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Crixus GF pvp guide

crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
edited August 2014 in The Militia Barracks
This is a mod 3 guide so it's no longer useful.

My char = http://prntscr.com/47hyup

Paragon path i chose is iron vanguard as i think swordmaster needs fixing a lot, it is a good path with some decent abilities but iron vanguard is just better.


The main 3 armor sets i would say are best is these 3 since they are both fully about dps and although going protector or tactician is good i still found that conqueror is the best role for pvp.

Timeless hero: Timeless hero gives the same stats as profound conqueror armor but it gives a little more but this doesn't have tenacity so profound is better once you get it. The 2 set bonus gives 450 deflect and the 4 set bonus
gives you a higher crit chance so its a full dps armor and great for pvp.

Profound armor of the conqueror: Profound conqueror gives a smaller amount of stats than timeless but it makes up for it by giving tenacity. It's 2 set bonus is 463
defence and 4 set bonus gives you 12.5 run speed and 30% guard meter so it can be useful is some situations.

Black ice armor: The black ice sets are great, they give higher stat ratings than any other gear and have a lot of hp and since that's the best defense stat it makes these armors amazing. I personally prefer the purified since the full set gives so much survivability and I'm still able to deal high dps.


The power setup I use = http://prntscr.com/3wxdwc


Cleave: Cleave should be your main at will power, it gives decent dps and decent speed too.

Tide of iron: This power is good because it gains you 10% of you guard meter back and lowers the enemy's defence by a little. It is slow though so use it carefully like if you need some guard back quickly or if an enemy is knocked prone.

Threatning rush
: I prefer this over tide of iron. This power is great because it marks the target and charges towards them dealing decent dmg, not many people will be able to outrun this so they cant escape making it a great gap closer.

Crushing surge: This power can be ok, it has much potential but i don't think it's worth slotting over cleave or threatening rush.


Lunging strike: This is possibly the best power in the game, any gf should have this slotted 99% of the time. It's great dmg can be used to get into the battlefield fast to escape or even to kill an enemy that is trying to run away.

Bull charge: This power is another one i always have slotted, it does great dmg and knocks a single enemy prone allowing you to do more dps to them.

Frontline surge: This power can do good dmg and knock a group of enemies prone. i like to use this then follow up with bull rush and then lunging strike or bull rush first. It does have a slow recharge but its a great power.

Anvil of doom: I don't have this slotted anymore because i prefer frontline but it is equally as good since it can do great single target dps and when fighting an annoying gwf who is low hp but in unstoppable and recharging you can just quickly kill him. It gets rid of people quickly but it does have a low recharge and can miss sometimes
if the enemy dodges.


Combat superiority: I have this slotted all the time in pvp and 99% of the time in pve since with feats it can give you a constant 15% dmg boost to everything.

Trample the fallen
: this is the second feature i have slotted while in pvp, it is amazing when you have 2 knockdowns slotted you can knock them twice then use lunging strike and you can sometimes kill a player with just them 3 encounters used together.

Ferocious reaction
: i don't use this since i prefer the other 2 but it can be very good if you have high hp and can save your life in some fights but i just don't like the 3 min cool down.


Supremacy of Steel: i love this power so much and have it slotted all the time, it reflects back dmg to any player who hits you and if they have plaguefire or another enchant that
does dmg over time you will do much more dmg to them since it procs on all dmg taken. This can also be used defensively. When fighting a rogue use this power and if he hits you from stealth
it will dmg him and if he takes enough his stealth can break. Also this can be used when your fighting a enemy with low hp or when trying to escape since most players wont
want to hit you with this on.

Fighters recovery: I slot this sometimes, many people say its bad for pvp but i disagree, it can heal you very large amounts of hp if you use all your encounters so it can definitely help.

Indomitable strength: This power is good since its good dps and can be a follow up to frontline and bull rush, 3 knockdowns can do insane dmg but it can miss a lot since its easy to dodge.

Villains menace: this can be very helpful when in a group fight since it damages everything around you for good dmg and gives you bonus dmg while active and gives you control immunity.

Terrifying impact: This power can't be stopped, it can go through gwf unstoppable and a rogues impossible to catch so it can be very deadly if timed right.


This is the feat path i chose, it is mainly based around dps for pvp and i rely on skill to survive instead of going full defence since gf doesn't get much anyway.



