LoL - List of bugs: - Fire trap balls sometimes are not loaded properly and they don t appear at all (invisible)
- Scorpion bosses sometimes have arggo fluctuations
- Scorpion bosses fire blast cannot be guarded by GFs
- before entering the last boss area you need to fight the cult army which is lvl 20 apparently...
- in the same areas mobs that come from the sides walk on a invisible wall
- the cave chunks that fall off can t be guarded by GFs and don't respect CC imune from Villain's Menace (partially fixed, VM still has some problems, sometimes)
- the fireballs can t be guarded by GFs (some of them are fixed, but where the way splits in 3 the left path has some problems)
- Cave chunks and fireballs sometimes are bugged and even though u are not in their area they will hit u
- Lostmauth doesn't despawns correctly so if u die and release if everyone already picked their reward after they killed him he will respawn and u won t be able to get your chest
LoL - Related bugs: - T3 rings are not salvageable.(Fixed)
Please add to this list anything you see in LoL bugged or related to LoL.
Final Boss doesn't drop anything in epic version. I've completed the epic lair 7 times so far and haven't seen him drop anything noteworthy.
I don t think that the dungeon has any drops just the chest... this was on the preview too... so maybe it s not a bug it s how it was made to be... but until I don t see a official response... it can be considered a bug.
Final Boss doesn't drop anything in epic version. I've completed the epic lair 7 times so far and haven't seen him drop anything noteworthy.
Final boss can drop almost everything, afaik, from the chest but in a BoE version, but the drop rates are very low. There is no guaranteed drop for defeating the bosses. I've done 23 epic LoL runs by now and have seen 3 draconic armor and a main hand drop from the boss, all BoE. You can check the AH there are a few MHs and armors for sale, those were all dropped by the boss.
Considering how easy and short the dungeon is, it's better this way, because if you would get a BoE purple on every run, the items would be worth nothing.
On topic:
The timings of the attacks and the hitboxes are really messed up in the entire dungeon, but it's mostly noticeable during the last boss fight.
- You can be one-hitted by nothing during the last boss fight, missing animations or idk;
- Fireballs can sometimes hit you while standing several feet away from it, while other times i've seen it pass through me without doing any damage;
- Fireballs can hit before they appear;
- Falling cave pieces sometimes land before the red area even appears;
- Falling cave pieces does not respect CC immunity, was CC'd by it several times in the middle of a dodge on my CW;
- For some unknown reason the power stat decreases w/o any debuff affecting me. Most power lost was 1400. It only happened to me in this dungeon;
- Dragon wing attack pushes you backwards even if you don't stand in the red. You won't be flying but you'll be pushed backwards;
You really need to sort out the timings on those attacks, since if you're playing from Europe the Force has to be strong with you But seriously, several attacks hit before you even see the danger, let alone have time to react.
I had no problem opening the DD chests with the key, but you can't buy them after the boss is dead, like you can in every other dungeon. You need to have the keys before you start fighting the last boss, prob before you enter the dungeon.
Also, i've encountered another very funny bug. You can be targeted and killed by the laser attack of Lostmauth outside of the fighting area. A few runs ago i've died during the last boss fight and i've watched the fight from outside the zone, from where you enter, and then i've noticed that the boss' laser attack locked on me. I didn't dodge it to see if it would actually hit me and it did, it dealt 66k dmg to me, while watching the fight from the sidelines. This happened 2 times during the same fight, and both of them one-shotted me. I guess Lostmauth though i'm bored and need to do some dodging
I had no problem opening the DD chests with the key, but you can't buy them after the boss is dead, like you can in every other dungeon. You need to have the keys before you start fighting the last boss, prob before you enter the dungeon.
I have a key for quite a while in my inventory and it doesn't works + I've run a LoL with a couple of my guild mates and one of them couldn't open the chest too so...
Final Boss doesn't drop anything in epic version. I've completed the epic lair 7 times so far and haven't seen him drop anything noteworthy.
I just did it and he dropped the Draconic bow(?) also got a T3 Ring that couldn't salvage and was marked as BoE in the chest but became character bound when I took it.
I just did it and he dropped the Draconic bow(?) also got a T3 Ring that couldn't salvage and was marked as BoE in the chest but became character bound when I took it.
I don't know if the rings drop from the boss too, cause if they do then they are BoE just like the weapon, but the ones in the chest are BoP
The loot from the Arcane chest did not appear in my inventory after looting the chest. This happened to me twice now and I lost out on the CW orb and a ring. I am not sure if this has anything to do with the bug but my bags were full when I tried to loot. I assumed it would just go to my overflow like all other chest loot but it did not and after I looted the chest it became unlootable. So before you loot the chest remember to make some room in your bags just in case.
