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Interview with a Hunter Ranger

voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
edited March 2014 in The Wilds
Hello All Voltomey here i get a lot of PM's from people about feats and what feats are good for rangers to take how do i build a good archer nature or combat ranger. So i decided to take some time to explain about each path in depth and i will also give some starter builds for them But let me link you to some builds that have Already Ben posted.

Kasenpoint's Archer Build

Obsidiancran3's Nature Build Guide

Voltomey's Combat PvP Guide

A shout Out to Shadow5930 Who came up with the name for this thread
shadow5930 wrote: »
I was lucky and got to name the class forum, for the thread I'd go with something like:

Interview with a Hunter Ranger

and set it up so that each section is a question/answer thing about the different abilities, as possible. :)

Disclaimer I do not claim to be the best ranger or know most about it i am just trying to help the new players who are having trouble getting started.Now lets us begin

This path is self explanatory you deal nice fat dmg from far far away and laugh at all as you snipe them down dead in there tracks. you know who you wanna be like this guy down here mr pwn shot

Top Race Choices
Drow Wood-Elf Half-Orc

Strengths: Archer ranger's deal massive dmg from far away there fast mobile and will not let you get with in melee range of them. A good archer will find vantage points on the map to try safely killing a target off they don't stay in one place for long and tend to deal their dmg in large burst well most of them.

Weaknesses: They go down faster then a 5$ Hooker if CCed get caught in another HR grasping roots or they get careless and don't see the Incoming TR ready to lashing them from stealth. But basically its carelessness and laziness that gets archers killed or they're just plain bad/undergeared. Also the closer you are to them the less dmg they deal to you just keep that in mind.

Archery Tree Feats:

Ghostwalker:25% Stamina Gain while in ranged stance This is standard Combined with swift footwork thats 35% stamina regen equals lots of shifting and frustration to some one trying to kill a expert archer.

Black Arrow: 10% More crit severity for ranged skills whats not to love not much to talk about with this feat.

BloodThirsty:This is a Hybrid Rangers Feat you ranged attack make the next Melee attack you do deal 15% more dmg There's nothing much to say about this its a hybrid feat and probably will not be used in a pure archers build.

Stormcallers Arrow:IMHO this is a PvE feat and Quite usless But when split the sky last lomger it dose do more dmg.

Correcting Aim:This should be archerys Capstone feat IMHO lol for every None crit you do you gain 5% more crit chance until you crit.

Natures Grasp:5% chance you ranged skills apply weak grasping roots: This is a very underrated feat sometimes even over looked basically if you pvp you want this feat if you PvE its worthless. But in pvp when split shot applies grasping roots to three separate targets and your party mobs them all down because of this it makes me lol inside.

Sniper's Aim:20% more dmg as long as you far from the target you hitting. The Meat of a archer build they need to stay ranged to get the full effect of this feat so getting up one ones face will only help you kill it faster.

Primal Critical:This is basically built in recovery for archers every crit they do wil recharge their skill by.5 seconds. Nothing more to say here staple in a archer build.

Master Of archery:A shadow of its former self But still quite useful. It basically a upgraded Bloodthirsty buff will work on both melee and ranged skills. Whenever you crit you gain master of archery your next encounter power will crit this feat has a 20 second recharge. There are a few ways this feat can be exploited though along with blood thirsty i will explain later.

Getting Over your weaknesses:
So Know that you know what's in the mind of a archer lets see if we can't patch a few holes in the archers weak areas shale we.

Questions any one?: Hey Voltomey what can i do to make my Archer more resilient i hate being steamrolled when i mess up. Oh that's a good one lets talk about stats first off Stats a archer ranger needs to keep on trucking.

Regen Regen Regen: This Should be you numero uno Defensive stat to look for it helps out alot. But Voltomey How do i get more regen ther no enchantments for it :( whaaaaa. Do not fear Little one all you need to do is just do cloak tower and get 14 Pegasus seals that will buy you two rings with 407 regen on them each thats a total of 814 regen your almost at the regen cap already and you haven't even broken a sweat. Oh so what else do i need stats wise tell me plz.

HP: Usually i advise deflection but archers cant get enough of it to save them so outright having High HP and regen will help you be able to make more blows.

Defence:This is a good alround safe stat to go for it boost your dmg resistance be warned though Armor pen cuts though this like butter.

Lifesteal: I be all up on THEM like a TWILIGHT vampire sucking them dry big V: This stats is what it is not as usfull for archers because they are kinda slow at attacking Regen is better but LS dose work well with split shot.

Defensive skills For archers
Ok Big V look i got my defensive stats down what skills will help me last a little longer also i think i am getting better at this. Ok Little one let me go over some key skills for you archer type's let makes you slightly more shale i say resilient.

