I've been logging onto the preview every few days for the last couple weeks testing out the new cleric design.
Not one time have all the spells worked correctly in all 3 modes. NOT ONCE.
They claim to be balancing the classes, but don't expect it to happen. Instead, expect a sloppy disaster, SNAFU.
I've been logging onto the preview every few days for the last couple weeks testing out the new cleric design.
Not one time have all the spells worked correctly in all 3 modes. NOT ONCE.
They claim to be balancing the classes, but don't expect it to happen. Instead, expect a sloppy disaster, SNAFU.
Well, there is still some time, ya not everything is working, that can be fixed.
What cannot be fixed is the two lackluster lines, they really need to BEEF up both the healing lines, like dramatically, or neither of them are worth the time. There isnt enough buffing going on on either or utility or anything.
clericalistMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 595Arc User
I've been logging onto the preview every few days for the last couple weeks testing out the new cleric design.
Not one time have all the spells worked correctly in all 3 modes. NOT ONCE.
They claim to be balancing the classes, but don't expect it to happen. Instead, expect a sloppy disaster, SNAFU.
I must say that I am a little bit excited about the new changes, but reading a lot of peoples comments here, there clearly are some ominous signs If it really will be a disaster, at least we will only go from being last to last
The overall feedback is mixed at the moment. Some like it, some don't. There is lots of potential with the new mechanic, untested, undiscovered builds. Where the problem comes in is how the apply all these changes into a good working build.
One of the biggest of sets at moment that was dividing opinions was sunburst. But after official feedback we know where this power is going. The added HOT on divine mode makes this very interesting. What will happen is we will still use sunburst but only in divine mode, but not in normal mode, or be selective as where to use the knockback affect.
I've test the virtuous path for HOT, and it is amazing healing potential, you can easily heal 30k per tick just on BOH, that is not even DG included. Now with SB divine HOT, it makes it that much more potent.
People who cant see the improvements of the class that will be implemented despite all the flaws of the current PREVIEW build
simply close their eyes before reality...
You might not like it that much - there might be bugs - but i dont see how you cant benefit from all those changes
If killing a geared CW in 4 casts in PvP is a disaster, sign me up. There is a ton of work now required to preload and it is difficult to know what is loaded with icons. But if done right it is extremely OP on the damage side. The heals are night and day better. SW still might out heal on paper because of lifesteal math, but DC is much improved. Can not see how if you actually tested it you think DC is broken or worse off with the changes. DC is almost too OP, especially a properly spec DO. Its crazy.
Do tell. My record is 5 players with one cast!
Doesn't mean anything because the spells are all discombobulated. The issue is that no balance has been achieved because there are so many bugs.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited October 2014
The changes are a big improvement for players that like playing DCs solo, for players who like PvP and for players who only want to get their DCs leveled up ASAP so they can unlock the DC class artifact for their primary characters.
For players who like playing DCs in PvE groups the the changes are....not terribly impressive, to say the least.
Hoping for improvements...
clericalistMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 595Arc User
DCs leveled up ASAP so they can unlock the DC class artifact for their primary characters.
Am I the only one that is annoyed by the fact that an artifact for the cleric class is allowed to be used by everyone, which ultimately means that it gives others faster nuclear bombs and thus makes the cleric even less necessary, and how useful is this artifact for the cleric itself in comparison ?
Am I the only one that is annoyed by the fact that an artifact for the cleric class is allowed to be used by everyone, which ultimately means that it gives others faster nuclear bombs and thus makes the cleric even less necessary, and how useful is this artifact for the cleric itself in comparison ?
The DC artifact is probably one of the main reasons why there are still a number of DC population in the NW community. If it never happened or is nerfed to oblivion, expect our numbers to dwindle, less of course, we are all hoping for MOD 5 to be our saving grace
What's in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet (Shakespeare)
Isn't the mod5 class very good if you just forget the Devoted Cleric words?
Imagine you're new to the game. not wanting to assist, not wanting to heal, you just want to be tanky with a huge DPS. Won't you pick up DC?
ToD = ..........
Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
clericalistMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 595Arc User
What's in a name? A rose by any other name would smell as sweet (Shakespeare)
Isn't the mod5 class very good if you just forget the Devoted Cleric words?
Imagine you're new to the game. not wanting to assist, not wanting to heal, you just want to be tanky with a huge DPS. Won't you pick up DC?
That is true, but what about all the people that picked the cleric expecting to play the cleric role, but eventually find out that the game does not provide this opportunity ? Would you not want to provide the cleric something where they can still play their class, i.e. play dps.
Clerics can DPS. Very well now, even better than previously capable.
They can heal as well. It's not the same tools to heal, however they do have heals, both as HoT and as direct. With your path choice dictating how much of a direct/hot you use. If you think this is different from before when most had to muddle through with a hybrid (with the rare few finding the right mix) as oppose to a full tree supporting you.. then you haven't been playing DC much?
