Please tell me you are not serious with this patch.
Sudden Storm before - about 30k dmg, now 11-13k. a nerf of over half. wow just wow
Shard before - didn't really notice the initial dmg before but Shardsplosion before = about 30k, now 7-8k. nerf of more than 66%, this is a bug or something right?
also noticed the shard pushed right thru not 2 but 3 enemies without exploding or even knocking them prone. did basically nothing. obvious bug (new bug)..
if these changes are intended you can tender my resignation right now. hopefully this is just bugs or something and not intended to nerf a class more than 60%
Uh, did you not read about any of the upcoming changes? They've been posted for over two months. On each and every class. There has been a ton of discussions. How often do you actually read this forum?
As a CW I am glad they nerfed the heck out of Shard. Too many cw's were using this OP ability and HAMSTER up heroics and dungeons.
if these changes are intended you can tender my resignation right now. hopefully this is just bugs or something and not intended to nerf a class more than 60%
They nerfed the damage of a rotation, not a class. As poster above said, these changes have been talked about a long time and up for testing on preview as well. Adapt and move on.
Shard had its control element buffed and its damage element nerfed.
As for Sudden Storm, your numbers seem way off. Perhaps there are some feat combinations you had before that no longer work the same way for boosting SS/DPS.
The only change I can really feel is the awesomeness of Steal Time boost
Managed to try out one dungeon and one skirmish - still seem to be topping the dmg list
I wish I could find my post from three months ago when I said "Control Wizards: beware of a massive change coming your way. Be afraid. Be very afraid".
I'm not saying they're bad changes, I'm saying you've learned to rely on a recognized unbalanced (OP) system. You have now been corrected. So adapt or die. *And hey, I have my second CW only at level 30-something - so I'm not just running anyone's nose in it, I'm in it, too.*
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited August 2014
And I wish I could search for my posts agreeing with you.
Look, the CW is in a great place right now. But if you expected CW's to permanently be in PvE ROFLSTOMP mode, forget about it.
Honestly, with the way the changes shook out, I think we'll actually end up being more powerful (relatively), but in different ways.
"Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
chaoscourtesanMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2014
So glad I have Devs and PvP'rs to pick my powers for me while I'm soloing.
Yeah everyone knew nerfs were coming.. good, you remember predicting the obvious. Here's yer raisin pie.
But it is ridiculous to totally kill a power. 5 points in a feat that boosts it, and it still can't kill 4 Powries? Sorry, that's pathetic.
(As a control power it is not desirable.. it scatters. As a damage power it's even less.)
Rhyon Cawdorian GWF | Opa Loka TR | Cormac Argentus III DC | Annika Thornblade GF | Aerys Skydark HR | Bartin Findlor TR | Aellia Baalthrall CW | Lucan Hawkmoon CW | Opa Brahk GWF | Korzbyrk DC | Den Kruk GWF | Jherek Skarsin CW |
Roland Mac Sheonin GF | Tarron Direheart SW |
Oh no, they nerfed Shard, the skill that alone killed a whole room of mobs. Oh the horror.
Seriously though this is the best ocasion to TRY NEW things. Pushing those **** rocks around was getting so tediuous for me I was losing interest in the class. Now i switched to MoF and I'm having so much FUN. Don't care about dmg parces right now since I'm enjoing my CW like never before.
I'm not saying everyone should go MoF or wtvr but at least try different builds/skills for SS and you might be surprised how fresh the game becomes once more. (Do tests on preview not to waste retrain tokens of course).
The class is FAR from being useless. It's so sad to see ppl log in right after mod 4 hit and ust say: "well time to put cw into the garbage" without even exploring different options for the class.
aulduronMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,351Arc User
edited August 2014
I just ran ToS. Granted, I out geared my group (2 GWFs, a DC and another CW) by about 2-3K, but I still took paingiver despite not having any feats, and with only 3 encounter powers slotted.
Also, the run took much longer. Rooms we normally would have cleared in 1 rotation took 3 or 4.
chaoscourtesanMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2014
It is time to put shard into the trash though. I am saying that promoting diversity is not accomplished by limiting valuable choices. It needed a nerf. It didn't need a guillotine. You bring the OP object down some, but you raise the underpowered object up a bit.
They said themselves that they nerf certain powers to give other powers a chance to be used. That is ridiculous.
It is not the powers that are OP, for the most part, it is the things that work with them. Avalanche shouldn't destroy a room full of monsters, sure. But even my pre-mod4 GF could one-shot a group of powries. I mean, don't even wait to see if they will die cuz ya know they are dead.
