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guardian fight tanking problem. need advice (or explanation)

petrungspetrungs Member Posts: 18 Arc User
edited January 2014 in The Militia Barracks
Hi folks!

I have some tanking problems so came here for advice.

First about my char.
guardian fighter - iron vanguard paragon tree
Today I hit lvl 60.
Constitution - 25
HP - 24699 + about 2400 from buffs.
defence - 3462
deflect 537
Protection - 3931
Damage resistance 45.9%
Deflection chance 11.7

Almost always I end up as immovable object (which is logical since I am tank after all).

So as I said there is some problem - as long as I am keeping guard up all is nice and good but as soon as guard is down my hp is melting so quick that I have either choice to run and try kite or stand and die in few seconds.
And if I got swarmed by mobs then my guard goes down as fast as my hp without it (to be brief in few seconds). So basically I can tank only one mob (boss or regular seems irrelevant) or couple at best.

Especially this raised in last two skirmishes - battle for the bridge (bridge skirmish with fire giants) and aberrant assault (mindflayers skirmish)

So... how the hell I am supposed to tank?!?

Did I missed something
I am not supposed to be able hold group of mob and not die in process (and guys who was responsible for development of guardian fighter are really brain-damaged, sorry if I am rude but at moment that is thought that I have in my mind) ?

Edit: if I am going out in world on solo then its all good. Problem is in sikrmishes and dungeons and as closer to 60 lvl it went as more it became problem.
Post edited by petrungs on


  • ravenlock99ravenlock99 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I have the same problem, but I have learned what I can handle and what I can't handle. Sometimes you just have to let the group take care of themselves if they have extra aggro or you are just going to die trying to tank it all. I run into this a lot if HR's are in the group. They like to use split shot and end up grabbing extra mobs further away that we didn't need to aggro yet. I try to save them but there is only so much you can do. If they are going to use split shot and pull tons of mobs, they need to save themselves or die.

    But I do agree we need more "tankiness" when not using the shield. Still melt way to fast for being a pure tank with low DPS.
  • inthefade462inthefade462 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Stop standing there with your shield up.

    Block should be used exactly like any other class would use dodge, to avoid large hits/aoe attacks that deal huge damage or CC you. Guard is stamina, it is for the most part functionally the same except your character does not move. so blocking a dozen attacks is like trying to dodge a dozen times in a row, while blocking 1 big/aoe attack is like dodging once.

    right now when you block it slows you down considerably, which is #1 indication that you shouldn't be standing there hiding behind your shield, but this isn't enough. Blocking should root you in place, so that it is obvious to all at an early level that it's not supposed to be used like that.
  • petrungspetrungs Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Stop standing there with your shield up.

    Block should be used exactly like any other class would use dodge, to avoid large hits/aoe attacks that deal huge damage or CC you. Guard is stamina, it is for the most part functionally the same except your character does not move. so blocking a dozen attacks is like trying to dodge a dozen times in a row, while blocking 1 big/aoe attack is like dodging once.

    right now when you block it slows you down considerably, which is #1 indication that you shouldn't be standing there hiding behind your shield, but this isn't enough. Blocking should root you in place, so that it is obvious to all at an early level that it's not supposed to be used like that.

    If you would bother to read my post then you wold notice that without guard I die in few seconds. So what I am supposed to do - kiting - running around ?!?!?

    Where you in those two skirmishes at all?? In case You did not noticed there is no much place for running and mobs are doing large AOE A LOT.
  • trapublicantrapublican Member Posts: 206 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    Get better at kiting, I pretty much never die on my GFs.
  • ravenlock99ravenlock99 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Get better at kiting, I pretty much never die on my GFs.

    lol what a joke, GF kiting.
  • dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    24k is very LOW HP. My GF is around 40K HP & 13%+ Regen / 30% Deflect, etc...

    Also you shouldn't be "tanking" everything but just the big elite trash while your CW's control the trash with singularity. You should be threatening rush the pack so they are all marked for 8% more dmg & cleaving the pack to gain threat. Depending on how geared your CW's are, you most likely won't be able to even out aggro their thereat generation.

    The game is not designed to tank like many other MMOs. It's designed as a control system not a tanking system. You control the add's while all players zerg them down.
  • petrungspetrungs Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    dkcandy wrote: »
    24k is very LOW HP. My GF is around 40K HP & 13%+ Regen / 30% Deflect, etc...

    hmm... My CON is 25 and I took toughness feat 3/3
    I did not see any piece of equipment that give additional HP... Of course I will search but perhaps You could tell me how I can rise HP (I did not thought that it is possible any other way but CON and toughness feat 3/3)
    dkcandy wrote: »
    Also you shouldn't be "tanking" everything but just the big elite trash while your CW's control the trash with singularity. You should be threatening rush the pack so they are all marked for 8% more dmg & cleaving the pack to gain threat. Depending on how geared your CW's are, you most likely won't be able to even out aggro their thereat generation.

    Well... in battle for the bridge (bridge skirmish with fire giants) and aberrant assault (mindflayers skirmish) seems people are not able or willing control anything. I definitely cant - because when I do, that is when I get aggro then mobs swarm me and I am done. And from what I saw in those few groups that I been with (2 groups for bridge and 2 for abberant) other are no better with it than me.
  • dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    petrungs wrote: »
    hmm... My CON is 25 and I took toughness feat 3/3
    I did not see any piece of equipment that give additional HP... Of course I will search but perhaps You could tell me how I can rise HP (I did not thought that it is possible any other way but CON and toughness feat 3/3)

    Well... in battle for the bridge (bridge skirmish with fire giants) and aberrant assault (mindflayers skirmish) seems people are not able or willing control anything. I definitely cant - because when I do, that is when I get aggro then mobs swarm me and I am done. And from what I saw in those few groups that I been with (2 groups for bridge and 2 for abberant) other are no better with it than me.