Aspect Of The Lone wolf:Ok little one this skill is good for archers cause it lets you stay at long range and have some how do you say relief in that if something attacks you from ranged as well you have a bit more mitigation against it on top of your impressive regen defense and HP. Be warned if there be multiple enemy with in close range of you this effect diminishes.

Forest Ghost:Big V i wanna be a ghost in the forest be all stealth and cool. Lol little one you will not get TR stealth but this is functional this skill will more than double your run speed and gives you combat advantage.It doesn't last long so make your mind up on what you using this for its very versatile you can use it offensively and defensively.

Marauders Escape/Rush: Big V i am like totally digging this trick it's like a sling shot backwards in the safe direction.Yes Little one there are also other trick'S you can do with this let me explain. Sometimes i come across the most annoying people who chase me all over the map just ME stance change and MR a target thats all thats across the map or one that's behind the fool chasing you its helps and by's time for you to FG and get the hell out of dodge.

Forest Meditation:Big V what you be doing. I be meditating little one it helps. How dose it help big V. Well it cancels out Shocking execution arguably the most annoying TR daily and the dread Ice Knife and it heals you at the same time while deflecting incoming attacks.Oh thats is good Big V

Fox Cunning: Big V i am as smooth and sly as a fox. That you are little one this trick will not stop thing from proning you but it will let you avoid the dmg. This will save you from a inexperienced TR lashing good one's will try and bait this or just watch for the animation and CoS to use up the buff then kill you. But its still a good skill to have just not great like it once was.

What good armor set are ther for Archers:
Ok Big V dress me Up whats the best Gear for a archer to bring into battle. Oh little one theres alot of good gear for us But let me point you In the direction of a few good sets Combos

Set Combo 1

Grand Warden
Set 1 Bonus 450 Crit
Set 2 Bonus When ever you critically hit with a at will there is a 20% chance you next encounter will deal 1735 more Physical DMG
1271 Crit
1271 Power
766 Defense
574 Recovery
574 Armor Pen

Dread Legion Bow Set
Set 1 Bonus 450 Armor Pen
1866 Power
450 Armor Pen
218 Crit Strike
218 Life Steal

The dread Bow will Fill in The weakness Of Grand wardens lack of a high armor pen stats which is what's need to make its set effect shine bright. Gotcha Big V so my choice of a bow set is just as important as my choice in armor. Right little one you don't want to end up with 3k armor pen cuas both you armor and Bow have tones of it. is there another set for archer yes little one i am getting to it.

Set Combo 2

Royal Guard
Set 1 Bonus 450 Armor Pen
Set 2 Bonus when ever you deal dmg there's a chance you lower the CD on all powers By 30%
1271 Power
1271 Armor Pen
766 Defense
574 Deflection
504 Regeneration

CN Bow set
Set 1 Bonus 450 Armor Pen
1848 Power
442 Crit Strike
206 Armor Pen
206 Deflection

Oh me like this Big V. Yes its shiny right the CN Bow has the highest crit of any T2 bow and well royal guard has um no crit soo yeah this also gives the archer HR a bit more deflection Options Its a more defensive set unlike grand warden witch is arguably balls to the wall in offence.Yeah ill have a better time getting deflection chance with this not bad Big V not Bad.

Archery Summary
OK Big V i am done gearing is there anything you can tell me before i wrap up this archery Review we have much more to talk about you know.Yes little one what can i say archery ranger's are beast at what they do their sneaky and use all kinds of underhanded tactics if you want to become a good one just have good field awareness and try to out smart your targets. They can be squishy but make sure you have some sizable defense when running one. Also don't go to balls to the walls in offensive stats remember your not a 5$ hooker.
Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
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  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Interview with a Hunter Ranger Part 2 the combat edition because we all want to be like this guy down here:cool:
    Hello All Little one here back with are Hunter ranger of the Evening Big V to help shed some light on Hunter Rangers and their wicked sick and Mysterious ways This time were looking at the Hunter Rangers who have the balls to go all out in melee range.

    Like archery the path is simple melt face from melee range hey fool look i shift so much i am like a blur to you while i fox burst you dead where you stand.

    Top Races Choices
    Half-Orc Halfling Half-Elf Dwarf Tiefling Sun&Moon Elves

    Strengths: They are Fast and Very Mobile if they don't want to be caught you will not catch them. They can Burst down targets with High amounts Unmitigated dmg They have Strong Grasping Roots KD snares and Invulnerable frames that help them Kill targets and evade capture. There quick to change it up on you and are very capable from at fighting from ranged as well. They have Higher defense and deflection then the normal the ranger and a higher base crit chance.They can also have 20% to 30% or more run speed and can reach deflection lvls of a TR and GWF. They have more leeway on stats and can go full defensive and maintain a high offense think of them as the Anti TR.