I know for myself, I'm excited. I play a DPS cleric. I heal as part of my DPS. I buff as part of my DPS. I can actually provide bonus to players, while still melting people in holy fire. It's a good direction and I look forward to seeing how it pans out.
Clerics can DPS. Very well now, even better than previously capable.
Well.. i do think that is highly achievable too by improving the feats & encounter power rather than having to change how divinity work
I know for myself, I'm excited. I play a DPS cleric. I heal as part of my DPS. I buff as part of my DPS. I can actually provide bonus to players, while still melting people in holy fire. It's a good direction and I look forward to seeing how it pans out.
I think it is safe to assume that you just like the new one because it deals more DPS..
Is paingiver THAT important to justify playing the GIMPED playstyle ?
Let's be honest here.. the new playstyle of DC is CLUNKY. very much time spent @ the divine mode spamming for mediocre effects rather than the old strategical & fluid one..
Can you reserve the empowered stack for something in case situation arise most beneficial? No, you gotta use the empowered RIGHT AFTER the divine spamming.. Gotta admit, this new playstyle is nothing more than keyboard zerging & somewhat mindless to an extend... The old style, each encounter and their divine modes have their purpose, and ensure that 100% gonna be used...
Will you be using divine AS / HW / etc with the new style? No.. why? Bastion divine bastion are most likely gonna replace them as it has better effect. Moreover, divine HW & divine AS's temp HP does not stack (this is one example of the unsynergistic divine encounter)..
Also, Chain of Blazing Light is currently the most beneficial to spam as righteous DC. This, in turn, made other divine encounters more or less OBSOLETE [Yes, that includes divine daunting light too]. One of the reasons that the new system of DC playstyle is failing.
With the new system introduced, too many bugs are also generated... i dont think they're able to fix of all those before the release of mod 5.
Improving cleric DPS is highly achievable without needing to touch how divinity works.. It is utterly unnecessary to mess around with the divine mode which isnt broken in the first place... Why complicate a simple yet fluid system?
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
edited October 2014
Divine Glow providing healing is about the only thing going for the DPS DC. Everything else was a step backward. Divine daunting getting nerfed, FF not healing, sunburst scattering HAMSTER around(honestly, you do NOT want to spread Mod 4 enemies out).
Well.. i do think that is highly achievable too by improving the feats & encounter power rather than having to change how divinity work
I think it is safe to assume that you just like the new one because it deals more DPS..
Is paingiver THAT important to justify playing the GIMPED playstyle ?
Let's be honest here.. the new playstyle of DC is CLUNKY. very much time spent @ the divine mode spamming for mediocre effects rather than the old strategical & fluid one..
Can you reserve the empowered stack for something in case situation arise most beneficial? No, you gotta use the empowered RIGHT AFTER the divine spamming.. Gotta admit, this new playstyle is nothing more than keyboard zerging & somewhat mindless to an extend... The old style, each encounter and their divine modes have their purpose, and ensure that 100% gonna be used...
Will you be using divine AS / HW / etc with the new style? No.. why? Bastion divine bastion are most likely gonna replace them as it has better effect. Moreover, divine HW & divine AS's temp HP does not stack (this is one example of the unsynergistic divine encounter)..
Also, Chain of Blazing Light is currently the most beneficial to spam as righteous DC. This, in turn, made other divine encounters more or less OBSOLETE [Yes, that includes divine daunting light too]. One of the reasons that the new system of DC playstyle is failing.
With the new system introduced, too many bugs are also generated... i dont think they're able to fix of all those before the release of mod 5.
Improving cleric DPS is highly achievable without needing to touch how divinity works.. It is utterly unnecessary to mess around with the divine mode which isnt broken in the first place... Why complicate a simple yet fluid system?
I like the new style because it does DPS. Yeah. That's pretty much what I said to start with.
I don't play a healer in a game that doesn't need healing. I don't use healing word. I don't use baston of health.
I could care less about paingiver. If it was removed, i'd be happier for it honestly. Isn't that where most of the grief comes from in PVE? where am I on the paingiver ranks? Whatever. I usually immediately shut it off after it opens as I have zero interest or care. My intent, my joy of playing in the game is winning vs the monsters. This also extends to winning vs the players.
I've seen plenty of post on here complaining about how the DC is in a poor spot. I've also seen plenty of posts on here from players who defy that and beat things, quickly, easily. PVE and PVP. I haven't played on the test server recently, but 2 weeks after it started I got on there and the speed increase for a DPS cleric doing stuff was substantial. I have more control with more chains, I have more power with divine glow and to top it off, daunting light hits and hurts even more.
See, the "old style" we spammed encounters and at-wills to switch to divine for our power shot. great. the "new style" we still spam stuff to get to divine mode, have our tier 2 abilities come out that does more/different effects and then we get to follow up with a finisher. Currently, DC is the only group with a true finisher. Are we as strong as CW? No. But heck, are CW as strong as what people say CWs can do on the forum? maybe 3 of them.