Great weapon fighter: Ok the gwf is stronger than the gf and everyone knows these are a pain but a good gf can easily beat a gwf in 1v1 if he plays it right. The best thing to do is to move around, not just block or you will die easy. With 2 knockdowns then lunging strike you can do good dmg and then he will get up and go unstoppable right away like most do so don't even bother to fight him, just run around him dodging and blocking only when hes going to use a strong move so your block stays high and he wastes his unstoppable time, then repeat until he is dead. I have tried this much in pvp and open pvp and had many 1v1 with gwf and i usually win 90% of the time because there isn't much they can do.

Trickster rogue
: It's sad to say but a full geared trickster rogue with skill will beat a gf 1v1 no matter what but there is tactics you can do to beat a lot of rogues and even some very good ones.
First off a rogue will go stealth and usually throw his daggers, look at the direction they are coming from and frontline surge it if you hear the noise knowing he is knocked down quickly run towards him
and use bull rush or another strong power and keep doing that. Another rogue tactic is to use gloaming cut a lot while they are in stealth to perm stealth but if a rogue is close enough to you it allows you
to see him in stealth for a small amount of time so knock him prone. Lastly never ever stand still, most rogues use impossible to catch so they deflect or dodge all attacks while they do this they will use
duelists flurry and rip your hp down so never give them the chance.

Hunter Ranger
: Again a good hunter ranger with skill will always beat a gf 1v1 and since they are one of the strongest classes in the game and if played right there isn't much a gf can do but if they are around the same gear as you then you might win if you use tactics. First off never leave a gap between you, keep hunting him down and using as much knockdowns as you can to maximize dmg and keep an eye on him if he goes in stealth run to where you think he might be and knock him out of it, if he uses melee stance he can get around the battlefield fast and even teliport/dash behind you so always be ready.

Cleric: Clerics are annoying in pvp, they don't do much dmg but can be a nightmare if with another player so always concentrate on the cleric and never give them the chance to heal, keep up pressure and knock them
prone over and over until they die.

Control Wizard: Wizards are very easy for a gf and the main thing is to not waste your skills, get close to a wizard and he will dodge back or away so wait until he does this before you use your encounter power that's when he will least expect it and the best time to strike. Don't waste your shield but make sure to block there control powers and since most of there encounters have a slow activation it should be easy.

Guardian fighter
: guardian fighter 1v1 is so annoying, it can take a long time if both gf just use there shield a lot but the best way to win is to quicky jump/ run behind them and knock them prone and then get as much dmg in as possible and do not let them do it to you. When fighting another gf its easy to tell who is better by how well the player can do this.


1. I know the gf is a very low mobility class but don't always think of it like that because we can move around well and dodge attacks and i always see many gf using shield slam and aggravating strike (they are the 2 at will powers once block is up) and i don't know why people stand still using this the whole fight, no gf should even do this in pvp its low dmg and just makes you an easy target and most of all you waste your block meter.

2. To maximize dmg against a single enemy have combat superiority and trample the fallen slotted, they are my 2 favorite class features because when combined with crushing pin feat you can do so much dmg. First off use either frontline surge or bull charge to an enemy and remember that bull charge is more dmg so i prefer to start with frontline, then follow up with bull charge then lunging strike, you get the 15% dmg bonus from combat superiority and you get 25% more bonus dmg to the enemy once he is proned from frontline since you have trample the fallen and crushing pin. using all 3 of these encounters like that can kill some players right away or it allows you to deal very high dmg to a well defended char like the gwf.

3. the gf doesn't have as much defence or dmg as most other classes but we do have the shield and although it breaks fast it is one of the main things that makes our class so tactical so never waste it, if you have gone conqueror path then you should know not to waste block meter anyway since the higher it is the more power you get but even if you go another path still dont keep your block up all the time, use it when you have to and not to just block at will hits because you can just run/ dodge around them moves and block when you really need to like against an enemy prone or a daily power. The amount of times i have been low hp and i see a rogue jump into the air to use shocking execution and i just quickly raise my shield and he wastes his daily, its so good :)

4. Don't go crazy with defence stat, i see a lot of gf stacking defence past 5k and even going as high as 6-7k and it is not needed and past 5k you get almost 0 from it so you are wasting stat points that could be much more beneficial. Defence can go down to as little as 4k thats a good number for it just dont go above 5k ever. Hp is way better than defence because more hp allows healing spells to do more and if you have good regen you will benefit from it a lot more with the higher hp you have and all gf should have at least 1k regen.