    Weaknesses:There Melee Ranged any competent long ranged class can kill them there best burst skill fox shift has a cast time. Ther very susceptible to Stuns CC KD. Position dependant you can easily tell good ones from bad ones in how they approach you. Again laziness and Not being aware of your surroundings will get you killed.

    Combat Feats

    Seeker:Melee attacks Grant Stamina This is good cause we do a lot of AoE dmg so being able to shift more to avoid a onslaught of skills is key for us.

    Retreat Technique: Grants 5 AP when shifting: I believe The AP is boosted from the recovery stats also

    Agile Hunter: Like bloodthirsty this is a hybrid feat But its also very good to use as melee ranger to kick it up in ranged mode from time to time when situation calls for it.It Lowers the CD on ranged skills whenever you use a melee skill by 1 second

    Wardens Caution:This is another hybrid skill it benefits ranged player more who like to burst things down from ranged. It add 5% more to the dmg boost throw caution gives.

    Lethal Hunter: Melee attacks do 15% more dmg. This is one of our key feats its just like sniper aim for melee stance with out the drawback of getting weaker.

    Elusive Hunter: 10% Deflection chance while in melee stance. Another key feat This allows us to reach High deflection lvls On part with TR's and GWF max it.

    Bleeding Precision:10% more crit chance while in melee stance. This gives us the ability to hit 50% base crit another key feat max this

    Expert Skirmisher: 10% more run speed Adds more to are Mobility this is optional but most max it any way it gives use the ability to get to 20% or higher run speed whats not to love.

    Master of Combat: 17% chance to attack twice the second attack dealing weapon dmg and cannot be mitigated.This is what puts the whole thing together double dmg this is what makes Fox shift Murder shift along with the rest of the key feats.

    Getting started

    Ok Big V take it away what makes Combat HR different from a TR. Oh well good question little one lets start well we do things slightly different then TR's let me explain We kill differently then a TR we don't have long stealth like the TR we rely on Out smarting are targets to Outright overwhelming force to kill targets. Oh is that so Big V well tell me more How can i be a better Combat ranger should i decide to go that path.

    First things First lets get Harder Better Faster Stronger
    So Now that you know The whole combat path is about Enhancements lets Get dirty and add more to it lets fill in the holes of this ranger again defensive stats are key to survival the thing is you can stack less of them and stack more offence if you wish or go even more balls to the wall in defensive stats.

    Questions any one?. Yes yes Voltomey what do i put on my Combatant to make him a better fighter than he already is.

    Regen: Again Regen is key for us to live get the rings and you will be golden

    Crit Strike: I usually say get this from gear Alone but you probably will have to stack this to get to the 50% mark if you aiming for it

    Lifesteal: Unlike are Archer Counterpart this is very good to have we attack fast and do good burst dmg enough to warrant a large heal from this stat. Stack this if you want some extra Umph in your heals and tankyness.This stat works even better in conjunction with regen and deflection.

    Recovery:This will boost ap gain from RT feat and AP in general and shave off A few seconds from are CD Sun and Moons elves with high Int can take advantage of this stats even more and reach even lower downtimes on skills.I advise getting this from gear alone do not stack.

    Defense:Boosting dmg Mitigation for close quarter combat is good make sure you at least have 25% dmg resistance lone wolf will give you that extra Umph to have 40% DR.

    Movement :Its important for a Melee HR this is a very mobile path so moving faster during combat lets you run circle around your foes.

    Key skills for melee destruction

    Boars charge/Hide: This is a defensive as well as Offensive skill It gives you 10% more dmg mitigation the melee version is a Knockdown it hit hard and when they're down Fox them and boom death.

    Hindering shot/strike:This is good dmg and utility from ranged it has three charges can crit hard on occasion and be used to snare runners and get back up on them in melee range. Its melee version give strong roots meaning they're not going anywhere this lets you wail on them till they turn blue in the face.

    Fox Cunning/Shift: This is TR insurance since its been nerfed its less effective against CW but can still Avoid a TR lashing with this. Its melee Version is what makes up most the burst we have it can do alot of dmg enough to kill a undergeared target and half a unprepared targets health.This is the key skill in a melee build don't leave home with out it.

    Constricting Arrow/Steel Breeze: Sometimes i swap out Hindering for this its ranged power is a nice stun its melee power is nice stamina management.

    ME/MR: What do i say your main get in and get out skills melee version is a nice hard hitter you can also kill a fleeing target with this.

