Guys after much lazying around waiting for Remorhaz to spawn i have found myself posting this on forums instead of Zone Chatting all the time this fixes two things : no more troll idol stealing and you can team up for the quest with you and five other buddies and can get the troll idol (have tried with one other person if someone wants to test this with a full team let me know in game ) so here goes :
1. finish mobs around troll idol
2. go to troll idol
3. DO AS READ : wait for the other person to start collecting the Troll idol then you start collecting you'll see your bar fills up like if your collecting it normally LET IT FILL UP NORMALLY you will recieve your troll idol and he will too
PS: all you need to do is wait for the other person to collect to start collecting
no you aren't stealing
yes you can do it to complete strangers they will just think your trying to steal
last but not least lets put this up in front for people to see it helps alot for DCs , fights the evil people who steal and you wont succumb to stealing either
Credit Goes to Fatexu (wherever you are) and myself so help put this on the front or someone getting stickied by mobs and hopefully GMs wont fix or damage this bug
This has nothing to do with DCs. Everybody fighting mobs around a collectible objective has an issue with thieves.
Doing this, half of the time you are stealing. Why? because you can't see when the other person is collecting. If you are faster than he is, he will lose the objective. I don't care how you put it, but this method is no less wrong than going in perma stealth and steal the objective that way.
Yet another clear example of the selfishness of this community. Really? Yes really. What's that you say? We're being forced to it? I call BS on that. Ao has given humans free will. All you have to do is act like a normal person and send a tell asking for a party so both get the objective 100%. But I suppose normal behavior and decent interaction with others is as rare as artifact drops. Disgusting.
Im in accord with what you are basically saying.
Some people want to log in with the limited time they have available, complete a few quests and log off. Not everyone has the time to form a group just to prevent being stolen from. Forming a group doesnt prevent your group from being stolen from either.
At the end of the day so to speak its the DEVS that are choosing to allow troll idols etc to be stolen. As long as this coding allows for stealing of quest items it opens the door wide for members of other competing games to cause chaos in this game by simply logging in and p-issing the player base off via stealing to the extent everyone begins to do it just to prevent feeling like a total idiot ....which eventually leads to P base collapse.
Its up to them...they hold the "enchanted keys" to this stupidity.
This has nothing to do with DCs. Everybody fighting mobs around a collectible objective has an issue with thieves.
Doing this, half of the time you are stealing. Why? because you can't see when the other person is collecting. If you are faster than he is, he will lose the objective. I don't care how you put it, but this method is no less wrong than going in perma stealth and steal the objective that way.
Yet another clear example of the selfishness of this community. Really? Yes really. What's that you say? We're being forced to it? I call BS on that. Ao has given humans free will. All you have to do is act like a normal person and send a tell asking for a party so both get the objective 100%. But I suppose normal behavior and decent interaction with others is as rare as artifact drops. Disgusting.
you can see them when they are collecting when their character collects just like when ppl open chest the char does a motion when its collecting idols
you can see them when they are collecting when their character collects just like when ppl open chest the char does a motion when its collecting idols
yes you can see them doing so but if you are up to your ears in battle you are not going to be able to waddle over and time the collection as you stated
This has nothing to do with DCs. Everybody fighting mobs around a collectible objective has an issue with thieves.
Doing this, half of the time you are stealing. Why? because you can't see when the other person is collecting. If you are faster than he is, he will lose the objective. I don't care how you put it, but this method is no less wrong than going in perma stealth and steal the objective that way.
Yet another clear example of the selfishness of this community. Really? Yes really. What's that you say? We're being forced to it? I call BS on that. Ao has given humans free will. All you have to do is act like a normal person and send a tell asking for a party so both get the objective 100%. But I suppose normal behavior and decent interaction with others is as rare as artifact drops. Disgusting.
1) He said to collect it after the other person does it. You can see an animation of other people doing it. He even said to kill the mobs. If you think that's as bad as actually stealing it, then you have your morals way out of whack.