I hope this guide helped, i know the gf is a hard class to play but it is very fun and can be very powerful once mastered. Have fun everyone and you can always pm me in game if you have any questions :)



Crixus - PVP GF
Post edited by crixus8000 on


  • cilginordekcilginordek Member Posts: 459 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    This is really similar to what I use except I go tactician so I can use my shield without feeling bad and generate a lot more AP. Also in tactician tree there's an upgrade to Lunging Strike, which makes it trigger Crushing Pin, so you can do your rotations in any way you like.
    I use Indomitable and Fighters Recovery as my daily powers although Fighters Recovery never really saved my life; animation is too long.

    crixus8000 wrote: »
    Indomitable strength: This power is good since its good dps and can be a follow up to frontline and bull rush, 3 knockdowns can do insane dmg but it can miss a lot since its easy to dodge.

    Actually even if you miss the first hit the second one still hits the opponent and sends them prone most of the time, which is quite nice
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    This is really similar to what I use except I go tactician so I can use my shield without feeling bad and generate a lot more AP. Also in tactician tree there's an upgrade to Lunging Strike, which makes it trigger Crushing Pin, so you can do your rotations in any way you like.
    I use Indomitable and Fighters Recovery as my daily powers although Fighters Recovery never really saved my life; animation is too long.

    Actually even if you miss the first hit the second one still hits the opponent and sends them prone most of the time, which is quite nice

    Yeah i do like the extra AP from tactician but i found conqueror to just be more effective for me and the double power is great for the extra dmg and healing.

    As for fighters recovery its animation is just as slow as most other daily's for the gf and maybe a little faster than some. I have healed about 10-15k hp with it and it has saved my life in many situations, that added with my normal hp regen i can survive very well.

    Indomitable second hit doesn't always hit so its a chance you are taking and you have to learn to time it right.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • flagheadflaghead Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Good guide. Its always nice to see a fellow GF PVPer. One thought though...
    crixus8000 wrote: »

    Crushing surge: useless.

    This is not true. Crushing Surge should be the go to At-Will for any GF PvPers for a couple of reasons.
    The first should be obvious, it does more damage. Even with the feat that gives Cleave an extra 15% damage, Crushing Surge is still out ahead. Why more GFs don't use it is mind-boggling to me.

    Now, the caveat is that Crushing Surge should primarily be used in PVP and not for PVE. Why? Because it is a single-target attack, while Cleave attacks in a cone hitting multiple targets. This is great for burning down groups of enemies. But it is terrible if you're just fighting a single opponent.

    Ask yourself this question, how many times have you fought multiple melee opponents at one time in PVP? And if you have, you probably died anyways. So it makes more sense to use a higher damage single target At-Will because the majority of your fights in PVP will be you versus a single opponent, and then probably being blasted from several opponents at range :)

    Also, the small heal the third strike gives isn't terribly useful, but hey, any survivability is good right?
  • cilginordekcilginordek Member Posts: 459 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Crushing Surge is slow as hell. Cleave has better DPS but even then I rarely use it. I think if you're timing your encounters right you won't have time for 3 strikes of Crushing Surge anyway.
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    flaghead wrote: »
    Good guide. Its always nice to see a fellow GF PVPer. One thought though...

    This is not true. Crushing Surge should be the go to At-Will for any GF PvPers for a couple of reasons.
    The first should be obvious, it does more damage. Even with the feat that gives Cleave an extra 15% damage, Crushing Surge is still out ahead. Why more GFs don't use it is mind-boggling to me.

    Now, the caveat is that Crushing Surge should primarily be used in PVP and not for PVE. Why? Because it is a single-target attack, while Cleave attacks in a cone hitting multiple targets. This is great for burning down groups of enemies. But it is terrible if you're just fighting a single opponent.

