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Please Cool it with the Events



  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    You don't have to play the events, the rewards are usually bad anyway with the exception of 1 or 2 items so you don't need to do them. I would prefer the events how they are now but with just better loot.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • radiotubbyradiotubby Member Posts: 36
    edited September 2014
    huajia2 wrote: »
    Contest and Events are completely different from dailies. People choose whether to do dailies or spend their time on an event, yes. Some people like one event over an other as well. I barely visited Seige enough to do some of the fights, before leaving to do other things. I played for hours in the Summer Festival, long after doing my event daily, and ignored my current quests to do it. But I also knew those quests and dailies would be there to do once the event was over.

    You can't compare contests/events and dailies/regular content. You hold an event in order to draw people in. You want people to choose to do the event over what they'd normally do. Otherwise, you would not have an event. There'd be no purpose to hold it. So people do ignore their dailies and other things they'd normally participate in because an event is occuring.

    A contest IS an event. NW is a game, with a limited number of players. They don't hold two events at the same time, and they should schedule their contests between their events, not during. If you take a moment to look at the thread:

    Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Official Contest Thread

    The rules state: Each batch of entries will be featured for 1 week at a time and we will only count the stars accumulated during that week.

    That means that those whose quests were featured during the event cannot "make up" for lost time. That was their one chance at the prize, and they had to compete with not only with dailies, dungeons, ect, but the Seige event on top of it. I didn't enter the contest myself, but it does seem unfair to those whose turn it was that week.

    Events are not one off. They don't come daily or weekly but events like CTA come about once a month. And you don't really miss a lot if you miss or don't participate in most of these events as their rewards are mostly tradeable. Seasonal events like the Summer Festival are different though as they only come once a year but in general I don't see events affect what most people do as the Iron Tabanacle and Dominion PvP queues still popped every 2 or 3 minutes when Siege was running recently.

    New players probably will get drawn into events as they haven't experienced them before but to the majority of players, events just give them varieties over regular daily and weekly events.
  • sprawlfxsprawlfx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    huajia2 wrote: »
    Contest and Events are completely different from dailies. People choose whether to do dailies or spend their time on an event, yes. Some people like one event over an other as well. I barely visited Seige enough to do some of the fights, before leaving to do other things. I played for hours in the Summer Festival, long after doing my event daily, and ignored my current quests to do it. But I also knew those quests and dailies would be there to do once the event was over.

    You can't compare contests/events and dailies/regular content. You hold an event in order to draw people in. You want people to choose to do the event over what they'd normally do. Otherwise, you would not have an event. There'd be no purpose to hold it. So people do ignore their dailies and other things they'd normally participate in because an event is occuring.

    A contest IS an event. NW is a game, with a limited number of players. They don't hold two events at the same time, and they should schedule their contests between their events, not during. If you take a moment to look at the thread:

    Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Official Contest Thread

    The rules state: Each batch of entries will be featured for 1 week at a time and we will only count the stars accumulated during that week.

    That means that those whose quests were featured during the event cannot "make up" for lost time. That was their one chance at the prize, and they had to compete with not only with dailies, dungeons, ect, but the Seige event on top of it. I didn't enter the contest myself, but it does seem unfair to those whose turn it was that week.

    Well said. Still, some will not get it.

    Again, it comes down to scheduling and management on the part of the game masters. A contest like this can be run over a length of time, but needs to be suspended during another event, like a CTA or the summer squash soup festival or whatever. The contest's chance to win should not be restricted to those who chanced to be featured during a week when one of these was not taking place.

    Really, considering the amount of work that these authors put in.. it should be expected that such a contest would take a long period of time to resolve.

    So again.. a halt of Events should not be the request, but a better mastery of scheduling practices is surely called for.

    Without intending insult.. the designers of this contest defeated their own purpose.. and pretty much wasted the time of most if not all of the participants. This contest was intended to blow trumpets for ToD.. but it has turned out to be a bundle of heartache for most who even noticed it, but more so for the people who spent their time trying to create content for it... increased that due to their lack of permissions were not able to reward players enough that they would want to play..

    A great resource, is the foundry. Totally squandered because the folks who offer it are not willing to let the folks who fill the coffers have any license. Incredibly sad.. makes me laugh out loud at the goonies who give the game points for having a foundry. It is ultimately a tease.
  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Here's how I see it: there are specific EVENTS (Timed things, usually running for a weekend, sometimes for a couple weeks - usually involving in-game activity). Then there are contests, such as the currently running Foundry contest - zero relation. Then there are Dailies, and though a Daily "event" is timed, it's a recurring activity based on hourly time-limiting.

    Because a "Daily" occurs several times each day forever and ever it is not an event. It is a Daily.
    Because a contest is usually out-of-game and involve "offline" activity it is not an event. It is a contest.

    Here's the thing: there are people complaining (some of them very loudly and passionately) there there isn't enough to do in-game. Events and contests are intended to help alleviate that concern. Now we have suggestion that there is too much content?

    As I've stated before: my personal feeling is that everything is paced just about right as it is; not too often, yet often enough. :)
  • runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    sprawlfx wrote: »
    W.T.H. are you guys griefing this poster? It is NOT too much to ask that NW game masters schedule their stuff intelligently. That is all he is doing, even though on the surface (and apparently too many are incapable of looking beyond the surface...) it may look like he is attacking events.