2) You don't get credit for idols in a party, you still have to do this technique.
yes you can see them doing so but if you are up to your ears in battle you are not going to be able to waddle over and time the collection as you stated
I do it just fine if I see the opportunity. Though for some reason one time some guy just ran off and I was stood there waiting for him to take it (maybe he didn't realise his objective was already complete *shrug*), and another time I was waiting because the guy didn't collect until I was about to type to him to take it :P.
yes you can see them doing so but if you are up to your ears in battle you are not going to be able to waddle over and time the collection as you stated
uh dude you cant colllect while under battle so you have to help kill the mobs read the instructions and it doesnt matter when exactly you start colllecting it just after the other guy does as long as the window for collecting is up youll get it
I cannot believe that this is still an issue , hopefully this and the other quests where griefing is possible will be fixed for module 4 and everybody will get their own version of the idol same as we do now for the Strung up quest with the meat nailed to the trees.
Yes, devs hold the key to everything. And maybe it is time for big brother to lay down some ground rules. I wouldn't object. What's disappointing is that it has to come to this point. I have a pretty good idea what's causing it, but I don't have the numbers to prove it. In 10 years of playing MMOs, I've never seen such a horrible player attitude as I have here.
In the meantime, can't we all just act like human being playing a game together? That's what playing MMOs is about.
It doesnt matter this helps ppl who have to steal because they get their stuff stolen an option to just help other ppl and get their idol without any harm to the other player as long as that stands solo players can solo quest troll idols without harm or steal like me who plays DC and happened to get their idols stolen too just because i dps too slow
While I'm sure that it was an oversight on the Devs part concerning not only Trolls Idols and collapsing mines, it has been a known issue far too long for them not to have noticed.
Until when and if they even address this, ways you can prohibit anyone from ganking your idol include standing within a few feet of the idol to do your fighting, and not kiting the trolls far away. Never dash away from the idol, dash towards the idol. In other words, stay as close to the idol as possible. Anyone coming in to steal the Idol will be aggroed and unable to interact with the idol.
Before I finished IWD on my DC my tactic was to ensure that divinity was charged. I would rush in , stand directly under the Idol, let them crowd me, use a Divine Sunburst to knock them away, drop normal Chains around your position, attack with at-wills, let them close again and get caught by the Chains, hit them with a normal Sunburst, followed by a Divine Daunting Light on my position, and that usually took care of the small trolls and left the big guy hurt. Pop a potion if need be and facetank the big guy, collect Idol.
doriangreighMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 707Arc User
It works, yes, but I consider it a rude practice. DCs are not so useless, they just kill slower (I have a DC alt).
I don't think this is rude, yeah the ones that come riding in while you are fighting and manage to interact before or without getting aggro, now thats rude. Sure if you are riding by you should at least try to help and interact at the same time, however best practice really is to find your own if you are soloing.
I just wish they would make it so DC's and GF's could run at least the basic dailies without it taking all night to do it. I can run all dailies in IWP and DV and do Biggrins Tomb solo on my CW and GWF in probably 20 - 30 minutes, on my DC and GF it takes my whole night of gaming to do them on just one and my DC is decked out in FULL black ice gear in including mh/oh.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
Or you could just find some trolls to kill yourself. You know, actually playing the game instead of having someone else do it for you.
OMG yes.. this. If Im on my DC I have NO issue killing them, its slow, boring and I hate IWD to the uptenth tenth when Im playing on my DC, but I can kill them with no real issues.
Why would you do this!
STAY away from people, I have gotten more stolen objectives here then anywhere else. Sometimes the other person being around the idol, will not allow me to click on it.
Dont justify saying , "yes will two people can get it" , it doesnt always work. This is a massive failure in itself in IWD honestly, at least rescue the prisoners you dont have to click, just stand near it and you get credit =P...
I never thought this was such a big problem, I've done that quest more than 10 times and I think that just once I got the idol stolen by someone else...
doriangreighMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 707Arc User
Or you could just find some trolls to kill yourself. You know, actually playing the game instead of having someone else do it for you.
I can't say I disagree, but I don't see anything wrong with interacting at the same time as another or riding by to assist making things easier for both parties, its the riding up after mobs are dead and doing that tends to get sticky.