    Ask yourself this question, how many times have you fought multiple melee opponents at one time in PVP? And if you have, you probably died anyways. So it makes more sense to use a higher damage single target At-Will because the majority of your fights in PVP will be you versus a single opponent, and then probably being blasted from several opponents at range :)

    Also, the small heal the third strike gives isn't terribly useful, but hey, any survivability is good right?

    i know what your saying and i understand how it could be useful but its just not good enough and it cant take the place of tide of iron or threatening rush so its really cleave vs crushing surge and surge is just to slow and many people end up making a mistake trying to get in the last hit to get the heal when they should have blocked or used another power. Its to clumsy and i think cleave is just the better choice but its good to see other gf using different skills and not all the same builds :)
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • hamletswordshamletswords Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1,320 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    Hunter Ranger: Again a good hunter ranger with skill will always beat a gf 1v1 and since they are one of the strongest classes in the game and if played right there isn't much a gf can do but if they are around the same gear as you then you might win if you use tactics. First off never leave a gap between you, keep hunting him down and using as much knockdowns as you can to maximize dmg and keep an eye on him if he goes in stealth run to where you think he might be and knock him out of it, if he uses daggers he can get around the battlefield fast and even teliport behind you so always be ready.

    Is this for a TR or an HR? HRs don't stealth much and don't use daggers and can't teleport...
    My Harem: Dawn HR, Erin CW, Piper TR, Zoe GWF
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    Is this for a TR or an HR? HRs don't stealth much and don't use daggers and can't teleport...

    Have you aver fought a good hr ?

    they teliport around the map like crazy using all there skills so you have to be ready to knock them prone anticipating where they are gonna go and yes rangers do have daggers/blades same thing and they are very strong if they know how to use them. Also HR usually use the meditation daily but a lot also use stealth and then try to get in a heavy shot so its always good to be prepared.

    Marauders escape/rush is one skill that has 2 teliport like effects. I would not make the guide if i have not got a HR and not fought them a lot...

    But anyway i changed a few words just so you can understand it better.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • grimahgrimah Member Posts: 1,658 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    flaghead wrote: »
    This is not true. Crushing Surge should be the go to At-Will for any GF PvPers for a couple of reasons.
    The first should be obvious, it does more damage. Even with the feat that gives Cleave an extra 15% damage, Crushing Surge is still out ahead. Why more GFs don't use it is mind-boggling to me.

    This, Its not slow as hell, its the same speed/near enough the same speed as cleave, but does more damage (about 10% more than feated cleave) and a better lock on. I don't know where you get the idea it is clumsy. go test/parse it on dummies.
    Creator of the featured survival horror foundry: "The Silence of Haydenwick" Video Review
    and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
  • azrael778azrael778 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    flaghead wrote: »
    Good guide. Its always nice to see a fellow GF PVPer. One thought though...

    This is not true. Crushing Surge should be the go to At-Will for any GF PvPers for a couple of reasons.
    The first should be obvious, it does more damage. Even with the feat that gives Cleave an extra 15% damage, Crushing Surge is still out ahead. Why more GFs don't use it is mind-boggling to me.

    Now, the caveat is that Crushing Surge should primarily be used in PVP and not for PVE. Why? Because it is a single-target attack, while Cleave attacks in a cone hitting multiple targets. This is great for burning down groups of enemies. But it is terrible if you're just fighting a single opponent.

    Ask yourself this question, how many times have you fought multiple melee opponents at one time in PVP? And if you have, you probably died anyways. So it makes more sense to use a higher damage single target At-Will because the majority of your fights in PVP will be you versus a single opponent, and then probably being blasted from several opponents at range :)

    Also, the small heal the third strike gives isn't terribly useful, but hey, any survivability is good right?

    I agree completely crushing surge is far better to use. Also, with all due respect crixus8000, this is a mod 2 build,iron vanguard now has no survivability againts high geared or at least decent classes. its not really effective anymore in mod 3... That MAY Be the reason why youre having trouble killing TRs you should consider that... Im just saying and you might want to tweak a little your ability scores if you want to be pvp specced
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    grimah wrote: »
    This, Its not slow as hell, its the same speed/near enough the same speed as cleave, but does more damage (about 10% more than feated cleave) and a better lock on. I don't know where you get the idea it is clumsy. go test/parse it on dummies.

