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Crixus GF pvp guide



  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    silverlead wrote: »
    SO what enchantments do I want? Do I just want all Power? IS Recovery or Defense or even Deflect good? What about Crit and Life Steal? Hopefully it's only 1 or two that I should stack but if there are caps what are they and in what order of importance are enchantments?

    Thanks again!
    - Dinkie

    All defence enchants should be HP, it increases your survivability and makes regen more effective. For offence i would say savage enchants are best, they give armor pen and crit.

    Regen is great for pvp and life steal is too, if you could get about 1k each that's good but having all perfect stats is hard and is something only a big money spender can truly achieve.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • ohkrewellaohkrewella Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    hi everybody! can someone tell me if tactical superiority works fine? if it does, i cant figure out where the bloody hell this buff icon -_-
  • silverleadsilverlead Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2014
    crixus8000 wrote: »
    All defence enchants should be HP, it increases your survivability and makes regen more effective. For offence i would say savage enchants are best, they give armor pen and crit.

    Regen is great for pvp and life steal is too, if you could get about 1k each that's good but having all perfect stats is hard and is something only a big money spender can truly achieve.

    Hummm ok so in what order do we want these enchants? and what are the caps?
    For example would power be first and a cap of 1000? then once you have 1000 power then what would be next? HP?
    So something like:

    1) HP (cap 1000?)
    2) REGEN (cap 1000?)
    3) Power (cap 1000?)

    I'm wanting it basically spelled out really clearly so I can understand which are the most important ones for DPS and PVE Tanking =)

    - Dinkie
  • grimahgrimah Member Posts: 1,658 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    silverlead wrote: »
    Hummm ok so in what order do we want these enchants? and what are the caps?
    For example would power be first and a cap of 1000? then once you have 1000 power then what would be next? HP?
    So something like:

    1) HP (cap 1000?)
    2) REGEN (cap 1000?)
    3) Power (cap 1000?)

    I'm wanting it basically spelled out really clearly so I can understand which are the most important ones for DPS and PVE Tanking =)

    - Dinkie

    HP: aim for 35k+
    Regen: 1400ish or more
    power: as much as you can get.
    ArP: 1k+
    Creator of the featured survival horror foundry: "The Silence of Haydenwick" Video Review
    and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    grimah wrote: »
    HP: aim for 35k+
    Regen: 1400ish or more
    power: as much as you can get.
    ArP: 1k+

    Yeah i would agree with this apart from i would say 2k armor pen since you would ge just under 20% then and that would increase dmg a lot but the rest is good advice unless you can improve on hp of course then always do, the more the better :)
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    ohkrewella wrote: »
    hi everybody! can someone tell me if tactical superiority works fine? if it does, i cant figure out where the bloody hell this buff icon -_-

    Yes it works fine, you only need 1 power point on combat superiority if you max the tactical superiority feat out since it doesn't require you to be hit.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • silverleadsilverlead Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2014
    ok awesome thanks!!
  • silverleadsilverlead Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2014
    So to be clear HP is the most important then Regen, then power and lastly armor penetration?

    Deflect and crit and all those others are not very important?

    - D
  • silverleadsilverlead Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2014
    Also I met another tank who swears by Anvil of doom over Frontal Surge. He seems to always be at the top of the score board in pvp. What's the thoughts on this?
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    silverlead wrote: »
    So to be clear HP is the most important then Regen, then power and lastly armor penetration?

    Deflect and crit and all those others are not very important?

    - D

    All stats are good but out of all defence stats HP is the main,

    Best stats is around 32-40k hp

    4k defence or a little more but never over 5k

    1k -1.5k regen

    5-8k power

    2k crit and armor

    deflect could be around 1-2k gf dont really get much so dont go crazy with it. These stats are best if you can get them but try to stick to around this ratio if you can.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    silverlead wrote: »
    Also I met another tank who swears by Anvil of doom over Frontal Surge. He seems to always be at the top of the score board in pvp. What's the thoughts on this?

    Anvil of doom isnt that good at actually winning fights its more of a kill stealer so yes you could get top score more with this but if you get locked into a 1v1 or 2v1 then this power loses its usefulness a lot. Frontline surge with the build i have posted can do great dmg when you do all the prones together and it can be defensive because you could knock one player down while fighitng another or knock them down then escape and regen hp.

