I'm currently working offshore atm and haven't experienced any mod 4 changes or content but have done plenty of reading on the forums.
I PvP mostly with a bit of PvE (dailies etc) so I will be changing over to combat for obvious reasons. However I'm at a loss of what path I should take. I see pros and cons with both and can't decide.
I'm leaning more towards SW as I believe this would be more beneficial for the AoE damage in PvP and PvE. I'm almost always fighting 2 or more in Domination at any 1 time. I believe PF would be better single target DPS?
I guess for PvP as SW, I would be using AotLW/Blade Storm, CtG/AStrike, MR/BC/RoS.
As a PF, AotLW/???, CA/A Strike, MR/BC/RoS.
Please enlighten me as I'm pretty clueless.
Now on to enchants and gear.
I will be aiming (no pun intended) for the Profound gear with deflection on it, however I'm at a loss of what enchants to buy for it. Should I be stacking Deflection, LS or HP's etc. What about Pwr, AP?
I have the mats to build a Perfect Lifedrinker for my main hand, is this worth it? If not should I sell it and use the AD's elsewhere, and on what?
What about companions, I was looking at the Blacksmith, cat, dancing shield, skeletal dog etc
Well that's about it, bit long winded but like I say I'm clueless. Any help appreciated.