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newbie at control wizard

devildevil21devildevil21 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited March 2014 in The Library
Hello, i'm new at the class wizard and I got some questions.

one of them is that when I was checking the skills list I found 2 (or 3, idk) where we can choose 1 of 2.

One of them if I remember was that or we would load a charge to let a lighting burst appear or than we would send a lighting bolt to enemy?

And the last one was about a freezy thingy and a fire thingy?

Any explains would be appreciated xD
Post edited by devildevil21 on


  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    What you wrote isn't very clear, but I think you're referring to the choice of paragon paths. The first, Spellstorm gives you access to several lightning related powers and class features. The second, Master of Flame adds fire attacks to your existing cold powers, which give a DOT (Damage over Time) though I'm not sure as to the specifics as I don't have a MoF mage. Generally it's held that Spellstorm is better but there are some MoF builds that may be worth checking out.

    Hope that helps.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Yeah, we're gonna need some more details here.

    Start by telling us what level you are at.
  • devildevil21devildevil21 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    pitshade wrote: »
    What you wrote isn't very clear, but I think you're referring to the choice of paragon paths. The first, Spellstorm gives you access to several lightning related powers and class features. The second, Master of Flame adds fire attacks to your existing cold powers, which give a DOT (Damage over Time) though I'm not sure as to the specifics as I don't have a MoF mage. Generally it's held that Spellstorm is better but there are some MoF builds that may be worth checking out.

    Hope that helps.

    It's that one

    But there is another one where it is a AT-WILL power.

    But Idk what's the name.... Ik is that we can choose 1 of two... I think 1 is a electric pilar and another idr.

    I would just like to know which one is better for pvp, which one for pve, most epic one, most fun one, a reliable spell for both pvp and pve... Something like that xD

    Ps: I'm level 17 CW
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    There are five different at-wills for CW.

    Magic Missile
    Ray of Frost
    Chilling Cloud
    Storm Pillar (Spellstorm only)
    Scorching Burst (Master of Flame only)

    Check out nwcalc.com, it has the powers of all of the different classes and paragon paths, maybe that will help
  • devildevil21devildevil21 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    pointsman wrote: »
    There are five different at-wills for CW.

    Magic Missile
    Ray of Frost
    Chilling Cloud
    Storm Pillar (Spellstorm only)
    Scorching Burst (Master of Flame only)

    Check out nwcalc.com, it has the powers of all of the different classes and paragon paths, maybe that will help

    It's the storm pillar and scorching burst.

    I would like to know which one should I pick. (I think I should pick the storm pillar?)
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    You have to pick the entire paragon path, not just the atwill you want. Storm Pillar is decent but not the reason why people choose Spell Storm. Mostly I use it because it can charge your action points out of combat. Otherwise, it's not bad using it on a pack of mobs that you don't have aggro on, since you have to charge it to get its full effect. Except for certain paragon feats, your at wills are the least useful of your powers - in group play they are just something to use while your encounter powers are in cooldown.

    The short answer is that you should pick the paragon path for all of the things it offers and not off of the at wills. Frankly, I'd go for Spellstorm and if you want to try MoF, respec to that later.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • abacquerabacquer Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    But I can't post new threads, so I have to hindleg onto this one. Sorry about that! Hope someone sees this and can help.

    I've been playing my CW for some time now. I really like the character class but I need some advice from the pros, some of this is how to be an effective CW in situations where your party doesn't really work with you:
    1. reslotting on the run -

      In dungeon runs, there are frequently places where I need to reslot powers, and generally NOBODY will stop and wait for the CW to reslot. They just expect you to move from a focus-single-target to a CC-AoE battle and be ready to go. Is there any way to set up a macro or something so I can hit a key and have my complements of powers swapped out on the run? If not, is there anything I can do that is faster than just opening my character window and dragging powers to the bar?
    2. knockback -

