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Anointed Champion observations so far on live



  • atamasamaatamasama Member Posts: 46 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    One observation I've noticed as Anointed Champion now...

    Blessing of Battle, while slow to cast, will always give its buff when cast.

    Sacred Flame only gives its buff on the third cast.

    When I'm playing my DC, I'm usually making sure to maintain Astral Seal on enemies, and hitting my encounter powers whenever they're up. My at-will, whatever it is, tends to be my lowest priority. So as fast as Sacred Flame was when I was using it, I wasn't always casting it 3 times in a row. Even when I did, the tHPs didn't tend to last very long, they were so short in fact I often didn't notice them.

    So if you consider the buff from SF and BoB to be equivalent (which I thought I could do), they really aren't. A tHP buff that pops up rarely and is gone in a blink, compared to a 10 second damage reduction that kicks in each time you cast, there's no comparison. I doubt many people are going to invest in SF because they want the tHP buff (even with Deepstone Blessing and Power of Life together) but if you're tempted to even consider that benefit when comparing the two abilities, don't bother.
    Lakini, Halfling Guardian Fighter
    Tomas, Human Devoted Cleric
    Dragon Shard
  • gman118gman118 Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    So what should i choose if i really want to keep teamates alive and myself?Divine Oracle or Anointed Champion??
  • jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    DO is the most easiest one as you can stay far from battle and heal while AC requires you to stand in the battle like a tank. AC is stronger if you say keep them alive but harder to use especially a delay from your line problem can cause your Divine Exaltation to be wasted. DO and AC have different play style, depends on how lazy you are.
  • immahealyounowimmahealyounow Member Posts: 57
    edited January 2014
    gman118 wrote: »
    So what should i choose if i really want to keep teamates alive and myself?Divine Oracle or Anointed Champion??

    Depends on what you're doing. My experience shows that Divine Oracle with feated Foresight is the better choice for PVE and most pug PVP, but Anointed Champion wins out in geared premade PVP.

    That said, keeping yourself and your teammates alive relies mostly on your stats, ability score distribution, power selection, and encounter timing more than which paragon path you choose.
    * Blessing - 60 DC * * Blessa - 60 GWF * * Blessed - 60 TR * * Bless - 60 GF * * Blessings - 50 CW * * BlessedArr0w - 30 HR *

  • halrloprillalarhalrloprillalar Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I'm not following the reasoning of why people think a AC has to be in facetank range over a DO?

    Blessing of Battle is ranged.
    Astral seal is ranged.
    Astral shield is ranged.
    Healing word is ranged.
    Forgemaster's/Bastion is ranged.
    Divine armor is range/targetable.
    Hallowed ground has a huge radius.
    I've personally healed an FH group first boss (the one that iceblocks every 30% like a $%$#) while my party was below and I was standing up above on one of those ledges, with a CW beside me to knock stuff away from us.

    I didn't pick up linked spirit because i never waste divinity on that crappy channel heal.
  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I'm not following the reasoning of why people think a AC has to be in facetank range over a DO?

    Blessing of Battle is ranged.
    Astral seal is ranged.
    Astral shield is ranged.
    Healing word is ranged.
    Forgemaster's/Bastion is ranged.
    Divine armor is range/targetable.
    Hallowed ground has a huge radius.
    I've personally healed an FH group first boss (the one that iceblocks every 30% like a $%$#) while my party was below and I was standing up above on one of those ledges, with a CW beside me to knock stuff away from us.

    I didn't pick up linked spirit because i never waste divinity on that crappy channel heal.

    Blessing of Battle buffs in a small radius around the caster. The buff radius on Anointed Holy Symbol isn't huge, either.

    I don't use Linked Spirit in my build, but anyone using it specifically for Soothing Light is doing it wrong. It's only useful with AoE heals that maximize the buff.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


  • jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I'm not following the reasoning of why people think a AC has to be in facetank range over a DO?

