I think somewhere along the discussion I said "once the ladder kicks in".
As for the current "mess" they think they're in I can say only this:
What people seem to forget is that you won't get decent matchups if you don't play. How else are you going to find your place against a decent -yet not over/underpowered team- if you keep leaving matches? That's what I meant with "people aren't respecting the system". The devs don't have a magic wand that knows your abilities in PvP. You're going to have to prove them. Maybe the system isn't foolproof yet, and maybe it'll screw up every once in a while. Heck it may even see 100s of changes before it works properly. Who knows? But the fact remains that running away at the first sight of trouble or just not bothering at all won't do anything but make it harder on yourself and the people you join up with.
For those not understanding the principles of an ELO ladder: please read up on it here. Not performing=no rating=possibly harder matches than you can handle. If you want to have it easier you'll have to participate. Simple. And yes, you'll get your behind handed to you at times. Didn't one of you say it's a GAME? That's what happens if you play.
Now, tell me again leaving is a smart thing to do. I dare you.
I understand how the ranking system works. And yes, if you leave EVERY losing game then your ranking will get artificially raised. But I'm not seeing people leave just because they're losing any more - I'm seeing people leave totally one-sided matches where they not only have no hope of winning but no hope of getting the minimum score needed to get any glory at all.
And I never said it was 'smart' to leave games. I said it was understandable. I also took a swipe at some of the laughable over-reactions and suggested penalties. You can't bully people into playing something that isn't fun, no matter what kind of penalty you introduce. In the end you'll just have people leaving the game, which does nobody any good.
So I suggest you take some of your own advice and wait for the ELO system to sort things out. Sooner or later you'll only get paired with people who want to play and won't quit. In the meantime chill out a little. It'll improve your gaming experience.
I'm not even going to quote since it'll take up 2 pages to reply. Let me just say you've clearly not read what I said. Here's a TL;DR version:
-As a condition for my arguments I clearly stated "with the ladder in effect". So rants about 6k vs 19k GS are non-arguments and I"m not going to waste much time on them.
- I'm not forcing anyone to play anything. I'm telling you to put your foot where your mouth is. The guy leaving the match decides not to play because he doesn't get his glory fast enough to his liking. That is what I call a childish attitude. And I made allowances for real life interference did I not?
- I think I already stated the importance of staying: To actually get a ranking. For more information, see my original post. Please pay special attention to the link explaining how an ELO ranking system works.
Sorry - didn't see this before my last post. Ok...
People leave games for a number of reasons. Assuming that all of them are speed glory freaks is likely inaccurate. Especially now that games take a long time anyway. It's faster to go sit at the campfire than DC and wait 30 minutes. If people keep leaving once all the lop-sided matches are fixed by ELO - if they ever are - then those will be people who fit your profile.
Regarding ranking, I don't think individual performance is factored. Pretty sure there was a dev post that said it was just a win/loss calculation which would mean that your ranking is tied to team performance. Not that having a bad team is reason to quit alone IMO - I've hung around in teams so full of fail you wouldn't believe because at least we could score some points.
People who seriously waste their time intentionally losing to earn glory haven't even marginally understood the system. Switch to Luskan, make 2k Glory from Grym Coins, 500 from Seals, 1000 from Dailies and 500-800 from the PVP matches you need for the dailies. That's a solid 4k+/day or 6 hours of losing in PVP.
I perfectly understand it's not always fun. I run into those OP teams just as much as the next person. But you don't see me leaving. First of all, it won't do me any good. Second, I find it dishonorable. Third, wasn't there an achievement for getting killed most in a PvP match? And last, but definitely not least, I understand I'll have to go through it for things to improve. Now, you can disagree on my second and third argument, but there's no way around the first and last ones.
Leaving is better than staying if you either have other characters you can queue with, boons to grind for 30 minutes, or were going to log off soon anyway. So that's point 1 dealt with.
The last point is a good one, but I'm not sure the whole player base understands that. Maybe they think that a DC/leave counts as a loss which is what they were going to pick up anyway?
You make it sound almost like I enjoy all these punishments. Let me assure you, I do not. Well.. now that you mention it, I do take pleasure doing certain.. Never mind. I'll save those stories for another forum xD
Back on topic: I don't want to think about what happens if work calls during a match or worry about if I still have a get-out-of-jail-free ticket. I really do not. But people have to understand they have to get through this for things to get better. The fact they'll eventually stop bothering me personally with their grieving, doesn't make it less of a problem.