Expecting people in this game, any other game, or in life in general to play without exploiting is pretty much asking for the impossible. It would be great if people all played with honor but since this game has so many exploits that don't get fixed that allow I don't know say an HR to stand on top of the gate at the Dracolich in CN and solo the boss for easy loot and kick people that happen to join in if others have left is a pretty good example that there is absolutely NO honorable play in this game and frankly making comments that people should be honorable is an act in futility.
What we need is an enforcement of correct playing which means to fix things like this from happening in general. As to this thread there are no real fixes that i'm aware for idol stealing, would love for there to be one but there isn't anything short of removing that type of quest for something that can be controlled better, since there are several of those types I don't see it happening. It would be nice if they would make those dwarves a bit easier to deal with for classes that are NOT dps monsters (ahem GWF CW), in reference to those collapse the mine quests.
As to my statement about Draco and CN it would be great to put up blocks or invisible walls that prevent jumping to skip the shadowfell and to prevent HRs from standing on top of a gate to solo draco. Or better yet if some nifty programming can be done that would allow them to appear to glitch the draco but actually cause it to reset in a never ending battle that makes those people waste hours upon hours for no reason what so ever. That is probably asking for too much but it would be satisfying to know that people that try exploiting have some sort of sanctions imposed upon them.
OMG yes.. this. If Im on my DC I have NO issue killing them, its slow, boring and I hate IWD to the uptenth tenth when Im playing on my DC, but I can kill them with no real issues.
Why would you do this!
STAY away from people, I have gotten more stolen objectives here then anywhere else. Sometimes the other person being around the idol, will not allow me to click on it.
Dont justify saying , "yes will two people can get it" , it doesnt always work. This is a massive failure in itself in IWD honestly, at least rescue the prisoners you dont have to click, just stand near it and you get credit =P...
It does work if you're not selfish and let the other person do it first. I do whatevers closer and easier. If there's just me, I'll do it by myself. If there's someone else doing it, I'll help out if it's not too late and claim it just after I see them doing it. I can do it right, it doesn't hurt you at all. If anything it would hurt me wasting my time if I did it too l ate. If others don't do it right, they need to learn manners and not be impatient, or just kill there own stuff. When I'm doing something horribly done and repetitive, I'm going to take the easiest root without harming others.
As to my statement about Draco and CN it would be great to put up blocks or invisible walls that prevent jumping to skip the shadowfell and to prevent HRs from standing on top of a gate to solo draco. Or better yet if some nifty programming can be done that would allow them to appear to glitch the draco but actually cause it to reset in a never ending battle that makes those people waste hours upon hours for no reason what so ever. That is probably asking for too much but it would be satisfying to know that people that try exploiting have some sort of sanctions imposed upon them.
They did do it to block skipping the shadowfell (after a long time), except the forgot to do it for the left as well as the right. I don't see the issue anyway. It's just nitpicking. Also allowing draco to reset is a terrible idea, as you know with cryptics programming it'll likely happen at some point when you're trying to do it properly. I've already seen it reset when the party hasn't completely wiped. They supposedly already made it impossible to do the trick anymore in one of the latests patch notes, but it's not uncommon for them to lie in the notes so have no idea if it actually has been or not. It is pretty low to exploit draco like that though.
doriangreighMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 707Arc User
I never thought this was such a big problem, I've done that quest more than 10 times and I think that just once I got the idol stolen by someone else...
It seemed to happen more when the area just opened. Cauldron tipping being the most egregious thing that was going on. I experienced a fair amount of idol stealing and tunnel collapsing when I was doing those quests a lot, mainly because my DC and GF were so slow that people just rode in mid combat while I was fighting and caused my time to basically be wasted, they didn't even stop to help clear the mobs I had left.
I have seen less of that lately but then again I have not been playing as much as my GF is the only one left who has not found a MH and has not unlocked rank 3 black ice shaping and since everything takes so much longer on him I play him a lot less.
I never thought this was such a big problem, I've done that quest more than 10 times and I think that just once I got the idol stolen by someone else...
That's probably because you're a TR.
As a HR, I use my Forest Ghost daily when a would-be-thief approaches, so the trolls attack him/her, and stand next to the idol until he/she kills them. It is also effective with collapsing mines, black ice, etc. It is a defensive mechanism I don't enjoy using, but I'd rather do that than have my idol or whatever stolen.
