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Acolyte of Kelemvor companion

ravenlock99ravenlock99 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
edited January 2014 in PvE Discussion
Does this companion ever heal you? I bought it expecting a better healer then the free one, but it's actually worse. Is that really all she does is that one buff to an ally?
Post edited by ravenlock99 on


  • bioshrikebioshrike Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,729 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Does this companion ever heal you? I bought it expecting a better healer then the free one, but it's actually worse. Is that really all she does is that one buff to an ally?

    She provides a damage resistance buff and a lifesteal buff. The heal ability doesn't take effect unless you rank her up to 30. Also note that you need to have *some* lifesteal slotted in the companion and/or yourself to benefit from the 2nd ability...
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  • ravenlock99ravenlock99 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Well I understood the buffs, but I figured the healing was going to be a standard ability. Kind of like a melee companion attacks a monster, on top of it's special abilities. This companion should throw heals, on top of her buffs. She was cheap so no big deal I guess, just figured she would heal some.

    Live and learn :)
  • chocobofarmerchocobofarmer Member Posts: 512 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I have an epic one. She is buggy. The rank 30 power does not doubble kelemvor's blessing duration. The way she helps your survival is by giving you lifesteal, and at rank 30, giving you a heal of your max hp every time kelemvor's sword is cast on you. Read this on equipping acolyte, however, imo, augment pet is better because it doesn't die. If kelemvor didn't die, and if she didn't have trouble targeting and didn't have bugged rank 30 power, she would increase your survivability greater than any augment pet could be equipped to, but alas...

  • nwknight5280nwknight5280 Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I also have an epic one. The healing at rank 30 was broken at the last update. I went round and round with customer service. The bottom line is that the description says something like: “Kelemvor’s Retribution: Blessings of Kelemvor now lasts twice as long and Kelemvor’s sword now HEALS YOU FOR 5% OF YOUR MAXIMUM HIT POINTS.” It doesn’t do that.

    It absolutely doesn’t do that so I asked for a fully ranked cleric in its stead and they could remove the Acolyte. After five go arounds they offer me a “Profession Booster Pack”. Which was NEVER sent.

    The update was quite awhile ago and this hasn’t been fixed. Seems to be a low priority for the dev team. Thinking about charging my credit card back at a minimum as this was a total bait and switch. I know it sounds harsh; but you really should get what is advertised when you pay real cash for it.
    "We cannna bring a troll to fire, but we can bring fire to the troll" - old dwarvish proverb
  • kreatyvekreatyve Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 10,545 Community Moderator
    edited January 2014
    My husband has an epic one as well. He says she works, but only when in combat. She used to use her skill on you like every 20 seconds, but now she only does it when you are in combat, so if you end up killing stuff too quickly, she doesn't have time to help you out.
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  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    kreatyve wrote: »
    My husband has an epic one as well. He says she works, but only when in combat. She used to use her skill on you like every 20 seconds, but now she only does it when you are in combat, so if you end up killing stuff too quickly, she doesn't have time to help you out.

    And that was a much-requested fix because when she was casting her buff on people every 6 seconds or something like that while standing around in PE, she was driving everyone bonkers.
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  • baalicebaalice Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    And that was a much-requested fix because when she was casting her buff on people every 6 seconds or something like that while standing around in PE, she was driving everyone bonkers.

    Agreed :). I would dismiss her in town for just this reason. I knew it had to be driving everyone up a wall.

    As for the companion itself, I hope this one gets some much-needed changes made to it. She was one of my earliest companion purchases and I upgraded her to epic because I think she is one of the best-looking companions in the black and silver armor at rank 30. I have always been less than impressed with her in practice though. The life steal and damage resistance aren't great and I've got her fully equipped and slotted to give as decent output as I can manage. The regular cleric companion is a better healer and can at least defend herself with sacred flame (which also heals). My poor acolyte just kind of stands there getting hit and continues to buff me.

    Still like her though!
  • nwnghostnwnghost Member, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    What exactly is wrong with the passive lvl30 power? Does it not extend the duration of the damage resistance buff or does it not heal for 5% of max hp with the lifesteal buff or a combination?
  • ravenlock99ravenlock99 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I was just expecting her to heal me, I knew she had buffs but was still expecting some heals from level 1.
  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I was just expecting her to heal me, I knew she had buffs but was still expecting some heals from level 1.

    I get this impression, too - from the Z-Store description (the Lillend heals you from level 1 all the way through 30) and was planning to auction off my remaining Lillend, but a rethink is in order here. Thanks for this thread, OP. I'll probably keep my Lillend and plop my Acolyte up to the AH in a couple months rather than keeping and using her. :)
  • nwknight5280nwknight5280 Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    nwnghost wrote: »
    What exactly is wrong with the passive lvl30 power? Does it not extend the duration of the damage resistance buff or does it not heal for 5% of max hp with the lifesteal buff or a combination?

    She doesn't heal you at rank 30 as advertised. Only lifesteal.
    "We cannna bring a troll to fire, but we can bring fire to the troll" - old dwarvish proverb
  • ravenlock99ravenlock99 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    I get this impression, too - from the Z-Store description (the Lillend heals you from level 1 all the way through 30) and was planning to auction off my remaining Lillend, but a rethink is in order here. Thanks for this thread, OP. I'll probably keep my Lillend and plop my Acolyte up to the AH in a couple months rather than keeping and using her. :)

    So that thing with a harp heals, but a priest trained to heal, does not heal. That makes perfect sense, in a Perfect World.
  • caldannachcaldannach Member Posts: 453 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    kreatyve wrote: »
    My husband has an epic one as well. He says she works, but only when in combat. She used to use her skill on you like every 20 seconds, but now she only does it when you are in combat, so if you end up killing stuff too quickly, she doesn't have time to help you out.

    This. I have an epic one L30 too, and i agree with this post. They changed the way she behaves, she used to cast on you no matter what even if you were stood in the enclave. it got annoying. Now she only casts when in combat, she works great for my ranger, but i have a lot of lifesteal on him anyway.
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