      A number of classes (including CW) have knockback abilities, these can be a blessing near a cliff, but can be a serious hassle when you are tasked with doing CC. You singularity, get everything in one nice group, and while you are running in to steal time, icy terrain, conduit and then maybe shard, somebody bashes and baddies go everywhere. Sometimes even after you've laid down area DPS like Icy Terrain. Since this is a big damage payoff for a CW that translates directly into recovered action points / life-steal, it can seriously mess with my ability to do effective crowd control. So when I am in a knockback-happy party how should I change up my tactics to try and do crowd control without singu/steal time/icy? What would be the best approach in that kind of situation?
    3. surfeit of aggro -

      Okay, really, I don't want this to be a whinefest, and I apologize if it is coming across this way. Sometimes parties are great, you drop one of those big bombs and gather up all the baddies for them and then they run in and get the aggro off you so you can do it again. Other times the exact opposite happens, you drop a huge bomb and everybody else is all single-target tactics and now there are 20 angry mobs on the CW - arguably the squishiest class. In such times I find myself running running running running (and sucking down health potions) and because of that I am dealing less damage, and my daily powers are taking forever to come back because recovery is damage based. Do I just suck? Should I be building my CW like a tank? If not, are there other tactics I can employ in such situations? When this happens do I just give up on CC for the rest of the dungeon run and single-target to avoid excessive aggro?
    4. companions -

      The summon bonus of the cat is just amazing... too sweet to ignore. That leaves 4 more slots for active companions (that I will likely never summon, but I can still benefit from). I currently have the Wisp, the Galeb Duhr, the wererat, and the Orc Wolf in those other slots. Are there other choices that would be better for a CW? (Specifically interested in companions you probably never summon.)

    Thank you in advance for your answers, and I apologize if the post comes across as whiny.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Dear abaquer
    You questions 1-3 are basically problems of running with bad pickup groups, and unfortunately the usual solutions to these are better communication, often in conjunction with finding friends, guildies, or at least forming a group via some form of game chat so that you know your party at the very least has chat on and can read it.
    4. Wisp is a great choice, as is the cantankerous mage. A CW will proc the ability of the wild hunt rider a lot. I'd say those three are core for anyone not shy about acquiring Zen shop companions, with the 4th slot being a bit more open to add a damage buff or somesuch.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • pointsmanpointsman Member Posts: 2,327 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    1. I too would love to know if there is some sort of macro or command that will help with this. I would encourage more forceful communication with your party, though. If your party is expecting you to switch immediately from CC abilities to single-target abilities but not giving you time to swap out powers, then tell them that - "wait, I have to change powers". I think everyone understands that. If your party isn't willing to wait that long, then that isn't the type of party you want to be in anyway.

    2. You really can't. If you gather up the mob, but then the rest of the party is intent on scattering the mob, then that is what's called a fail party. All you can really do is, try to generate AP as fast as you can so that you can lay down another singularity to gather up the mob again. Of course it just slows everything down, and maybe eventually your party will realize "hey, if the mob is all clustered together, we can all kill them faster!" , but if it doesn't, then you are just stuck with a slow dungeon crawl.

    3. This happens to me a lot in places like Spellplague where some of the mobs might take a while to whittle down and kill and in the meantime they are all angry at the CW. What I do is, I tend to dodge and teleport to the side, in a semi-circle, that keeps the mob *somewhat* clustered together so that I can still use encounters like Shard or Steal Time on them until my AP is filled again, at which time I can decide whether to use Singularity if they have all spread out again, or use Oppressive Force if they are still relatively close together and I just want them all to die.

    4. I agree, the cat active bonus is pretty sweet. I have that on my CW. On my CW I also have the Wild Hunt Rider, which seems to proc all the time and is rather nice. Others who have more AD than me can probably recommend better companions. :) I think the Wererat is an okay companion as filler but it's not at all optimal.

    Just my few comments.

    Edit: Oh I don't think it is whiny. There is a lot of pressure on the CW to do a good job for a successful dungeon run, and a lot of parties more or less expect the CW(s) to carry them along to the finish.
  • devildevil21devildevil21 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hey, 1 last question:

    Should I go more crit based or more power based early levels? (with early levels I mean levels 1~40)
  • uurbsuurbs Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 449 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    Proud member of Dragon Clan - German Gaming Community
  • niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    ^^^what uurbs said.
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