Greetings Devoted Clerics!
We want to hear what you have to say about your class!
If chosen as a class advocate, you'll be responsible for compiling the feedback of your fellow players about your class. Each week, you'll submit feedback in the form of a bullet-point list to me via forum PM. I'll then take that list (and the lists from the other classes) and forward them to our devs.
How do you become a class advocate?
You can start by stating your interest in this thread.
After that, send me a PM answering these questions:
-Why do you want to be a class advocate?
-Why do you like this class?
-How long have you been playing Neverwinter?
-Do you play any other MMOs? (Don't worry, we won't get jealous ) If so, what class do you play?
-Do you play D&D? If so, what class(es) do you like to play?
-In what direction do you want to see this class go?
Once I've selected a candidate, this candidate will remain "in-office" until the next module's launch. For example, the candidate I choose now will remain until Module 5's launch (whenever that may be).Please remember: Private Message Akromatik with your Answers to his Questions, as well as any Concerns or Questions one may have. Do NOT post nominations or comments about others in this thread. If you have a concern about someone who has nominated them-self, PM Akromatik or any of the Community Team.
This thread is not for general discussions, it is not for bashing, and it is not for PvP Smack Talk. This is a Nominations thread, not a Voting Thread or Soap Box.
Furthermore, if one cannot follow our Rules of Conduct, they most certainly won't be an Advocate. Think before you post folks and remember our first Rule: Show Respect At All Times!
About the Role of an Advocate:
Advocates won't be chosen to represent their opinions. But instead are to act as intermediaries for the Community as a whole on specific topics and areas, whether or not they agree with such or not. They will have checks and balances to make sure that they are being unbiased in their relay of the Community's Ideas, Opinions, and Suggestions.
Furthermore, Advocates won't be able to "make things happen." Instead, such is more akin to what we Moderators already do, which is relay all the hot topics and serious bugs so that the Developers know to look more deeply into such issues being reported in Bug Reports and on the Forum. The Developers don't just take our word for it, they see our word as a sign that they need to look deeper into the matter.
Alas, Moderators do not have the time to properly dedicate to such as we have other duties. This has been made aware by the sheer number of things we report each week (and sometimes daily) and then find out that we have forgotten something or overlooked something else entirely. This is where the Advocates come in, to help and ease such things.
Also, here is some clarification also from Community Manager Akromatik:
Some clarification on the on class advocate position.
-These individuals will be selected based on their past actions and participation in the class feedback threads from previous modules. They will be selected by GentlemanCrush and myself.
-The advocates will hold office for 1 module. Once their time in the sun is up, we will move on to the next eligible candidate.
-These advocates will not be assisting in the design or decisions regarding the class direction. These players will function to collate and collect feedback into more readable lists to improve dev response time and better allow the feelings of the community to become apparent.
-A big part of this is separating the feedback from the "discussions" that tend to pop up in these threads. These advocates will include any and all feedback in their reports. They will not be the ones deciding what is "good" feedback and what isn't. If we find that an advocate has been purposely omitting feedback in their reports, they will be relieved of their post immediately.
Hopefully that has answered some questions.
It was a difficult decision - but this is the one I'd like to go for. I don't know why but among all the classesDevoted Cleric is and always has been my favorite. So please count this reply as my raising of a hand. I'll do the PM thing now. And I do hope other join me in volunteering for this job (I know it will be a big job to do).
Playing DC in PVE and PVP has been the most fun class for me over the past ~year, as I can be a lazy healer when I'm tired, or the shot-caller calling movements around the map in PVP premades. With a Mod 5 overhaul of the cleric approaching, it's the best time for info about the DC to be brought forward and talked about.
I have been playing a DC since day 1 of open beta, and currently have over 44 days on /played with that character (Tanya) - more than on any of my other characters. I do consider myself primarily a DC player, although I have some familiarity with all other classes (most with GF, TR and HR, as I have lvl 60 characters of those classes as well - see my signature). I do consider myself a pretty serious/dedicated player - perhaps best demonstrated by the fact that I was one of the very first to unlock the ToD skirmish.
I have a pretty extensive RP background - been playing D&D for over 25 years, and the cleric has always been my second most favourite class (after the Paladin). In RL I am a 50 year old software developer - been writing software and running my company since 1987, but I sold it last year, which means that I now have more free time than I have literally had in decades.
I have been fairly active on the forums - you have probably seen my avatar (which happens to be the eye of my dog), in particular on the general forum and the DC forum, and I think my posts make it clear that I am someone who has a high interest in making the game better - yes, there are things I am not happy about, but I am not a drama queen. You may also have seen me on the /NW_Legit_Community channel as well - I am one of the two Tanya's there (not to be confused with the HR Tanya).
In game, I am a member of Guild Medieval - a "legit", family-friendly guild for mature players.
Now, what can I do for the DCs?
