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Zen House - Suggestion

marcioohmarciooh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 91
edited December 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
I would like to see an item which allows you either to change the race and the class.

I am a GWF but I have chosen the human-elf thingy at the start because I liked it. It appears now that it's not the best choice as GWF, I had no idea at the start.

I would love it if there was an item to change that human-elf thing to whatever is needed, a dwarf I believe. I don't mind paying 500, 1000 or even 2000 Zen for such an item if it's being made possible !!

Please add something like this, I have Fomorian stuff on my character and other well espensive AD/Zen items which doesn't make it wisefull to make another character!

I hope this item comes soon! VERY SOON !!!

"Every online game requires more to give than it offers or it's not worth actually playing. Even though we all know this we still decide to play anyway."

Post edited by marciooh on


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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited December 2013
    . . . . . I'd also like to be able to change my race. I originally rolled my main wizard as human for two reasons. The main one being that there wasn't Moon Elf at the time (as his original PnP Lore has him as a Moon Elf). Secondly because I liked the 3 extra feats humans give. But now that we have Moon Elves, I would love to change him to a Moon Elf. I would just re-roll him but he is my main "collector" character and well, he has A LOT of companions, collections, achievements, and several character unlocks (almost a full bank for example).

    . . . . . I'd like to keep him as my main character but would just LOVE to change him to the race he was supposed to be. Because of the changes required by a Race Change (especially for Humans with their extra Feats), a Race Change Token would need to also include a Character Respec as well. I would be happy to pay 1,000 Zen for such a Race Change.
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    tommybostictommybostic Member Posts: 111 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Same here!
    I've also chosen wrong race when started playing NW, had no idea whats what and which choice would be the best,so ye, change would be nice :P

    If we can change the looks of our characters already, the race one shouldnt be so bad either :)
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    chrysheightchrysheight Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I agree with this, Race Change should be available in the Zen Market, and the price should be.. well in most MMOs things like this have a high price-, so I won't be complaining if the price is high.

    On the other hand, I don't think I'll be able to agree with Class Change, even though I can't think of any good/bad reason, I just can't agree with it-.
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    ianthewizard2012ianthewizard2012 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,142 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    From the aspect of role playing, race and class changes are actually viable. They could be reasonably implemented by allowing players to "reincarnate".

    Through reincarnation, everything becomes possible and reasonable, including Ability Scores re-rolling, or better, re-allocating. :)
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    zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited December 2013
    From the aspect of role playing, race and class changes are actually viable. They could be reasonably implemented by allowing players to "reincarnate".

    Through reincarnation, everything becomes possible and reasonable, including Ability Scores re-rolling, or better, re-allocating. :)
    . . . . . Yeah, a form of reincarnation would be nice indeed. I don't like DDO's take on it though, having to re-level when you reincarnate.

    . . . . . Reincarnation used to be a part of Zeb's original PnP background lore. Originally, when Zeb broke free from his bonds in the Abyss and returned to Faerun, he walked through a Spellscar and was mortally wounded. A moon elven patron found him dying and brought him back to be healed but there wasn't anything they could do. The patron's wife couldn't bare children so when Zeb died, she had him reincarnated into a Moon Elf and raised him as her son. But since I couldn't make him a Moon Elf in game, I made him human and instead rewrote it so that when he walked through the Spellscar, it instead made him immune to the passage of time and gave him elven-like grace. It would be nice to do a Race Change so I could have his lore be as it should be.
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    chrysheightchrysheight Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I'm not knowledgeable about things like that, so about Reincarnation, isn't that just being reincarnated to another body, making you just have a new one(race)? So, yeah again I agree about the Race Change, but still not agreeing about the Class Change, it just doesn't feel right. Maybe I've just played too much MMOs without the Class Change, but has a possible Race Change.
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    kirkcaldykirkcaldy Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    As has been said a few times, I also chose the wrong race,
    for my first ever character.
    I think a lot of folks start playing, then after learning a bit,
    about the game and whats good and not,
    wish they could change that initial chars race.

    Inevitably its the main collector, banker, wealthiest, highest lvl,
    best kitted out char you have.
    So its only natural, to want it to be the right race for you.

    Would love to be able to change my race
    and would pay for it, if not too costly. :cool:

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    reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I would LOVE to have that option, I also accidentally chose the wrong race and I have too many stuff on that char to start over now...
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    marcioohmarciooh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 91
    edited December 2013
    Thanks for all replies guys! I agree on most of the stuff said above about race and class change. I wouldn't be really happy to relevel though, but if it's a demand from cryptic to implement it in the game, I wouldn't say no! Because I rather have my race changed than need to bother about re-leveling.