Arcane dragon key chests display incorrect info. Before I accepted loot, there was Ring of Pain in. After accepting it I got something completely different I wouldn't have accepted otherwise. It was either Ring of Evasion or Shielding (i'm not certain which came from which Chest, since I opened two of them, but neither was Ring of Pain, obviously).
And yeah, I can't even salvage this junk.
Bids he then the spruces to singer him an anthems!
And the Woodsie Lord binders them fleshes to stone!
Yesterday at around 12:15 PM, I opened an Arcane chest with Dragon Gem in it.
Key got consumed and I didn't get the loot, any chance someone can have a look at it, give me the dragon gem or refund the key ? (which is worth one whole day farming).
It is funny - no one complains about 2nd dragon fight. Almost every time I ran dungeon party insisted to fight dragon twice. Not that it dropped anything, but 2nd fight is much easier.
- the cave chunks that fall off can t be guarded by GFs and don't respect CC imune from Villain's Menace
- Cave chunks and fireballs sometimes are bugged and even though u are not in their area they will hit u
Still out there even though the GF gurad is CC imune.
And thank you for fixing a couple of those problems.
I just experienced the Lostmauth chest bug tonight. Supposed to get a dragon gem, but nothing appeared in my inventory. So lose the gem AND lose the key and have to wait 2 days to get another arcane dragon key (got a mystic going right now, have to wait until doing tomorrow's dailies to start on another arcane one).
The DD key bug was one thing, you just couldn't use it so you got nothing but didn't lose anything. This one's unacceptable.
Just call me Rod. Member of Grievance! CW: Rodrant Turnbul TR: Rodran DC: Rodrat GWF: ROARdrant TurnBRAWL Other GWF: Shieldrant HR: Bowdrant SW: Wardrant Turnlock (my main!) OP: Paladrant (on Preview!)
- Scorpion bosses fire blast cannot be guarded by GFs
Since this description seems a bit fuzzy I need to add something to this: I m talking about the power that puts a lava area on the ground.
Also: This power has sometimes wrong red areas and most of the time it will have 2 red areas one under the scorpion and the other where it s supposed to land.
Other bugs: Lostmauth wings flap power can sometimes avoid CC imunity (or the response time of the GF guard is to blame)
aulduronMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,351Arc User
Yesterday at around 12:15 PM, I opened an Arcane chest with Dragon Gem in it.
Key got consumed and I didn't get the loot, any chance someone can have a look at it, give me the dragon gem or refund the key ? (which is worth one whole day farming).
Anyone had something similar happening ?
I had empty slots in my inventory.
This happened to me too. The chest showed an orb and a gem. I got the orb, but no gem. I'd have never wasted a key on just the orb
l3g10nna1reMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 372Arc User
edited September 2014
Just did my first 6 runs in Epic LOL and not impressed
1: Red areas are far from "Precise" Even have screen shots of me outside red area and getting hit. This refers to Dropping objects / Breath
2: Mobs DPS is insane Getting hit for up to 40k without red attacks ? Example Acid backstab (36668) (42334)
3: SW healers really Dont cut it in this and yet most of the time they seem to queue for it as healer rather than Cleric
(3 runs with DC we did it fine 3 runs we did it with a SW healing wiped) to much damage im the boss fight
Dropping objects
Whizzing fire balls
aoe fire attacks
if people aren't standing properly tail attacks
pretty much be chain proned if your not very very very careful
It is funny - no one complains about 2nd dragon fight. Almost every time I ran dungeon party insisted to fight dragon twice. Not that it dropped anything, but 2nd fight is much easier.
The funny thing is that the 2 drops i saw from this dragon in more tan 50 tries where in the second round you speak about.
You need more HP, more Life Steal. Some regen. Enough pots. I'd say by now even in PvE the HP should be 30K+, people neglect tankyness completely in this game for DPS.
With 1000 LS/Regen, Endless Consumption and 30k HP, I think a squishie can solo the last boss and tank through all damage without much challenge.
Something i really hate from LoL is the ultra combo/fatality/whatever you called it, in which some invisible force hit me (cause i cant see anything) push me back to ground, something fall on me from up push me more into (OH!!) the dragon main attack red zone. bye bye life 1. If by chance i survived that and shift elsewere another thing falls from top (i can evade it no matter what if im in the fall zone and sometimes they seem to be homing missiles). I can hear the dragon saying Finish him!!!.
I don t think that the dungeon has any drops just the chest... this was on the preview too... so maybe it s not a bug it s how it was made to be... but until I don t see a official response... it can be considered a bug.