I am aware that there is not complete agreement in the player community on the role and future of the DC, but we know that there will be changes to the class with module 5, so now is the right time to make our concerns heard. I would of course collect/combine/forward the opinions of my fellow DC players, but naturally, I have opinions of my own.
I do consider our feat trees to be a bit of a mess - there are too many feats that are essentially useless for anyone, and our capstone feats leave something to be desired. I would like to see a bit of a reorganization, with the goal of making various builds more feasible than they are today. At the same time, the primary focus of the DC as a combination of a buff/debuff and healing class, with sufficient DPS should remain. The class should be viable in PvP, but that should not be the primary focus.
I would also like to see some attention to our gear, in particular at the high-end - it borders on silliness that DCs running the most difficult content are using a T1 armor set, simply because there is no good upgrade for that.
Finally, I would like to see a greater variety of companions that would help DCs do their job better.
Having said this, I wanted to make it clear that I am 100% aware that my role is not to push my own agenda, but to help improve the class as such and forward the consensus of concerns and suggestions from the community as a whole.
There are, however, two issues.....
First - I am exclusively a PvE player - have experience with all aspects of the PVE side, but only very imited PvP experience - I did dominion matches for 4 days, just to get that Raven skull artifact, but that's it. Having said this, I am well aware that there are DCs (although probably proportionally fewer than in the case of other classes) who really enjoy PvP. If I am selected, I will do my best to make sure that the PvP player concerns are heard, and that there are viable DC builds for PvP, but as I said, this is the one area where I do not have extensive experience.
Second - English is not my primary language (in fact it is my third), so I apologize for any odd phrasings in my posts.
I'll do the "advocacy"
Clerics are a great support class that I enjoy playing. It's fun to play with friends and hear them ask why their damage seemed to suddenly increase so much.
-Why do you like this class?
Because I don't mind handing the spotlight to others and helping them get there. Being the guy that keeps everyone alive can be tough but is usually rewarding even if thankless.
-How long have you been playing Neverwinter?
Since the Beta so over a year now.
-Do you play any other MMOs? (Don't worry, we won't get jealous ) If so, what class do you play?
I've played some like DDO where I've played rogue and an enchanting wizard but often end up playing some form of stealth guy or support guy.
-Do you play D&D? If so, what class(es) do you like to play?
A lot of DnD. Mostly 3.5e. I've played and made so many characters that I've lost count. I like to play just about anything but I tend to veer away from the melee fighters. However even they can be fun sometimes.
-In what direction do you want to see this class go?
I personally don't quite know yet and I'm sure angrysprite is better at this than I am but to me they should be the best healer around with some buff/debuffs ready to throw around too.
I may throw a PM to Akro on the game anyway. What the hey, I might get a surprise and be considered.
FYI, the cleric advocate has been chosen...
They are keeping these threads open to let people apply still, as advocates will only be 'in office' for 1 module.
I dont think Im on forums enough for this.
EDIT: I think I found them in another thread.
I was the first one chosen, after playing the DC changes and seeing mod 5 stuff, I decided to quit the game. I've been snooping still, curious as to who else they choose.
Well Akromatic, the new changes to Dc are good if your pvp only. I tried pvp and was impressed.
But alas for Epic dungeons and skirmishes its a huge disaster without Astral shield to heal. I have friends who also use DC they say they can no longer do dungeons because its so bad. Healing hand is a bit sketchy too, its good it targets all in a row but if that person dodges all of a sudden you miss them so not so good in that respect should have kept Astral shield heal as it was and healing hand as it was just make healing hand connect to all in group so you cant miss if they do an unexpected dodge. All in all it's made the DC as a healer worse. So why temp heal with Astral shield anyway? yes you can spam it fast but that can ware thin in a dungeon that may take an hour, of spam spam spam fast......... My mouse and keyboard my die because of you.
Tyranny of the dragon epic skirmish is hard enough but now it is awful with out Astral shield to heal.
Did the new changes really get tested in epic dungeons by real players of slightly mixed Gear score like is normal for a dungeon if you random Q? I can't imagine it did or it wouldn't be as is today.
Well that's my opinion of mod 5 changes not good at all unless you plan to just pvp.
My DC is now useless as a healer for epic dungeons and skirmishes. I suspect any good feed back will be by players who have gone the damage path and not heal.
Yes, I was wondering, who IS the DC Class Advocate?
We need free Retraining Tokens for our DCs AND our TRs.
Safe travels,
Archmage Zebular of Mystryl
PWE Community Moderator
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I was just filling in until that time and thank goodness too as I don't have time to log in the game let alone advocate.
To clarify a bit, part of the reason none of the moderators wanted to advocate for a specific class at all is because we already work closely relaying feedback for Akromatik and the Community Team and we wanted to allow more people to be in such a position.
So advocate or not feel free to PM any moderator with your feedback and we will relay it all the same although it is best if you give us a thread to refer to.
On the topic of tokens of whatever kind, the response was a definitive no.
Neither class advocates or moderators would be able to sway that response.