I'll give you my opinion for as far as it is relevant.
I only have lesser plaguefire, but have recently aquired a bronzewood, and have to say the bronzewood has really impressed me. I was very reluctant to go with it, cos the description doesn't sound very appealing. But the really low price made me have a go.
And it really impresses me. The 8% defense resistance is actually a damage buff, if you can believe some other posts. And it stacks with the normal mark buff. Also you dont lose the mark after being hit. It lasts about 10 secs which means a 50% up time.
I like plaguefire for pve, cos of the DoT, but for pvp I think I will be going for the bronzewood for now. Especially cos it is a 5th of the price.
I'll give you my opinion for as far as it is relevant.
I only have lesser plaguefire, but have recently aquired a bronzewood, and have to say the bronzewood has really impressed me. I was very reluctant to go with it, cos the description doesn't sound very appealing. But the really low price made me have a go.
And it really impresses me. The 8% defense resistance is actually a damage buff, if you can believe some other posts. And it stacks with the normal mark buff. Also you dont lose the mark after being hit. It lasts about 10 secs which means a 50% up time.
I like plaguefire for pve, cos of the DoT, but for pvp I think I will be going for the bronzewood for now. Especially cos it is a 5th of the price.
Thank you for your opinion, the only problem is that I'm an appeareance maniac and bronzewood doesn't match the negation enchantment on my armor. :rolleyes:
I think lightning could be a very good option since I'm going to stack at least 30+% ArPen
Or I could go with terror and use enchantments for other stats like recovery or power or tenebrous... What do you think is better for my DPS in pvp??
Lightning is a great enchant, but not if you have a lesser as it doesnt chain. Looks good though. Plaguefire is ok as well.
I don't know how high your recovery is, but I would probably stack power of those three but only after you have at least 2.5k arm pen, prob even bit higher if you mainly pvp and assuming you are a conq build.
I think it's a bit hard to keep the Terror debuffed stacked, as a GF.
Bronzewood is nice, and works well. I have been alternating between a Perfect Bronzewood and a Greater Plaguefire. I am more inclined to stick to the latter, personally.. it seems to work better for me.
Bronzewood is BiS for Gf in PvP right now. This isn't an opinion or preference, mathematically it is the best, there is no debate.
Vorpal is still good, and I wouldn't fault someone for using Plaguefire either as I believe it might take BiS from Bronzewood come mod 3, however if you run across someone with an emblem you are in trouble.
So any one of those 3 will do ya right. Do not waste money on a Lesser, there's just no point, save and get a regular (still HAMSTER but at least it's something) or a greater (you can stop at greater for weapon and armor enchants, but anything less is really going to keep you from being competitive.)
Terror is bugged and horrible, I think it's safe to say it's the worst enchant right now for DPS.
Lightning or frost will not help you in PvP at all so there is no point to getting one of those.
If you are more concerned with appearance than practicality, that's fine, but you WILL be gimping yourself in PvP severely so you need to decide what's more important; looking cool and getting your face stomped, or gearing correctly and having at least a chance.
Lightning is a great enchant, but not if you have a lesser as it doesnt chain. Looks good though. Plaguefire is ok as well.
I don't know how high your recovery is, but I would probably stack power of those three but only after you have at least 2.5k arm pen, prob even bit higher if you mainly pvp and assuming you are a conq build.
I strongly disagree with stacking ArP over 2000. After 2k you are getting into DR pretty hard. I also strongly disagree with lightning enchant having any use in PvP, no matter the quality.
I have 4.5k Power, 2.3k ArPen, 3,9k def, 1.9k recovery (I still haven't got the timeless hero set (is it good?); I'm using a 2-pieceKnightCaptain/2-pieceHighGeneral set for a total of 850 ArPen. That means 30/31% ArPen and for now I still haven't noticed any DR.)
Now, I don't understand what's the problem with terror and plaguefire. What's the problem in keeping the debuff up?
I read somewhere that for the plague fire u need to keep attacking. If u don't you can't keep the debuff up, so it's not the kind of enchantment a GF should use;
anywhere I read somewhere in the forum that for the terror one is different and that the debuff is easier to keep up; other than that I read the entire team can benefit from the enemy debuff, so I went Terror. How is it bugged?