    They kinda asked for it. I agree with the intent of the post. Which is that its silly to have a Foundry Contest Event at the same time as other Events. And to please not do that. But most aren't going to look past the title "Please Cool It With The Events". Even the OP himself seems to refer to the Foundry contest as if it wasn't a full fledged event.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    runebane wrote: »
    They kinda asked for it. I agree with the intent of the post. Which is that its silly to have a Foundry Contest Event at the same time as other Events. And to please not do that. But most aren't going to look past the title "Please Cool It With The Events". Even the OP himself seems to refer to the Foundry contest as if it wasn't a full fledged event.

    What people forget is: Foundry contest has been going on for MONTHS (almost four months now) - should we suspend all events for this time period?

    You decide.

    I get it with the OP and what he's saying, and that's fair. it can be frustrating to try doing "it all", but it is what it is.
  • runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    sprawlfx wrote: »
    A great resource, is the foundry. Totally squandered because the folks who offer it are not willing to let the folks who fill the coffers have any license. Incredibly sad.. makes me laugh out loud at the goonies who give the game points for having a foundry. It is ultimately a tease.

    The main thing the foundry needs is some kind of reward system. Well that and a way to add boss fights. Players can make some very nice quests. I tinker with it some. But my stuff is simple compared to in-depth quests I've played that can only be described as works of art. Some of them are just amazing. But most will never see them. Because their is no real reward for running them. I think we got kinda off from the contest/event issue though.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
  • runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    What people forget is: Foundry contest has been going on for MONTHS (almost four months now) - should we suspend all events for this time period?

    Pretty sure its been less than a month so far. Though I don't know how long it is to continue. If the post in the foundry forum by Akromatik is correct they just started featuring the quests on the 2nd.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    If anything, I think this "contest" puts a spotlight on how much love the Foundry actually needs.

    The toolset is pretty awesome, and a lot of authors put huge amounts of love into it. But there's not a lot of motivation to run through these things and get a taste for them.

    It's something Cryptic needs to look into.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    runebane wrote: »
    Pretty sure its been less than a month so far. Though I don't know how long it is to continue. If the post in the foundry forum by Akromatik is correct they just started featuring the quests on the 2nd.

    It started in July, I think - to give time for authors to actually create their quests... but that's moot; the point is that Contests, Dailies, and in-game "events" are all non-related; each is a completely different beast and offers players completely different experiences. This is my primary point in this thread.

    As for the OP: I get it, I understand the argument. My position is that things are okay the way they are, that's all. :)
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Problem isnt events, its the ToD campaign.

    Remove the need to spend hours upon hours of dailies and Viola events could be fun again.. stress Could.. as frankly none of them are worth it anymore.

    They seem to be either pay to earn or ignore events , you cant even farm r5s out of most of them anymore.

    CTA 6-8 months ago could net you a stack of 99 blues if you ran it over the weekend.
  • runebanerunebane Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    It started in July, I think - to give time for authors to actually create their quests...

    Think I just disagree here on a technicality. Time to make the quests doesn't really count in this. The complaint is based on other players not having time to play and rate the quests. Which you could not do before the the 2nd. Less than a month ago. With so many entries though, you might well wind up being right anyway though. I could see them taking 4 months to get all the entries featured.

    My main issue with it is that I feel their isn't any reason for players to actually run the foundry contest quests. So anything else going on will detract from it more. More so than daily quests for example. That have their own rewards.
    Halgarth's Legacy - NWS-DSTGFZHFR
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    Ive stopped running foundries.. who the heck has time for foundries.

    6 60's now, all with dailies to run, I of course dont do them all, I sort of play one till i get sick of the stupid dailies, then do another class and rinse and repeat, while cursing the stupid design of stupid dailies.
  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    runebane wrote: »
    My main issue with it is that I feel their isn't any reason for players to actually run the foundry contest quests. So anything else going on will detract from it more. More so than daily quests for example. That have their own rewards.

    I concur. I just finished a new one and I don't expect it to get many (if any) plays at all (so I wrote a comic book to substitute - pathetic, right?)

    In the end, the events, dailies and anything else going on doesn't affect Foundry at all. The problem is player apathy and hence: I concur with you: better incentives to actually play the foundry is sorely needed and in a bad way. One suggestion (that I really like) is: new tokens (oh, Gawd not *another* currency... I know) that can be used to "purchase" *exclusive* vendor content - stuff not available in any other way.

    it doesn't even have to be gear, it could be the kind of special stuff like what we get in events.

    The problem with the Foundry isn't events or dailies or anything else; the problem with Foundry is the Foundry: only 1 in 1000 quests (literally) is even worth spending more than 5 minutes in. People really ARE playing the foundry, but they don't trust author descriptions so they rely on featured quests. The contest entries are featured, but when there's a list of ten or fifteen at once, only those listed at the top will get plays. And not every genre of quest suits everyone.

    -oh well-
  • djarkaandjarkaan Member Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited September 2014
    I wish they took more time to polish the events rather then rush them like they do any content.

    Fix the typos, give the reward all they require(ie Sca dice on companions, etc).
  • bardaaronbardaaron Member Posts: 545 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2014
    Actually, if they suspended the Foundry contest temporarily during weeks where these events were scheduled, that would work too. I mean, it would stretch it out even longer, but as long as they aren't in direct competition, I'd be satisfied. It's true that the devs defeated their own purpose with the contest. This has all been so ridiculous.
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