    Skirmish's are just DPS fights and some of them are not balanced properly at all for the respective levels.

    If you just hit 60, to farm your dailies & queue up for T2's with Blue Gear of the Youth.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Regarding getting your hitpoints up, plop some radiant enchantments in your defensive gear slots.
    Guild Leader - The Lords of Light

    Neverwinter Census 2017

    All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    petrungs wrote: »
    hmm... My CON is 25 and I took toughness feat 3/3
    I did not see any piece of equipment that give additional HP... Of course I will search but perhaps You could tell me how I can rise HP (I did not thought that it is possible any other way but CON and toughness feat 3/3)

    Well... in battle for the bridge (bridge skirmish with fire giants) and aberrant assault (mindflayers skirmish) seems people are not able or willing control anything. I definitely cant - because when I do, that is when I get aggro then mobs swarm me and I am done. And from what I saw in those few groups that I been with (2 groups for bridge and 2 for abberant) other are no better with it than me.
    Radiant enchantments raise hp in defense slots. Belts have HP many times. Item sets probably have hp for gf but I'm not that familar with gfs.

    That said besides questionable tuning for some skirms, I maintain Battle for the Bridge is harder than Master of the Hunt or Dread Legion, skirms don't have any gs requirement. It's perfectly possible for someone to queue for one in gear that they got in blacklake.

    Finally when it comes to adds trash before the bosses tanking is probably a bad idea, everyone just dps races it down. With bosses usually a tank is going to get the adds attention and kite when everyone else burns the boss down. This is kind of a generic description of tanking as it applies to whoever does the job. I've seen cw's, hr's, gfs, gwfs, all take the role and do the kiting at times.
  • slushpsychoslushpsycho Member Posts: 657 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    You don't tank.

    You kite.

    Only put your guard up if you are in a red zone that you can not walk out of.
  • trapublicantrapublican Member Posts: 206 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    petrungs wrote: »
    hmm... My CON is 25 and I took toughness feat 3/3
    I did not see any piece of equipment that give additional HP... Of course I will search but perhaps You could tell me how I can rise HP (I did not thought that it is possible any other way but CON and toughness feat 3/3)

    Get 2 Greater Rings of Health (they're ~80k in the Ah last I checked, they drop from the Adventuring Party in CC if you want to try to get them that way) and a Frostpelt Girdle or Thickgristle belt then slot Radiants in your defensive slots.
  • tang56tang56 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    charononus wrote: »
    Radiant enchantments raise hp in defense slots. Belts have HP many times. Item sets probably have hp for gf but I'm not that familar with gfs.

    For some utterly ridiculous reason GF hasn't got any class specific armour that gives extra HP. At least, not that I'm aware of.
    RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
  • charononuscharononus Member Posts: 5,715 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    tang56 wrote: »
    For some utterly ridiculous reason GF hasn't got any class specific armour that gives extra HP. At least, not that I'm aware of.

    Wow, that's kind of jaw dropping.
  • dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    tang56 wrote: »
    For some utterly ridiculous reason GF hasn't got any class specific armour that gives extra HP. At least, not that I'm aware of.

    PvP Gear has +HP but does not have Regen, so it kind of defeats the purpose. Also the spider helm has +HP & a Defensive slot. So if you want to break the 40k HP mark with high regen, you can grab the Spider Helm + Radiant enchant.
  • petrungspetrungs Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    Thanx for answers folks.

    But since it has been stated multiple times:
    You don't tank.

    You kite.
    and seems nobody even tries to argue then it looks like my worst suspicions are confirmed:
    1) guardian fighter are not supposed to tank;
    2) cryptic developers are HAMSTER (I hope somebody of them are reading this);
    Tank without dps that has no tank as well is just /facedesk (even wow had better - tanks can tank and has dps as well)

    Perhaps its better to pass this.
  • krimbarbarrojakrimbarbarroja Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    You don't tank.

    You kite.

    Only put your guard up if you are in a red zone that you can not walk out of.

    Which is stupid, quite honestly. I am not saying that you are wrong, au contraire, you are absolutely right. But the whole idea that the guy in a 50 lb full plate and a huge shield is running circles around the enemies without fighting them at all is a complete joke. Rogues should kite, and be very good at it. Warriors with AC 35+ should be standing there, blocking, parrying, dodging, and spitting blood from their mouth in defiance. I am not saying that I should be able to just stand in front of whatever and live through it, but being forced to kite all the time is absurd, gameplay-wise and specially lore-wise.

    Without ellaborating too much, our damage mitigation is just not where it should be to be able to tank. My GF has around 60% total, compared to 30? 40? (asking. Not sure) of other classes. If anyone has played WoW, they know that the effective mitigation of tanks can reach 85% without stretching too much.
  • chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    What are you trying to tank?

    It is very helpful to get regen and lifesteal up to 1k. That will be night and day.

    As for technique, you should never take a big hit. Those windup attacks or the red circle attacks you should either block or sidestep.

    If there are a billion mobs in you and the Cws don't freeze or stun them, then it's their fault. Everyone has a job to do.

    But you should take the little hits, block and dodge the big hits, and make sure your regen and lifesteal is up.
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