Here I will explain the main purpose of a Guardian Fighter, including my personal build. I will also be explaining on how to be more versatile and a great team player. Because in the end you are playing the Guardian Fighter and it is your duty to do that for your teammates. Placement and tactics are very important for a guardian fighter. So, let us begin.
First off, I will talk about the powers that are currently most effective in PvP and how they should be used. Also note I do use all these skills in a match, I do a lot of fast swaps to be as effective as possible.
Encounters:Frontline- You Knock back your enemies, sending them prone, allowing you and your allies to seize new ground. This is the biggest prone power that they can give us. This can be used to take down up to four targets. Also, frontline is not meant for just the use on one person, wait until you have a nice line up and then use it against multiple players. Getting use to frontline, can take some time, but once you figure it out it is not only your best friend, but your teammates will love you for knowing how to use it properly. It is also great to use against GWFs as you can push them off the node to keep gathering points. Also, note: The radius of frontline is wider then what it really shows. Prone time 3s.
Bullcharge- Rush your foe, violently Knocking them back, leaving them Prone. This is your best friend, and every casters and long range as well. This can be used to bounce people of a subject that they are attacking or even yourself, so that you can gather your self together or your teammates can move away from danger. Again this is your duty to do so. Prone time 3s.
Lunging Strike- This is a gap closer, but don't let it fool you it does some pretty sweet damage. This can be used against those long range casters to get near them and quickly finish them off with one cycle.
Knights Challange- Challenge your target, temporarily locking them in 1 on 1 combat. While challenged, you and your opponent deal double damage to each other and half damage to anyone else. This power I flip a lot with Frontline. K.C. is an amazing power that they have given us especially against a range class, makes light work of most builds in 1-2 shots. Using it against the range class lets you get back into the battlefield where you are needed most.
At-Will:Cleave- You swing through the foes in front of you. The third hit deals additional damage. Is a great AOE when the groups are bunched up closely allowing you to hit multiple targets. Also swapped with Iron Tide will explain below.
Threatening Rush- Rush to target and slam into them with a painful looking attack. Your target and those around it are temporarily Marked. This was given to us with no cool down!!! For what reason, no Idea but hey I'll take this any day! This is also another great gap closer. Allowing you to move quickly around the board between multiple targets. Allowing you to get into better positions for setting up prones or catching up to that run away victim to finish him off quickly.
Tide of Iron- This is pretty sweet. Smash your shield into a single foe and reduce their Damage Resistance. Recovers 10% of your Guard meter. This is amazing against all classes, even more so against GWF and TR. Allowing you to regain your Gaurd meter, making your survivability that much longer. I will combine this with Threaten Rush to debuff all players that are close to me dropping their Resistance, making the team more effective.
Mechanic:Aggravating Strike- Stab your foe over your shield, Taunting them to engage you. Always good to be able to continue to do damage.
Shield Slam- Slams your shield into your foe without leaving you vulnerable. Recovers 5% of your Guard meter. Again, another way to gain more gaurd meter making you more tanky. I can't begin to tell you how many GF's I see that don't use this feature. This is by far one of my favorite things to use! As many other opposing classes still do not know that, when using this abillity that they can shred us. Reason being, that our shield is still raised making it look like we can still block but can't.
Daily:Villain's Menace- With valiant fury you smash the ground, damaging foes around you. In your temporary fervor, you deal increased damage and gain immunity to disabling effects. This is your PANIC BUTTON to use when your in those sticky situation! EX: You vs the team when everyone else has died allowing you to survive and hold that ground until your teammates can hurry back to help contest that node.
Fighters Recover- You steady yourself and gain vigor for the fight to come by temporarily Healing for a large portion of the damage you deal. This power giving you 300% life steal is great against those 1v1s when its you vs a gwf to keep you alive longer saving that artifact and potions giving you time for atleast 4 cycles before having to hit that artifact, if you haven't killed them already.
Indomitable Strength- Pummel your target with a rain of blows, Knocking them away and leaving them Prone. Combining this with other prones, you can have them on the ground for roughly 10 seconds.
Terrifying Impact-Giving an exultant battle cry, you pulverize the ground. Foes hit by the upheaval are Stunned. A lot of GF may not know but this interrupts unstoppable also goes through block, ITC, Salvage Advance, Marouders Retreat, Fox, Duelist Fury, Maelstrom of Chaos, Path of Blade, and any other ability that grants CC immunity. If you are stuck on the node fighting a GWF I would most likely have this slotted. To break unstoppable to continue my prones. This daily is great even in group fights as not only does it reach out in front of you but also there is a radius behind you to stun people as well.
