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Race reset item

doggy009doggy009 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
edited March 2014 in General Discussion (PC)
Dont you guys think there should be race reset item? since most people didnt know what they were doing at the start and might have choosen the wrong race and wrong dice stats or just want to switch builds

Item in zen shop so its win win , we happy and cryptic is happy
Post edited by doggy009 on


  • demidogzdemidogz Member Posts: 259 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    Yes there are already many threads suggesting this.

    And yes, most of the players repeatedly agree with this suggestion, so it's up to the devs now.
  • ianthewizard2012ianthewizard2012 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,142 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Agreed, again.
  • ryugasiriusryugasirius Member Posts: 996 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    doggy009 wrote: »
    Dont you guys think there should be race reset item? since most people didnt know what they were doing at the start and might have choosen the wrong race and wrong dice stats or just want to switch builds

    Item in zen shop so its win win , we happy and cryptic is happy

    I can see how someone chooses wrong dice stats without actually knowing how they interact with NW (and they have some weird/unexpected effects in the game, like strength effecting DoT resistance or charisma effecting combat advantage damage), but how do you choose the wrong race is beyond my comprehension...

    "I wanted to play a Drow, but inexplicably I selected Halfling and didn't notice till I was 60"? Seriously?

    EDIT: "race", not "class".
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I can see how someone chooses wrong dice stats without actually knowing how they interact with NW (and they have some weird/unexpected effects in the game, like strength effecting DoT resistance or charisma effecting combat advantage damage), but how do you choose the WRONG CLASS is beyond my comprehension...

    "I wanted to play a Drow, but inexplicably I selected Halfling and didn't notice till I was 60"? Seriously?

    Actually it is not at all obvious what the final effect of racial abilities will be once you are geared up, so I think it perfectly fine to have a race change option. After all it becomes much harder to keep motivated to grind for an incremental +0.1% gain in power if your initial choice of race made a 5% difference. (-< Note that the choice of race can make this much difference or more in certain cases.) Although, I personally might not use it I think a race change can only help keep people in the game.

    And I have no idea why you brought the idea of class changes into this, other than to try to derail the topic.
  • kattefjaeskattefjaes Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users Posts: 2,270 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    Moreover, some races are also not as described, or still plain broken.. Consider anyone with a Drow DC, who occasionally debuffs team mates due to long-standing unfixed bugs.

    Race rerolls ("Limited Wish tokens"?) would surely be a money spinner. I know that I would buy a couple for various chars.
  • ryugasiriusryugasirius Member Posts: 996 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    mconosrep wrote: »
    Actually it is not at all obvious what the final effect of racial abilities will be once you are geared up, so I think it perfectly fine to have a race change option. After all it becomes much harder to keep motivated to grind for an incremental +0.1% gain in power if your initial choice of race made a 5% difference. (-< Note that the choice of race can make this much difference or more in certain cases.) Although, I personally might not use it I think a race change can only help keep people in the game.

    And I have no idea why you brought the idea of class changes into this, other than to try to derail the topic.

    Sorry, I meant "wrong race" there (edited).
  • doggy009doggy009 Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I can see how someone chooses wrong dice stats without actually knowing how they interact with NW (and they have some weird/unexpected effects in the game, like strength effecting DoT resistance or charisma effecting combat advantage damage), but how do you choose the wrong race is beyond my comprehension...

    "I wanted to play a Drow, but inexplicably I selected Halfling and didn't notice till I was 60"? Seriously?

    EDIT: "race", not "class".

    I did not choose the wrong race, I choose the right one for this build but If I wanted to change build another race might be better than the one I have
  • melodywhrmelodywhr Member Posts: 4,220 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    ruuk had always felt like something was not quite right in her 27 years as a half-orc. time and time again, she found herself trying to fit into small spaces and breaking so many things... she felt like a fell troll in a glass shop. she wanted to be petite and cuddly, but as she stood in front of her reflection, she knew she wasn't. she was a hulking mass of half human, half orc.

    "father, what can i do?" she asked, the tears welling in her eyes. "i don't feel right in my skin! i feel like i was destined to be tiny, cute and cuddly. why can't i be a halfling?"

    ruuk's father, uugr, looked at his suffering daughter and punched her in the shoulder. "suck it up, ruuk! go help your mother with dinner and stop with these ridiculous ideas of yours."

    ruuk straightened herself up and respectfully nodded to her father as she wiped the half-orc tears from her eyes. she knew in her heart that somewhere... there had to be strong enough magic in neverwinter to change her.

    on the eve of the next harvest, ruuk thought she would ask the knowledgeable lord neverember if he knew of any such way that she, a young female half-orc, could become what she knew to be in her heart.