Obviously the 16% of bronzewood is much easier to to use, but the debuff is up only 50% of the time
I have 4.5k Power, 2.3k ArPen, 3,9k def, 1.9k recovery (I still haven't got the timeless hero set (is it good?); I'm using a 2-pieceKnightCaptain/2-pieceHighGeneral set for a total of 850 ArPen. That means 30/31% ArPen and for now I still haven't noticed any DR.)
Now, I don't understand what's the problem with terror and plaguefire. What's the problem in keeping the debuff up?
I read somewhere that for the plague fire u need to keep attacking. If u don't you can't keep the debuff up, so it's not the kind of enchantment a GF should use;
anywhere I read somewhere in the forum that for the terror one is different and that the debuff is easier to keep up; other than that I read the entire team can benefit from the enemy debuff, so I went Terror. How is it bugged?
Obviously the 16% of bronzewood is much easier to to use.
I don't have a problem with 2.3k arp, but look at what you're sacrificing to get that, if you have other useful stats under soft cap than your points are much better spent there. For a quick and easy way to see how bad DR gets post 2k, take stuff off till you're around 1500 or so, look at your %resistance ignored, put on an enchant or piece of gear with like 100 or 200 ArP and check the % again. Now go back up tp 2k, look at your % put on the same piece of gear or enchant you used earlier and look at your % now.
After you do this, decide if the point investment is worth the return (especially when considering those same points can be put into another stat below soft cap and get you more return).
You may agree that it's not worth it, or you may decide it is. It depends on your personal, race, ability rolls, play style, blah blah blah.
Next, terror/plague. Aside from what you already stated (you have to keep attacking to get benefit, which is hard for a GF in PvP as you need to be using your shield a lot and your at wills are freaking SLOW.). They do not out DPS or out debuff Bronzewood.
The target takes 16% more damage from all sources, so your teammates benefit greatly from this. You can also apply it to several targets at once via Frontline.
There are many reasons to not use Terror. The simplest and most up front reason is this: Both Bronze and Plague outperform it. This has been proven over and over in ACT logs, you can find several threads with the math in them around the forums if you search.
As for the Frost enchant, I read that thread you linked. It was long and had a lot of numbers in it.
All I can tell you is that the PvP community has TONS of people who love running ACT, and crunching and comparing numbers. You will not find better theory crafters anywhere else in this game.
Having said that, you will not find a single high end PvPer using frost or terror, they are ridiculed more than any other enchants. This alone speaks volumes.
The OP asked for PvP enchant advice. Well the OVERWHELMING majority of PvPers, serious, premade, BiS PvPers agree that frost/terror are HAMSTER for PvP.
If you need more than this I'm sure someone will be along to quote the numbers eventually, or you can test for yourself.
Vorpal is still good, and I wouldn't fault someone for using Plaguefire either as I believe it might take BiS from Bronzewood come mod 3, however if you run across someone with an emblem you are in trouble.
Luckily, the Emblem has been given a 1s internal cooldown for Module 3, it's nowhere near as risky to slot plaguefire.
Here is a post by Facecontrol from a few days ago, it addresses stat caps and what you should be aiming for. You can go above or below these a little and tweak it to your liking, but these numbers represent the current Meta in GF PvP. They have been tested over and over by the best PvP GFs in the game from beta to now, I would trust them.
From a post by Facecontrol
Aiming for PvP the stats you want would be the following:
HP: 36 000
As lifesteal does not play any role for GF ,the movement could be useful in many situations.
Those are the stats you are looking for if you want to do the most of your GF in PvP.
You can go really close to those numbers by using rank 8 enchants and different Stat/Item/Artifact alocation.
As it was proven being a hybrid is the most effective way to go.But even then you are worthless bish lol.
Luckily, the Emblem has been given a 1s internal cooldown for Module 3, it's nowhere near as risky to slot plaguefire.
Yup! That, combined with a number of other changes I BELIEVE is what's going to make Plague BiS. It may not be though, we are just going to have to wait and see.