Rhyon Cawdorian GWF | Opa Loka TR | Cormac Argentus III DC | Annika Thornblade GF | Aerys Skydark HR | Bartin Findlor TR | Aellia Baalthrall CW | Lucan Hawkmoon CW | Opa Brahk GWF | Korzbyrk DC | Den Kruk GWF | Jherek Skarsin CW |
Roland Mac Sheonin GF | Tarron Direheart SW |
I am using Conduit with the 15% mitigation reduce, the feat that lowers resistance when using arcane (10% I think) and both of the AOE improvement feats, and the AOE perk (and EOTS of course)
I'm not making it up. Before (solo, without other debuffers) Shardsplosion 30k crits, and SS also around 30k crits. After the nerfpocalypse, shard like 12k (crit) and SS less than 10k (that's CRIT, it does only like 3-4k non crit!!!) RIDICULOUS! this is not an "adjustment" it is an outright castration of the class.
RIP CW 2014
ironzerg79Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,942Arc User
edited August 2014
Really? There's like 10 threads in the forum already calling for massive nerfs to the new Mod 4 CW.
How about you take some time to actually play the game and figure out the changes before writing your own epitaph?
I am using Conduit with the 15% mitigation reduce, the feat that lowers resistance when using arcane (10% I think) and both of the AOE improvement feats, and the AOE perk (and EOTS of course)
I'm not making it up. Before (solo, without other debuffers) Shardsplosion 30k crits, and SS also around 30k crits. After the nerfpocalypse, shard like 12k (crit) and SS less than 10k (that's CRIT, it does only like 3-4k non crit!!!) RIDICULOUS! this is not an "adjustment" it is an outright castration of the class.
RIP CW 2014
Oh stop it guys. Tell them already. Spell Storm got a HUGE boost. You'll do more damage than in mod 3 if you replace shard with Icy terrain. Read the preview server threads and get all the good news.
Venril Sathir- CW
Venril- SW
Lurch- GF
Mini Ven- DC
ok I got it backwards, shard now does 6-7k crits (down from 30k FFS!) and SS does 15-17k (down from 25-30k)
icy terrain was beefed that much? it sucked ****ing *** before.
I used to use icy terrain and steal time, back in the T1/Fardelver speedrun days, but switched to shard/SS when I started doing hard stuff... just didn't have enough punch.
after all the best CC is to kill stuff. can't hit you if its dead.
kieranmtornMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 382Arc User
ok I got it backwards, shard now does 5-7k crits (down from 30k FFS!) and SS does 15-17k (down from 25-30k)
icy terrain was beefed that much? it sucked ****ing *** before
Icy terrain still sucks. But it proc's Storm Spell for each target for each damage tick (Storm spell is 4* more effective than mod3 version). To get decent damage, you'll want Storm Spell & CoI(on tab) with Icy Terrain (for maximum damage ticks from Storm Spell) - If you do that, it will be 24-40% of you damage (based on it in mod3 being 6-10% of my damage). I saw 37% of my dps from my ACT parse of ToS last night (37% of 15million ). Boring but effective.
Did you a) not read the mountain of threads and conversations about the Mod4 changes, b) not get that "LFG CW/CW/CW/something/something" being the optimal way to crush the point where people were routinely getting booted for the sole crime of not being a CW...was going to lead to something major being done, and c) not understand that the introduction of a damage-specialist mage class meant that CW was going to have the 'control' aspect accented and the omgwtfbbq damage synergies reduced?
If CWs being the only class besides a tank and a healer in an a group made sense to you then yes, this is a pretty serious nerf. Then again, if that made sense to you then I don't know what else to say.
Please tell me you are not serious with this patch.
Sudden Storm before - about 30k dmg, now 11-13k. a nerf of over half. wow just wow
Shard before - didn't really notice the initial dmg before but Shardsplosion before = about 30k, now 7-8k. nerf of more than 66%, this is a bug or something right?
also noticed the shard pushed right thru not 2 but 3 enemies without exploding or even knocking them prone. did basically nothing. obvious bug (new bug)..
if these changes are intended you can tender my resignation right now. hopefully this is just bugs or something and not intended to nerf a class more than 60%
The CW had a pause after dodge and the male version had a duck walk. Now my female version has the duck walk too plus a hunch! It looks like a cramped up grandmother? locks up, cannot run like the way it used to because it goes to an 'attack mode'. Enemies just comes after it and earlier when it could just run without wasting time on unwanted fights, now it is forced to stay and fight. Without the horse it is lost going through maps unless you have all the time in the world to fight the entire street give or take a few you'll be able to avoid going from far away! Encounter a GS, how to fight anymore? And there seems to be rogues permanently invisible?? Without the running capability, the hands up in the air posture is not going to even allow avoiding damage by rogues. Less power, less agile and the already dominated PVP by GSs will even get worse. I'd like to see how the Dread Vault will be played. When the floor highlights, I suppose the wizard will die before reaching the battle ground's corner doing the fancy duck walk coz it cannot dodge now without an immediate lock up in that attack mode. Reducing some powers I can understand, like the avalanche didn't have to rock the room down (then again, what other powerful spells were there like that except for like the ice knife, ice storm).., but making a character so immobile as well on top of it, that I do NOT understand. I actually felt like giving up the wizard and the entire game. It is reckless and what about the hard work that has gone to creating a character all this time only to have it worsen! If NW is for swords then might as well say it upfront that non-weapon'd classes are the weaker ones in the shard. Dungeons will be a nightmare to all with a diminished wizard. Well, I guess those who complained about the wizard being strong (? seriously??) can now save the day for all of us. Everyone will lose....