As for my spell load out? I never used HW. Anyone that I have tell me 'heal us' I tell them do it themselves first. I play my character to be in there mixing it up, not to babysit others. I'll miss the healing of AS. It was nice. However I have more tactical use of the system now, with 3 potential divine drops, than I did with 1 and pray.
I used Daunting, divine glow, and chains for my solo run.
I used Daunting, divine glow, and astral shield for my group runs.
I used FF, Break the Spirit, and astral shield for my pvp runs.
My at-wills are Brand and Astral seal.
If my team was anything other than wet paper, we would win in pvp. Easy. The new stuff? People are going to run away from 3 spheres glowing around a DC because that means what they unleash is going to be a game changer.
As for NPCs? Dropping 1 spell and making a squad of weaklings vanish is fun. I can do that on live and I can do it faster/easier on test. Bring it on.
oh.. and for anyone wondering? I got a 10k GS. I'm not some super DC saying it's easy. I'm just above blues at 60 and I still see this stuff happening.
I feel that this will be our final chance to get Developer to look in-depth into core issues of the Cleric Class. Why it is so FUBAR in the first place in so many way. Whatever few of us DC should send a clear ultimatum by NOT playing in the Preview Shard. Clerics are dead if we just sit and do nothing.
Remove these mechanics:
1) Righteous. This simply has to go, no ifs no buts. Replace it with a new feat that grants 200% healing bonus on self.
2) Change all those circle drag and drop skills to instantaneous casting.
3) All power and effects under Divinity/Empower should be the baseline of the our default skills (which is already so underpowered). No more confusing micro managing of toggling.
4) Change our tab key into a CC immune mode which drain divinity slowly and grant a passive regeneration effect. If GF is the physical tank, we should be the Spell tank.
5) Give us ONE strong dps encounter skill (minimum daunting light x 5). I don't care about cooldown. As long as it keep enemies on their toe. Currently we don't pose any threat at all in PvP. We don't have any skill PvPer is afraid of.
6) Give us ONE strong dps at-will. Punishing light should be our baseline at-will but its damage has to go up by 200%. Casting speed (per tick) should also be halved.
7) Give us ONE long (minimum 4s) STUN encounter skill. We are seriously lacking in the CC department.
8) Minimum 3 dodges.
9) Give us ONE strong burst heal, currently we have none. Why call us healer if we can't burst heal?
10) Undo Hammer nerf.
11) Undo Astral Shield nerf. Make astral shield moves with us.
I feel that this will be our final chance to get Developer to look in-depth into core issues of the Cleric Class. Why it is so FUBAR in the first place in so many way. Whatever few of us DC should send a clear ultimatum by NOT playing in the Preview Shard. Clerics are dead if we just sit and do nothing.
Remove these mechanics:
1) Righteous. This simply has to go, no ifs no buts. Replace it with a new feat that grants 200% healing bonus on self.
2) Change all those circle drag and drop skills to instantaneous casting.
3) All power and effects under Divinity/Empower should be the baseline of the our default skills (which is already so underpowered). No more confusing micro managing of toggling.
4) Change our tab key into a CC immune mode which drain divinity slowly and grant a passive regeneration effect. If GF is the physical tank, we should be the Spell tank.
5) Give us ONE strong dps encounter skill (minimum daunting light x 5). I don't care about cooldown. As long as it keep enemies on their toe. Currently we don't pose any threat at all in PvP. We don't have any skill PvPer is afraid of.
6) Give us ONE strong dps at-will. Punishing light should be our baseline at-will but its damage has to go up by 200%. Casting speed (per tick) should also be halved.
7) Give us ONE long (minimum 4s) STUN encounter skill. We are seriously lacking in the CC department.
8) Minimum 3 dodges.
9) Give us ONE strong burst heal, currently we have none. Why call us healer if we can't burst heal?
10) Undo Hammer nerf.
11) Undo Astral Shield nerf. Make astral shield moves with us.
Lol and what more? Not sure if serious.
You already have a stun that you can chain 3 times in a row (Break the spirit), you don't need 3 dodges (You aren't a swift rogue), healing will already be OP in mod5, 200% boost to self-healing...just lol. And you even ask for a CC immune mode.... what?
You are not a DPS class, you are not supposed to pose a threat or be able to 1v1, you are a SUPPORT class and are supposed so stay that way.
Why don't you ask for an Encounter that summons Jesus himself and wipes everything off in 1-shot while you're at it?
So every class is a dps class except Cleric? It is precisely this ill-conceived notion that is ruining the class balance. Either make Cleric useful in PvP or remove class altogether. It will be nightmarish experience for new timer who unwittingly chose to play the Cleric class and leave the game in disgust thinking the Devs are incompetent.
Shadow5930 (Post #16) could be my doppelgänger (or vice-versa) as everything they said is verbatim how I feel about it all. I'm loving the new DC. For everyone else proclaim the 'end of the DC world as we know it!" You're right. So get to know the new world.