Here is a post by Facecontrol from a few days ago, it addresses stat caps and what you should be aiming for. You can go above or below these a little and tweak it to your liking, but these numbers represent the current Meta in GF PvP. They have been tested over and over by the best PvP GFs in the game from beta to now, I would trust them.
From a post by Facecontrol
Aiming for PvP the stats you want would be the following:
HP: 36 000
As lifesteal does not play any role for GF ,the movement could be useful in many situations.
Those are the stats you are looking for if you want to do the most of your GF in PvP.
You can go really close to those numbers by using rank 8 enchants and different Stat/Item/Artifact alocation.
As it was proven being a hybrid is the most effective way to go.But even then you are worthless bish lol.
The problem is, I'm an "almost occasional" player, getting this OMG stats (is it even possible to get them?) would take me much more time than I can spend, or in any case a lot of money. Other than that I almost always play PUG.
As far as the enchantments are concerned, you convinced me
I'll be going with bronzewood and barkshield (I think they match well, don't they?).
Another thing I wanted to ask you... Is the bronzewood debuff a DR debuff or a defense debuff like PF? if it was a DR debuff it'd be like a +16% plain damage, is it?
I disagree with the theory-crafting in this thread because I feel like it's based on a faulty premise.
Essentially PvP isn't about DPS, it's more about burst damage. Having the greatest chance to do the biggest possible critical hit with one of your encounter powers is far more valuable than min/maxing for gear score by manipulating soft caps.
I disagree with the theory-crafting in this thread because I feel like it's based on a faulty premise.
Essentially PvP isn't about DPS, it's more about burst damage. Having the greatest chance to do the biggest possible critical hit with one of your encounter powers is far more valuable than min/maxing for gear score by manipulating soft caps.
Not much theory crafting going on here man, just tried and true stats that have been tested in top tier PvP over and over.
The problem is, I'm an "almost occasional" player, getting this OMG stats (is it even possible to get them?) would take me much more time than I can spend, or in any case a lot of money. Other than that I almost always play PUG.
As far as the enchantments are concerned, you convinced me
I'll be going with bronzewood and barkshield (I think they match well, don't they?).
Another thing I wanted to ask you... Is the bronzewood debuff a DR debuff or a defense debuff like PF? if it was a DR debuff it'd be like a +16% plain damage, is it?
Yeah man, it's tough, but you can get your PvP tenacity gear pretty easy, if you can manage rank 8 enchants I would consider that end game for you man, you'll be REALLY happy with 8's.
As for bark, for other classes it's very good, and it can be good for GF. Just consider this one thing before you get your bark:
If you get hit while blocking, it will eat a barkshield charge.
So you'll be wasting your bark charges ALOT. I still tried it out hoping that if I paid attention to the charges I could time things and still take full advantage of it, but it was just too much to deal with.
So yeah, Soulforged is pretty much it.
Edit: forgot to answer your last question: Its a DR buff so it translates directly into +16% damage buff for anyone hitting the target for 10 seconds after its applied. Looking better now yes?
Anyway since I use a conq build, I will avoid blocking too much to keep my power up (soulforged doesn't match either the dye on my armor nor the bronzewood enchant), or maybe I could use briartwine (it matches with bronzewood, too :P); is it useful for pve only?
For the pvp sets for tenacity, I don't like them very much; they only give 450def bonus, while the timeless hero gives me much more crit chance and that's far better for DPS and burst damage (I think)
As for bark, for other classes it's very good, and it can be good for GF. Just consider this one thing before you get your bark:
If you get hit while blocking, it will eat a barkshield charge.
So you'll be wasting your bark charges ALOT.
Anyway even if you lose charges while blocking, the shield bar shouldn't go down, does it? If it prevent the bar from going down i think it is not that bad.
I tried a greater Bronzewood and was Anvil of Doom 5200ish, then I switched to Greater Plaguefire did the same rotation and hit 5800ish Anvil?
I did this 4 times and the results were the same?
Make sure you are applying the buff with an encounter first, and 4 is not nearly enough times, you need to have more data. Also, you might not want to use an ability that has it's damage buffed based on enemy HP. it's quite obviously a broken mechanic when it comes to TRs Shocking, I would not be surprised if Anvil was messed up in some way as well. Also target dummies health does weird things, so that could potentially be messing up your Anvil data.