Exactly, and that is the reason for the changes. Of course while all the CWs were whining about the changes on preview, a stealth buff came in the 11th hour that boosted Storm Spell damage so much (7 times!) that even CW's were saying it was too much.
As for Tank and healer, to be brief, GF is now buffing group damage 35%+ and boosting action point gain with Into The fray and also got their threat tripled, going to come in very handy in the new dungeons, so before you and the GWFs start crying about how much you die it would be prudent to include one in your group. DC is needed to keep the GF alive but also buffs group damage and debuffs the monsters.
So now there is a reason for both in your group instead of the GWF/CW only groups of mod 3.
It'll take awhile to sink in because the general populace doesn't know about Into The Fray and a lot of GF's won't use it in the beginning, but after enough of them start getting kicked from not using it GF will soon be mandatory in the new dungeons in a few months.
Venril Sathir- CW
Venril- SW
Lurch- GF
Mini Ven- DC
yes, you should definitely quit while you're behind. :rolleyes:
I love my GF, and my DC too, they are both fun to play. but I make no illusions about how nearly useless they are in T2+ dungeons. tanks don't hold aggro for **** in this game. healing is nice but isn't needed with potions, and when you can do 100k a pop with 15% lifeleech. just the facts. just the way it is. I didn't design this game. lol
As a CW I am glad they nerfed the heck out of Shard. Too many cw's were using this OP ability and HAMSTER up heroics and dungeons.
They nerfed the damage of a rotation, not a class. As poster above said, these changes have been talked about a long time and up for testing on preview as well. Adapt and move on.
As for Sudden Storm, your numbers seem way off. Perhaps there are some feat combinations you had before that no longer work the same way for boosting SS/DPS.
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Managed to try out one dungeon and one skirmish - still seem to be topping the dmg list
I'm not saying they're bad changes, I'm saying you've learned to rely on a recognized unbalanced (OP) system. You have now been corrected. So adapt or die. *And hey, I have my second CW only at level 30-something - so I'm not just running anyone's nose in it, I'm in it, too.*
Look, the CW is in a great place right now. But if you expected CW's to permanently be in PvE ROFLSTOMP mode, forget about it.
Honestly, with the way the changes shook out, I think we'll actually end up being more powerful (relatively), but in different ways.
Yeah everyone knew nerfs were coming.. good, you remember predicting the obvious. Here's yer raisin pie.
But it is ridiculous to totally kill a power. 5 points in a feat that boosts it, and it still can't kill 4 Powries? Sorry, that's pathetic.
(As a control power it is not desirable.. it scatters. As a damage power it's even less.)
Roland Mac Sheonin GF | Tarron Direheart SW |
Seriously though this is the best ocasion to TRY NEW things. Pushing those **** rocks around was getting so tediuous for me I was losing interest in the class. Now i switched to MoF and I'm having so much FUN. Don't care about dmg parces right now since I'm enjoing my CW like never before.
I'm not saying everyone should go MoF or wtvr but at least try different builds/skills for SS and you might be surprised how fresh the game becomes once more. (Do tests on preview not to waste retrain tokens of course).
The class is FAR from being useless. It's so sad to see ppl log in right after mod 4 hit and ust say: "well time to put cw into the garbage" without even exploring different options for the class.
Also, the run took much longer. Rooms we normally would have cleared in 1 rotation took 3 or 4.
They said themselves that they nerf certain powers to give other powers a chance to be used. That is ridiculous.
It is not the powers that are OP, for the most part, it is the things that work with them. Avalanche shouldn't destroy a room full of monsters, sure. But even my pre-mod4 GF could one-shot a group of powries. I mean, don't even wait to see if they will die cuz ya know they are dead.
Roland Mac Sheonin GF | Tarron Direheart SW |
I'm not making it up. Before (solo, without other debuffers) Shardsplosion 30k crits, and SS also around 30k crits. After the nerfpocalypse, shard like 12k (crit) and SS less than 10k (that's CRIT, it does only like 3-4k non crit!!!) RIDICULOUS! this is not an "adjustment" it is an outright castration of the class.