    Looking for a good armor set for my melee ranger
    Ok Bug V what sets Are good for melee rangers gear me up i am ready. Well Personally i find that wearing a full set as a melee ranger dose not do the build justice and to hit the milestones i require stats bonuses not necessarily a set bonus. Oh so you mix sets what set do you mix dose it depend on the stats you want to run with a particular build. Yes it dose little one i have to find that zen between offense and defense with my stats as a melee ranger. None the less i will give you a set with set bonuses that is actually worth using

    The Only full set wurth using IMHO for melee

    T2 PvP Master Predator
    Set 1 Bonus 450 Armor Pen
    Set 2 Bonus You Run 15% Faster and when you deflect you have a chance to Regenerate 1.5% of your Hit Points
    1271 Armor Pen
    1271 Crit Strike
    1216 Defense
    574 Power
    126 Movement

    CN Bow set
    Set 1 Bonus 450 Armor Pen
    1848 Power
    442 Crit Strike
    206 Armor Pen
    206 Deflection

    Master predator and CN bow set this armor is very defensive if you wanted you can hit 2444 defense with just gear and boons alone and still cap out on Life steal and Regen and still use the slots for high crit rating.

    Heroic Feats
    The Typical Melee ranger will have a heroic feat set UP of this: Some people swear there rangers feats are different from others but its not the only thing that differ is some run 5 in swift footwork others don't and put two in it and 3 in AC Some also use AH over RT.


    Combat Builds
    Now There's very little variety in a melee build they all run the same few select skills and feats. What sets a melee build apart from another persons melee build is the stats they run and what dread ring T4 AND T5 Boons they run. Lets take a Look at the obvious class features and at wills melee ranger will Run I already talked about their encounter powers a little.

    Melee Class Features

    Aspect Of The Lone Wolf:This skill is staple for surviving against attacks launched from far away by other rangers and CW's it gives you more dmg mitigation its also ideal for 1v1 situations this should be on your class feature bar at all times.

    Stormstep Action:If it were any other occasion i would not run this Class feature ATM ITS BUGGED and has strange interactions with the Forest Meditation/Ghost Dailies. For HR interested in a flavor of the month Build use this but if your serious about wanting to use a legit combination of skill and not pigeon toe your playstyle on a bug do your self a favor and don't use it. This skill shaves 3 second off your encounters with each daily activation.

    Blade Storm: Great for melee builds as you have a 1 in 4 chance of getting 5-15% damage in an AoE; particularly nice with Rapid strike.

    Twin-Blade Storm: 12% more damage for hitting 2 or more enemies.This really isn't run In PvP much but for PvE this along side bladstorm is good dps.

    Rapid Strike: This is standard and does great dmg with MoC.
    Aimed Strike:If first bleed tick crit with this skill so do the other tick and can lead up to massive dmg if used along side rapid strike.

    Boons For a Melee Ranger: Boons for a melee ranger are a given once enough time has passed for people to get all of them. Most people will run fey thistle who wouldn't run it when its so easy to stack deflect with this class. The boons that come before it are either self explanatory or will be picked depending on what stats a person desires. The dread ring boons from T4 onward are alot more interesting i will list them below.

    T4 Boons

    Enraged Regrowth: When taking damage you have a chance to heal 1000 Hit Points over a few seconds. After this effect ends you have 250 more Defense for 10 seconds.

    Shadowtouch: When dealing damage you have a chance to deal 1000 Necrotic damage over a few seconds. After this effect ends the target receives 25% less healing from spells for 10 seconds.

    T5 Boons
    Augmented Thayan Bastion: When taking damage you have a chance to generate a shield that absorbs 500 incoming damage and redirects that damage to a nearby foe. This shield lasts 6 seconds. Less attractive version of fey thistle But this mite be better for the purely ranged HR

    Rampaging Madness: When you deal damage you gain a stack of "Madness". When you reach 50 stacks of "Madness" you gain 600 Power, 300 Life Steal, and 300 Regeneration. 10 seconds after gaining this bonus your stacks are reset. You may only gain one stack of "Madness" per second. If you Not caped already in any of the stats mentioned I gues you can get this Boon

    Endless Consumption: When you steal health from your Life Steal stat, it has a chance to steal 3 times as much. If you stacking Life steal get it it will heal you for Good amounts

    Combat Summery
    Ok Big V thats it for this quick review of the combat ranger any last words for are viewers yes i still have more to go over but i will explain what i did not explain in this part in later sections its about time for the nature review my last words are if you plan to go melee ranger its a higher skill cap then the archer or nature paths and requires more focus don't expect to jump right in it and own. Just be smart and build your ranger right and you should be good.
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Interview with a Hunter Ranger Part Three Nature Editionwomen%20redheads%20magic%20the%20gathering%20fantasy%20art%20artwork%20steve%20argyle%20naya%20battlemage%201440x900%20wall_wallpaperswa.com_95.jpg
    To Be one with nature is a blessing right

    Hello all this is little one here with our ranger of the evening Big V. Hello Little One viewers part 3 has arrived We're going to talk about the Nature ranger its a pretty straight forward Path.Well Lets get right to it.