    But if your going for campaign progress like double or triple kills then anvil can help you but for the best all round build frontline is better and i have tested this a lot since i used to use anvil all the time.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • silverleadsilverlead Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2014
    How does Supremecy of Steel work? Do I have to push it once then push it a 2nd time to release the damage back or will it auto release the damage back to an enemy?
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    silverlead wrote: »
    How does Supremecy of Steel work? Do I have to push it once then push it a 2nd time to release the damage back or will it auto release the damage back to an enemy?

    Press it once and it reflects dmg back to anyone who hits you and it can do insane dmg if they do a lot of hits, also if you practice you can press it again just before it ends, pressing it again will throw the swords outwards dealing good dmg to enemies around you.

    the power lasts around 11 seconds so use it for the reflected dmg and then before it ends press it again to send the swords flying at your enemies :)
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • silverleadsilverlead Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2014
    I posted this complaint in general forum section but wanted to post it here as well and see what everyone's response to it is.

    bleh bleh...

    Basically I'm saying being a Guardian Fighter AKA Tank in PvP is harder than other classes from what I've played so far. So far I've found Control Wizards to be pretty easy in pvp but Rogues are a bit even easier and hunters are like super easy mode to me. But I've only played my Tank up to level 51 and my rogue, CW and hunter up to level 20ish. Guardian Fighters just can't crank out good DPS compared to other classes and they seem to have very little defense with a small shield meter whereas other classes have better defense with teleports or stealth or speed etc etc. I'd be happy as a Guardian Fighter if I did not have near the DPS of other classes but I think their defense should be greatly increased in PvP, well and PvE for that matter too.

    Oh also I find the Guardian Fighter skill that has no cool down that lets you dash to a target has too short of a range and when you do use it you stop too short half the time of being able to make melee attacks and thus you can still be kited. This skill seems to be an anti-kite skill but with how poorly it works I don't find it useful most of the time because as soon as you rush to them it takes a few milliseconds before you can start to move or control your character again and that is enough time for your target to get 2-4 steps away from you so you can't make any hits. But it could be my super slow connection and computer, an 8 core 8350 with 2 560s in Ti with 64 gigs of ram (for cad and 3d modeling) so maybe it's that but if I was a gambling man I would say the game is horribly optimized!

    Agree? Disagree? Discus...
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    silverlead wrote: »
    I posted this complaint in general forum section but wanted to post it here as well and see what everyone's response to it is.

    bleh bleh...

    Basically I'm saying being a Guardian Fighter AKA Tank in PvP is harder than other classes from what I've played so far. So far I've found Control Wizards to be pretty easy in pvp but Rogues are a bit even easier and hunters are like super easy mode to me. But I've only played my Tank up to level 51 and my rogue, CW and hunter up to level 20ish. Guardian Fighters just can't crank out good DPS compared to other classes and they seem to have very little defense with a small shield meter whereas other classes have better defense with teleports or stealth or speed etc etc. I'd be happy as a Guardian Fighter if I did not have near the DPS of other classes but I think their defense should be greatly increased in PvP, well and PvE for that matter too.

    Oh also I find the Guardian Fighter skill that has no cool down that lets you dash to a target has too short of a range and when you do use it you stop too short half the time of being able to make melee attacks and thus you can still be kited. This skill seems to be an anti-kite skill but with how poorly it works I don't find it useful most of the time because as soon as you rush to them it takes a few milliseconds before you can start to move or control your character again and that is enough time for your target to get 2-4 steps away from you so you can't make any hits. But it could be my super slow connection and computer, an 8 core 8350 with 2 560s in Ti with 64 gigs of ram (for cad and 3d modeling) so maybe it's that but if I was a gambling man I would say the game is horribly optimized!

    Agree? Disagree? Discus...

    At lvl 60 pvp i would say wizard is worse, i rip wizards like nothing with my gf but then we come second :/ gf can still beat other classes but thats not because of character strength its dont to just skill and if one of the pvp classes has just as much skill then the gf chance of winning is low.

    Our shield is terrible yeah thats why i never really hold it up, i only use it while kiting and on heavy hits. We do have a lot of skills that we can use very well but the problem is our dps cant match ANY other class so we cant stay offensive all the time because we dont do enough dmg and we have the second worst survivability so we cant stand head to head with others either.

    It does just come down to pure skill with a gf, we cant charge in mindlessly like a gwf but a gf player can still be good in pvp.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • silverleadsilverlead Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2014
    crixus8000 wrote: »
    At lvl 60 pvp i would say wizard is worse, i rip wizards like nothing with my gf but then we come second :/ gf can still beat other classes but thats not because of character strength its dont to just skill and if one of the pvp classes has just as much skill then the gf chance of winning is low.