I wouldn't have said enjoy exactly but your enthusiasm for ever tougher punishments and scorn for any suggestion that positive reinforcement might have a role to play does suggest a certain lack of empathy.
People leaving a blow-out game doesn't bother me at all. Well - it's mildly irritating on the very rare occasion I'm on the winning side but nothing more than that. Blow-outs aren't fun either way IMO. In fact I've actually left winning teams in blow-outs once it descends into cap trading. I won't have any part of that nonsense.
I don't mind losing fair and square. Heck, I'm happy if I get the one victory for the daily. Getting killed 0.002 seconds after leaving spawn is a different matter.
If you don't like it don't play. Sounds harsh, but that's the only truth there is. Once the ladder kicks in, you have no excuse not to finish a match. Alright, I"ll grant a little flexibility till it does, but once it does you're a slithering snake if you keep up the selfish behavior.
Self-serving it may be, but when you accept the match, you accept that you may not get what you want in 1 try.
The glory/daily AD for winning/artefact/companion/gear is not enough? What do you want? 15k glory for getting 400 points? Screw that. The harder you work, the more glory you can gain. But if that's not enough reason to fight, don't bother signing up for it. And if you truly liked PvP, you'd stay and see a bad roll as a challenge instead of an excuse to leave. People leave because they want it easy and they don't give a bleep for what they do to others. And that's what ticking me off.
Nice job completely missing the point. I'm not sure if it was on purpose or not, but judging by your ridiculous "15k for 400 points" straw man assertion, I'm going to guess it was on purpose. If you want to actually address the points I made, specifically how changing the way points are awarded for the losing team, I'd be more than happy to continue the discussion as they changes I proposed actually address some of the complaints you've made.
twstdechoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 630Bounty Hunter
edited March 2014
You can mumble about the good old days all you want, but I doubt you're any older than I am, so it just kind of comes off as misplaced grumblings. You might as well shake your stick and tell the kids to get off your lawn.
This isn't about anything other than players wanting to advance their characters as easy as possible. If you take away the easy route, and reward them for effort instead of for standing around, you fix the problem because they will join PvP if they want the reward, and if they want the reward they have to fight for it.
Thing is, if you face rewards like artifacts, gear, a blue companion.. I really fail to see what there's not to fight for. I agree the ladder still needs to take effect and it should make matters a lot better for those who really want to PvP or even just dabble in it every now and then.
I just get annoyed at the selfish attitude which is basically the whole reason these punishments are needed in the first place since the rewards currently available doesn't make them want to work for themm I have no clue how these people were raised, but back in my days they said losing is good for the soul and things like "you can't expect to win every game" and be proud of every loss as long as you've given it your best. Are kids these days so spoiled that they expect to get everything as soon as they want it? I was taught to work for what I want, so I can be proud of what I accomplish. -mumbles something about the good old days and today's youth-
@Twst: Of course it was on purpose. I merely think the current rewards for getting glory should be enough reason to work for it. I have no principle objection to changing the system. I wouldn't mind say glory rewards being based on performance (personal points gained). It's the principle attitude of the players that bother me. Anything that gets rid of that attitude has my vote.
Everything as soon as they want it? Please, you want everything your way and ignore every point made against you.
If people wanted everything "right now" they wouldn't farm campaigns for over a month, shandar takes months just to get the boons nevermind the gear afterwards.
But hey, what do i know granddad. I've only been gaming for a good 18 years now, i know nothing at all. But at least i can argue with somebodies points and consider the lives and needs of others, and not my own selfish views. Maybe you should try learning what empathy is don't you think?
twstdechoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 630Bounty Hunter
edited March 2014
Individual scores as they stand now, for the losing team, no, not even a little. Go back a few posts and read my suggestions, I'd like to see what you think about them specifically and how they would imapct PvP instead of general statements.
twstdechoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 630Bounty Hunter
edited March 2014
By all means, let's punish them instead. If they don't fit the attitude or mold of what we feel they should be, let's cast them off! It's not my job to judge their motivations, I only offer a solution that solves the problems at hand. If you think it's your place in life to go about teaching younger generations life lessons through video games, well, good luck my friend.