You also want to consider procs that may or may not occur during a single rotation, if it's an ability with a % to proc on a certain action it may have procced during one rotation but not another.
Just throwing it out there.
dwamurMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Yeah man, it's tough, but you can get your PvP tenacity gear pretty easy, if you can manage rank 8 enchants I would consider that end game for you man, you'll be REALLY happy with 8's.
@mehpvpmeh, can I get a sanity check from you? I've gone to the Land of Spreadsheet with those numbers, and what I come up with is that in order to get 36k health and 1k tenacity (assuming those are Mod2 numbers, pre GWF artifact), then what I need to do is use all non-PvP (ancient) jewelry for the HP, and PvP main/off-hand to get my tenacity back up. Armor is all PvP for tenacity and regen. That sacrifices some top-end dmg compared to Formorian.
Enchants are HP all the way for defense, and a mix of crit & arpen for offense. Power is low and comes from the feat buff more than anything else, there's really no power in the enchants nor a focus on power in the equipment. If that's an incorrect assumption, that would be good to know.
That's with Rank 10s and L100 artifacts. Obviously, my actual numbers are going to be much lower since it'll be Epic Artifacts and Rank 8s. Still, I am trying to understand the rationale behind those numbers, and then adjust to my situation.
If I read this right, it's about tank & prone first, dmg second.
If there's a different combo of gear and enchants I should be looking at, please let me know. And if the numbers are inflated by 1k or 2k in certain places, THAT would be good to know too.
Make sure you are applying the buff with an encounter first, and 4 is not nearly enough times, you need to have more data. Also, you might not want to use an ability that has it's damage buffed based on enemy HP. it's quite obviously a broken mechanic when it comes to TRs Shocking, I would not be surprised if Anvil was messed up in some way as well. Also target dummies health does weird things, so that could potentially be messing up your Anvil data.
You also want to consider procs that may or may not occur during a single rotation, if it's an ability with a % to proc on a certain action it may have procced during one rotation but not another.
Just throwing it out there.
Yea I made sure the debuff was stacked to 3 plaguefires and I had bronzewood on the dummy, I ran out of gold switching back and forth? It seemed to me at least Plague gave me higher damage bonus. When I get some gold back I will try another rotation.
Shieldbash60 GF ~ Iron Vanguard19.0k Overpowered60 CW~ Thaumaturge14.5k ==========================================
~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
I only have lesser plaguefire, but have recently aquired a bronzewood, and have to say the bronzewood has really impressed me. I was very reluctant to go with it, cos the description doesn't sound very appealing. But the really low price made me have a go.
And it really impresses me. The 8% defense resistance is actually a damage buff, if you can believe some other posts. And it stacks with the normal mark buff. Also you dont lose the mark after being hit. It lasts about 10 secs which means a 50% up time.
I like plaguefire for pve, cos of the DoT, but for pvp I think I will be going for the bronzewood for now. Especially cos it is a 5th of the price.
Thank you for your opinion, the only problem is that I'm an appeareance maniac and bronzewood doesn't match the negation enchantment on my armor. :rolleyes:
I think lightning could be a very good option since I'm going to stack at least 30+% ArPen
Or I could go with terror and use enchantments for other stats like recovery or power or tenebrous... What do you think is better for my DPS in pvp??
I don't know how high your recovery is, but I would probably stack power of those three but only after you have at least 2.5k arm pen, prob even bit higher if you mainly pvp and assuming you are a conq build.
Bronzewood is nice, and works well. I have been alternating between a Perfect Bronzewood and a Greater Plaguefire. I am more inclined to stick to the latter, personally.. it seems to work better for me.
Anarchist, level 60 CW
Arsenic, level 60 TR
Pluck Yew, level 60 HR
Therapissed, level 60 DC
Vorpal is still good, and I wouldn't fault someone for using Plaguefire either as I believe it might take BiS from Bronzewood come mod 3, however if you run across someone with an emblem you are in trouble.
So any one of those 3 will do ya right. Do not waste money on a Lesser, there's just no point, save and get a regular (still HAMSTER but at least it's something) or a greater (you can stop at greater for weapon and armor enchants, but anything less is really going to keep you from being competitive.)