The thing is if you truly love playing the class in general, you'll like most of the new changes. If you are a firm believer in the Healing DC - you have your own Paragon path now. The same for you buffer/debuffer support types. The simple fact is that the DC was converted away from being a "Healer Cleric" in the first few weeks after launch.
Many are proclaiming the DC is "supposed" to be a Healer. If that's the case then Cryptic has had is wrong for almost two years. Then there are those proclaiming the Buff/Debuff "nerfs" are removing the whole "support class" aspect. Poppycock. The DC is still a support class and even more so now. The issue is that you've all trained yourself to be a"Jack of all trades and master of none." But now you must choose to be a master of one: Healing, Buffing/Debuffing, or Steamrolling DPSer. You want your cake and to eat it, too as you've always been able to. That cake was always just a little stale. The new cake is nicely moist and fresh.
In a party I spam Astral Seal, beyond that: take care of yourself, I'm not a baby-sitter. I'll throw out a Daunting Glow whenever I can but beyond that you need to do your (class-specific) job. If you want to go the "immersion" route: The SW gets his necrotic power from a Devil, The HR is all about tree-hugging, the CW is about book-worming, etcetera, etcetera.
So the DC gets their melting powers from the Gods. So what? Doesnt mean the DC has to be a DIVINE MEDIC and a virtual DIVINE SHEILD at the same time. LOL
Obviously all of the above in my own opinion. NOTE to all who disagree: I have no interest in changing your minds, and I am not calling anyone "wrong" or "misled" or anything else of that nature. I'm just throwing my own "too, sense" into it. I can respect that you don't like the changes, all I ask is that you respect that some of us do like the changes. Either way: it is what it is: A whole new DC world.
You are not a DPS class, you are not supposed to pose a threat or be able to 1v1, you are a SUPPORT class and are supposed so stay that way.
A question for you: how do you define "support class"? A servant to the rest of the party? I fully believe the DPS path is also a support method. In fact, the Cleric is not a "support class," the Cleric is a "Leader". There *is* a difference.
Clerics combine the helpful magic of healing and inspiring their allies with spells that harm and hinder foes. They can inspire awe and dread, lay curses of plague or poison, and even call down flames from heaven to consume their enemies. And sometimes evildoers benefit most from a mace to the head, so clerics don’t neglect combat training and can wade into a melee.
The said page is very unspecialized. As the same level in the tree of classes, you'll see fighter and it includes archer but it does not mean that a GF here in nwo should, besides his tankiness, also surpass an HR as far as using bows is concerned.
DnD then has Battle cleric, Devoted cleric. And guess which of the two is the fighting type of DC?
If Cryptic wants to introduce a fighting kind of Cleric, then Battle Cleric is fine, available and ready.
If *you* wish to be support. (undefined 'you' in this case as I'm not going to call anyone out and this is not the only place I've seen this comment at.) Then play it. live it. love it.
I enjoy the ranged boom I got. I've gotten a triple kill with my DC due to divine glow + daunting light both in divine mode combo. They were weak, they were mixing it up in the team. It was still a triple kill with my DC.. at 10k GS.
If you want to be a healer? Go ahead. They've made it so instead of having to try and hobble something together across multiple trees, you have a full tree with a capstone dedicated to it. This is huge! There are plenty of people that say 'we liked hybrid'. Ok.. so Hybrid. There isn't anything stopping you. Cryptic stated that the hybrid was weak. They wanted to make it stronger, to give people a reason to pick the capstone. Why? Because no one that hybrid support/heal did.
I'll certainly miss the AS heal.. it was nice and it was my clutch in PVE/PVP healing bit. The joy of the new system? Divine glow heals.. and I'm constantly putting it point blank to hit mobs swarming me. Hurt them. Debuff them. Heal me. win win!
I'm chomping at the bit waiting for mod 5 to go live. I'm gonna try to do more testing this weekend after the friday push to see if the new speed is good or what have you. I can easily see my DC be my main with this mod. I'll hurt stuff, heal as part of me blowing things up and will be 'support'ing the team by helping nuke stuff faster! Yay! Hybrid!
I hope the changes won't ruin our class, but instead will just add more diversity.
What really bothers me and turns me away into something different is the "artifact addiction of the devs". They want money I know, but this way of getting it ruins the game for the new players and makes the game pure grind....all other weapons are trash now...all off-hands are trash..belts..cloaks.....all is trash now because artifacts take their place. Their olly utility is the "augumentation pet" and "refinement points".
So much potential is being put into trash
That is certainly 1 way to see it. Fairly valid too.
Personally? I'm not to the point where I must "OMG GOTTAHAVEIT" for artifacts. Being an altaholic to start with, I've not really focused on 1 character to try and get something like that. In the mean time? What I do get and what I can have, is still useful. The legendary cap everything is *only* important in absolute bleeding edge top end PVP...
... and I'm here to play a game and enjoy myself.. not electronically whip it out to see who's top.
I hope the changes won't ruin our class, but instead will just add more diversity.