    i used the word "useless" because we only have 2 at will slots and i think they can be better slotted than with crushing surge. i have seen gf use it and yes it can be good but its clumsy because 99% of the time i see a gf using it they always try to get the 3rd hit in so they get the heal but it leaves them open and instead of wasting time trying to get a small amount of hp they should use it doing a better move.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • oicidrazoicidraz Member Posts: 627 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    Crushing Surge is only good in PvP in a 1v1 situation, in PvE Cleave and Weapon Master's Strike are better cause these ones can hit 2,3 or even more enemies at the same time (specially with Weapon Master's Strike which is the At-Will with the best range that we have) while Crushing Surge is just 1 hit to 1 enemy...
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    azrael778 wrote: »
    I agree completely crushing surge is far better to use. Also, with all due respect crixus8000, this is a mod 2 build,iron vanguard now has no survivability againts high geared or at least decent classes. its not really effective anymore in mod 3... That MAY Be the reason why youre having trouble killing TRs you should consider that... Im just saying and you might want to tweak a little your ability scores if you want to be pvp specced

    When did i say i had trouble killing TR ? I do great in pvp and have very good K/D ratio so not sure where you got that.

    Also i prefer iron vanguard whoever says it isnt a pvp spec is clearly wrong....

    Iron vanguard has frontline surge over flourish and that allows you to deal way more dmg if you use it will bull rush then follow up with lunging also iron vanguard gives you trample the fallen so i have more dmg than anyone who goes swordmaster...

    My build is only a pvp spec and i do good with it i know people like swordmaster for the different feats but i have tried both and iron vanguard is still the best option for pvp in my opinion.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    azrael778 wrote: »
    I agree completely crushing surge is far better to use. Also, with all due respect crixus8000, this is a mod 2 build,iron vanguard now has no survivability againts high geared or at least decent classes. its not really effective anymore in mod 3... That MAY Be the reason why youre having trouble killing TRs you should consider that... Im just saying and you might want to tweak a little your ability scores if you want to be pvp specced

    Also lets compair

    iron vanguards frontline surge vs swordmasters flourish, frontline can hit multiple targets also knocks them prone and is decent range also allows for trample the fallen and crushing pin to deal 25% more dmg.

    Flourish is single target power with decent dmg but it is kinda slow and doesnt knock them prone just stuns for a short time.

    Iron vanguards class features vs swordmasters class features.

    Iron vanguard has trample the fallen, an amazing feature that allows you to deal 15% dmg to any enemy knocked prone so increases out dps by a good amount then ferocious reaction, its a good healing power that can save your life.

    Sword masters features steel blitz and steel grace, steel blitz allows you to deal an extra attack depending on how many enemies you hit, not good at all, i have tested it and in pvp it doesn't proc that much and as for steel defence well getting 5 second immunity from using a daily power is good but its not much help really because we cant use daily powers every second.

    As for the daily power i think swordmasters is better, it is a great power but i prefer to have the normal gf daily's on anyway so yes iron vanguard is a better pvp spec for me i don't struggle with TR and this is not a mod 2 build.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • silverleadsilverlead Member Posts: 63
    edited June 2014
    Something that is never explained is Prone. What the hell is it? What does it mean to Prone someone?
  • silverleadsilverlead Member Posts: 63
    edited June 2014
    Oh also Crixus can you post a pic of what your action bar setup looks like for pvp?
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    silverlead wrote: »
    Something that is never explained is Prone. What the hell is it? What does it mean to Prone someone?

    Prone is basically being knocked down that's why i use bull charge and frontline surge with trample the fallen slotted and crushing pin feat because you get 25% dmg to proned enemies and with 2 knockdowns/prones, you can do a lot of dmg.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    silverlead wrote: »
    Oh also Crixus can you post a pic of what your action bar setup looks like for pvp?

    http://prntscr.com/3wxdwc here :)
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • psycobrabillypsycobrabilly Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    This is pretty much how my GF is, right down to how we fight other classes :). Although I prefer using anvil over FLS. I find it a lot easier getting double and triple kills when using anvil on someone with soulforge , (its how I got my Dominion Champion title so fast) but i do get accused of kill steals a lot lol.
    I recently switched my profound con armor for profound preserver to try out the more regen and deflect, but i miss the recovery and power to much so I think im gonna go back to con. Anyway great guide!
  • azrael778azrael778 Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    crixus8000 wrote: »
    When did i say i had trouble killing TR ? I do great in pvp and have very good K/D ratio so not sure where you got that.

    Also i prefer iron vanguard whoever says it isnt a pvp spec is clearly wrong....

