Was hoping to get some feedback on strat for last boss in VT.
Here is the set up I am using now:
Gear Miracle Healer set, 6k power, 3k crit, 3k rec, 1.5k armour pen, vorpal and soulforge 13k gs
Skills used -Trash mobs leading up to 1st boss ---AS, sunburst, and Divine Glow, Brand of Sun and Astral Seal, Flamestrike, and HG, holy fervour, and foresight...brings decent dps to table for a healer, and provides nice buff, debuffs
1st boss I switch out divine glow to healing word
For the second boss, I am not sure what to slot.. With a very high dps group, the above set up with AS, SB, and HW got it done, but with lower dps groups i tried slotting divine glow to bump up the dps, but still struggled. Also, i switched out flamestrike to HOF to add to the dps, got a 40k crit which was nice
and also HOF is good to help with ppl getting choked.
So is the set up most ppl use, or do i need a different spec to bring more dps to the table? It's not a heal intensive fight, just a straight burn fight, especially at the end.
thoughts/sugesstions to my rambling appreciated.
If the team is really low DPS, you're going to fail because eventually Val is going to spawn caskets faster than you can grab them(if you're still about 10% when she spawns her third wave of caskets after the 2nd lightning phase you can call it a day).
I run DG as long as the team isn't dying, which is most of the time. It's more beneficial the more mele I have in the group. Been doing some CW/TR/x2 GWF runs and she just melts with DG.
If the team needs more healing or sometimes for CW/HR heavy groups I'll use HW instead of DG but I prefer not to. I usually still run SB because I my ranged buddies will normally stand close enough to make SB still useful for procing LS and sharing Foresight, not to mention the good AP/DP gain. But, with randos or whatever they tend to spread out a lot more, then I'd drop SB for HW.
Val is really a DPS race more than anything so minimal healing to keep the group up and as much as you can muster in terms of buffs/debuffs. HG>all your other daily options. The %dmg increase to everybody on you're team will total a lot more dmg than a 40k HoF will.
I tried it again last night 2x. The 1st time, I nearly outdps'd the TR at about 4m total dps, so you can imagine that was a fail at the last boss.
Second time with high dps group and everyone pulling their weight felt like easy mode got it 1st try.(too bad the set is no good, unless you really like lifesteal.
----When did they patch in a dmg % increase to Hallowed Ground? Didn't it used to be only dmg mit and heal if feated? I have it fully feated so dmg % increase, dmg mit and healing is beastly.
They didn't patch it in, it has always worked that way.
As others have said - Val is also a dps check. If you are on a team where your Hof/FS is more beneficial than a team buff via HG your team will fail the fight.
Makes a lot of sense in a melee-heavy party: I mostly like HW because there's usually at least one CW, and they're not usually facetanking val with the melee (so aren't in the shield). Plus spamming HW on everything more or less on cooldown means I stay topped up too, since that fight seems to be a "pay 3000HP every 2 seconds for the right to remain in this room".