i don't know if it's just me or is everyone lags
there is that dude in the market that Supposed search weapon and equip for me
and he always have nothing
and i not mean nothing good
i mean nothing at all...the system say something like "there is nothing for u"
again idk if its just me but please look in to it
It sounds like you're referring to the Auction Broker (and he's more like Auction Broken right now). There are a lot of Ranger items in the auction house, but you have to go to the auction house in Protector's enclave (or search through the Gateway web page). Aution Broker is Broken for Hunter Rangers.
Not only that but if you use the broker you get charged an extra 2.5% AD. So it is best to just go to the Auction House anyway.
Using the broker to buy never affected prices (you post is ambiguous enough to make it sound like buying through the broker charged more), and using the broker to sell is now the same (10% cut).
hope they fix this soon
Using the broker to buy never affected prices (you post is ambiguous enough to make it sound like buying through the broker charged more), and using the broker to sell is now the same (10% cut).
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia