So....with the ruling of net neutrality banished, how long do you think it will take for ISP companies to begin throttling data and that in turn affecting our gaming?
I'm sure they will throttle data very soon. However, I expect they'll be hitting movie/music streaming first as those are the biggest hitters. A lot of games actually don't send that much data as a few of my friends discovered when using their iphones as hotspots to play another MMO on their laptops while out and about.
Of course I'm sure ISP's will bend everyone over eventually...not that they don't already...
Foundry - Fight Club? (nw-dluqbofu7)
- JailBreak (in development)
hobokenboyBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited February 2014
Well, that may be true, but when downloading a new game you've just purchased, someone could readily run into a data cap, no? And now that there's nothing to stop them from doing so, ISP's can say, "Ooops. Half of that game is over your data limit for the month. If you want the rest, pay us this much."
I'm also curious as to what can be done to keep this scenario from occurring. I've "signed" petitions and sent actual snail mail to relevant parties...but what else is there, other than boycotting the internet when it all comes down.
Of course I'm sure ISP's will bend everyone over eventually...not that they don't already...
- JailBreak (in development)
I'm also curious as to what can be done to keep this scenario from occurring. I've "signed" petitions and sent actual snail mail to relevant parties...but what else is there, other than boycotting the internet when it all comes down.