There's nothing listed of any event on the calendar for Valentines Day. I'm sure the powers that be could quickly throw something together even if it's just a new outfit or a horse covered with roses
(great money potential) 
. I would like to see something like the old Tymora grind drops. All of our foes drop Roses or Boxes of Candy to be traded for nice items. Decorate the Event Palisade in PE or the Moonstone Mask with Lots of flowers and hearts. It'll be a nice photo op for everyone.

Things I'd Like to See:
- New Outfits ( or Transmutes)
- Chocolate
- Flower Covered Mount
- Some More Chocolate
- Eskimo Kissing Emote
- Chocolate so dark that not even light can escape from it

That said, time will tell. If I had to pick an amusing item I'd say an Ioun stone that looks like a heart floating above your head as the event's official pet.
A succubi invasion could be pretty fun though. Turn the love thing upside down and make it a bit twisted.
Ancient Shadows: Mature. Sensible. Custard.
Recruitment info at:!&highlight=ancient+shadows
No thanks.
Now if we approach Valentines day with some historical accuracy and go the path of Martyrs, Torture, imprisonment etc... sure I'm in!
That aside, while I like events, it almost seems like they're bordering on coming up too frequently. We just had the winter event and we're going to have a CTA very soon. If they did do an event, though, I guess a Tymorabox-style event wouldn't be long as it isn't as infuriatingly random, hideously BoP, and excruciatingly grindy as Waukeen's event was. I still grumble about that every now and then.
Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
This 100%!
They had been doing pretty much every other weekend, which is fun but sort of makes me feel chained to the computer, like if I want to enjoy the event or get any of the goodies, I have to scrap all aspirations of character progression, then try to make up for it whenever there isn't an event.
Two event-less weekends in a row? No complaints from me.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Have swarms of Devils invade Protector's Enclave every few hours or so. lol
Neverwinter Wonderland
Neverwinter Wet & Wild
Neverwinter 2nd Anniversary Montage
Neverwinter Anniversary Montage
Protector's Jubilee Speech
Oh the Carnage
hahah i love this, so true