There don't need to be more punishments. Punishment is reserved for removing a specific behavior (in this case, leaving). In order to achieve a behavior we want (active participation) you need a reinforcement. You can't punish people into doing something (well you can, it's called torture), and in this case PvP is voluntary so worst case scenario is people just stop PvP'ing, which would be disastrous. (IE : Post patch matchmaking took forever, because their ELO system was too strict and not enough people are at the same skill level, they've loosened it to **** near what it was before the ELO. Less people queue = No PvP).
As people have stated a good reinforcement to encourage active participation is rewards based on your performance in the match; point Captures, defenses, assists, kills, time spent in match, time spent on node, time spent afk, all should be factored in to achieve a glory amount that is worth the time spent. (250 glory for an 1h30m loss is disgusting).
As it stands, I'd guess 90% of people in PvP are only there for the glory, and they will do what they can do maximize their efficiency.
You don't leave a party. Ever. When you pug, you know the risks of losing. Do you leave a dungeon if you keep rolling too low on drops? Exactly. If you can't take the heat get out of the freaking kitchen.
I do leave a party. I do that after 10 wipes when my suggestions how to deal with the boss are ignored, I leave party if someone exploits after asking them not to. I leave party if others are more jerky than the average dumbo. There are lots of reasons to leave party, each and everyone has their own reasons, and has their right to their own reasons. It's not up to you to question my reasoning.
2 reasons: 1 you agreed to the match, knowing that it could be a random party that could get you killed. Same as dungeons. If you pug there, you risk losing. Want more chance in succeeding? Don't pug.
As did you agree to a match, being aware of the fact that others from a random group might leave the party. YOU KNOW THAT. If you pug there, you risk others leaving. Nevertheless, you queued! Want more chance in succeeding? Don't pug.
I'm not forcing anyone to play anything. I'm telling you to put your foot where your mouth is. The guy leaving the match decides not to play because he doesn't get his glory fast enough to his liking. That is what I call a childish attitude. And I made allowances for real life interference did I not?
You would not need to do leave a party. If your 2 day old daughter is choking to death I seriously hope you just get your 3 letters off the chair and don't use the "leave party" functionality first. In your world there simply is no reason at all to ever use the "leave party" functionality in PvP.
I just get annoyed at the selfish attitude which is basically the whole reason these punishments are needed in the first place.
quit your selfish attitude and cope with people leaving.
I am annoyed by the selfish attitude that I now get a penalty for using a game functionality just because a few PvP crybabies can not cope with party leavers and people disconnecting.
The dev's implemented a "leave party" functionality on purpose.
There don't need to be more punishments. Punishment is reserved for removing a specific behavior (in this case, leaving).
We have the functionality to leave. The dev's put it there. On purpose.
one more thing:
If you applied your high values to yourself you would not be grieved so much.
* don't pug
* don't enter PvP if you can not cope with people leaving. bite that bullet. It's part growing up to learn to cope with disappointments, and not run to a forum and cry.
* leave a match if the score is 100:5, as your group are obviously overpowered and you are the only one with a sense of fairness this would also cut down an fresh 60's leaving a party.
Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
I do leave a party. I do that after 10 wipes when my suggestions how to deal with the boss are ignored, I leave party if someone exploits after asking them not to. I leave party if others are more jerky than the average dumbo. There are lots of reasons to leave party, each and everyone has their own reasons, and has their right to their own reasons. It's not up to you to question my reasoning.
As did you agree to a match, being aware of the fact that others from a random group might leave the party. YOU KNOW THAT. If you pug there, you risk others leaving. Nevertheless, you queued! Want more chance in succeeding? Don't pug.
You would not need to do leave a party. If your 2 day old daughter is choking to death I seriously hope you just get your 3 letters off the chair and don't use the "leave party" functionality first. In your world there simply is no reason at all to ever use the "leave party" functionality in PvP.
I am annoyed by the selfish attitude that I now get a penalty for using a game functionality just because a few PvP crybabies can not cope with party leavers and people disconnecting.
The dev's implemented a "leave party" functionality on purpose.
