Hello mates, few GF's asked me about my build. I will simply release it here. (I won't talk about Boons+Feats, that's totally up to you, this guide is mostly for the equipement/enchantment)!
If you want a guide about these boons+feat that works great with my build, I recommand the one my good friend
Crixus8000 did, you can find it here:
NOTE: I only have rank 8 and 7 (so it doesn't require to be maxed).
The good thing about my specific build is the great amount of HP aslong with a good DPS/good defense.
I will update this topic within mods so my build stay updated. But for now, the build is ready for mod 5. You can do PVE and PvP with this build (I mostly do PvP with it).
Here is my last 10 PvP games (6.0 KDR if you combine all matches, these matches are not premades.):

I decided to go with
SwordMaster over IronVanguard, here is why:
I prefer SM daily (
crescendo) over
Indomitable strenght. It deals higher damage and it stunt the target (not throwing him away which can be a
negative thing sometimes).
I also really like to use
flourish. It deals great damage and stunt him for a good amount of time.
My build:
You will notice I decided to take
STRENGHT belt. The reason is simple, to have a perfect balance so the build works just as good in PvP as it would do in PvE. You can notice that I have a good amount of
HP thanks to it.
For the enchants, I equipped
darks in all offense. (
Darks gives ArmorPen which is one of the most useful stat if you want to hit hard). In the defense slots, I equipped Radiants (gives HP) and
Brutals (gives HP and Def). For the mainhand enchant, I normally use a Greater
PlagueFire (
vorpal could also do the job since this build brings 30% crit chance in PvP). For armor enchant, it's totally up to you,
Soulforged can be very useful.

Here it is. the 2 corrupted with the 2 purified brings a great balance between DEF/DPS.
This artifact weapon is also the best in my opinion. It brings a good amount of HP, def and power so it's simply great. For the neck, and rings, you can decide to change the rings for the PvP rings (Ring of sinister force+ Ring of dexterous evasion) and if you do so, change the neck for Corrupted black ice cloak.
Choice of artifact:
Waters of Elah'zad: I use that artifact since it gives a great amount of HP which is always great. It also gives Defense, Recovery and Regen.
Lantern of Revelation: One of my favorite artifact for stats. It gives Power, ArmorPen and Combatadvantage bonus. This artifact could be changed to GWF sigil.
Vanguard's Banner: gives 1400 HP and 350 power, do I need to say more? It's one of the best artifact for a GF.
You might want to buy Greater armor reinforcement kits! I decided to get 3 armorpen one (gives 300 armorpen) and 1 HP one (gives 400 HP)
Dragonborn is a must in my opinion because of this:
Ability Scores: Grants you +2 to any two stats.
Dragonborn Fury: Your Power and Critical Strike are increased by 3%.
Draconic Heritage: You receive 5% more healing from all spells and abilities.
So there we go. As you can see, I still manage to have a great 55.5K Hp. If you want more simply change the brutals for radiants (would give me 58K hp if I'd do so.)
If you have any question at all, please tell me, I'd be glad to answer.
Thank you for reading!
I am Elros the Guardian Fighter.
Excellent build.
What is your rotation please?And your feats slotted?
Thank you buddy, and it totally depends, If I do PvP domination, I use lunging strike, bull charge and anvil (or flourish, bull charge and anvil)
for 1v1, it depends agaisn't which classes:
GF: Bullcharge, Griffon Wrath, Anvil
HR (very hard rotation to land but 1 rotation even agaisn't high GS hr): Knight challenge, Griffon wrath OR flourish, anvil (you activate knight challenge, then you do the daily, in this case crescendo to stuntlock him, then you follow with the 2 last encounters). It's a good rotation because the HR dont even have time to regen since it mostly 1 rotation.
GWF: Flourish, bullcharge and anvil
CW: Lunging, Bullcharge, anvil.
for the yellow powers, in PvP: shield talent and combat superiority (CS becomes good if you take the feat for it too).
Hope I answered your question mate, and thank you for the compliment
It's good to see more gf builds that work well. Have fun in pvp and we will have to team up sometime
I use Lunging ,flourish ,anvil in that order.Passives are combat superiority and steel grace.
I am just 18,4 gs in pvp purified set.Roughly same direction with you as concerning primary stat direction.21 dex 24 con
in the others we are about the same except i have higher regen and deflect.(of which nowadays makes little difference.Regen against so high dps is useless and my deflect is low (26%) anyway.I wrote these in order to roughly understand my build.
Please can you give any advice how to counter high geared HRs? I really can't.The pattern is always the same:
I lung them ,they disengage.I block towards their direction ,but somehow i end up prone.Boar charge goes through block.Untill i am at my feet i have lost 15-20k hp.I am up,disruptive shot.I cannot use my block.Fox shift another 5-10k hp go away.
I try flourish ,he has so much deflect that it cannot stun him.He disengage.Disruptive shot ,marauders rush ,boar charge again.I am dead.
Can anyone give me a little advice?What am i doing wrong?
I know that i am relatively low gs ,i do not want to kill Artemis but at least to stall 15-17k gs Hrs.I can't!!!
Please,any advice from any GF would be welcomed.
First, dont use that rotation agaisn't HR, you will never be able to kill one with that since it doesn't cc enough or doesn't deal high DMG. What I propose is either the rotation I proposed on my other post or this one:
Griffon wrath, flourish and anvil. You will need your daily charged.