Final boss can drop almost everything, afaik, from the chest but in a BoE version, but the drop rates are very low. There is no guaranteed drop for defeating the bosses. I've done 23 epic LoL runs by now and have seen 3 draconic armor and a main hand drop from the boss, all BoE. You can check the AH there are a few MHs and armors for sale, those were all dropped by the boss.
Considering how easy and short the dungeon is, it's better this way, because if you would get a BoE purple on every run, the items would be worth nothing.
On topic:
The timings of the attacks and the hitboxes are really messed up in the entire dungeon, but it's mostly noticeable during the last boss fight.
- You can be one-hitted by nothing during the last boss fight, missing animations or idk;
- Fireballs can sometimes hit you while standing several feet away from it, while other times i've seen it pass through me without doing any damage;
- Fireballs can hit before they appear;
- Falling cave pieces sometimes land before the red area even appears;
- Falling cave pieces does not respect CC immunity, was CC'd by it several times in the middle of a dodge on my CW;
- For some unknown reason the power stat decreases w/o any debuff affecting me. Most power lost was 1400. It only happened to me in this dungeon;
- Dragon wing attack pushes you backwards even if you don't stand in the red. You won't be flying but you'll be pushed backwards;
You really need to sort out the timings on those attacks, since if you're playing from Europe the Force has to be strong with you
look up, already posted.
I had no problem opening the DD chests with the key, but you can't buy them after the boss is dead, like you can in every other dungeon. You need to have the keys before you start fighting the last boss, prob before you enter the dungeon.
Also, i've encountered another very funny bug. You can be targeted and killed by the laser attack of Lostmauth outside of the fighting area. A few runs ago i've died during the last boss fight and i've watched the fight from outside the zone, from where you enter, and then i've noticed that the boss' laser attack locked on me. I didn't dodge it to see if it would actually hit me and it did, it dealt 66k dmg to me, while watching the fight from the sidelines. This happened 2 times during the same fight, and both of them one-shotted me. I guess Lostmauth though i'm bored and need to do some dodging
I have a key for quite a while in my inventory and it doesn't works + I've run a LoL with a couple of my guild mates and one of them couldn't open the chest too so...
This probably is available, also, for HR's Murderer's Escape or GWF's jump ability
I just did it and he dropped the Draconic bow(?) also got a T3 Ring that couldn't salvage and was marked as BoE in the chest but became character bound when I took it.
I don't know if the rings drop from the boss too, cause if they do then they are BoE just like the weapon, but the ones in the chest are BoP
And yeah, I can't even salvage this junk.
Key got consumed and I didn't get the loot, any chance someone can have a look at it, give me the dragon gem or refund the key ? (which is worth one whole day farming).
Anyone had something similar happening ?
I had empty slots in my inventory.
Key got consumed and i didn't get the loot either. My inventory had like 6 empty spaces.
What a shame. I'm so mad. :-(
Trickster Rogue
Still out there even though the GF gurad is CC imune.
And thank you for fixing a couple of those problems.
The DD key bug was one thing, you just couldn't use it so you got nothing but didn't lose anything. This one's unacceptable.
CW: Rodrant Turnbul
TR: Rodran
DC: Rodrat
Other GWF: Shieldrant
HR: Bowdrant
SW: Wardrant Turnlock (my main!)
OP: Paladrant (on Preview!)
Since this description seems a bit fuzzy I need to add something to this: I m talking about the power that puts a lava area on the ground.
Also: This power has sometimes wrong red areas and most of the time it will have 2 red areas one under the scorpion and the other where it s supposed to land.
Other bugs: Lostmauth wings flap power can sometimes avoid CC imunity (or the response time of the GF guard is to blame)
This happened to me too. The chest showed an orb and a gem. I got the orb, but no gem. I'd have never wasted a key on just the orb
1: Red areas are far from "Precise" Even have screen shots of me outside red area and getting hit. This refers to Dropping objects / Breath
2: Mobs DPS is insane Getting hit for up to 40k without red attacks ? Example Acid backstab (36668) (42334)
3: SW healers really Dont cut it in this and yet most of the time they seem to queue for it as healer rather than Cleric
(3 runs with DC we did it fine 3 runs we did it with a SW healing wiped) to much damage im the boss fight
Dropping objects
Whizzing fire balls
aoe fire attacks
if people aren't standing properly tail attacks
pretty much be chain proned if your not very very very careful
- All rings are salvageable
- 1st and 2nd boss drop
The funny thing is that the 2 drops i saw from this dragon in more tan 50 tries where in the second round you speak about.
With 1000 LS/Regen, Endless Consumption and 30k HP, I think a squishie can solo the last boss and tank through all damage without much challenge.