RIP CW 2014
How about you take some time to actually play the game and figure out the changes before writing your own epitaph?
Oh stop it guys. Tell them already. Spell Storm got a HUGE boost. You'll do more damage than in mod 3 if you replace shard with Icy terrain. Read the preview server threads and get all the good news.
Venril- SW
Lurch- GF
Mini Ven- DC
The CWS i know are owning PVE even better than before.
Icy Terrain does not do more than shard did. My damage was OK , but not better than mod3.
Storm Spell and EOTS were your passives?
Venril- SW
Lurch- GF
Mini Ven- DC
icy terrain was beefed that much? it sucked ****ing *** before.
I used to use icy terrain and steal time, back in the T1/Fardelver speedrun days, but switched to shard/SS when I started doing hard stuff... just didn't have enough punch.
after all the best CC is to kill stuff. can't hit you if its dead.
Icy terrain still sucks. But it proc's Storm Spell for each target for each damage tick (Storm spell is 4* more effective than mod3 version). To get decent damage, you'll want Storm Spell & CoI(on tab) with Icy Terrain (for maximum damage ticks from Storm Spell) - If you do that, it will be 24-40% of you damage (based on it in mod3 being 6-10% of my damage). I saw 37% of my dps from my ACT parse of ToS last night (37% of 15million
Did you a) not read the mountain of threads and conversations about the Mod4 changes, b) not get that "LFG CW/CW/CW/something/something" being the optimal way to crush the point where people were routinely getting booted for the sole crime of not being a CW...was going to lead to something major being done, and c) not understand that the introduction of a damage-specialist mage class meant that CW was going to have the 'control' aspect accented and the omgwtfbbq damage synergies reduced?
If CWs being the only class besides a tank and a healer in an a group made sense to you then yes, this is a pretty serious nerf. Then again, if that made sense to you then I don't know what else to say.
also, why would you need a tank or healer? ever.
I rest my case.
We will make our living from Dot now or being a firemage.
The CW had a pause after dodge and the male version had a duck walk. Now my female version has the duck walk too plus a hunch! It looks like a cramped up grandmother? locks up, cannot run like the way it used to because it goes to an 'attack mode'. Enemies just comes after it and earlier when it could just run without wasting time on unwanted fights, now it is forced to stay and fight. Without the horse it is lost going through maps unless you have all the time in the world to fight the entire street give or take a few you'll be able to avoid going from far away! Encounter a GS, how to fight anymore? And there seems to be rogues permanently invisible?? Without the running capability, the hands up in the air posture is not going to even allow avoiding damage by rogues. Less power, less agile and the already dominated PVP by GSs will even get worse. I'd like to see how the Dread Vault will be played. When the floor highlights, I suppose the wizard will die before reaching the battle ground's corner doing the fancy duck walk coz it cannot dodge now without an immediate lock up in that attack mode. Reducing some powers I can understand, like the avalanche didn't have to rock the room down (then again, what other powerful spells were there like that except for like the ice knife, ice storm).., but making a character so immobile as well on top of it, that I do NOT understand. I actually felt like giving up the wizard and the entire game. It is reckless and what about the hard work that has gone to creating a character all this time only to have it worsen! If NW is for swords then might as well say it upfront that non-weapon'd classes are the weaker ones in the shard. Dungeons will be a nightmare to all with a diminished wizard. Well, I guess those who complained about the wizard being strong (? seriously??) can now save the day for all of us. Everyone will lose....
Exactly, and that is the reason for the changes. Of course while all the CWs were whining about the changes on preview, a stealth buff came in the 11th hour that boosted Storm Spell damage so much (7 times!) that even CW's were saying it was too much.
As for Tank and healer, to be brief, GF is now buffing group damage 35%+ and boosting action point gain with Into The fray and also got their threat tripled, going to come in very handy in the new dungeons, so before you and the GWFs start crying about how much you die it would be prudent to include one in your group. DC is needed to keep the GF alive but also buffs group damage and debuffs the monsters.
So now there is a reason for both in your group instead of the GWF/CW only groups of mod 3.
It'll take awhile to sink in because the general populace doesn't know about Into The Fray and a lot of GF's won't use it in the beginning, but after enough of them start getting kicked from not using it GF will soon be mandatory in the new dungeons in a few months.
Venril- SW
Lurch- GF
Mini Ven- DC
yes, you should definitely quit while you're behind. :rolleyes:
I love my GF, and my DC too, they are both fun to play. but I make no illusions about how nearly useless they are in T2+ dungeons. tanks don't hold aggro for **** in this game. healing is nice but isn't needed with potions, and when you can do 100k a pop with 15% lifeleech. just the facts. just the way it is. I didn't design this game. lol