    Unlike their Combat and Archery Counterparts Nature rangers Enhance both themselves and their allies around them.They do less dmg then other rangers but make up for it in the utility they bring to a party. Is that so Big V tell me what makes Nature rangers so unique How do they play in PvP and PvE V Tell us. I will little one lets get started shale we

    Top Races Choices
    Sun&Moon Elves Tiefling Humans Wood&Half Elves Drow

    Strengths:They provide various party Buffs and enemy debuffs a few of these buffs can trigger effects from other classes paragon paths i will explain later on. They Can boost a party's overall stats Run speed DMG resistance and HP while providing crippling debuffs and Minor control. Oh wow sounds like a very intriguing path V plz go on.

    Weaknesses: Their DPS is Sub Par and a few of their Buffs are bad and could us a boost in potency.

    Nature Path Feats

    Natures Blessing:20% More In comming healing. Does not work on regen life steal or artifacts still good to keep you alive if you have a very good DC in the group

    Forest walk:When you Buff a target that target also gain a 10% run speedfor 10 seconds: Last time i checked this skill was so bugged it was not funny It only worked on Buffs such as Master Of archery Bloodthirsty and Agile combatant. If its works good cuase this is great for PvP and PvE

    Hawk Style: Hawkeye Has a 50% chance to grant Strong grasping roots if you pvp alot this helps and arguably makes your party annoying as hell to deal with.

    Natures Fury: Cold Steel Hurricane is garbage Currently So that makes this feat equaly Garbage Untill that daily gets a buff.

    Grace Of The Fox: Lowers CD of Fox cunning By 5 second This is staple max it.

    Thickness of the stag: Gives stag Heart a 10% dmg resistance Buff. Making its greater than it already is adds more resistance to the party is a good thing.

    Oak Salve : But makes Oak skin last 5 second Longer which is good thats more incoming dmg shaved off by this buff max it.

    Endurance Of The Boar. Gives Boars Hide 5 more stacks But its a cleverly worded Feat is dose the same thing as thickness of the stag gives a added 10% DMG resistance.IMHO Don't do it thikness is better and dosent wast away as you take more incoming dmg. But on the other hand this dose make boars give you an effective 20% mitigation you decide.

    Master Of Nature: Makes all you Nature Buff give 100% of their bonus to allies. Nothing more needs to be said its are capstone get it if you want to maximise your buffing capabilities

    In the shadow of a colossus:In the shadow of a DC the buffs provided by a HR could seem rather useless and sub par but i assure you there far from bad. HR Buffs are meant to give a lvl of ease and comfort to a cleric letting the cleric focus on its job of healing.In PvP A Nature ranger in a team setting is more about Movement control and weakening then outright spiking a target down.

    Get Empowered:Big V what stats do i need On My Nature Ranger i need to know. Lol hold on little one i will tell you

    Regen. Do i need to say any thing other then the name Regen on all ranger types is good.

    Life steal: Split/Aimed Shots are you main at wills and we use forest lord gear that gives us a nice amount along with dread bow set. So this will give us nice returns in health.

    Deflection. We pack alot of this on forest Lord gear its good to have this along with are high regen and life steal is great deffence kids.

    Recovery: Normally i wouldn't dare stack this But if your race gives you High INT this makes haveing loads of recovery better and will make fox cunning have the lowest CD possible.Still though try getting this with gear and artifacts alone no need to actually stack this.especialy if your running forest lord gear.

    HP: Fortify yourself HP is great Combined with regen makes you tougher to kill.

    Defence: Your artifacts will take care of this stats and your Boons no need to actually stack this in slots get it from gear alone.

    Support You allies
    Lets see how Nature ranger can help out their allies lets support are team shale we.Lets take a look at some crucial skills they use to be effective at what they do.

    Class features:Unleash you support and DPS in any shape form or fashion with the class features listed here.

    Aspect Of the Pack:This is Staple for a HR gives everyone in range automatic CA Nature ranger tend to stay in mid range close to both the backline and frontline.This synergises with the lantern artifacts and can provide a substantial party boost in DPS so this is always on a nature rangers bar.

    Aspect of the serpent:For Nature the mid-range thing and certain buff combinations make it an excellent choice for Nature spec if you don't plan to hang back and shoot as your only strategy.Ohh TY Obby San

    Twinblade Storm:Cause your split shotting it to win it is key this will give a much needed dps boost to the HR itself

    Stormstep Action:This is a good dailies its CD management and forest ghost and disrupting are two of are most important daily's to use In any situation Even if its bugged.

    At Wills:Bread and Butter At wills for Nature Rangers

    Split shot: This is the Main At will If used with plague fire or any Other weapon enchantment that gives a DoT effect or debuff this is good and used to spread it with ease.

