So I'm really not sure...Without further ado, you may all bear witness to the divine glory that is Torm's Mighty Stick! (Turmian Sceptre)
Perhaps you too notice the rather...bulbous change? I mean, yeah, going into divine mode might mean it's time to get ready for action but.... It also seems to, uh, extend a bit at the base. So again I ask, joke or bug?
Okay, Panic.
Also it seems to have clipping/mesh-tearing issues when spamming sacred flame (possibly because the game really wants you to be flailing a nunchuck/handmirror combo), which makes it look like a crucifix at times. :-/
I always called this one the "toilet plunger" as it just belongs, well, in the toilet.
To answer your question: They are bugs and were brought up several times to the devs.
I only use ones that glow on top to better monitor if I'm in Divinity Channeling or not.
Doesn't matter so much now that tab-switching to Divinity on casting is being 'fixed'.
Simpler but means combos like Sunburst tab-switch to Divinity will push everything without choice. Liked having the choice before even if it required a bit of skill to manage.
Just hope they have fixed Linked Spirit proccing and not just cancelled the whole action.
Looking for a guild for PvE Dungeons to suit AEST evenings
It might be an idea to train yourself to look at the Divinity meter instead. I used to use the symbol glow when I was levelling, but realised that if you're getting dogpiled by a lot of mobs, you can't see it. The meter, on the other hand, is always drawn over the top- just look to see if it's blue or gold and you're all set.