Additions:Combat Superiority-For 5 seconds, deal 10% additional damage to foes after they hit you. This is great to have against those tanky groups making your prones that much more powerful.
Ferocious Reaction- When your Hit Points drop below 15%, you regain 10% of your Hit Points, the foe that hit you takes that much damage, and you gain a Damage Resistance buff for 5 seconds. This can only occur once every 5 minutes. This is fantastic, and at times a big life saver.
Shield Talent- Increases your Guard meter by 5% This is awesome again for those sticky situations or strong 1v1s.
Trample the Fallen- When a foe is affected by control powers, deal 15% more damage to it. This is pretty awesome not only does it give the bonus towards your prones but other class CC as well.
Starter Choice-
Timeless Hero- While out-dated you can still rely on this keep.
Bonus 2 pieces : +450 Deflection
Bonus 4 pieces : Your Encounter powers grant 450 Critical Strike for 6 seconds. This effect stacks up to 3 times.
Knight Captain Armor
Bonus 2 pieces : + 400 Armor Penetration
Bonus 4 pieces : When using a power you have 25% chance to increase the power of the players around you by 60% and defense by 25% for 6 seconds. (Observation: The Bonus does not apply to user)
Grand Regent
Bonus 2 pieces : +450 Defense
Bonus 4 pieces : You increase your Power by 20% of your Defense.
High General
Bonus 2 pieces : +450 Armor Penetration
Bonus 4 pieces : When you land a critical strike you grant all allies +10% critical severity for 8 seconds.
*Note: If your looking for super high DPS then Knights Captain and High General is the direction that you want to go.
I chose to do a Mix between Grand Regent and High General to really make up for the lack of tankiness a conquerer has. Again, being able to survive more, makes you a beneficial player for your team. This is what my Toon uses at the moment.
Dread Ring Sharandar
Remembering to stay evenly balanced in both survivability and the amount of DPS your prones put out, will not only keep your team happy, but you as well.
Additional Information:
In relation to Greater Tenebrous vs Dark Enchantments. Tenebrous is actually fantastic but in reality your nerfing your damage in my opinion. Yeah it's great they can't block Necrotic Damage, but only if they all proc and if they crit then yes maybe it would surpass Darks. But, having high crit and having cap Armor Penetration with decent amount of power I have crit for 38.4k as to normal mix match with Greater Tenebrous only hitting average 20-25k. Which is still plenty but some where you have to make up for the Armor penetration for Greater Tenebrous to be as effective as possible. Also note that it has a 20s cool down as to where Darks do not. So you are doing constant damage with same average as to where tenes you are not.
I went constitution and Dexterity instead of Strength. As, even though stated in game, Strength does not buff your damage for a Guardian Fighter. Along with the fact that, my roll stats in the direction that I also chose also ignores resistance. Which, is one of the Guardian Fighters main focus, is to debuff the opposing class.
**As a Guardian Fighter, it is very important to time your prones so that you are effective for your teammates. It is also your duty to protect your long range classes. They should not have to become more tanky if you would just do your job and be that, a Guardian Fighter. I am open to all comments and questions.**
I did play with Teri few times and im surprised by his skill and ability to intercept
Definitely one of the Mainstream GF's at the moment.
And unarguable a great player.
... i have some doubts about the hard-cap of defense you got there and also i don't see your HP pool included on those picks ..
i;ve been testing lately battle trample on my GWF and it does around 550k damage in a VT 2/2, but it has a double dmg vs a GF(something that should be corrected imo), still i do think is a better pick than crushing pin in pve. Also it doesnt crit at all
Haters will always hate bro. Just thought I would throw this out there to help new guys starting a Guardian Fighter.
And just my 2cent:
1. Supremacy of Steel is too good to put only 1 point in it.
2. Crushing surge is better than Cleaver since you didn't take the Reinforced Surge. CS does more dmg than Cleaver even feated, and you don't really get to swing 3 times in any legit fight. Unless your target is being CC by you and your teammate the same time.
3. Knight's Challenge is better to keep at lvl 1 if pure PVP build. GF doesn't benefit from having too much up time of KC and as a matter of fact it kills you faster in a lot of cases.
4. HP too low. I prefer more HP and give up some offensive stat since in real 1v1 you are prey to certain class(s) and we all know GF hit rock bottom in PVP as it is now. Best thing you can do is to be really annoying aka harder to take down.
