage increased based on the percentage of target's missing hit points
I don't use ACT to parse my damage, but I have noticed on my Fury warlock that I will get Great Success on dragon HEs if I use Killing Flames, and I am less likely to do so if I slot Wraith's Shadow or any other power. So I slot KF on dragon and single-target boss fights, even though it will not proc Creeping Death.