    Aimed Shot: Cause being able to add to boss dps is good this will hit hard regardless of if your not going down ranged spec

    Encounter Powers I will Like to Credit obsidiancran3 For this section i am just going to trim this little more on this guide.

    Boar Hide/ChargeThis skill gives a stack of 5 charges each charge gives 2% dmg Mitigation/Resistance Every time you get hit a stack is removed.

    Hawk Shot/Hawkeye: This is a tough one. However for a Nature build 3/3 as its a party wide DPS buff. This is bad for PvE for PvP This and hawk style are good for your party It lets your party members apply strong grasping roots on a 50% chance.

    Binding Arrow/Oak Skin: The ranged attack works by applying grasping roots to enemies close to you so you can move away, instead of stopping them while they are away in the first place, For Nature builds the buff is good, when you apply it at 100% effectiveness to a party for PvP i recommend this skill for both the buff and the grasping roots this skill also is hard hitting and can give you a nice spike.

    Commanding Shot/Stag Heart: 3/3 for Nature Commanding Shot is a debuffer for shooting bosses and elites, Stag Heart at 3/3 gives 12% of target's total HP as temp HP, which is just less work for the DC and often provides others a buff.

    Fox's Cunning/Fox Shift3/3 for The buff, Cunning, is a free 100% dodge for 5 people. Shift is an impressive DPS melee attack which hits multiple targets (thus benefiting from Twin-Blade) and also reduces their run speed while buffing yours. For nature, you are going to take the feat to drop the cooldown by 5s as well, meaning you will probably be able to run the buff every 3-5s if you set up your cooldown reduction right.

    Daily Powers:Most important bread and Butter dailies

    Forest Ghost: This skill will drop aggro from you and boost your run speed its great for defence can combined with storm step refreshes skills.

    Forest Meditation: This heales you and provides Protection against skills like shocking and Ice Knife whats not to love it also deflect and combines great with fey thistle.

    Disrupting Shot:Part of a nature rangers job is to disrupt Hard hitting attacks coming from bosses and elite mobs this daily's dose just that use it its also additional CD reduction from SsA when ghost is on CD.

    Skills that have Synergy
    Synergy is a ****ing amazing concept two Skills a HR can synergies with feats from Other classes lets look shall we.

    Aspect of The pack: This class feature has amazing synergy with the following class feats:
    Tricker Rouges: Berserk Vitality
    Great weapon Fighter:Vicious Advantage

    Stage Heart:This skill triggers the bonuses of the features of these two classes:
    Guardian Fighter:Wrathful warrior
    Devoted Cleric: Deepstone Blessing

    Artifacts Important to a nature ranger

    Emblem of Seldarine
    Bind on Equip
    Recharge Time: 180s / 160s / 140s / 120s.
    - Buff yourself and nearby allies with Seldarine's Blessing for 15s, during which time they will be Healed for 437 / 581 / 725 / 869 every time they are hit.
    Equip: +300 Defense.
    Equip: +300 Life Steal.
    Equip: +400 Companion Influence.
    Rank 1 (0/20 to next rank) / Rank 30 (0/1,650 to next rank) / Rank 60 (0/18,700 to next rank) / Rank 100 (maximum).
    Requires Level: 20.
    Vendor: 50 copper.
    You can find this in: Malabog's Castle [Epic].
    If your a buffing ranger this should be you main Artifacts IMHO its not realy a big heal its more of dmg mitigation it will negate trash mob dmg it also helps to prevent a party whipe. This also great for pvp Buff rangers basically never leave home with out it.

    Or you can use But not both imho

    Eye of Lathandar
    Bind on Equip
    Recharge Time: 180s / 160s / 140s / 120s.
    - Resurrects an ally or your companion from afar and restores 20% / 35% / 50% / 65% of their Hit Points.
    Equip: +300 Life Steal.
    Equip: +300 Defense.
    Equip: +400 Incoming Healing Bonus.
    Range: 80'.
    Rank 1 (0/20 to next rank) / Rank 30 (0/1,650 to next rank) / Rank 60 (0/18,700 to next rank) / Rank 100 (maximum).
    Requires Level: 20.
    Vendor: 50 copper.
    You can find this in: Arcane Coffer.
    If your cleric is downed use this immediately to get him/her back up. In PvE this skill will res the closest target so make sure you companions are not out or just only use this on the cleric.

    Gear ME UP
    Ok Big V gear me up what gear do i need. Ok little One you need just 1 set of gear

    Forest Lord
    Set 1 Bonus 450 Recovery
    Set 2 Bonus When you Buff a Ally you have a chance to grant them 500 Power 500 Armor Pen Crit Strike Or Recovery You always grant the stat of theirs thats is highest.
    1271 Recovery
    1271 Deflect
    766 Defence
    574 Power
    504 Lifesteal

    Dread Legion Bow Set
    Set 1 Bonus 450 Armor Pen
    1866 Power
    450 Armor Pen
    218 Crit Strike
    218 Life Steal

    The forest Lord set comes with like no Armor pen Dread legion Bow comes with a little crit and 900 armor pen and it comes with more life steal and a lot of power. With just the two item sets alone you stats will be balanced .This gives us allot of leeway i am gonna stick the regen rings on this ranger because regen is ****ing amazing.