Terror is bugged and horrible, I think it's safe to say it's the worst enchant right now for DPS.
Lightning or frost will not help you in PvP at all so there is no point to getting one of those.
If you are more concerned with appearance than practicality, that's fine, but you WILL be gimping yourself in PvP severely so you need to decide what's more important; looking cool and getting your face stomped, or gearing correctly and having at least a chance.
I strongly disagree with stacking ArP over 2000. After 2k you are getting into DR pretty hard. I also strongly disagree with lightning enchant having any use in PvP, no matter the quality.
Now, I don't understand what's the problem with terror and plaguefire. What's the problem in keeping the debuff up?
I read somewhere that for the plague fire u need to keep attacking. If u don't you can't keep the debuff up, so it's not the kind of enchantment a GF should use;
anywhere I read somewhere in the forum that for the terror one is different and that the debuff is easier to keep up; other than that I read the entire team can benefit from the enemy debuff, so I went Terror. How is it bugged?
Obviously the 16% of bronzewood is much easier to to use, but the debuff is up only 50% of the time
P.S. As far as Frost is concerned i read this http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?611511-Frost-amp-Frostburn-Enchantment-Analysis : I don't think it's too bad even if it's not a DPS ench.
I don't have a problem with 2.3k arp, but look at what you're sacrificing to get that, if you have other useful stats under soft cap than your points are much better spent there. For a quick and easy way to see how bad DR gets post 2k, take stuff off till you're around 1500 or so, look at your %resistance ignored, put on an enchant or piece of gear with like 100 or 200 ArP and check the % again. Now go back up tp 2k, look at your % put on the same piece of gear or enchant you used earlier and look at your % now.
After you do this, decide if the point investment is worth the return (especially when considering those same points can be put into another stat below soft cap and get you more return).
You may agree that it's not worth it, or you may decide it is. It depends on your personal, race, ability rolls, play style, blah blah blah.
Next, terror/plague. Aside from what you already stated (you have to keep attacking to get benefit, which is hard for a GF in PvP as you need to be using your shield a lot and your at wills are freaking SLOW.). They do not out DPS or out debuff Bronzewood.
The target takes 16% more damage from all sources, so your teammates benefit greatly from this. You can also apply it to several targets at once via Frontline.
There are many reasons to not use Terror. The simplest and most up front reason is this: Both Bronze and Plague outperform it. This has been proven over and over in ACT logs, you can find several threads with the math in them around the forums if you search.
As for the Frost enchant, I read that thread you linked. It was long and had a lot of numbers in it.
All I can tell you is that the PvP community has TONS of people who love running ACT, and crunching and comparing numbers. You will not find better theory crafters anywhere else in this game.
Having said that, you will not find a single high end PvPer using frost or terror, they are ridiculed more than any other enchants. This alone speaks volumes.
The OP asked for PvP enchant advice. Well the OVERWHELMING majority of PvPers, serious, premade, BiS PvPers agree that frost/terror are HAMSTER for PvP.
If you need more than this I'm sure someone will be along to quote the numbers eventually, or you can test for yourself.
Luckily, the Emblem has been given a 1s internal cooldown for Module 3, it's nowhere near as risky to slot plaguefire.
From a post by Facecontrol
Aiming for PvP the stats you want would be the following:
Power: 4000
Critical: 1700
ArPen: 2000
Recovery: 1100
Defense: 4300+
Deflect: 2200
Regen: 1500
Tenacity: 1000
HP: 36 000
As lifesteal does not play any role for GF ,the movement could be useful in many situations.
Those are the stats you are looking for if you want to do the most of your GF in PvP.
You can go really close to those numbers by using rank 8 enchants and different Stat/Item/Artifact alocation.
As it was proven being a hybrid is the most effective way to go.But even then you are worthless bish lol.
Yup! That, combined with a number of other changes I BELIEVE is what's going to make Plague BiS. It may not be though, we are just going to have to wait and see.
The problem is, I'm an "almost occasional" player, getting this OMG stats (is it even possible to get them?) would take me much more time than I can spend, or in any case a lot of money. Other than that I almost always play PUG.