What really bothers me and turns me away into something different is the "artifact addiction of the devs". They want money I know, but this way of getting it ruins the game for the new players and makes the game pure grind....all other weapons are trash now...all off-hands are trash..belts..cloaks.....all is trash now because artifacts take their place. Their olly utility is the "augumentation pet" and "refinement points".
So much potential is being put into trash
Yes. And no. What you say only applies to level 60's who've already blasted through all the existing Mods and done all the existing delves and skirmishes. For everyone else, not so much. The "older" sets of armor and weapons and whatnot are all just fine as they are. The whole point is that it's a journey - and what you say is only true for those at the bleeding front- edge of that journey, but not for the majority of everyone else.
Personally? I'm not to the point where I must "OMG GOTTAHAVEIT" for artifacts. Being an altaholic to start with, I've not really focused on 1 character to try and get something like that. In the mean time? What I do get and what I can have, is still useful. The legendary cap everything is *only* important in absolute bleeding edge top end PVP...
... and I'm here to play a game and enjoy myself.. not electronically whip it out to see who's top.
And ditto this. What I suspect is that there are a lot more people thinking and feeling this way than the former. T1 Weapons and gear are very powerful and wanted by those people still playing that level of the game (difficulty level, not XP level).
Here is what I see a lot: NEW CONTENT NEEDED! I AM BORED!
Creating new Artifact gear with new capabilities IS adding new content.
So basically the game studio is really damned if they do, and damned if they don't; they get beotched about it for giving the players what those same players are beotching about.
Sometimes you just can't win for losing.
And no: I am not defending Cryptic or the Devs - I am speaking plain and simple TRUTH. LOL
"The thing is if you truly love playing the class in general"......
The reason why people loved playing the class could well be down to the existing game play mechanics, which are being forcibly removed. Of course that doesn't apply to the entire cleric player base - but it definitely does apply for some.
These changes are divisive - when there was no need for them to be.
...............vote for your favourite expansion.......... "Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity". ..............not this one then.............
I would like to point out that they aren't 'removing' the cleric capabilities. Can you heal? yes. Can you buff/debuff? yes. Can you DPS? yes. The same core things of what they did before mod 5 and what they do after it are exactly the same. The style of how it does it has changed. Absolutely. Even if they didn't do the empowerment? You would still have to deal with the changes. Feat changes require tweaks to styles. HR went through a re-write of their nature path to trapper. TR are also having a major disruption. Any of the classes that have been tweaked have had the same issue. It changes the game. A growing MMO is a changing MMO. That's just a fact of this type of game.
I would like to point out that they aren't 'removing' the cleric capabilities. Can you heal? yes. Can you buff/debuff? yes. Can you DPS? yes. The same core things of what they did before mod 5 and what they do after it are exactly the same. The style of how it does it has changed. Absolutely. Even if they didn't do the empowerment? You would still have to deal with the changes. Feat changes require tweaks to styles. HR went through a re-write of their nature path to trapper. TR are also having a major disruption. Any of the classes that have been tweaked have had the same issue. It changes the game. A growing MMO is a changing MMO. That's just a fact of this type of game.
Clerics can do everything better in mod 5. its just distasteful and not fair if u compare how many clicks other classes have to do for same results (better in dps ofc) . Its boooooooooring to spamm 4 DG + one empowered ability all the time . And to maxx u need to spend it quickly no what matter happens arround you .
General awareness of surrounding will go down for most Dc players ( in a tunnel vision mode trying to spot when "empowerment " pops in the thick of battle ).They will only care to go with melee to buff debuff - dps , and ranged casters can die at their leisure if they are kiting any mobs , or survive on their own .
This is a totally out of my mind game mechanic .Generally in this game teamwork doesn t play any role at all as long as ppl are individually skilled to stay alive while dps .
Healer was not needed from mod 4 and now in mod 5 mods melt like they are lvl1 rats . Maybe Action > all and i have to swallow it and make a personal choice if i like it or not and quit QQing . But ... i ..... can't ....
just enjoy this time
we will get nerf for sure.
sun burst penetrate guard and control resist
our damage over time is hugh
astral shield absorb ialot in pvp, the temp heals are nice as well
our divinity gain is very nice
casting time speed is crazy high. u can drop 3 FF in less then a sec
no cool time on divinity
our feats are so good that even "HAMSTER" feat like lasting wished who'd have been considered mazing feat before mode 5
the 3 dodges might be better then healing step
I am pretty sure they will nerf us soon. not because DC is overpowered
just because ppl don't like to see DC as good class
Well, there is still some time, ya not everything is working, that can be fixed.
What cannot be fixed is the two lackluster lines, they really need to BEEF up both the healing lines, like dramatically, or neither of them are worth the time. There isnt enough buffing going on on either or utility or anything.
I must say that I am a little bit excited about the new changes, but reading a lot of peoples comments here, there clearly are some ominous signs
One of the biggest of sets at moment that was dividing opinions was sunburst. But after official feedback we know where this power is going. The added HOT on divine mode makes this very interesting. What will happen is we will still use sunburst but only in divine mode, but not in normal mode, or be selective as where to use the knockback affect.