I don't think this is rude, yeah the ones that come riding in while you are fighting and manage to interact before or without getting aggro, now thats rude. Sure if you are riding by you should at least try to help and interact at the same time, however best practice really is to find your own if you are soloing.
I just wish they would make it so DC's and GF's could run at least the basic dailies without it taking all night to do it. I can run all dailies in IWP and DV and do Biggrins Tomb solo on my CW and GWF in probably 20 - 30 minutes, on my DC and GF it takes my whole night of gaming to do them on just one and my DC is decked out in FULL black ice gear in including mh/oh.
It does not take that long to clear IWD with a GF. What loadout are you using? The thing is they have fewer, tougher mobs so drop all your CC/ AOE/ aggro encounters and just use single-targets like anvil and griffin. tab mark/ TR for the debuff and they get done in no time. This loadout also gains AP really fast so you can keep using menace to make it even faster.
I completely agree that the fact that people can do this at all is a problem and that Cryptic should fix it so that it's not possible (same with the CN and Draco issues you mentioned). However, people going out of their way to find a way of getting someone else to do their work for them in a video game, an entertainment activity, just makes no sense to me. And yes it may not prevent the other person from getting their idol if you do everything exactly right. However (this is aimed at OP's suggestion, not you dorian):
1) The other person doesn't know this is what you're doing, and will likely get stressed out and annoyed thinking you're trying to steal the idol. So it does affect the other person's experience regardless of whether you actually steal it or not.
2) If you mis-time it or the other person inadvertently breaks off their action, they won't get their idol and then you have stolen it.
3) If dailies are really too boring and you really want to shorten the amount of time it takes you, group up with someone. If you put out a call for a group, and no one answers, you can probably guess that the CW blasting trolls nearby doesn't want to be in a group -- so now you're going to essentially force him/her into a group by just joining in? Seems very rude.
Good luck telling these poopdeck thieves that. You're playing the game right? You know it's not that easy. These poopdecks either pretend deaf or "they don't speak English". It's a dam shame it has come to this, and no other game I've played ever required it, but this thieving BS has to stop. If the players themselves don't, either ban them or make sure the decent players aren't bothered by the thieves and can get their objective no matter what.
I wasn't arguing that people stealing relics isn't a problem. Personally, I make sure that no one is even in the area before I start clearing a pack for just this reason, especially if I'm on my GF since he takes longer than my other toons.
My point was that running up to an idol where someone else has cleared (or mostly cleared) the area and trying to grab it while still letting them get it isn't much better. If you aren't grouped with someone, don't force yourself into their fight when the quest object is a one-shot item. It's still likely to anger the other player.
I wasn't arguing that people stealing relics isn't a problem. Personally, I make sure that no one is even in the area before I start clearing a pack for just this reason, especially if I'm on my GF since he takes longer than my other toons.
My point was that running up to an idol where someone else has cleared (or mostly cleared) the area and trying to grab it while still letting them get it isn't much better. If you aren't grouped with someone, don't force yourself into their fight when the quest object is a one-shot item. It's still likely to anger the other player.
It's open world, no reason why you shouldn't share objectives. I personally wouldn't go out of my way to get my share too, but if the opportunity arrives, I'm going to take it. The idol shouldn't disappear when one picks it up anyway. As long as I'm not actually stealing it, the 2 actions are hugely different.. If you honestly think the actions are almost on the same level then I'll save myself the effort of helping clearing any mobs if I arrive at a similar time and just take the idol without ensuring you get it. (of course I won't really, but if you get just as mad at stealers than sharers, than thats an issue with your thinking and nothing to do with me. Though of course I understand being wary in case they do steal since you can't trust people. Likewise with stuff like getting yeti horns, if i see one in combat with near full health, i'll join in and allow others to do a sizable amount so they get credit too. If I'm in combat and someone joins in, I also let them do sizable damage as long as they're not significantly slowing me down.
For the quests like blocking the gears and picking up notes/tools I'd find it rude if you don't help me and let me do all the work. However the quest should work the same way for the trolls as it does for those.