    The Accessories set up is
    Rings: Noble ring of the beast
    Belt Frost pelt Girdle
    Gemmed shirt and Pants
    Neck: Any neck with 154 power recovery and crit on it

    Recommended Artifacts:

    Waters of Elah'zad Regen Hard Counter to DoT whats not to love.

    Lantern of Revelation more dps stats High synergy with Pack aspect.

    Eye of Lathandar OR Emblem of Seldarine: Hard res and dmg Mitigation Buff pick one anr roll with it.

    This Gear Build Summary
    Combined Forest Lord Dread Legion Bow with Boons Artifacts and Rank 7 enchants and Accessories
    You hit all of you offensive caps you will be stuck with a 30% crit chance or near it. If you roll with at least 15 Str you will be neer armor pen cap in pve this also lets you hit life steal cap and regen caps of 10% if your running thistle stack deflection simple as that alternatively you can also just stack HP in fact i recommend it more for this build.

    Total Stats:
    Power 3123
    Armor Pen 1604
    Crit strike 18414 rank 7 azure
    Deflection 2196 5 rank 7 silvery
    Recovery 2175
    Life steal 1542
    Regen 1589
    Defence 1436

    Nature Summary:
    Ok Big V i learned a lot about nature rangers do you have any last words for the viewers before we get to the next part. Not many this is a medium lvl ranger to master make sure you build it right and you party will love you.
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Stormwarden Vs Pathfinder
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Basic Builds:In progress
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Interview With a Hunter Ranger Player Stream's/Youtube's
    Sup all this is were i will put the live stream and Youtube channles of other HR's who wish to show off their stuff. If you want your stream put here just say so also make sure its active make sure to list what your mainly doing on your stream weather its pvp or pve. If you want your you-tube channel put up just ask also just make sure its active just like the live stream and has a steady flow of content.

    PvE Videos/Streams

    Nature Videos/Streams

    Combat Videos/Streams

    Archer Videos/Streams

    PvP Videos/Streams

    Nature Videos/Streams

    Combat Videos/Streams
    Murder's Combat PvP Stream and Videos
    Archer Videos/Streams
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Understanding HR Gear and how it works
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • ikeepit3hunnaikeepit3hunna Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Ive been working on a ranger build, its full combat with building up defence/deflect/ regen really high, it makes you fairly tanky. U can hit higher dr than a gf if in a 1v1 situation, and higher deflect than a gf/gwf/dc. With almost 0 withdrawls to your offensive stats
    U R 2 E Z- SENT IV GWF undefeated 16k GS
    FaceRoller- regen recovery TR (put on the shelf for now) 14k GS
    Supreme CHAOS - IV GF (put on the shelf for now) 16k GS
    White Khalifa- tene/hp/regen CW (retired) 11k GS (tene)
    Death From Above- TANK ranger 16kGS
    (all halfling everything)

    Proud rank 6 of: <Enemy Team>

  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Well the next parts are coming i just need some food then the builds Nature is going to be a pretty interesting review
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • elusiveonen7elusiveonen7 Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I can't wait to see what you have to say about the current MOA. Before the most recent patch, it was bugged in favor of HR, which allowed Rain of Arrows and Thorn Ward to crit 100% of the time assuming you didn't use another encounter. The way it works now, RoA and TW eat up the MOA charge but don't grant 100% crit chance for either of them. Is MOA a PVP feat now?
  • dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Ive been working on a ranger build, its full combat with building up defence/deflect/ regen really high, it makes you fairly tanky. U can hit higher dr than a gf if in a 1v1 situation, and higher deflect than a gf/gwf/dc. With almost 0 withdrawls to your offensive stats

    Sounds like my build.

    Full combat:
    10% Deflect
    10% Run Speed
    10% CRT
    15% Damage Bonus
    17% Double Attack

    32k HP / 12% Regen / 10% Life Steal/ 25% Deflect (Still farming gear/enchants/artifacts/pet)
  • xtraordinary91xtraordinary91 Member Posts: 323 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    dkcandy wrote: »
    Sounds like my build.

    Full combat:
    10% Deflect
    10% Run Speed
    10% CRT
    15% Damage Bonus
    17% Double Attack

    32k HP / 12% Regen / 10% Life Steal/ 25% Deflect (Still farming gear/enchants/artifacts/pet)

    I will just drop a +1 here.
    19.9k PvP Control Wizard
    <Complaints Department>
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Some quick comments on archery feats;

    Bloodthirsty: this is a good feat for archers. 15% bonus damage on Fox's shift plus 3% from the heroic feat and making it crit with MoA is some great burst damage to drop on things that reach you. I totally recommend it for archers. (Even Legolas stabs things with his knives ocassionally.)