I've test the virtuous path for HOT, and it is amazing healing potential, you can easily heal 30k per tick just on BOH, that is not even DG included. Now with SB divine HOT, it makes it that much more potent.
simply close their eyes before reality...
You might not like it that much - there might be bugs - but i dont see how you cant benefit from all those changes
Raist Torilrocker | Dwarf | DCWaterdeep Dungeon & Salvage LLC
Doesn't mean anything because the spells are all discombobulated. The issue is that no balance has been achieved because there are so many bugs.
For players who like playing DCs in PvE groups the the changes are....not terribly impressive, to say the least.
Am I the only one that is annoyed by the fact that an artifact for the cleric class is allowed to be used by everyone, which ultimately means that it gives others faster nuclear bombs and thus makes the cleric even less necessary, and how useful is this artifact for the cleric itself in comparison ?
The DC artifact is probably one of the main reasons why there are still a number of DC population in the NW community. If it never happened or is nerfed to oblivion, expect our numbers to dwindle, less of course, we are all hoping for MOD 5 to be our saving grace
Isn't the mod5 class very good if you just forget the Devoted Cleric words?
Imagine you're new to the game. not wanting to assist, not wanting to heal, you just want to be tanky with a huge DPS. Won't you pick up DC?
Tired of Dailies/Tyranny of Dailies/Timers of Doom/Tricked Or Duped/Tremendously Obnoxious Dailies/Try Otherwise, Devs
That is true, but what about all the people that picked the cleric expecting to play the cleric role, but eventually find out that the game does not provide this opportunity ? Would you not want to provide the cleric something where they can still play their class, i.e. play dps.
They can heal as well. It's not the same tools to heal, however they do have heals, both as HoT and as direct. With your path choice dictating how much of a direct/hot you use. If you think this is different from before when most had to muddle through with a hybrid (with the rare few finding the right mix) as oppose to a full tree supporting you.. then you haven't been playing DC much?
I know for myself, I'm excited. I play a DPS cleric. I heal as part of my DPS. I buff as part of my DPS. I can actually provide bonus to players, while still melting people in holy fire. It's a good direction and I look forward to seeing how it pans out.
I think it is safe to assume that you just like the new one because it deals more DPS..
Is paingiver THAT important to justify playing the GIMPED playstyle ?
Let's be honest here.. the new playstyle of DC is CLUNKY. very much time spent @ the divine mode spamming for mediocre effects rather than the old strategical & fluid one..
Can you reserve the empowered stack for something in case situation arise most beneficial? No, you gotta use the empowered RIGHT AFTER the divine spamming.. Gotta admit, this new playstyle is nothing more than keyboard zerging & somewhat mindless to an extend... The old style, each encounter and their divine modes have their purpose, and ensure that 100% gonna be used...
Will you be using divine AS / HW / etc with the new style? No.. why? Bastion divine bastion are most likely gonna replace them as it has better effect. Moreover, divine HW & divine AS's temp HP does not stack (this is one example of the unsynergistic divine encounter)..
Also, Chain of Blazing Light is currently the most beneficial to spam as righteous DC. This, in turn, made other divine encounters more or less OBSOLETE [Yes, that includes divine daunting light too]. One of the reasons that the new system of DC playstyle is failing.
With the new system introduced, too many bugs are also generated... i dont think they're able to fix of all those before the release of mod 5.
Improving cleric DPS is highly achievable without needing to touch how divinity works.. It is utterly unnecessary to mess around with the divine mode which isnt broken in the first place... Why complicate a simple yet fluid system?
I like the new style because it does DPS. Yeah. That's pretty much what I said to start with.
I don't play a healer in a game that doesn't need healing. I don't use healing word. I don't use baston of health.
I could care less about paingiver. If it was removed, i'd be happier for it honestly. Isn't that where most of the grief comes from in PVE? where am I on the paingiver ranks? Whatever. I usually immediately shut it off after it opens as I have zero interest or care. My intent, my joy of playing in the game is winning vs the monsters. This also extends to winning vs the players.
I've seen plenty of post on here complaining about how the DC is in a poor spot. I've also seen plenty of posts on here from players who defy that and beat things, quickly, easily. PVE and PVP. I haven't played on the test server recently, but 2 weeks after it started I got on there and the speed increase for a DPS cleric doing stuff was substantial. I have more control with more chains, I have more power with divine glow and to top it off, daunting light hits and hurts even more.
See, the "old style" we spammed encounters and at-wills to switch to divine for our power shot. great. the "new style" we still spam stuff to get to divine mode, have our tier 2 abilities come out that does more/different effects and then we get to follow up with a finisher. Currently, DC is the only group with a true finisher. Are we as strong as CW? No. But heck, are CW as strong as what people say CWs can do on the forum? maybe 3 of them.
