When I first started the game, I happily put on gear that was marked Recommended, thinking it was, well, recommended. It would improve my important stats, so I wouldn't have to worry about what my class needed. (not that it would be the best gear possible, of course.) But it didn't take long before the Recommended-gear started showing some flaws, and lately, I find myself asking what the point in all that is. Why do we even have it, when it clearly doesn't work?
To prove my point, here's what greeted me today:
See the problem? Gilded Moonstone Regalia Mask is Recommended over Sunite Headwear. Is the SH going out of style, or something?`This is
fashion gear. "Yickes, she's wearing a Sunite Headgear? Call the fashion police! The Sunite Headgear is soooo last week!"
Hence the Moonstone Regalia Mask is recommended, as you may approach chickens without the fear that they attack you.
And PWI makes/made more $$$ if you own that Moonstone Regalia Mask.
Just my thoughts ...
(and yes, I do own both headgears. Though I should admit I "cheated" and got the sunite headgear on the AH.)
Neverwinter Census 2017
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