As far as the enchantments are concerned, you convinced me
I'll be going with bronzewood and barkshield (I think they match well, don't they?).
Another thing I wanted to ask you... Is the bronzewood debuff a DR debuff or a defense debuff like PF? if it was a DR debuff it'd be like a +16% plain damage, is it?
Essentially PvP isn't about DPS, it's more about burst damage. Having the greatest chance to do the biggest possible critical hit with one of your encounter powers is far more valuable than min/maxing for gear score by manipulating soft caps.
Not much theory crafting going on here man, just tried and true stats that have been tested in top tier PvP over and over.
Yeah man, it's tough, but you can get your PvP tenacity gear pretty easy, if you can manage rank 8 enchants I would consider that end game for you man, you'll be REALLY happy with 8's.
As for bark, for other classes it's very good, and it can be good for GF. Just consider this one thing before you get your bark:
If you get hit while blocking, it will eat a barkshield charge.
So you'll be wasting your bark charges ALOT. I still tried it out hoping that if I paid attention to the charges I could time things and still take full advantage of it, but it was just too much to deal with.
So yeah, Soulforged is pretty much it.
Edit: forgot to answer your last question: Its a DR buff so it translates directly into +16% damage buff for anyone hitting the target for 10 seconds after its applied. Looking better now yes?
Anyway since I use a conq build, I will avoid blocking too much to keep my power up
For the pvp sets for tenacity, I don't like them very much; they only give 450def bonus, while the timeless hero gives me much more crit chance and that's far better for DPS and burst damage (I think)
Somebody is wrong on the internets.
Last we tested it applied to teammates as well, do you have different information? Please share.
Anyway even if you lose charges while blocking, the shield bar shouldn't go down, does it? If it prevent the bar from going down i think it is not that bad.
Yup, 16% to friendlies. Go troll elsewhere or at least make up some BS so that it's an interesting troll.
So it's bust either way.
Bronzewood?!!! Are u sure?! Can anyone else confirm this? (Last time it was discussed it only applied the debuff for the wielder alone)
Ty, that will be pretty huge change and to be honest a fair one.
I did this 4 times and the results were the same?
Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k
~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!
Make sure you are applying the buff with an encounter first, and 4 is not nearly enough times, you need to have more data. Also, you might not want to use an ability that has it's damage buffed based on enemy HP. it's quite obviously a broken mechanic when it comes to TRs Shocking, I would not be surprised if Anvil was messed up in some way as well. Also target dummies health does weird things, so that could potentially be messing up your Anvil data.
You also want to consider procs that may or may not occur during a single rotation, if it's an ability with a % to proc on a certain action it may have procced during one rotation but not another.
Just throwing it out there.
@mehpvpmeh, can I get a sanity check from you? I've gone to the Land of Spreadsheet with those numbers, and what I come up with is that in order to get 36k health and 1k tenacity (assuming those are Mod2 numbers, pre GWF artifact), then what I need to do is use all non-PvP (ancient) jewelry for the HP, and PvP main/off-hand to get my tenacity back up. Armor is all PvP for tenacity and regen. That sacrifices some top-end dmg compared to Formorian.
Enchants are HP all the way for defense, and a mix of crit & arpen for offense. Power is low and comes from the feat buff more than anything else, there's really no power in the enchants nor a focus on power in the equipment. If that's an incorrect assumption, that would be good to know.
That's with Rank 10s and L100 artifacts. Obviously, my actual numbers are going to be much lower since it'll be Epic Artifacts and Rank 8s. Still, I am trying to understand the rationale behind those numbers, and then adjust to my situation.
If I read this right, it's about tank & prone first, dmg second.
If there's a different combo of gear and enchants I should be looking at, please let me know. And if the numbers are inflated by 1k or 2k in certain places, THAT would be good to know too.
Yea I made sure the debuff was stacked to 3 plaguefires and I had bronzewood on the dummy, I ran out of gold switching back and forth? It seemed to me at least Plague gave me higher damage bonus. When I get some gold back I will try another rotation.
Overpowered 60 CW ~ Thaumaturge 14.5k
~ GF Buffs were great we are much better, please fix the bugs now... Thank you!