    "how may i help you, young ruuk?" neverember asked while counting gold coins, never looking up to acknowledge her presence.

    "my lord, i am seeking your grand knowledge in that i, ruuk, half-orc, am supposed to be small and dainty but i feel stretched out in my skin, my bones feel hulking and menacing. i look at the female elves, the halflings, even those disgusting tieflings with their swirling tails and i am envious of their small statures. or at least smaller than mine. help me, lord neverember. you're my only hope!"

    neverember stopped counting for three seconds with an upward glance, then continued. "but, you are a fine half-orc, ruuk. you come from a strong line of half-orcs. your father is an honored member of the community. your family name is known in many surrounding lands for the bravery your family has put forth time and time again without fail. in your heart, you may be small and graceful, but you are total half-orc obliteration! i've heard of your stories in battle! that knox has some fine things to say about you..."

    ruuk's heart sank. "but, lord... i... i want to be halfling. isn't there some magic that exists somewhere that can give me what my heart desires?" she pleaded with the utmost respect, dropping to one knee.

    neverember stood abruptly, gold coins spilling to the floor causing the guards to come to attention. "CHILD! i have not time for such things! there is no such magic that exists that doesn't call upon dark forces! are we not trying to rid the land of these things?" he stormed past a guard who was eyeballing a coin near his foot and nearly knocked him over.

    outside the hall of justice, as ruuk was about to mount her steed, she heard a voice.

    "psst. so you want to be a halfling?"

    "who's there?" she called out, looking for the origin of the voice.

    "it is i! rumpelstiltskin!" said a cowardly looking creature with elf-like features surrounded by an ominous green glow. "i have the answers you seek but it will cost you."

    ruuk appeared cautious, placing her hand gently on her sword's hilt. "what do you know about me wanting to be a halfling? have you been spying on me?"

    "this is neverwinter, dearie... word travels fast around here," the creature said, punctuated with shrill laughter. "take this potion and drink it before the last harvest moon, before you fall fast asleep and when you wake, your dreams will be a reality."

    she looked at the potion in his hands: a clear liquid that could have been water except it did not have the viscosity of water. it was much thicker. "what is it you want from me? i will not give you my first born!"

    the creature laughed. "let's just say you'll owe me a favor." the flask jumped out of his hands and danced in the air in front of her. "time's a-wasting dearie... tick tock!"

    ruuk was not convinced. "you're sure this will turn me into a halfling? it won't just make me look like a halfling for a few hours or muddle my mind to make me think i'm a halfling and meanwhile i'll still be breaking petite chairs as i try to fit into them with my massive half-orc body??"

    "of course it will turn you into a halfling! of course! what kind of racket do you think i'm running here?" said the creature, grinning from ear to ear as the flask jumps back into his hand.

    "well... how does it work?"

    "how does the rain fall? how does the sun shine? it just does... it just does."

    "well... alright," ruuk says hesitantly, reaching for the flask. just as her hand reaches it, a scroll and quill appear in its place.

    "you must first sign... on the dotted line," the creature says in a sing-song voice.

    she annoyingly raises a brow at him, grabs the quill, and looks at the parchment. it appears to be written in some ancient language that she doesn't recognize. "i... i can't read this."

    the creature smiles to reassure her. "it says that you will owe me one favor for this one flask which will grant you one wish. but i must warn you... powerful magic comes with a price."

    "you mean the favor i'll owe you," she asks.

    "oh you'll owe me the favor, but the spell may come with some unwanted side effects," the creature states matter-of-factually.

    "...like what?" ruuk asks, slightly withdrawing the quill from the scroll.

    "that, i cannot say, dearie. who knows what that may be..."

    ruuk feels an overwhelming desire to run from this creature, but her heart's wish keeps her in place. she puts the quill to the signature line on the parchment and feels a slight sting in her hand. when the ink flows onto the page, she realizes that it was her own blood extracted by the quill. "okay, now give me the flask."

    the creature hands the flask over with a reminder. "before the last moon of the harvest and right before bed... if you drink it any other time, you might find yourself dead!" and with a flash and a sulfurous cloud, the creature vanishes.
  • pers3phonepers3phone Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Yes please,

    Race reset token

    Initial Ability Roll reset token

  • jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    pers3phone wrote: »
    Yes please,

    Race reset token

    Initial Ability Roll reset token


    +1, even i know they didn't managed to do this since beta and wont introduce this in a year after launch.
  • djarkaandjarkaan Member Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Ability reroll yes, since ability affect are not shown at character creation, Wisdom and DC for example.