    Nature's Grasp: 1 in 20 attacks apply weak grasping roots, that's terrible. Weak is more like useless grasping roots and the proc chance is way to low to invest 5 points in it. Its also competing with more effective feats for the points. As 3 of tge Archers best feats are at or above it in the tree. Yeah I did test it, no I will not invest in it.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • schulz87schulz87 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    cant wait for nature guide :) tired of seeing lots of archery, want to be something unique from others :)
  • llantissllantiss Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Why when I search for the name "legolas" i find 47 rangers online and one GF(?) and "robin hood" i find 12 rangers online, please explain ranger community mindset to me
  • shadow5930shadow5930 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 502 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    The good trail blaze.
    Those who aren't good, teach.
    The sheep simply follow and "legolas" and "robin hood" are the 2 most known archery types in modern society.
  • dkcandydkcandy Member Posts: 1,555 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    llantiss wrote: »
    Why when I search for the name "legolas" i find 47 rangers online and one GF(?) and "robin hood" i find 12 rangers online, please explain ranger community mindset to me

    LOL lantis you give the community to much credit. Saying we have minds! Just silly nonsense.
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    llantiss wrote: »
    Why when I search for the name "legolas" i find 47 rangers online and one GF(?) and "robin hood" i find 12 rangers online, please explain ranger community mindset to me

    You missed Katniss.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    I Just woke up lolz i be finishing the nature parts later today
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • schulz87schulz87 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Big V , my F5 key is going down soon!!!! ;)
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    The wait is over the Nature section is up thank god took me forever to sit down and write it out still doing last min edite to it though so bare with me.
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    You missed Aspect of the Serpent for Nature; the mid-range thing and certain buff combinations make it an excellent choice for Nature spec if you don't plan to hang back and shoot as your only strategy.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    TY i will add this
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    ok everyone i have something to ask you..currently sitting on level 30..ok my question is i love to pvp..when in pvp i usually stand at high ground or very far to attack the enemy..ok the point is when the enemy is down to less than half and IF the enemy is running away i will switch to melee stance and marauder strike the enemy and use hindering strike to apply strong grasping root on him..than i will use my melee to finish him off and if he keep on running i will change to ranged stance to finish him off..and now im level 30 and using a wood elf ?? i dunno which path i should take ...archery ? combat or nature ?? can someone experienced teach me and give me some guide and option based on my playstyle
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Go read kasenpoint's build linked in the first post of this thread.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    do u mean i should go archery paragon ?
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    It means you a Hybrid ranger and thats the next chapter of my guide hybrid theorys
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    oh for a hybrid one is wood elf a good choice or hafling more better ?
  • voltomeyvoltomey Member Posts: 1,052 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    both are good race choices
    Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
  • ottoarcottoarc Member Posts: 265 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    What is hybrid? Is hybrid build mean half combat half archery paragon and is that really good? And now im so crazy i dont know which paragon i should go for..combat,archer or hybrid ? Someone pls help me..and also which race is better..i would go for hafling 100% if im going to combat paragon...but now i still dont know which path to go for..and i kinda love half elf knack of success..give 1% gold gain 1% crit.severity and 1% deflect..and racial bonus +1 to non class ability..is cool but the dice roll is not good compare to wood elf..seem like only wood elf can get 18dex and 18 wis but half elf cant..and hafling also cannot..someone please help me ..not to say u must choose for me but please give me some idea,guide or suggestion on which race,which paragon? I love pvp alot ...voltomey ,obsidian or any other help me !!!!!!
  • obsidiancran3obsidiancran3 Member Posts: 1,823 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    The goal (with campfire) for stats is 24 or mor dex and 20 Wis with 16 Str being fine. Every race can hit the 24/20/16 set with Campfire.

    18/18 starting is not giving you the advantage it would seem to be giving. 19/17 Dex/Wis will net you a better final build because you will have discretionary points for Int/Cha/Con and still be able to reach 26 Dex 20 Wis with Campfire.

    Hybrid means you plan to spend equal (roughly) amounts of time in both mele and ranged stance so you will choose feats to maximise this; in essence you will put 10 points of feats in the other tree. I'm not sure which tree gives the better dps outcome and matches the flexibility best (mostly because I haven't done a Combat spec build because I like being shooty with a little stabby). But I do know Aspect of the Serpent is your friend regardless of the feat tree.
    Obsidian Moonlight - Paladin
    Obsidian Oath - Warlock
    A whole lot of other Obsidian toons as well.
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