So the new Jewelcrafing you get rare tasks to craft epic ring,necklace or belts that can then be upgraded so they have two enchantment slots , but at the moment it looks like you need to achieve the tier three result in order to be able to craft the upgrade-able version of the item , i.e you need four epic jewelcrafing tools? is this true? because if it is it basically makes the profession next to pointless for most players .
example below -
Here is the Personalized necklace of revitalization .

One of the items needed to make the above necklace is this -

But to get that you need rank 3 result , so you need at least four epic Jewelcrafting tools , same seems to be true for all the new epic Jewelry , fantastic...
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
So, is the Personalized level not a chancy thing? It sounds like you are saying that people who have the tier3 tools will make that gemmed part that requires them, charge the rest of us whatever for them, and then we can make the one we wanted, with basic tools. Is that the deal?
This is probably coming across as harsh but I don't mean it to. It's way past sleepy time (that changes depending on my level of dementia) and I am just trying to get an understanding.. this is the first information I have seen about these.
If not will not even bother.
So yeah, it's another profession that would allow some people to get themselves comfortably set up with a full set of tools to sell the gear to those who don't have them, but it's basically following the standard Neverwinter model in that regard.
The personalized jewelry isn't locked out from people with no tools of their own, but the "ingredient" items will settle into the same kind of price pattern as gemmed epic shirts and pants, fluctuating based on demand (anything with power/BiS for FotM more expensive) and the availability of dragon eggs.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
1200 hp/200 deflect
250 power/arpen
250 crit/lifesteal
Yes , the basic upgradeable version of the jewelry items require you to have not only a Dragon egg but also four epic Jewelcrafting assets so yeah , you can bet that they will be uber expensive to begin with and will probably hold a high price for a while , the really annoying thing is that they are reusing the Mithral Crucible from Alchemy , at the begining of this week they were around 150k for a mithral version , last night after this had been released onto preview 1.8 million...
Module 6 will introduce artifact rings
these new phat lewts all need to be BtA for alts
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Then we need to keep telling them. They lose nothing for making them at the minimum BtA but as they release more and more character, it becomes more and more of a problem.
I'd like them to be BoE since you can craft shirts and pants for the guild or to sell which requires a significant investment. I mean to master a profession is usually a skill that you would apply to more than just yourself and frankly it's just boring to level it up on every character and a waste of time. It also costs me AD generation losing out on leadership tasks.