As for my spell load out? I never used HW. Anyone that I have tell me 'heal us' I tell them do it themselves first. I play my character to be in there mixing it up, not to babysit others. I'll miss the healing of AS. It was nice. However I have more tactical use of the system now, with 3 potential divine drops, than I did with 1 and pray.
I used Daunting, divine glow, and chains for my solo run.
I used Daunting, divine glow, and astral shield for my group runs.
I used FF, Break the Spirit, and astral shield for my pvp runs.
My at-wills are Brand and Astral seal.
If my team was anything other than wet paper, we would win in pvp. Easy. The new stuff? People are going to run away from 3 spheres glowing around a DC because that means what they unleash is going to be a game changer.
As for NPCs? Dropping 1 spell and making a squad of weaklings vanish is fun. I can do that on live and I can do it faster/easier on test. Bring it on.
oh.. and for anyone wondering? I got a 10k GS. I'm not some super DC saying it's easy. I'm just above blues at 60 and I still see this stuff happening.
But then again, clerics have been neglected for far too long so we'll see how overpowered clerics do in the next module.
Remove these mechanics:
1) Righteous. This simply has to go, no ifs no buts. Replace it with a new feat that grants 200% healing bonus on self.
2) Change all those circle drag and drop skills to instantaneous casting.
3) All power and effects under Divinity/Empower should be the baseline of the our default skills (which is already so underpowered). No more confusing micro managing of toggling.
4) Change our tab key into a CC immune mode which drain divinity slowly and grant a passive regeneration effect. If GF is the physical tank, we should be the Spell tank.
5) Give us ONE strong dps encounter skill (minimum daunting light x 5). I don't care about cooldown. As long as it keep enemies on their toe. Currently we don't pose any threat at all in PvP. We don't have any skill PvPer is afraid of.
6) Give us ONE strong dps at-will. Punishing light should be our baseline at-will but its damage has to go up by 200%. Casting speed (per tick) should also be halved.
7) Give us ONE long (minimum 4s) STUN encounter skill. We are seriously lacking in the CC department.
8) Minimum 3 dodges.
9) Give us ONE strong burst heal, currently we have none. Why call us healer if we can't burst heal?
10) Undo Hammer nerf.
11) Undo Astral Shield nerf. Make astral shield moves with us.
Lol and what more? Not sure if serious.
You already have a stun that you can chain 3 times in a row (Break the spirit), you don't need 3 dodges (You aren't a swift rogue), healing will already be OP in mod5, 200% boost to self-healing...just lol. And you even ask for a CC immune mode.... what?
You are not a DPS class, you are not supposed to pose a threat or be able to 1v1, you are a SUPPORT class and are supposed so stay that way.
Why don't you ask for an Encounter that summons Jesus himself and wipes everything off in 1-shot while you're at it?
Shadow5930 (Post #16) could be my doppelgänger (or vice-versa) as everything they said is verbatim how I feel about it all. I'm loving the new DC. For everyone else proclaim the 'end of the DC world as we know it!" You're right. So get to know the new world.
The thing is if you truly love playing the class in general, you'll like most of the new changes. If you are a firm believer in the Healing DC - you have your own Paragon path now. The same for you buffer/debuffer support types. The simple fact is that the DC was converted away from being a "Healer Cleric" in the first few weeks after launch.
Many are proclaiming the DC is "supposed" to be a Healer. If that's the case then Cryptic has had is wrong for almost two years. Then there are those proclaiming the Buff/Debuff "nerfs" are removing the whole "support class" aspect. Poppycock. The DC is still a support class and even more so now. The issue is that you've all trained yourself to be a"Jack of all trades and master of none." But now you must choose to be a master of one: Healing, Buffing/Debuffing, or Steamrolling DPSer. You want your cake and to eat it, too as you've always been able to. That cake was always just a little stale. The new cake is nicely moist and fresh.
In a party I spam Astral Seal, beyond that: take care of yourself, I'm not a baby-sitter. I'll throw out a Daunting Glow whenever I can but beyond that you need to do your (class-specific) job. If you want to go the "immersion" route: The SW gets his necrotic power from a Devil, The HR is all about tree-hugging, the CW is about book-worming, etcetera, etcetera.
So the DC gets their melting powers from the Gods. So what? Doesnt mean the DC has to be a DIVINE MEDIC and a virtual DIVINE SHEILD at the same time. LOL
Obviously all of the above in my own opinion. NOTE to all who disagree: I have no interest in changing your minds, and I am not calling anyone "wrong" or "misled" or anything else of that nature. I'm just throwing my own "too, sense" into it. I can respect that you don't like the changes, all I ask is that you respect that some of us do like the changes. Either way: it is what it is: A whole new DC world.
A question for you: how do you define "support class"? A servant to the rest of the party? I fully believe the DPS path is also a support method. In fact, the Cleric is not a "support class," the Cleric is a "Leader". There *is* a difference.
I present hence for your edification:
By the way: we are now officially at 5th edition.
and this quote: From this official D&D page:
As for what a party LEADER is:
DnD then has Battle cleric, Devoted cleric. And guess which of the two is the fighting type of DC?