As long as I'm not actually stealing it, the 2 actions are hugely different.. If you honestly think the actions are almost on the same level then I'll save myself the effort of helping clearing any mobs if I arrive at a similar time and just take the idol without ensuring you get it. (of course I won't really, but if you get just as mad at stealers than sharers, than thats an issue with your thinking and nothing to do with me. Though of course I understand being wary in case they do steal since you can't trust people.
The part I bolded in your quote is exactly the point I'm trying to make. As I said in an earlier post, if the other person doesn't know what you're doing, it looks like you're stealing. If they think you're stealing, they will get just as frustrated and annoyed. So from the perspective of their gaming experience, what you've done is not that different even if your intentions weren't as malicious.
As to the open world part, what you say would be true if the quest items weren't "one-use" items. I hope that Cryptic will change this so that multiple people can obtain the same idol. However, until they make such a change, I will assume anyone suddenly joining the fight as I finish the last mob is trying to steal and I'll get appropriately annoyed.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
I hope that Cryptic will change this so that multiple people can obtain the same idol. However, until they make such a change, I will assume anyone suddenly joining the fight as I finish the last mob is trying to steal and I'll get appropriately annoyed.
Agreed. However, this really isn't that much of an issue....most people will only be doing the quest a few times anyhow - no reason to continue after you have gathered enough Dwarven Gold to unlock everything, and after that there is no real reason to bother with the area....well, except to gather black Ice, but that can be done faster in other ways.
Hoping for improvements...
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
edited July 2014
Lets blame others for our actions shall we, its called personal responsibility, even in games. I accidentally needed a all greed one yesterday, I apologized and then skipped the next 10 enchants, just to make sure everyone could make up for the accident I did.
or... you could be like the preceding posters, who claim its cryptic's fault, not theirs. Oh , our society these days let me tell you, true reflections show up when you are playing a anonymous online characters.
Your time is NO more valuable then others, simply put.
or... you could be like the preceding posters, who claim its cryptic's fault, not theirs. Oh , our society these days let me tell you, true reflections show up when you are playing a anonymous online characters.
There is a difference between forcing someone to do something, and laying out the tools for someone to do something in which they do themselves...but either way, you ARE allowing it, and by not addressing it promptly enabling and encouraging it.
Im in accord with what you are basically saying.
Some people want to log in with the limited time they have available, complete a few quests and log off. Not everyone has the time to form a group just to prevent being stolen from. Forming a group doesnt prevent your group from being stolen from either.
At the end of the day so to speak its the DEVS that are choosing to allow troll idols etc to be stolen. As long as this coding allows for stealing of quest items it opens the door wide for members of other competing games to cause chaos in this game by simply logging in and p-issing the player base off via stealing to the extent everyone begins to do it just to prevent feeling like a total idiot ....which eventually leads to P base collapse.
Its up to them...they hold the "enchanted keys" to this stupidity.
yes you can see them doing so but if you are up to your ears in battle you are not going to be able to waddle over and time the collection as you stated
1) He said to collect it after the other person does it. You can see an animation of other people doing it. He even said to kill the mobs. If you think that's as bad as actually stealing it, then you have your morals way out of whack.
2) You don't get credit for idols in a party, you still have to do this technique.
I do it just fine if I see the opportunity. Though for some reason one time some guy just ran off and I was stood there waiting for him to take it (maybe he didn't realise his objective was already complete *shrug*), and another time I was waiting because the guy didn't collect until I was about to type to him to take it :P.
Until when and if they even address this, ways you can prohibit anyone from ganking your idol include standing within a few feet of the idol to do your fighting, and not kiting the trolls far away. Never dash away from the idol, dash towards the idol. In other words, stay as close to the idol as possible. Anyone coming in to steal the Idol will be aggroed and unable to interact with the idol.
Before I finished IWD on my DC my tactic was to ensure that divinity was charged. I would rush in , stand directly under the Idol, let them crowd me, use a Divine Sunburst to knock them away, drop normal Chains around your position, attack with at-wills, let them close again and get caught by the Chains, hit them with a normal Sunburst, followed by a Divine Daunting Light on my position, and that usually took care of the small trolls and left the big guy hurt. Pop a potion if need be and facetank the big guy, collect Idol.