We have the functionality to leave. The dev's put it there. On purpose.
one more thing:
If you applied your high values to yourself you would not be grieved so much.
* don't pug
* don't enter PvP if you can not cope with people leaving. bite that bullet. It's part growing up to learn to cope with disappointments, and not run to a forum and cry.
* leave a match if the score is 100:5, as your group are obviously overpowered and you are the only one with a sense of fairness this would also cut down an fresh 60's leaving a party.
In the end, they're reasons that we need/want to leave, but people just don't get that, they want to just look at their own needs/wants instead of ever thinking "why" someone left.
Honestly i just don't get why they don't split the MM system into "premade" and "pug". Even if someone does join a premade, they can still end up facing a pug group in the current system and the problem occurs anyway. I "could" group with 4 other people and hope that i face another premade, but i could just end up fighting a pug, it becomes a 200:0 match, and they're forced to stay, sit at their camp and no body is happy. Honestly after 5 minutes you should just be allowed to leave in this situation, it's obvious that the teams are imbalanced, neither team is probably having much fun so why bother.
Instead of banning people for leaving (legit or otherwise), just try to look at why people are leaving. Some people just want to farm the artifact, maybe make it available in SOME other way. Maybe make multiple ques, ranked, unranked, pug, premade. Seriously just about anything is better than forcing people to play if they do not want to.
Honestly i just don't get why they don't split the MM system into "premade" and "pug". Even if someone does join a premade, they can still end up facing a pug group in the current system and the problem occurs anyway.
there is not enough people for a "premade", and even it 10 "pro PvP'ers" are online at the same time, they dend get bored fast. They know that A beats B and A beats C and B beats C.
Like in every other MMO "noobs" are being fed to the PvP crowd, especially in a system where encounters (who you meet) are purely luck based.
Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
there is not enough people for a "premade", and even it 10 "pro PvP'ers" are online at the same time, they dend get bored fast. They know that A beats B and A beats C and B beats C.
Like in every other MMO "noobs" are being fed to the PvP crowd, especially in a system where encounters (who you meet) are purely luck based.
I thought so, too. There are already complaints about matches lasting too long if both teams know how to play. The good old roflstomping routine does not always work now.
After three days, this is what I see when I enter a PVP match:
- People just fighting at mid flag, not interested AT ALL in capturing flags or even win the match. Just fight.
- People AFK at base just moving a little to leech the glory
PVP 30min Penalty DOES NOT WORK. People still trolls.
Make them LOSE GLORY and give us the opportunity to report troll players and this game will be a faaaaar better one. It works in other MMORPGs.
Reporting/kicking is a good idea. Losing glory is a stupid idea.
The game got a memory leak problem with 32-bit PCs. If I lose glory for getting a crash I'll be kinda angry.
By the way, I leave PvP matches when I find stupid people thinking that they'll do something with green gear. This is the only way I can leave by myself. I've found a GF with 6k of GS these days. Create a better matchmaking system before creating penalties.
Reporting/kicking is a good idea. Losing glory is a stupid idea.
The game got a memory leak problem with 32-bit PCs. If I lose glory for getting a crash I'll be kinda angry.
By the way, I leave PvP matches when I find stupid people thinking that they'll do something with green gear. This is the only way I can leave by myself. I've found a GF with 6k of GS these days. Create a better matchmaking system before creating penalties.
Totally agree.
If you leave once or twice every two days, you shouldn't be ban, but if someone enters 25 games and leaves 23 of them, ban him forever.
It's how is done in other games, and with time, trolls got ban and game is better.
Regarding matchmaking, a 6kGS team vs a 16kGS team is just nonsense. When you reach level 60 you can't be 15kGS, we know, but put a new level 60 player along with other new level 60 players, and dont make 1000-0 games any more.
I agree with pando83, you que as a 5 man, you fight people that que up as 5 man teams..
I play in pugs myself, well geared but im not in a pvp oriented guild, so i do infact pug alot..
I think premades should only face premade teams, isnt that the reason why they made a premade?? for competition or was it to rofl stomp
the low gs peeps...
As far as penalties go, I wish it would be like 3 hours account wide, no dungeons,skirmishes or anything they can do....
the time starts and ends only while online, when they log out to wait it out, the clock stops and than resumes when they log back in again.