    Our shield is terrible yeah thats why i never really hold it up, i only use it while kiting and on heavy hits. We do have a lot of skills that we can use very well but the problem is our dps cant match ANY other class so we cant stay offensive all the time because we dont do enough dmg and we have the second worst survivability so we cant stand head to head with others either.

    It does just come down to pure skill with a gf, we cant charge in mindlessly like a gwf but a gf player can still be good in pvp.

    I know skill does matter but as you pointed out if everyone is equally skilled them we have one of the worse survival rates which in my opinion goes against everything a tank stands for! I don't want to be top DPS but I want to be able to take a beating and hold my ground. I know you're an awesome Guardian Fighter and like me probably love the tank classes but no matter how much people say otherwise they really suck in PvP as a class in NW and in most MMOs. Perhaps we can find some dev or suits email addresses and send a weekly email to them all with some changes? Do you guys have some that you think might be easy to implement? Has anyone tried this before? I mean tried gathering all the best ideas and mass emailing them to the devs and suits?
  • silverleadsilverlead Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2014
    Other than finding a bunch of Wizards of the Coast posts or article on various sites talking about how wonderful they are and how awesome the new mod 4 will be this is the only link I found that actually had some stats/specs on the class changes:
    But are they true? Will there be more changes not mentioned?

    Here is what I found:

    Guardian Fighter

    All item sets, feats and class features relating to Guard Meter should now be updated to use Stamina instead.
    - Uhhh ok what does this mean? Do we currently have stamina and I'm not aware of it? Does this mean we will have more of a guard meter now or less?

    Block: Now activates more quickly and has a .25 second cooldown after being released (down from .5 seconds).
    - uhhh. Block as in pushing the SHIFT key, this block? I did not know it had a .5 second delay. Does it?

    Block: Now consumes Stamina and Reduces incoming damage by 80% while active.
    - uhhh.. ok I'm really feeling dumb with all the "uhhh" remarks now. granted I'm new to this game but did blocking use to block more or less than 80%? Also what exactly does it not block now? I ask because many things can get past my block but it does not tell you which in the description which is just bad or lazy of the devs or suits to not tell us what exactly can and can not be blocked.

    Constitution: Each point of Constitution increases max HP by 4% (up from 2%).
    -Ahhh awesome! Ok this is the way I like to see changes go for tank class!

    Enforced Threat: Can now hit up to 20 (up from 8) nearby targets.
    - Aha! I like this too!

    Enhanced Mark: Now grants 75% bonus threat per rank (up from 33%).
    - Awesome! I'm liking this too! But this has zero use in PvP. I've not played many other classes yet but do any of the other classes have skills that are useless in PvP too? If not shame shame on the devs and suits! If anything else this skill SHOULD make whomever gets "marked" face the tank. Not like it will do much but might just save someone from taking a hit or two.

    Armor of Bahamut Feat: This feat has been redesigned: When Stamina is below 30%, you take 2/4/6/8/10% less damage from all sources.
    - Not sure what it did before but sounds good. Is it?

    Iron Warrior: Base threat bonus increased to 200% (up from 150%).
    - Awesome I guess. But again another skill/action that has no use in PvP.

    Knight's Valor: Now transfer's 200% (up from 50%) of the threat allies deal to you.
    - Another awesome PvE skill that is useless in PvP. Hmmm I'm starting to see a pattern here that Tanks got no real love for PvP still...?

    Mark: Mark will now taunt foes briefly as well as place the player at the top of the threat list.
    - ok good deal but again this does not help in PvP.

    Mark: Now causes you to deal 200% (up from 100%) additional threat on Marked targets and now grants combat advantage to the Guardian Fighter's Allies.
    - hmmmm. Great we can give a temp buff to our allies. Woohoo! NOT! I think this should also buff the tank in some minor way too! WTH!

    Have some of you already asked the devs about any of the questions I listed and have any answers for me?

    - Dinkie
    Senior Art Director - Chevron Aviation - 12+ years =)
    (I had to throw that tag in so the guys know I'm not some whinny little brat kid sissy lala! Plus it makes me smile =P - I'm a Pro!)
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    silverlead wrote: »
    Other than finding a bunch of Wizards of the Coast posts or article on various sites talking about how wonderful they are and how awesome the new mod 4 will be this is the only link I found that actually had some stats/specs on the class changes:
    But are they true? Will there be more changes not mentioned?

    Here is what I found:

    Guardian Fighter

    All item sets, feats and class features relating to Guard Meter should now be updated to use Stamina instead.
    - Uhhh ok what does this mean? Do we currently have stamina and I'm not aware of it? Does this mean we will have more of a guard meter now or less?