Once your daily is charged (crescendo), use it on the HR and make sure the crescendo will land (which means stunt-lock him). Once that's done, quickly do flourish, then follow that with Griffon Wrath (x3), than anvil. That should do the job.
If you dont manage to land crescendo, change flourish with bullcharge. Bullcharge the HR. Once hes proned, do crescendo (it will land 100% since he will be proned). then do 3x griffon wrath and then anvil.
I would also change steel grace to shield talent, that's my personnal choice.
That's what I usually do, hope it helps.
So i ll go either bull flourish anvil or griffon bull anvil.But i am now convinced that i need to change my rotation.It is just not effective anymore.(and 5 points to stunning flourish feat wasted
So you finally decided to release the build. Wanted to see your appearance but I'm not getting home for another 3 hours, but I've seen it here I guess.
I recommend this build to you GF noobies out there, Elros hits hard even enchantless and is tanky as hell.
I'm proud to say that I've showed this guy the game, look at what he has become, one of the strongest GF's in the entire game, and the most generous guy I've came across.
Highly recommend inviting this guy for PVP/Dungeons and also joining his guild.
One of the many Control Wizards that misses Shard Of The Endless Avalanche. RIP Shard (Beta-Mod3)
Don't use Steel Grace, it's terrible AND does not work at all.
Swap it for Steel Defense (When you get zerged) or Shield Talent.
Don't worry about HR's... nobody can beat these broken little buggers lol. I'm one of the CW's with the most HP in the entire game, and I get melted in seconds... go figure.
One of the many Control Wizards that misses Shard Of The Endless Avalanche. RIP Shard (Beta-Mod3)
In my desperation, Joocycuzzzzzz to improve my comparatively low gs build ,i have tried all the passives.
Shield defence is not usefull cause it works when you activate the animation of the daily.Since most Gf dailies are long animated in reality you ll have way less than 5 secs.I ll go for 3 or even 2,5 secs.Even worst, steel defence makes you damage immune(not for all powers TRs SE goes through Steel defence) but not cc immune.A lot of times GWFs interrupted my crescendo ,i got stunned ,sure i was damage immune but my daily and my feat went wasted.
Shield talent is good.Steel Blitz is worthless.Guarded assault past glyph nerf is worthless.
As concerning steel grace.
Well.Something strange.Sometimes it works definetely ,i mean i escape from entagling force instantly .Since i do not wear elven enchantement and have only 26% deflect ,Steel grace is the only cultprint than makes me escape.
Even strangest if just after my escape another cw tries another cc at me ,that time his cc it WORKS 100%.
So my guess is that a)Steel grace is bugged
b)has internal coldown
c)both of the above.
In any case it is just better to use it against cw oriented team than any other alternative :)Anyway this is Insol's thread and i hijacked it. :P .Time to stop my mouth
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
What's the problem with it? They won't do any change to GF (not that I know so far), therefore, it won't affect the build at all.
The only thing that I will change is the offhand and the cloak, nothing else.
This one is better because it has the balance between attack and defense.
I've ran dungeons with Elros, he protected the party very well. And he holds his own by hitting like a truck in PVP.
But yeah, with any guide, Guardian Fighter is literally easy mode in PVE, you just turn KV on and fall asleep on your shield.
why are you typing for others?! here is another version of my comment: build imo is far from perfect balance for both aspects...
for example in eLOL you not die fast because the mobs oneshot and you will need more potion.
You not have less defense and die too fast in pvp because you use only damage instead defense with that path?
and if you go in pvp 3vs1 or 4vs1 you die so fast if you haven't a good party lol
Your feat: http://i.imgur.com/yfJsyvk.png
and you not use crescendo i see if you have the same feat and power of your friend of the link
y tho i think you can drop 1k arpen and do a bit better in both... as rly high arpen will only help you only vs gwf/gf
Armor pen is the/one of the most important stat in game.
arpen is useless if your target doesnt have enough damage reduction(it wont go into negative), and dex gives you further resistance ignored(they cumulate) and that kinda puts you at 40% resistance ignored. After 2500 ar pen doesnt scales that well so from 2500 to 3500 you only gain 4% resistance ignored that you can use vs 2 classes. For pve you are to stop at around 1300 with your build!
1300 armor pen will be a joke for PvP. You didn't understand my build. The balance is perfect for PvP! it's not made perfectly for PVE HOWEVER you can run every dungeon without dying quite easily with the build. I'd be curious, the extra (not extra imo, going with your opinion) 1000 armorpen I have, what would you put it into?
I won't post my feats right now. I might do once mod 5 hits (and edit this topic). I have few unique feats that I'd like to keep for myself which are working very well.
rly depends on what you feel that you lack, most top GF i see are running with more deflect/regen and for pvp aspect that extra deflect would help.
Mind that deflect doesnt care about your ar pen... so when deflected, the dmg is cut in half regardless of the arpen, that is another reason against so much arpen stacking. Deflect can go up till 2500 as for regen i am having mixed feelings about it lately, burst is a bit too big, but as a GF you can still take advantage of it (1600 would be the best spot but one can go till 2k).
I'm talking about an offense stat. You cant trade offense stats for defenses lol
ohh sry sry... i didnt know i couldnt do that. i do have a question for you: At what page can i find you on the leaderboard?
Not sure what feat path you seen man. There is many defensive ones picked
Action surge
shielded resurgence
Armor specialization
Plate agility
Take measure
Improved vigor
And fight on is also quite defensive.
It's a balance. If you go full dps you get squished, if you go full defense it's great for pve but bad for pvp.