    Iron vanguard has frontline surge over flourish and that allows you to deal way more dmg if you use it will bull rush then follow up with lunging also iron vanguard gives you trample the fallen so i have more dmg than anyone who goes swordmaster...

    My build is only a pvp spec and i do good with it i know people like swordmaster for the different feats but i have tried both and iron vanguard is still the best option for pvp in my opinion.

    Im not saying your build is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> mate,Its a decent build. To be honest I have a similar build just like yours since beta as I can remember and FLS is really a good encounter and it does rock but when mod 3 came up, open pvp, new artifacts etc; SURVIVABILITY is the name of the game. GFs right now can have new options to be at par with other classes. Swordmaster has one class feature (Steel defense) that is worth sacrificing FLS or attack power. Try fighting a high geared halfling GWF with high deflect and youll see youll be in a disadvantage in 3-4 rotations since it will deflect most of your attacks.
  • lisaxxiilisaxxii Member Posts: 207 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    oicidraz wrote: »
    Crushing Surge is only good in PvP in a 1v1 situation, in PvE Cleave and Weapon Master's Strike are better cause these ones can hit 2,3 or even more enemies at the same time (specially with Weapon Master's Strike which is the At-Will with the best range that we have) while Crushing Surge is just 1 hit to 1 enemy...

    Yes cleave can hit more than 1 person.... But who cares? Is that tiny amount of DPS going to help in any way against multiple opponents? Nope. Crushing Surge is really the only choice.

    Yes this build is amazing, I loved it, it was almost completely destroyed by tenacity. Then Mod 3 killed it.

    Not bashing the OP at all, he obviously understands how a GF needs to be played in PvP. You cannot beat anything 1v1 with this build (of course you are going to wreak idiot pugs) nothing. A freaken DC will beat you 1v1 as will every other class.... Easily.

    There are people working out tankier builds that can do a little better in pugs and stuff but with those builds they can't really fulfill the GF's roll on a team working together against similar opponents. GF gimps your team, no matter the spec.

    It sucks, I'm hoping Mod4 will help, but it's not looken good.

    And please save all of your "I do fine on my GF!" <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. No you don't, I run across you guys all the time, you die like sh*t. It's not your fault, it's the classes.

    P.S. Azrael if that is really you in your pic I wanna lick the sweat off those sweet sweet abs. Mmmmm roar.
    Enemy Team
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    This is pretty much how my GF is, right down to how we fight other classes :). Although I prefer using anvil over FLS. I find it a lot easier getting double and triple kills when using anvil on someone with soulforge , (its how I got my Dominion Champion title so fast) but i do get accused of kill steals a lot lol.
    I recently switched my profound con armor for profound preserver to try out the more regen and deflect, but i miss the recovery and power to much so I think im gonna go back to con. Anyway great guide!

    thanks ^^ and yeah i found anvil to get me more kills too its a great skill but when it came down to winning fights in 1v1 or 2v1 then FLS was the choice to go.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    azrael778 wrote: »
    Im not saying your build is <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> mate,Its a decent build. To be honest I have a similar build just like yours since beta as I can remember and FLS is really a good encounter and it does rock but when mod 3 came up, open pvp, new artifacts etc; SURVIVABILITY is the name of the game. GFs right now can have new options to be at par with other classes. Swordmaster has one class feature (Steel defense) that is worth sacrificing FLS or attack power. Try fighting a high geared halfling GWF with high deflect and youll see youll be in a disadvantage in 3-4 rotations since it will deflect most of your attacks.

    yeah bro i understand but i have spent a lot of AD or even wasted a lot trying new specs and i have been full protector twice and tried different builds and this is the one that made me strongest so i wanted to share it.

    Also yes the gwf get insane deflect and is hard to win but the tips i gave on fighting them do allow me to beat a lot 1v1 i am 15k gs when flagged for pvp and i have beaten 19k gs perfect vorpal gwf now this isnt all the time since some can just kill you in a few hits once your proned but this build is amazing at killing all enemies if you can use it right just because of the prone dmg alone.

    But when mod 4 comes out i will go swordmaster since the changes will make that the better option and i do love crescendo :D
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    lisaxxii wrote: »
    Yes cleave can hit more than 1 person.... But who cares? Is that tiny amount of DPS going to help in any way against multiple opponents? Nope. Crushing Surge is really the only choice.