If Cryptic wants to introduce a fighting kind of Cleric, then Battle Cleric is fine, available and ready.
If *you* wish to be support. (undefined 'you' in this case as I'm not going to call anyone out and this is not the only place I've seen this comment at.) Then play it. live it. love it.
I enjoy the ranged boom I got. I've gotten a triple kill with my DC due to divine glow + daunting light both in divine mode combo. They were weak, they were mixing it up in the team. It was still a triple kill with my DC.. at 10k GS.
If you want to be a healer? Go ahead. They've made it so instead of having to try and hobble something together across multiple trees, you have a full tree with a capstone dedicated to it. This is huge! There are plenty of people that say 'we liked hybrid'. Ok.. so Hybrid. There isn't anything stopping you. Cryptic stated that the hybrid was weak. They wanted to make it stronger, to give people a reason to pick the capstone. Why? Because no one that hybrid support/heal did.
I'll certainly miss the AS heal.. it was nice and it was my clutch in PVE/PVP healing bit. The joy of the new system? Divine glow heals.. and I'm constantly putting it point blank to hit mobs swarming me. Hurt them. Debuff them. Heal me. win win!
I'm chomping at the bit waiting for mod 5 to go live. I'm gonna try to do more testing this weekend after the friday push to see if the new speed is good or what have you. I can easily see my DC be my main with this mod. I'll hurt stuff, heal as part of me blowing things up and will be 'support'ing the team by helping nuke stuff faster! Yay! Hybrid!
What really bothers me and turns me away into something different is the "artifact addiction of the devs". They want money I know, but this way of getting it ruins the game for the new players and makes the game pure grind....all other weapons are trash now...all off-hands are trash..belts..cloaks.....all is trash now because artifacts take their place. Their olly utility is the "augumentation pet" and "refinement points".
So much potential is being put into trash
Personally? I'm not to the point where I must "OMG GOTTAHAVEIT" for artifacts. Being an altaholic to start with, I've not really focused on 1 character to try and get something like that. In the mean time? What I do get and what I can have, is still useful. The legendary cap everything is *only* important in absolute bleeding edge top end PVP...
... and I'm here to play a game and enjoy myself.. not electronically whip it out to see who's top.
Yes. And no. What you say only applies to level 60's who've already blasted through all the existing Mods and done all the existing delves and skirmishes. For everyone else, not so much. The "older" sets of armor and weapons and whatnot are all just fine as they are. The whole point is that it's a journey - and what you say is only true for those at the bleeding front- edge of that journey, but not for the majority of everyone else.
And ditto this. What I suspect is that there are a lot more people thinking and feeling this way than the former. T1 Weapons and gear are very powerful and wanted by those people still playing that level of the game (difficulty level, not XP level).
Here is what I see a lot: NEW CONTENT NEEDED! I AM BORED!
Creating new Artifact gear with new capabilities IS adding new content.
So basically the game studio is really damned if they do, and damned if they don't; they get beotched about it for giving the players what those same players are beotching about.
Sometimes you just can't win for losing.
And no: I am not defending Cryptic or the Devs - I am speaking plain and simple TRUTH. LOL
The reason why people loved playing the class could well be down to the existing game play mechanics, which are being forcibly removed. Of course that doesn't apply to the entire cleric player base - but it definitely does apply for some.
These changes are divisive - when there was no need for them to be.
"Mod 6. Oh my f****** god. It gutted the game pure and simple. And what wasn't gutted was messed up by the poorly thought out new level cap and equip. The game never recovered from that atrocity".
..............not this one then.............
Clerics can do everything better in mod 5. its just distasteful and not fair if u compare how many clicks other classes have to do for same results (better in dps ofc) . Its boooooooooring to spamm 4 DG + one empowered ability all the time . And to maxx u need to spend it quickly no what matter happens arround you .
General awareness of surrounding will go down for most Dc players ( in a tunnel vision mode trying to spot when "empowerment " pops in the thick of battle ).They will only care to go with melee to buff debuff - dps , and ranged casters can die at their leisure if they are kiting any mobs , or survive on their own .
This is a totally out of my mind game mechanic .Generally in this game teamwork doesn t play any role at all as long as ppl are individually skilled to stay alive while dps .
Healer was not needed from mod 4 and now in mod 5 mods melt like they are lvl1 rats . Maybe Action > all and i have to swallow it and make a personal choice if i like it or not and quit QQing . But ... i ..... can't ....
we will get nerf for sure.
sun burst penetrate guard and control resist
our damage over time is hugh
astral shield absorb ialot in pvp, the temp heals are nice as well
our divinity gain is very nice
casting time speed is crazy high. u can drop 3 FF in less then a sec
no cool time on divinity
our feats are so good that even "HAMSTER" feat like lasting wished who'd have been considered mazing feat before mode 5
the 3 dodges might be better then healing step
I am pretty sure they will nerf us soon. not because DC is overpowered
just because ppl don't like to see DC as good class
so enjoy the moment