    Blessing of Battle is ranged.
    Astral seal is ranged.
    Astral shield is ranged.
    Healing word is ranged.
    Forgemaster's/Bastion is ranged.
    Divine armor is range/targetable.
    Hallowed ground has a huge radius.
    I've personally healed an FH group first boss (the one that iceblocks every 30% like a $%$#) while my party was below and I was standing up above on one of those ledges, with a CW beside me to knock stuff away from us.

    I didn't pick up linked spirit because i never waste divinity on that crappy channel heal.

    You are using most power DO use to support your idea and it is wrong.
    1. BoB although is range attack but we don't use it for the damage, we use it for buff.
    2. Anointed Holy Symbol has a small radius.
    3. Anointed Army has a small radius.
    4. Linked Spirit proc with Sunburst.
    5. Astral shield is ranged but short.
    6. Even Hallowed Ground u have to stand in middle to gain most effective/ biggest area covered for your allies.
    7. We use SF and BoB as our main at will, NO Astral Seal or else the divinity gain is too low and too slow.
    8. How do you maximize your AP gain without spamming sunburst in the middle of battle?
    9. What is the purpose of Anointed Armor? It is to increase our defense ability when we stand in front line.

    In a nutshell, Sunburst is a core for AC despite its small radius (Linked Spirit, low cd heal + push, Rising hope, AHS etc, high AP gen) and those point above support my words. Defend your opinion if you got other points that are valid and can be apply on this situation.
  • halrloprillalarhalrloprillalar Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    wasn't aware that other things procced linked spirit; however this feat itself does not help us heal people AFAIK, though I might pick it up for the buff.

    Sunburst is good for divinity gain, but pretty crappy healing in and out of itself (unless tabbed, but no one likes unnecessary mob knockback).

    For BOB you are either close to your ranged allies (CW, usually, since HRs tend to be all over the **** place), or your melee allies. You typically can't be close to both.

    Astral seal is amazing for passive healing your group, especially if you multi tag. I do find that BOB/seal is really slow for divinity gain; sometimes I run seal and SF, especially if no one is actually near anyone else and BOB becomes pretty pointless, or I do pick up sunburst.

    I don't use anointed symbol or anointed army. You may wonder why I went AC over DO in the first place; honestly I don't think I would go AC again, other than that anointed armor and tabbed exaltation can be quite nifty in pvp.
  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    wasn't aware that other things procced linked spirit; however this feat itself does not help us heal people AFAIK, though I might pick it up for the buff.

    Sunburst is good for divinity gain, but pretty crappy healing in and out of itself (unless tabbed, but no one likes unnecessary mob knockback).

    For BOB you are either close to your ranged allies (CW, usually, since HRs tend to be all over the **** place), or your melee allies. You typically can't be close to both.

    Astral seal is amazing for passive healing your group, especially if you multi tag. I do find that BOB/seal is really slow for divinity gain; sometimes I run seal and SF, especially if no one is actually near anyone else and BOB becomes pretty pointless, or I do pick up sunburst.

    I don't use anointed symbol or anointed army. You may wonder why I went AC over DO in the first place; honestly I don't think I would go AC again, other than that anointed armor and tabbed exaltation can be quite nifty in pvp.

    Sunburst's healing power is enhanced by Repurpose Soul, which procs off of any crit healing or crit damage numbers produced in a single cast, generating some surprising burst heals. That combined with Foresight application is why I consider it a staple in any DO support build. Still useful for AC, but as I've said before, I usually choose to do without it in favor of HW.

    BoB is fairly easy to upkeep on most groups since the buff lasts for about 10 seconds. I think the buff radius could stand to be expanded as a quality of life issue, but it's workable.

    Anointed Holy Symbol is one of the best things about AC. If you haven't given it a real shot, I highly recommend doing so.

    Divinity gain is more of an issue for Faithful specs that don't include Ethereal Boon from the Righteous tree. A lot of players underestimate the effectiveness of this feat because 10% doesn't sound like a lot, but considering that it procs upon each encounter cooldown (not to mention for each charge cooldown of HW), the effect is significant.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


  • halrloprillalarhalrloprillalar Member Posts: 68 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I didn't have enough feat points to pick up ethereal boon... I did, however, respec to DO. The divinity gain on ticks on BotS is amazing.

