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Durik's PvP Journey: DC Basic PvP Guide



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    jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    PLZ do link your build that can DPS AND TANK the same time. I would love to see that, cause every DC should actually run it if you claim that is good. I have not seen a single DC that can pull off a build with DPS AND TANK the same time.

    Nvm just take some time read through the thread full of n88b like you that only know how to do pug PVP with those unexp player, keep playing in your backyard. And pray you never meet the big boys. Don't brother reply thx.

    Did anyone say he/she already success in dps and tank at end game? For me I wrote DPS OR HEAL with tank abilities AND now I am trying in making a Healbot while keeping some dps ability and can tank the same time (saw my lvl 20 DC?) AND I even ask for public whether my route is viable (heal like pve faithful cleric in pvp) as i want to change my playstyle. It is in the page before your post. Pls read carefully every single word before you launch your rocket at the others, respect the other players please.

    If you are not directing your words to me but to lazaroth and hidahaya and all other public players then please show your point DC can only tank and NEVER dps/heal. Whats the point of Hybrids? You are denying a presence that is introduced since the launch of Neverwinter. Well, if you think WE ARE NUBS then just leave these "N88Bs" to discuss our thing ourselves. At least we did contribute something to those fresh new level 60 cleric and try not to misguide them. I respect you as a high end tank cleric (if you are), and please~ among us we got blessing, a really immortal DC in pug, mayb not all of us are elite like you (if you are) but at least we got our point of view and know what we are doing. Most of us are a normal DC that often go pug and not 100% premade high end pvp team's DC like you (if you are).

    Thank you for reading and hope you will feel better, don't lit the anger of readers thanks. Not all people got the heart and time to post a great long feedback like hidahayabusa (it can be a good guide also). We should appreciate, not blaming these feedbacks in this post are useless, not true and not viable.
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    tang56tang56 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I read the thread title as "Drunk PvP Journey". lulz.
    Haven't read the full thread yet but this might be useful for my 2nd cleric.
    RIP Neverwinter 26/06/2014
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    immahealyounowimmahealyounow Member Posts: 57
    edited December 2013
    josiahiyon wrote: »
    Some thoughts on ACDC vs DODC:

    Like blessing, have played both quite a bit in PMvsPM and Pug. Found DODC to be more effective in almost every case with regard to PVP.

    Exaltation is nice if timed right, but divine sunburst can provide almost the same effective dmg immunity if used well.

    This is true! However, my experience shows that smart players know the divine sunburst is coming and will time their burst with CC immunity. You also won't be able to interrupt the enemy if he/she is too far away from you, you are rooted and can't re-position, you don't have time to re-position, etc. In premades, a properly used exaltation WILL change games and allow a focused target to survive ridiculous situations- I've seen it in too many premades now to doubt it.
    josiahiyon wrote: »
    Also, tip that a lot don't know about: there are new pants/shirts that give deflection and regen for DCs.

    Good tip! Another good piece of gear is the Symbol of Truth neck from the DC class quest. It gives 700 HP, 100 Regen, and 50 Defense - pretty nice stats!
    * Blessing - 60 DC * * Blessa - 60 GWF * * Blessed - 60 TR * * Bless - 60 GF * * Blessings - 50 CW * * BlessedArr0w - 30 HR *

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    hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    tang56 wrote: »
    I read the thread title as "Drunk PvP Journey". lulz.
    Haven't read the full thread yet but this might be useful for my 2nd cleric.

    To be honest, my initial PvP matches with the DC were so harsh that I nearly got drunk to continue playing...so you are not far from the truth :)

    Also thanks josiahiyon for the tip on the shirt/pants for DCs. I certainly didn't know.
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
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    jazzfongjazzfong Member Posts: 1,079 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I did find out the new shirt and pants, so get the blue gemmed gambeson & trousers (20k-30k) if you are poor.
    I didn't know the new neck, where we get it? is it a green? I usually level my toons by pvp only and quit the quests months ago. How about the Ancient brawler necklace of guts? 700 hp 100 regen 50 def > 154 def 154 deflect 154 power?
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    josiahiyonjosiahiyon Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 396 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    The neck is not new -- it's a blue quest item. Class specific quest item.
    The guts amulet is a solid option for the sent build.
    The amulet of potency is the only defensive slot amulet and is also a good choice.
    Iyon the Dark
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    linkingirl86linkingirl86 Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    hi Durik's

    I really liked your guide, can I add it to mmominds.com??
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    hidahayabusahidahayabusa Member Posts: 634 Bounty Hunter
    edited January 2014
    Sure. Just link to here, because the discussion worths much more than the guide itself.
    * Notorious Dwarven Bear Cavalry Leader *
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    linkingirl86linkingirl86 Member Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited January 2014
    hi Durik,

    Already added your guide to mmominds.com, ty once more :)
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