5. Elven Haste? hmmm I would not really touch that boon as a gf regardless of build.
Sounds like your build is spec to solo play instead of team play as kc is very helpful for taking down those cws and rangers but you don't swap skills obviously since your set for mainly solo 1v1s. So pretty much your 5 points go out the window
as for HP you shouldn't have to rely on hp if your regen is set well above average. putting your stats to something more useful. But you already knew that didn't you.
Also to not really use KC is stupid imo as for pre vs pre its great to burn the long range casters
Have you even been on PTR?
Personally i consider Supremacy nearly garbage next to TI which can CC 3 people and goes through any immunity
As for your comment on HP i suggest u brush up on Effective HP, which is efficient combination of HP DR and Deflect
And do the math on 700 hp vs 2% AP generation ><D 700HP is a rank 7 Rad, plain +2% AP gain is waaaaay more
After update plain HP means nothing, and "Effective HP" is the stat you should look at, many treat it as a nerf to GF's and that they will be gone. GF's will have 85% plain DR which is cap not including other resistances.
There are some things i disagree with in this build but one thing i agree it is an amazing team play build.
Thanks for giving +1 rep on this I appreciate that.
Sir Howitzer - GF | Howitzer - HR
Right now I do the same thing, however, I am wondering if putting Greater Tenebrous enchants in all offensive slots is better? Necrotic damage equal to 3% of your max HP and necrotic damage is unmitigated (ignores armor). Stacking the **** out of Rank 10 radiants in your defensive slots would actually increase your burst!
1) Multiple Tenebrous enchantments stack.
2) The enchantment has a 20 second internal cooldown and 100% chance to trigger if not on cooldown. However, it seems that the server does not keep a clock for each character. Instead the reset occurs on a universal clock, like daily quest resets. Thus, it is possible to get procs in quick succession at the start of combat, if you start just before a reset.
3) The enchantment only works with offensive slots.
Your guide is obviously based around PVP. The burst damage you could get from slotting 5 of these suckers would be enormous (and I believe they can crit). So, for example, you have 30,000 hit points, 3% is 900, multiply that by 5 = 4500 if all proc on a single Lunging strike charge + a perfect vorpal .... and if it crits?
If you factor in the damage of your initial charge plus the surprise damage from the Tenbrous procs you could have a target dead in the 1st cycle.
P.S. - My GF is level 41 and I'm a ****ing scrub newb. However, I love min/maxing. Appreciate your thoughts on this.
Sir Howitzer - GF | Howitzer - HR
In relation to Greater Tenebrous vs Dark Enchantments. Tenebrous is actually fantastic but in reality your nerfing your damage in my opinion. Yeah it's great they can't block Necrotic Damage, but like you stated if they all proc and if they crit then yes maybe it would surpass Darks. But, having high crit and having cap Armor Penetration with decent amount of power I have crit for 38.4k as to normal mix match with Greater Tenebrous only hitting average 20-25k. Which is still plenty but some where you have to make up for the Armor penetration for Greater Tenebrous to be as effective as possible. Also note that it has a 20s cool down as to where Darks do not. So you are doing constant damage with same average as to where tenes you are not.
Also, my build which I forgot to mention and I will mention it after this. I went constitution and Dexterity instead of Strength. As, even though stated in game, Strength does not buff your damage for a Guardian Fighter. Along with the fact that, my roll stats in the direction that I also chose also ignores resistance. Which, is one of the Guardian Fighters main focus, is to debuff the opposing class.
Good luck hitting those CW and HR with their dodges. And remember to block every cc that would be coming to you while you are using KC.
Regen ticks more as your HP drops until 50% to a full 11.4% consider you have around 1830 regen. If you have only 32k HP that means your regen max tick starts at 16000. Instead of 19000 - 20000 if you have a HP build let say 38K-40kHP, and the 1800 regen ticks more since you have higher max HP.
Not saying KC is stupid. But it is pretty close to say so. If I want something excel at bursting squishy I would roll a 25 STR/DEX TR with full burst build and believe me I would give them hell, if I am not focused. And then another question comes: A GF and TR, who to target? I pick the GF every day especially If I know you are using this build.
Basically my point: you can't do everything as a GF, as a matter of fact you can't do a lot of things in Mod 2 as a GF.
Oh I have no idea what you mean by solo build as a GF. And tbh your KC use indicates your goal of let ME kill that guy with my KC combo(Big numbers) , instead of let ME Frontline/Bull charge that guy so my team can kill him. And plz don't don't switch out lunging for kc cause you gonna get kited 24/7.