    Block: Now activates more quickly and has a .25 second cooldown after being released (down from .5 seconds).
    - uhhh. Block as in pushing the SHIFT key, this block? I did not know it had a .5 second delay. Does it?

    Block: Now consumes Stamina and Reduces incoming damage by 80% while active.
    - uhhh.. ok I'm really feeling dumb with all the "uhhh" remarks now. granted I'm new to this game but did blocking use to block more or less than 80%? Also what exactly does it not block now? I ask because many things can get past my block but it does not tell you which in the description which is just bad or lazy of the devs or suits to not tell us what exactly can and can not be blocked.

    Constitution: Each point of Constitution increases max HP by 4% (up from 2%).
    -Ahhh awesome! Ok this is the way I like to see changes go for tank class!

    Enforced Threat: Can now hit up to 20 (up from 8) nearby targets.
    - Aha! I like this too!

    Enhanced Mark: Now grants 75% bonus threat per rank (up from 33%).
    - Awesome! I'm liking this too! But this has zero use in PvP. I've not played many other classes yet but do any of the other classes have skills that are useless in PvP too? If not shame shame on the devs and suits! If anything else this skill SHOULD make whomever gets "marked" face the tank. Not like it will do much but might just save someone from taking a hit or two.

    Armor of Bahamut Feat: This feat has been redesigned: When Stamina is below 30%, you take 2/4/6/8/10% less damage from all sources.
    - Not sure what it did before but sounds good. Is it?

    Iron Warrior: Base threat bonus increased to 200% (up from 150%).
    - Awesome I guess. But again another skill/action that has no use in PvP.

    Knight's Valor: Now transfer's 200% (up from 50%) of the threat allies deal to you.
    - Another awesome PvE skill that is useless in PvP. Hmmm I'm starting to see a pattern here that Tanks got no real love for PvP still...?

    Mark: Mark will now taunt foes briefly as well as place the player at the top of the threat list.
    - ok good deal but again this does not help in PvP.

    Mark: Now causes you to deal 200% (up from 100%) additional threat on Marked targets and now grants combat advantage to the Guardian Fighter's Allies.
    - hmmmm. Great we can give a temp buff to our allies. Woohoo! NOT! I think this should also buff the tank in some minor way too! WTH!

    Have some of you already asked the devs about any of the questions I listed and have any answers for me?

    - Dinkie
    Senior Art Director - Chevron Aviation - 12+ years =)
    (I had to throw that tag in so the guys know I'm not some whinny little brat kid sissy lala! Plus it makes me smile =P - I'm a Pro!)

    The gf atm is weak yes, if another player is TR, Hr or GWF and has the same gear and skill then we dont really have much chance of winning but thats why things are chaning in mod 4.

    I dont care for pve so i will tell you the changes so far that seem good and bad.

    Our guard is stamina based that means it wont break but instead runs out over time, the time is short and we still take 20% of dmg while guarding- this change is a nerf in my eyes, it will make us worse.

    Our mark will give them -20% resistance from our attacks, up from 8% so we can deal more dps to our marked target- i love the sound of this.

    Frontline surge will only stun enemies now not prone and swordmaster path is getting buffs so i will spec to that in mod 4.

    We are getting more hp, i went on test shard and i got an extra 6k :)

    Our reckless attacker now applies stacks instead of doubling our power, the stacks will give 5% dmg bonus and 2% crit chance per stack, max 5 stacks. So we get more dmg and crit now.

    So we have some nerfes and some buffs in mod 4 but to truly test how our class we be affected we just have to wait but at least gwf are being nerfed to some of the glitched abilities and unstoppable is weaker like it should be, they will no longer have the best defence and dmg in the whole game.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    Just added a few pic of pvp games that I played with this spec :)

    They are at the bottom of guide
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • xjosh19xjosh19 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    @Crixus8000 Which dye pack did you use? =D
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    xjosh19 wrote: »
    @Crixus8000 Which dye pack did you use? =D

    It's the masquerade dye pack, i love the black and gold :)
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • mycillemycille Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 42
    edited July 2014
    hello, I would like to know if the timeless hero is still viable for pvp?
    i haven't played module 3 at all so i would like to know if it is worth it to grind the profund conqueror set or even black ice gear?
  • xjosh19xjosh19 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    The thing with using Timeless Hero in PVP is that it requires you to fulfill the Tenacity quote with Neck, Rings, Belt, since going into PVP without Tenacity is not recommended at all.

