I'm new to the Rogue class and NeverWinter in general. I played a tank/Guardian Fighter until mid 50s mostly just pvp'n but it's not a class that is pvp friendly I think. So I made a rogue and have some questions. Firstly, what exactly is "Combat Advantage" and "Combat Advantage Points"? Well I read some skills/power/feats descriptions it mentions this but I don't actually see it as a skill anywhere nor any info on what it is or how to use it. So can someone who is good at explaining things fill me in?

- Krackin'
~Vladimar Zul - Fury build SW ~
~Takadump onzcrapper - Iron vangaurd GF~
It's a 20% damage bonus from stealth or behind the target.
I'm not sure what makes it "shotty" or how you rarely see it triggered... Most of my attacks have combat advantage bonus, about the only time I'm not dealing combat advantage is when I have ITC running while toe to toe with a GF/GWF. I think it is an awesome damage boost. Maybe I missed the log parse that showed it was broken... if so, I would love someone to point it out.
And you get combat advantage without putting feat points to it, the feat points increase its effectiveness... the feats increase its bonus damage from 20% to 25%