    Race no, racial ability are clearly shown if you chose the wrong race for a certain build that came later, then you should not have spent any untradable items, gear or currency on that character and just reroll.
  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    djarkaan wrote: »
    Ability reroll yes, since ability affect are not shown at character creation, Wisdom and DC for example.

    Race no, racial ability are clearly shown if you chose the wrong race for a certain build that came later, then you should not have spent any untradable items, gear or currency on that character and just reroll.
    There are things and mechanics that changed, that made a orc and his +str less attractive and a +dex might be better with the "current" mechanics.
    Imaginary Friends are the best friends you can have!
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    djarkaan wrote: »
    Ability reroll yes, since ability affect are not shown at character creation, Wisdom and DC for example.

    Race no, racial ability are clearly shown if you chose the wrong race for a certain build that came later, then

    Ha ha. Oh wait you are serious....

    Very well, in that case any changes to characters including, but not limited to, respecs should be disallowed because "you should not have spent any untradable items, gear or currency on that character and just reroll."
  • eton3000eton3000 Banned Users Posts: 230 Bounty Hunter
    edited February 2014
    race, nope.
    suddenly every pvp-er turns into halfling. while some people actually made a new toon to become a halfling
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    eton3000 wrote: »
    race, nope.
    suddenly every pvp-er turns into halfling. while some people actually made a new toon to become a halfling

    You could say the same thing about respecs - suddenly every PvP respecs to the best feats/powers.

    If you personally don't want to use a race respec then fine, don't. But if other do, then they should be allowed to. For the record I don't plan on using a race change, but am perfectly happy for those that do to help fund the game.
  • djarkaandjarkaan Member Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    So basically they should have just made one race and let ppl select the stats and racial ability they want. That would have same them a lot of work on models and gear design.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    djarkaan wrote: »
    So basically they should have just made one race and let ppl select the stats and racial ability they want. That would have same them a lot of work on models and gear design.

    YAWN. Nice ad absurdum argument (and post).

    Don't judge everyone by what you would do, or try to enforce your standards on them. Not everyone plays PvP, so the majority of the people asking for race change will not be changing their class into PvP Halfling to terrorize you, okay?

    If you feel that there is a balance issue in PvP with Halflings, do do feel free to make a thread about it.
  • djarkaandjarkaan Member Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    mconosrep wrote: »
    YAWN. Nice ad absurdum argument (and post).

    Don't judge everyone by what you would do, or try to enforce your standards on them. Not everyone plays PvP, so the majority of the people asking for race change will not be changing their class into PvP Halfling to terrorize you, okay?

    If you feel that there is a balance issue in PvP with Halflings, do do feel free to make a thread about it.

    Hunh? When did I say I was terrorized of haflings? or even that I prefer PVP. All I Said was that letting ppl change race at will, kills the flavor of having several difference races... Take your own advice and Don't judge everyone by what you would do, or try to enforce your standards on them. You are the one putting everyone who has a different opinion then your own in the same mold.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    djarkaan wrote: »
    Hunh? When did I say I was terrorized of haflings? or even that I prefer PVP. All I Said was that letting ppl change race at will, kills the flavor of having several difference races... Take your own advice and Don't judge everyone by what you would do, or try to enforce your standards on them. You are the one putting everyone who has a different opinion then your own in the same mold.

    Your argument doesn't make sense - why should letting people change race destroy the flavor of having several races? If anything, it will do the opposite as if you are no longer locked into a single racial choice permanently you are more likely to try different races...

    I am saying that it should be up to the individual to choose if they want to change their race, whereas you are the one saying that they shouldn't be able to. It is really hard to see why you feel that allowing everyone to make up their own decision is somehow "enforce your standards on them" whereas you arguing against them even an option is not...
  • djarkaandjarkaan Member Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    mconosrep wrote: »
    Your argument doesn't make sense - why should letting people change race destroy the flavour of having several races?

    If anything, it will do the opposite as if you are no longer locked into a single racial choice permanently you are more likely to try different races...

    But you are not locked into that race, you can roll another character. Nothing is stoping you from doing so.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    djarkaan wrote: »
    But you are not locked into that race, you can roll another character. Nothing is stoping you from doing so.

    Except, of course, for the massive commitment made in attaining boons/bound gear/levelled artifacts. And, again, the same argument can be used against any type of respecs - there is nothing stopping someone re-rolling. So if feat/power respecs are allowed, which why shouldn't race change?
  • djarkaandjarkaan Member Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    mconosrep wrote: »
    Except, of course, for the massive commitment made in attaining boons/bound gear/levelled artifacts. And, again, the same argument can be used against any type of respecs - there is nothing stopping someone re-rolling. So if feat/power respecs are allowed, which why shouldn't race change?