    On another topic @Crixxus8000 what do you think it would be the best gear and runes for GF? Corrupted Black Ice Armor Pen seem to go to pass up and i don't know how are the new sets going to be.
  • thestaggythestaggy Member Posts: 1,102 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    mycille wrote: »
    hello, I would like to know if the timeless hero is still viable for pvp?
    i haven't played module 3 at all so i would like to know if it is worth it to grind the profund conqueror set or even black ice gear?

    Too soft. As the poster above me mentioned, you need Tenacity, it does make a difference.

    Get yourself some really cheap blue items that have tenacity on them, even if you get two pieces so you can maintain your Timeless 2/4 bonus as deflection is another awesome stat in PVP.

    Profound Conqueror is a very nice set as it can be used in solo PVE play as well due to its stats and you may even get away with in in PVE party play. I personally use Preserver as it is the tankier set-up, loading regen and more deflection. Black Ice looks good but it will take 30 days before you can even start forging it and even then you still need to rely on a very rare drop to complete it, so I'd rather get Grim/Profound PVP gear in the interim.
    PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    mycille wrote: »
    hello, I would like to know if the timeless hero is still viable for pvp?
    i haven't played module 3 at all so i would like to know if it is worth it to grind the profund conqueror set or even black ice gear?

    It is a good armor set but tenacity is needed so I still think the profound set is better and black ice set is the best atm.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    xjosh19 wrote: »
    The thing with using Timeless Hero in PVP is that it requires you to fulfill the Tenacity quote with Neck, Rings, Belt, since going into PVP without Tenacity is not recommended at all.

    On another topic @Crixxus8000 what do you think it would be the best gear and runes for GF? Corrupted Black Ice Armor Pen seem to go to pass up and i don't know how are the new sets going to be.

    I updated my char pic you can see my new armor now. I prefer purified black ice armor as the gf since all the regen and defense options are crazy so survivability is great and i still deal very high dmg.

    I haven't lost a fight to a corrupted gf yet, they have good dmg but die very easy but maybe that's just them and not the armor :)
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • runonnikerunonnike Member Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Hey Crixus, why do you use a vorpal enchant? Wouldn't plague fire be the best choice? Then terror, bronzewood, feytouched.
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited July 2014
    runonnike wrote: »
    Hey Crixus, why do you use a vorpal enchant? Wouldn't plague fire be the best choice? Then terror, bronzewood, feytouched.

    They are all very good enchants for the gf but i prefer vorpal. In mod 4 as a conq we will be about to get 30% crit chance easy so it will be better then too.

    Just go with what you want and what suits your style, if you chain prones then an enchant like terror or plague would be good.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • oicidrazoicidraz Member Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    crixus8000 wrote: »
    Plague is very good yes but the stacks don't last long so sometimes your not always getting max dmg. Terror enchant is also good but the stack isn't that strong and bronzewood is a good choice because its cheap but vorpal is a good all round enchant, with about 20% crit chance you can get some good hits with it and in mod 4 the gf crit chance increases with conqueror path so it will be even better.

    The 2 best for gf I think is vorpal and plague, the build I use would actually be very good with plague, using all the prones together but I just prefer vorpal because its over double dmg when you crit :)

    Perfect Bronzewood -> Ignore 16% DR, 50% Uptime -> +8% DPS
    Perfect Feythouched -> +12% DMG to you and -12% DMG to enemy, 50% Uptime -> +6% DPS and -6% DPS to enemy

    If a GF have 16% Critical Chance then Perfect Vorpal is a 16% * 50% = + 8% DPS, less Critical Chance is less DPS, so P. Bronzewood and P. Feytouched are very good choices for low Crit GFs (in 1v1).

    And for example Feytouched could have a great Synergy with a Protector GF in MoD 4, making our enemies attack -32% :o.
  • runonnikerunonnike Member Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    oicidraz wrote: »
    Perfect Bronzewood -> Ignore 16% DR, 50% Uptime -> +8% DPS
    Perfect Feythouched -> +12% DMG to you and -12% DMG to enemy, 50% Uptime -> +6% DPS and -6% DPS to enemy

    If a GF have 16% Critical Chance then Perfect Vorpal is a 16% * 50% = + 8% DPS, less Critical Chance is less DPS, so P. Bronzewood and P. Feytouched are very good choices for low Crit GFs (in 1v1).

    And for example Feytouched could have a great Synergy with a Protector GF in MoD 4, making our enemies attack -32% :o.

    Can you do those calculations with lessers? I suck at math. :l
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