    Yes this build is amazing, I loved it, it was almost completely destroyed by tenacity. Then Mod 3 killed it.

    Not bashing the OP at all, he obviously understands how a GF needs to be played in PvP. You cannot beat anything 1v1 with this build (of course you are going to wreak idiot pugs) nothing. A freaken DC will beat you 1v1 as will every other class.... Easily.

    There are people working out tankier builds that can do a little better in pugs and stuff but with those builds they can't really fulfill the GF's roll on a team working together against similar opponents. GF gimps your team, no matter the spec.

    It sucks, I'm hoping Mod4 will help, but it's not looken good.

    And please save all of your "I do fine on my GF!" <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font>. No you don't, I run across you guys all the time, you die like sh*t. It's not your fault, it's the classes.

    P.S. Azrael if that is really you in your pic I wanna lick the sweat off those sweet sweet abs. Mmmmm roar.

    i can hit 2-4k with cleave and i prefer it because i don't feel i should wait for the 3rd hit just for a weak heal, i see many gf dying because of this and also even in pvp the multiple target hits are good, when fighting on a flag with multiple battles and your encounters are on cooldown i can do good dmg to many enemies by using cleave.

    And as for me doing fine with my gf i do lol yes gf is still underpowered i want a buff but this build is the closest i can get to being as good as the pvp classes. Atm i have 1900 kills to 600 deaths its a decent ratio for a gf and i can win a lot of 1v1 against perma rogues and even gwf but of course if they are fully geared and understand there class then they will win but this is still the most effective build i have found so i wanted to share it so some gf can do better untill we finally have a decent buff :)
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • lisaxxiilisaxxii Member Posts: 207 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    2-4k cleave hits in domination or open world?

    Thats cool man, as long as you're enjoying the class and having fun :)

    You are making the best out of a crappy situation so props man!
    Enemy Team
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    lisaxxii wrote: »
    2-4k cleave hits in domination or open world?

    Thats cool man, as long as you're enjoying the class and having fun :)

    You are making the best out of a crappy situation so props man!

    yeah the most i have hit on dom is 4k but it can happen quite a lot thats why i love cleave since it hits many targets :)

    and yeah i do love this class and i hope others do too ^^

    thanks for reading
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • pa1nk1ller1989pa1nk1ller1989 Member Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    i agree in most things with the author, i was in a state of "hey i do that too all the time, oh wait!that too!".

    only have to disagree in gwf part, if the guy is a sentinel u are gona have a rough time, destroyers are easier to kill, when he is like 40% health and u are 30% he is agoing to assault u full power without hesitation going fully fixed into killing you, without noticing most of the times that u have SoS activated and he kills himself and stays 5% with u having a full prone cucle :)
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    i agree in most things with the author, i was in a state of "hey i do that too all the time, oh wait!that too!".

    only have to disagree in gwf part, if the guy is a sentinel u are gona have a rough time, destroyers are easier to kill, when he is like 40% health and u are 30% he is agoing to assault u full power without hesitation going fully fixed into killing you, without noticing most of the times that u have SoS activated and he kills himself and stays 5% with u having a full prone cucle :)

    yeah i agree sentinels and destroyers are very different and require different ways of fighting but i actually tested this against many gwf in icewind, asking for 1v1 and such and it works just as well just takes a lot longer lol and in a way its more effective since they cant kill you as fast it gives you more options and you can regen while dodging away from there unstoppable mode.
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • silverleadsilverlead Member Posts: 63
    edited June 2014
    Crixus, ok I like this build so far. Thanks much! I was able to actually be a bit valuable in pvp =)
  • crixus8000crixus8000 Member Posts: 1,205 Bounty Hunter
    edited June 2014
    silverlead wrote: »
    Crixus, ok I like this build so far. Thanks much! I was able to actually be a bit valuable in pvp =)

    Glad it helped you man and good luck in pvp :)
    Crixus - PVP GF
  • silverleadsilverlead Member Posts: 63
    edited July 2014
    SO what enchantments do I want? Do I just want all Power? IS Recovery or Defense or even Deflect good? What about Crit and Life Steal? Hopefully it's only 1 or two that I should stack but if there are caps what are they and in what order of importance are enchantments?

    Thanks again!
    - Dinkie
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