As for the people questioning the use of KC, well I personally have had a lot of times where the team has a huge issue with one specific CW or HR, so being able to make quick work of it helps a lot, turning a 5v5 into a 5v4, or like numbers. A few people express concerns with them shifting away, but wasting those shifts on a GF (who can stick to them with LS and Threatening Rush) still means that they are not attacking, and are not benefiting their team. Also, this reduces their damage to others, so even if I can't get to them for whatever reason, they aren't doing much to the team.
Are you kidding me Please read the top line of my build as I stated I swap powers on constant. Also, You have no idea what you are talking about on flip of kc and who stated that I don't use front bull or lunge? Did I state that in my guide, cause I don't think I did. Anywho, good luck in the game maybe youll catch me in the battlefield.
These sets are prone to be nerfed. When Stalwart was a decent set for damage dealing there had been burts of outrage on these forums till they got it nerfed.
it really shouldn't be nerfed after all people are all saying gf is so useless atm. I completely disagree but people are people.
and stalwart was way to ridiculous to fit in this game and still make it a fair.
the heal from cs isn't good at all and its been sped up but it still doesn't hold a candle to cleave or WMS because you can't get much dungeon aggro from hitting one guy its still too slow imo.
nice build btw.
Edit: facexcontrol +1 lol its like saying you seem much more intelligent with your mouth shut.
Edit:brunhean well imo i can hit with cleave at least 6 times before hitting with cs 3-4 times and hitting more often to me is better than hitting slightly harder but slower; plus stab is better than both even more so when feated as its also multi target and you still block.
Plus cs won't hit more than one; if sing is up or two melee are trying to burst you cleave WMS or stab is way better.
these are just my thoughts cs is decent damage but its not amazingly more.
An Averege GF doesnt stand a chance to a averege GWF yes
...But what , we should all quit our classes cuz of some class-orgazm ?!
Slushpsycho u should change ur point of view because your post are really offending and i clearly see that u are the usual pug-superstar who thinks he knows all about....
Turning every productive thread into a flame-war doesnt help at all
So remain silent rather then getting humiliated by none other then yourself
I realize that Cleave is clearly better for PvE, but this is a PvP guide, and as such threat plays no part in it. I mentioned nothing about the heal on CS as it is pretty much garbage, but even that damage is higher than cleave even when feated.
I'm questioning the use of CS in PvP, not PvE.
I realize that i may have made a terrible mistake.I am a newbie to the mmorpg genre and i started playing without reading a guide first so as i kept playing and distributed my points anywhere without much thought or strategy and after reading around a bit i realize speccing your character any way could literally break your character in later levels.So could you guys help me out whether my current character is ok or is it so broken that the only option is to either start a new char from start or pay money for re-speccing which i won't pay.Plz help me out.
reasons: my crit/Regen is '' perfectly '' capped, doesn't worth adding more crit/regen past 1600+ (I tried the test with 2200 regen ~ 11,8% compared to 1660 for 11,4%~ and same for crit, not insignificant past 1600+
High HP, better regen
Def hard cap at around 4000
600LS with the boon Endless Comsumption is pretty good and help considerably to the heal if you have a decent dps.
The armor pen seems low but I have 28% in total, which is far enough.
I'm aware I rolled bad racial stats, old char from beta.
All I did is point out that the drawback you could have for running max lvl KC. And express my idea/preference that I see no value of it in running lvl 3. How is that turning a thread a flaming war?
If anyone is not being productive is you all that don't even take the time to read my post then just blindly reply cause your fragile ego just get offended? And plz DO list which point of view of mine offended you.
1. You are entitled to your opinion so yeah for you SOS may be HAMSTER that not worth using. There is no garbage daily for GF in terms of PVP, all daily can shine when use properly, I find SOS to be really versatile.
2. I have 4400 Defense + 1600deflect, also spec in the protector tree for extra deflect and AC. How more efficient you want to be? One step ahead of you:P
3. Plz math prove how GF generate daily at a ridiculous rate. I don't see that ever since the frontline nerf. I call BS on this one. Flat HP wins over AP gain every day. 2% AP gain is unnoticeable. If you notice that you got problem...
4. Defense are always capped hard for GFs, and Deflect is easily obtainable. There is no where u can go to improve EFFECTIVE HP besides HP.
5. It is not a amazing team play build, It is a build that every main stream GF used and still running. Just never posted on forum as far as I knowledge.
I have my point of view and I don't sugar coat things. Can't say I am right 100%. But there are things which are worth reading if you are actually willing to pick up something from it. If not then fine I don't expect kind warm hug anyway, it is a platform for me to kill time and improve typing speed.
I honestly don't say good things about someone in general, or bad things. I do call out people bad/nub now and again cause they are. If that is Belligerent, I have no problem with it.