I don't think this is rude, yeah the ones that come riding in while you are fighting and manage to interact before or without getting aggro, now thats rude. Sure if you are riding by you should at least try to help and interact at the same time, however best practice really is to find your own if you are soloing.
I just wish they would make it so DC's and GF's could run at least the basic dailies without it taking all night to do it. I can run all dailies in IWP and DV and do Biggrins Tomb solo on my CW and GWF in probably 20 - 30 minutes, on my DC and GF it takes my whole night of gaming to do them on just one and my DC is decked out in FULL black ice gear in including mh/oh.
OMG yes.. this. If Im on my DC I have NO issue killing them, its slow, boring and I hate IWD to the uptenth tenth when Im playing on my DC, but I can kill them with no real issues.
Why would you do this!
STAY away from people, I have gotten more stolen objectives here then anywhere else. Sometimes the other person being around the idol, will not allow me to click on it.
Dont justify saying , "yes will two people can get it" , it doesnt always work. This is a massive failure in itself in IWD honestly, at least rescue the prisoners you dont have to click, just stand near it and you get credit =P...
I can't say I disagree, but I don't see anything wrong with interacting at the same time as another or riding by to assist making things easier for both parties, its the riding up after mobs are dead and doing that tends to get sticky.
Expecting people in this game, any other game, or in life in general to play without exploiting is pretty much asking for the impossible. It would be great if people all played with honor but since this game has so many exploits that don't get fixed that allow I don't know say an HR to stand on top of the gate at the Dracolich in CN and solo the boss for easy loot and kick people that happen to join in if others have left is a pretty good example that there is absolutely NO honorable play in this game and frankly making comments that people should be honorable is an act in futility.
What we need is an enforcement of correct playing which means to fix things like this from happening in general. As to this thread there are no real fixes that i'm aware for idol stealing, would love for there to be one but there isn't anything short of removing that type of quest for something that can be controlled better, since there are several of those types I don't see it happening. It would be nice if they would make those dwarves a bit easier to deal with for classes that are NOT dps monsters (ahem GWF CW), in reference to those collapse the mine quests.
As to my statement about Draco and CN it would be great to put up blocks or invisible walls that prevent jumping to skip the shadowfell and to prevent HRs from standing on top of a gate to solo draco. Or better yet if some nifty programming can be done that would allow them to appear to glitch the draco but actually cause it to reset in a never ending battle that makes those people waste hours upon hours for no reason what so ever. That is probably asking for too much but it would be satisfying to know that people that try exploiting have some sort of sanctions imposed upon them.
It does work if you're not selfish and let the other person do it first. I do whatevers closer and easier. If there's just me, I'll do it by myself. If there's someone else doing it, I'll help out if it's not too late and claim it just after I see them doing it. I can do it right, it doesn't hurt you at all. If anything it would hurt me wasting my time if I did it too l ate. If others don't do it right, they need to learn manners and not be impatient, or just kill there own stuff. When I'm doing something horribly done and repetitive, I'm going to take the easiest root without harming others.
They did do it to block skipping the shadowfell (after a long time), except the forgot to do it for the left as well as the right. I don't see the issue anyway. It's just nitpicking. Also allowing draco to reset is a terrible idea, as you know with cryptics programming it'll likely happen at some point when you're trying to do it properly. I've already seen it reset when the party hasn't completely wiped. They supposedly already made it impossible to do the trick anymore in one of the latests patch notes, but it's not uncommon for them to lie in the notes so have no idea if it actually has been or not. It is pretty low to exploit draco like that though.
It seemed to happen more when the area just opened. Cauldron tipping being the most egregious thing that was going on. I experienced a fair amount of idol stealing and tunnel collapsing when I was doing those quests a lot, mainly because my DC and GF were so slow that people just rode in mid combat while I was fighting and caused my time to basically be wasted, they didn't even stop to help clear the mobs I had left.
I have seen less of that lately but then again I have not been playing as much as my GF is the only one left who has not found a MH and has not unlocked rank 3 black ice shaping and since everything takes so much longer on him I play him a lot less.
That's probably because you're a TR.