The idea is probably that the "Leave Party" option should be used when you *need* to leave for some pressing real life reason or something like that, not to screw over your teammates or as a way to search for an easy match.
If you *need* to leave for some pressing real life reason or something like that you just turn off your PC. Whats the problem?
Why is there a "leave party" possibility?
Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
1. Previous posts on here talk about the "ladder". At this point i do not believe its in effect, even after 30 matches. why? because so many times this week i have been on a team with 7k (yes 7k) -10k players against a full 14-15+ GS team. I have way over 30 matches now on my TR. And yes it was a get stomped fest. It was also not a 1 time situation, it happened many times during my 2 days off of work this week.
2. Life happens, i agree with the consider everyone and look at the big picture scenario.
3. I don't want to single out lower geared players in a negative way. They deserve to have fun and a great experience like the rest of us. Putting them against a 15k is not going to be fun. Its going to be Bieber vs Chuck Norris stomp fest.
4. I think the rewards should be slightly adjusted to stay even if its a very tough match.
5. I am trying to stay positive... its hard sometimes but we have to try..right?
And I never said it was 'smart' to leave games. I said it was understandable. I also took a swipe at some of the laughable over-reactions and suggested penalties. You can't bully people into playing something that isn't fun, no matter what kind of penalty you introduce. In the end you'll just have people leaving the game, which does nobody any good.
So I suggest you take some of your own advice and wait for the ELO system to sort things out. Sooner or later you'll only get paired with people who want to play and won't quit. In the meantime chill out a little. It'll improve your gaming experience.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
People leave games for a number of reasons. Assuming that all of them are speed glory freaks is likely inaccurate. Especially now that games take a long time anyway. It's faster to go sit at the campfire than DC and wait 30 minutes. If people keep leaving once all the lop-sided matches are fixed by ELO - if they ever are - then those will be people who fit your profile.
Regarding ranking, I don't think individual performance is factored. Pretty sure there was a dev post that said it was just a win/loss calculation which would mean that your ranking is tied to team performance. Not that having a bad team is reason to quit alone IMO - I've hung around in teams so full of fail you wouldn't believe because at least we could score some points.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
Go figure.
The last point is a good one, but I'm not sure the whole player base understands that. Maybe they think that a DC/leave counts as a loss which is what they were going to pick up anyway?
I wouldn't have said enjoy exactly but your enthusiasm for ever tougher punishments and scorn for any suggestion that positive reinforcement might have a role to play does suggest a certain lack of empathy.
People leaving a blow-out game doesn't bother me at all. Well - it's mildly irritating on the very rare occasion I'm on the winning side but nothing more than that. Blow-outs aren't fun either way IMO. In fact I've actually left winning teams in blow-outs once it descends into cap trading. I won't have any part of that nonsense.
I don't mind losing fair and square. Heck, I'm happy if I get the one victory for the daily. Getting killed 0.002 seconds after leaving spawn is a different matter.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
Nice job completely missing the point. I'm not sure if it was on purpose or not, but judging by your ridiculous "15k for 400 points" straw man assertion, I'm going to guess it was on purpose. If you want to actually address the points I made, specifically how changing the way points are awarded for the losing team, I'd be more than happy to continue the discussion as they changes I proposed actually address some of the complaints you've made.
This isn't about anything other than players wanting to advance their characters as easy as possible. If you take away the easy route, and reward them for effort instead of for standing around, you fix the problem because they will join PvP if they want the reward, and if they want the reward they have to fight for it.
Everything as soon as they want it? Please, you want everything your way and ignore every point made against you.
If people wanted everything "right now" they wouldn't farm campaigns for over a month, shandar takes months just to get the boons nevermind the gear afterwards.
But hey, what do i know granddad. I've only been gaming for a good 18 years now, i know nothing at all. But at least i can argue with somebodies points and consider the lives and needs of others, and not my own selfish views. Maybe you should try learning what empathy is don't you think?
As people have stated a good reinforcement to encourage active participation is rewards based on your performance in the match; point Captures, defenses, assists, kills, time spent in match, time spent on node, time spent afk, all should be factored in to achieve a glory amount that is worth the time spent. (250 glory for an 1h30m loss is disgusting).
As it stands, I'd guess 90% of people in PvP are only there for the glory, and they will do what they can do maximize their efficiency.