    Three questions:

    does linked spirit increase your own stats as well as others'?

    and, does astral seal proc foresight?

    does the invigorated healing's 'afterheal' proc on every tick of tabbed A.shield, or just once? and can it crit and/or proc repurp. soul?

    thanks for any help.
  • galadrifgaladrif Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I have played since beginning DC.

    I like that Anointed Champion Paragon.

    What i dont like in that feet or i feel its useless, is Exaltation. Since its for 1 TARGET only.
    I rarely slot it. (in MC its good when Valindra is choking someone).

    I have miracle healers set (seems its working now). I use only offensive spells (all dread ring bosses etc), when i run alone.
    NO heal at all.
    I use for passives Annointed Armor and Annointed Holy Symbol.
    Offensive spells are Divine Glow, Chains of Blazing Light (slow cast) and Daunting Light (slow cast).
    If i cast in normal mode Chains or Daunting i use during animation divinity (TAB). I get TEMP.HP!! Sometimes if im really fast with TAB i can get even temp. hp. from divine glow.

    For PVE in dungeons (8300GS needed) for <font color="orange">HAMSTER</font> i change divine glow with Astral Shield. I cast it in divine mode and everyone is getting their temp hp instantly. So if you can add here Chains and Daunting light.
    Now i feel in dungeon more powerful since im doing damage also, but i need to play more with TAB :D.
    With good group id like to test it and use only Forgemaster Flame, Chains and Daunting.
    For bosses i still change Annointed Holy Symbol to Healers Lore.
    But i need to test whats better.

    In MC i change also Chains to Sun burst. Since i have linked spirit, it helps a LOT! I use sun burst always with TAB.
    I heal about 2.2k HP more or less and do some nice damage with (nice AP gain). For MC last boss i Change Sun burst with Healing word.

    Daylis Flame Strike and Hallowed Ground everywhere (moon touched).

    Blessing of Battle is nice, but SOOOOOOOO slow :(.

    So Sacred Flame and Astral Seal is my choices.

    Maybe i need to change Enduring Relief with Deepstone Blessing. Testing needed.
  • vorphiedvorphied Member Posts: 1,870 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I didn't have enough feat points to pick up ethereal boon... I did, however, respec to DO. The divinity gain on ticks on BotS is amazing.

    Three questions:

    does linked spirit increase your own stats as well as others'?

    and, does astral seal proc foresight?

    does the invigorated healing's 'afterheal' proc on every tick of tabbed A.shield, or just once? and can it crit and/or proc repurp. soul?

    thanks for any help.

    1. Yes, Linked Spirit applies to you as well. I haven't gone Faithful in a while, but I do remember that working.
    2. Heals from Astral Seal do proc Foresight. You can verify by Sealing a Target Dummy (or any monster or player) and watching the status bar of a player who hits it.
    3. Haven't used Invigorated Healing in a long time, so I can't say for sure. I want to say that it either procs only on the first tick of AS or not at all since it isn't considered a direct heal in most (or possibly any) contexts.
    Sacrilege - Warlock
    Contagion - Cleric
    Testament - Wizard
    Pestilence - Ranger
    Dominion - Paladin


  • chemboy613chemboy613 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    So, I have respected my dc to anointed champion as well. I took linked spirit from sunburst (too good to give up) and went virtuous.

    I have miracle set and will switch to high prophet when I get those elusive feet.

    That said the cn run I did with the new spec was the fastest ever. I think it is very very good for high end, high geared teams that don't need much healing.

    I obviously healed way more as a faithful divine oracle but then I opened up act and saw that players were only getting 20% healing from me! maybe 15% dr from shield and mostly lifesteal and regen.

    It is quite obvious now that high end teams need buff and debuff and not heal.

    The team mentioned in mad dragon. A divine oracle there would have probably been more helpful, as the team was very under geared. When the average gs is 14.5k and everyone is rocking high end weapon enchants, those heals are simply not needed.

    I must say too a lot of it has to do with players learning to dodge. Good players rarely take big hits.
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