As a HR, I use my Forest Ghost daily when a would-be-thief approaches, so the trolls attack him/her, and stand next to the idol until he/she kills them. It is also effective with collapsing mines, black ice, etc. It is a defensive mechanism I don't enjoy using, but I'd rather do that than have my idol or whatever stolen.
It does not take that long to clear IWD with a GF. What loadout are you using? The thing is they have fewer, tougher mobs so drop all your CC/ AOE/ aggro encounters and just use single-targets like anvil and griffin. tab mark/ TR for the debuff and they get done in no time. This loadout also gains AP really fast so you can keep using menace to make it even faster.
I completely agree that the fact that people can do this at all is a problem and that Cryptic should fix it so that it's not possible (same with the CN and Draco issues you mentioned). However, people going out of their way to find a way of getting someone else to do their work for them in a video game, an entertainment activity, just makes no sense to me. And yes it may not prevent the other person from getting their idol if you do everything exactly right. However (this is aimed at OP's suggestion, not you dorian):
1) The other person doesn't know this is what you're doing, and will likely get stressed out and annoyed thinking you're trying to steal the idol. So it does affect the other person's experience regardless of whether you actually steal it or not.
2) If you mis-time it or the other person inadvertently breaks off their action, they won't get their idol and then you have stolen it.
3) If dailies are really too boring and you really want to shorten the amount of time it takes you, group up with someone. If you put out a call for a group, and no one answers, you can probably guess that the CW blasting trolls nearby doesn't want to be in a group -- so now you're going to essentially force him/her into a group by just joining in? Seems very rude.
Yup, they just laid out a bunch of troll cudgels and walked away.
I wasn't arguing that people stealing relics isn't a problem. Personally, I make sure that no one is even in the area before I start clearing a pack for just this reason, especially if I'm on my GF since he takes longer than my other toons.
My point was that running up to an idol where someone else has cleared (or mostly cleared) the area and trying to grab it while still letting them get it isn't much better. If you aren't grouped with someone, don't force yourself into their fight when the quest object is a one-shot item. It's still likely to anger the other player.
It's open world, no reason why you shouldn't share objectives. I personally wouldn't go out of my way to get my share too, but if the opportunity arrives, I'm going to take it. The idol shouldn't disappear when one picks it up anyway. As long as I'm not actually stealing it, the 2 actions are hugely different.. If you honestly think the actions are almost on the same level then I'll save myself the effort of helping clearing any mobs if I arrive at a similar time and just take the idol without ensuring you get it. (of course I won't really, but if you get just as mad at stealers than sharers, than thats an issue with your thinking and nothing to do with me. Though of course I understand being wary in case they do steal since you can't trust people. Likewise with stuff like getting yeti horns, if i see one in combat with near full health, i'll join in and allow others to do a sizable amount so they get credit too. If I'm in combat and someone joins in, I also let them do sizable damage as long as they're not significantly slowing me down.
For the quests like blocking the gears and picking up notes/tools I'd find it rude if you don't help me and let me do all the work. However the quest should work the same way for the trolls as it does for those.
The part I bolded in your quote is exactly the point I'm trying to make. As I said in an earlier post, if the other person doesn't know what you're doing, it looks like you're stealing. If they think you're stealing, they will get just as frustrated and annoyed. So from the perspective of their gaming experience, what you've done is not that different even if your intentions weren't as malicious.
As to the open world part, what you say would be true if the quest items weren't "one-use" items. I hope that Cryptic will change this so that multiple people can obtain the same idol. However, until they make such a change, I will assume anyone suddenly joining the fight as I finish the last mob is trying to steal and I'll get appropriately annoyed.
Agreed. However, this really isn't that much of an issue....most people will only be doing the quest a few times anyhow - no reason to continue after you have gathered enough Dwarven Gold to unlock everything, and after that there is no real reason to bother with the area....well, except to gather black Ice, but that can be done faster in other ways.
or... you could be like the preceding posters, who claim its cryptic's fault, not theirs. Oh , our society these days let me tell you, true reflections show up when you are playing a anonymous online characters.
Your time is NO more valuable then others, simply put.
There is a difference between forcing someone to do something, and laying out the tools for someone to do something in which they do themselves...but either way, you ARE allowing it, and by not addressing it promptly enabling and encouraging it.