As did you agree to a match, being aware of the fact that others from a random group might leave the party. YOU KNOW THAT. If you pug there, you risk others leaving. Nevertheless, you queued! Want more chance in succeeding? Don't pug.
You would not need to do leave a party. If your 2 day old daughter is choking to death I seriously hope you just get your 3 letters off the chair and don't use the "leave party" functionality first. In your world there simply is no reason at all to ever use the "leave party" functionality in PvP.
I am annoyed by the selfish attitude that I now get a penalty for using a game functionality just because a few PvP crybabies can not cope with party leavers and people disconnecting.
The dev's implemented a "leave party" functionality on purpose.
We have the functionality to leave. The dev's put it there. On purpose.
one more thing:
If you applied your high values to yourself you would not be grieved so much.
* don't pug
* don't enter PvP if you can not cope with people leaving. bite that bullet. It's part growing up to learn to cope with disappointments, and not run to a forum and cry.
* leave a match if the score is 100:5, as your group are obviously overpowered and you are the only one with a sense of fairness this would also cut down an fresh 60's leaving a party.
In the end, they're reasons that we need/want to leave, but people just don't get that, they want to just look at their own needs/wants instead of ever thinking "why" someone left.
Honestly i just don't get why they don't split the MM system into "premade" and "pug". Even if someone does join a premade, they can still end up facing a pug group in the current system and the problem occurs anyway. I "could" group with 4 other people and hope that i face another premade, but i could just end up fighting a pug, it becomes a 200:0 match, and they're forced to stay, sit at their camp and no body is happy. Honestly after 5 minutes you should just be allowed to leave in this situation, it's obvious that the teams are imbalanced, neither team is probably having much fun so why bother.
Instead of banning people for leaving (legit or otherwise), just try to look at why people are leaving. Some people just want to farm the artifact, maybe make it available in SOME other way. Maybe make multiple ques, ranked, unranked, pug, premade. Seriously just about anything is better than forcing people to play if they do not want to.
Like in every other MMO "noobs" are being fed to the PvP crowd, especially in a system where encounters (who you meet) are purely luck based.
After three days, this is what I see when I enter a PVP match:
- People just fighting at mid flag, not interested AT ALL in capturing flags or even win the match. Just fight.
- People AFK at base just moving a little to leech the glory
PVP 30min Penalty DOES NOT WORK. People still trolls.
Make them LOSE GLORY and give us the opportunity to report troll players and this game will be a faaaaar better one. It works in other MMORPGs.
The game got a memory leak problem with 32-bit PCs. If I lose glory for getting a crash I'll be kinda angry.
By the way, I leave PvP matches when I find stupid people thinking that they'll do something with green gear. This is the only way I can leave by myself. I've found a GF with 6k of GS these days. Create a better matchmaking system before creating penalties.
Totally agree.
If you leave once or twice every two days, you shouldn't be ban, but if someone enters 25 games and leaves 23 of them, ban him forever.
It's how is done in other games, and with time, trolls got ban and game is better.
Regarding matchmaking, a 6kGS team vs a 16kGS team is just nonsense. When you reach level 60 you can't be 15kGS, we know, but put a new level 60 player along with other new level 60 players, and dont make 1000-0 games any more.
I play in pugs myself, well geared but im not in a pvp oriented guild, so i do infact pug alot..
I think premades should only face premade teams, isnt that the reason why they made a premade?? for competition or was it to rofl stomp
the low gs peeps...
As far as penalties go, I wish it would be like 3 hours account wide, no dungeons,skirmishes or anything they can do....
the time starts and ends only while online, when they log out to wait it out, the clock stops and than resumes when they log back in again.
If you *need* to leave for some pressing real life reason or something like that you just turn off your PC. Whats the problem?
Why is there a "leave party" possibility?
2. Life happens, i agree with the consider everyone and look at the big picture scenario.
3. I don't want to single out lower geared players in a negative way. They deserve to have fun and a great experience like the rest of us. Putting them against a 15k is not going to be fun. Its going to be Bieber vs Chuck Norris stomp fest.
4. I think the rewards should be slightly adjusted to stay even if its a very tough match.
5. I am trying to stay positive... its hard sometimes but we have to try..right?