    Because some Powers/feat were not available at the time you reach that level, so heres a free respec token.

    If some game mechanics for a race was change since you created it, you can respec your powers/feat to fit that new mechanic.

    That's why when a pack contains a new race it also contains a character slot.

    So you commited to everything else but the race?
  • vaerthvaerth Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    I have said before that I think they should have an option in the Zen market to change race / stat rolls. Why ANYONE here would be against that is beyond me. If someone starts with a wood elf, and decides they want to be a Dwarf, why does it matter? They changed their mind, and are willing to PAY PWE to change their character. By them doing this, it helps fund the game. Seems like a win win for devs and players, makes no sense why they would not do this. If you are happy with your chosen race, good for you. If someone else here has a change of heart, and some zen, it seems quite fair to me that they should be able to change race and/or stat rolls.

    Would be nice if the Devs would comment on one of these many threads about their view on this highly requested option. I do not personally wish to change races, but if a new race is released that I really like in a module, I want the option to race change to it. Some people like have multiple characters, I am not one of them. That said, I will never use a new race from any expansions without a race change option in the Zen market. Because I hate starting over.

    That is my view on this. For anyone to say no to it makes no sense what so ever.

    +1 from me!
  • vaerthvaerth Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    djarkaan wrote: »
    But you are not locked into that race, you can roll another character. Nothing is stoping you from doing so.


    What is your issue with race changes? If someone is willing to pay (and in turn supporting the game) why would you tell them to roll another character? Just because you would do it a different way does not mean the option should not exist to those would would choose it. If you do not want to use it, don't. But to sit there and give reasons against it is ignorant. It does not affect your game play, and helps support the game.
  • mconosrepmconosrep Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    djarkaan wrote: »
    Because some Powers/feat were not available at the time you reach that level, so heres a free respec token.

    If some game mechanics for a race was change since you created it, you can respec your powers/feat to fit that new mechanic.

    That's why when a pack contains a new race it also contains a character slot.

    So you commited to everything else but the race?

    Err, your argument can work in reverse too:

    " some races were not available at the time, so heres a race respec token"

    "If some powers/feat was change since you created it, you can respec your race to fit"

    Notice that the race token would be PAID for and not even free.....
  • djarkaandjarkaan Member Posts: 883 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    vaerth wrote: »

    What is your issue with race changes? If someone is willing to pay (and in turn supporting the game) why would you tell them to roll another character? Just because you would do it a different way does not mean the option should not exist to those would would choose it. If you do not want to use it, don't. But to sit there and give reasons against it is ignorant. It does not affect your game play, and helps support the game.

    So Devs should put resources to cater to the laziness of players. Why not sell a level 60 token like other MMOs are doing while we are at it. The games life expectancy would plummet.
  • vaerthvaerth Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    djarkaan wrote: »
    So Devs should put resources to cater to the laziness of players. Why not sell a level 60 token like other MMOs are doing while we are at it. The games life expectancy would plummet.

    You are sitting there playing a video game and you want to use the word "laziness"? Come on! Really? LMAO! The life of the game would not plummet, and how you have come to that conclusion is beyond anyone on this thread. You seem to be the only one with an issue with it, and I assume it is for your own reasons. Adding race change PAID for with Zen would only HELP the game by FUNDING it. Your issue with the race change must run deep, because no one is making you pay for it so why say anything negative towards it at all?

    If someone just starts playing this game as a new player and decides after a little while they prefer Moon Elf over Wood Elf and buy the pack to unlock the race, should they have to start over with the SAME class they already like to just change the race? Or would it be fair to offer players the option to PAY to change their race?

    What about in the future, when the add MORE races. Are you telling me that I should start all over with the same class and build I like to be a different race that I prefer for RPing reasons? Seems much easier on everyone in this game BUT YOU to just allow the race change token. Win for the players and win for Crypic. Only who will be upset it appears would be you.
  • iteideiteide Member, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I'm Agree to allow this feature. That would be nice for buisness :)
  • rabbinicusrabbinicus Member Posts: 1,822 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Not to mention that for folks who are completionists they (eh, who am I kidding "I") might want to do all the different racial quests without rolling up and gearing new characters.
    The right to command is earned through duty, the privilege of rank is service.

  • ordensmarschallordensmarschall Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,060 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    I am also against a race change token. What you want is a new character that starts out at 60th level simply by forking over some money. While I am not against being able to change your race, or base stats, I don't want it done via a purchased token. In another thread concerning this subject, I posted a number of ways this could be done without money changing hands.
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