Hi all,
We'll be performing scheduled maintenance at 7 AM PDT. Estimated downtime will be 2 hours, but could be extended due to unforeseen circumstances.
Patch notes this week is only the Security Update and the inclusion of the Wonders of Gond Event:
Patch Notes: NW.15.20140707a.17:
We will be implementing a new security system that will transition some accounts into a probationary period until we can verify the validity of their real money payments. During the time that these accounts are on probation, they will be unable to sell Zen on the Astral Diamond Exchange and all Zen Market purchases will be bound to their account.
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Wonders of Gond Event will start at 10 AM PDT - Gond has identified Neverwinter as requiring encouragement and has sent his Clerics to offer rewards for artisans and engineers that can craft valuable and innovative items.
Update 1 (7:09 AM PDT) Maintenance has begun
Update 2 (7:16 AM PDT) For information regarding the Security update please visit:
Update 3 (8:28 AM PDT) Patch notes have been posted. The only patch is the security update and wonders of gond.
Update 4 (8:50 AM PDT) Doing some final checks, should be back up soon if everything goes to plan.
Patch notes will be posted once they are finalized.
lol we'll be posting that soon
Awesome , thanks very much.
So easy to miss what Dwight wrote like 6 inches above your post XD
I simply haven't received the final patch notes yet, once I have them they will go up right away.
Aww so cute.
Something ALWAYS causes a ruckus. They can announce a free zen give away and you can bet someone will be unhappy about it.
Wait for it..... coal wards from zen store bound?
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What the, don't even give them ideas! lol
Guys, he's just the admin. He's not a developer. He's not responsible for writing the patches, only posting the notes when he has them.
And sometimes there are NO patch notes, it's just maintenance. And it happens every single Thursday at this time.
You guys need to relax a bit. Nothing unusual is going on.
[Just kidding, btw]
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
That is unfair! I just spent 200$ on ZEN to get an edge and now they are giving it away for everybody FOR FREE? Call the state attorney!
-Not me
-I saw some papers by the shredder and put them in, may be that's it?
-Hope you got a soft copy.
-No the file got corrupted was going to scan the hard copy.
Patch Notes: NW.15.20140731b.9
Items and Economy
• Something is now Bound on Pickup
- heavily redacted
- drastically over summarized
- information minimized
- ADHD centric
...patch notes.And those take awhile to make up ... er gather.
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