    I agree though that the class change isn't rlly something we need, do we? Since the gear is class bound and the enchantments you can take out relatively cheap now and trade to an alt if you like. Except for the character bound companions and mounts though, for that it sucks. Not to forget about collected items and unlocked campaigns!

    Anyways, I think this is a great idea to bring the race change option, and I think it should be implemented shortly :-)
    "Every online game requires more to give than it offers or it's not worth actually playing. Even though we all know this we still decide to play anyway."

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    ordensmarschallordensmarschall Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,060 Bounty Hunter
    edited December 2013
    Run a forum search and see the discussion about this topic that happened about a month ago. It ran close to 40 pages.
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    marcioohmarciooh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 91
    edited December 2013
    Run a forum search and see the discussion about this topic that happened about a month ago. It ran close to 40 pages.

    And if needed we run another 50 Pages!! Next time you put up such an incredible 'wise' (uhum) comment, please be so smart as well to add a link to proof your words. Ofcourse I did this for you (http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?247612-Race-changes-and-why-they-re-needed&highlight=race+respec), so we can put some body to this topic! Fact that there is already been spoken about surely doesn't mean it can't be done again. Actually, it means it HAS to be done again since last time Cryptic probably didn't pay attention to it!

    This is a real important thing to add to the game, honestly it's a MUST! And we shouldn't bother about players who hang on to this 'lore' thing as motivation not to do it!
    "Every online game requires more to give than it offers or it's not worth actually playing. Even though we all know this we still decide to play anyway."

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    ljz6ljz6 Member Posts: 74
    edited December 2013
    I disagree with this, I don't believe you should be able to change races in any MMO really.

    I started a GF, at 60 I realized I actually wanted a Hunter Ranger, but they weren't released when I made a guardian fighter. Now I have character bound items that I feel will go to waste! Please let me change my current class from GF to HR!.
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    michaelpoynermichaelpoyner Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 75
    edited December 2013
    This is why you should have done research first before picking those classes everyone.
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    kirkcaldykirkcaldy Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Whether you do research or not, there will always come a time,
    for some folks, when they start to think, that they should have chosen differently.
    Also, not a lot of folks when initially starting to play the game,
    want to go into deep study, of all or certain aspects of the game.
    Most new folks just want to make a character quickly as possible
    and start to play the game and enjoy themselves.

    In saying that, I know there are others who get into all aspects and such,
    as deeply as they can.
    Nothing wrong with that, if that's what floats your boat.
    Personally I like to play the game and find out some stuff for myself.
    If I need help or don't understand something,
    then I will ask questions of other players or do research, if possible.

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    marcioohmarciooh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 91
    edited December 2013
    ljz6 wrote: »
    I disagree with this, I don't believe you should be able to change races in any MMO really.

    I started a GF, at 60 I realized I actually wanted a Hunter Ranger, but they weren't released when I made a guardian fighter. Now I have character bound items that I feel will go to waste! Please let me change my current class from GF to HR!.

    I doubt you understand the difference in race and class, do you? Please, do not mix up the meaning of different words, that might work very confusing to some people in the game.

    You disagree on the race change, but you use a class difference as argument, that's a bit odd, isn't it?

    Please, reconsider your post, maybe I am wrong though ... ;-)
    "Every online game requires more to give than it offers or it's not worth actually playing. Even though we all know this we still decide to play anyway."

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    ryugasiriusryugasirius Member Posts: 996 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Definitely no. Races and classes have different bonuses and gameplay, you shouldn't be able to simply switch at will. You want different class, you need to reroll.

    I definitely support the idea of account-bound items though, character-bound items shouldn't exist as they force you to keep your character or waste everything you invested on it should you re-roll.
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    reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Races don't have different gameplay, just a few different bonuses, that's all.
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    kirkcaldykirkcaldy Member Posts: 166 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Edit: Deleted post after a rethink
    and taking note of another posters viewpoint.

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    ljz6ljz6 Member Posts: 74
    edited December 2013
    The only reason this should be allowed is if they remove ALL bonuses granted from race selection. Or maybe make it so you can change your race but not your initial bonus? But that's still a bit messed up.

    To all the people that is talking about making a new thread, no. This is for discussion, if people want to relate class changes to racial changes, get over it. It's an accurate but far fetched claim. If you want your thread to be taken seriously, then don't discourage people from posting in your thread for any reason besides spam.
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    petestarkspetestarks Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Person 1: I think we should we should be able to call Sunday Wonderday instead of Sunday!

    Person 2: If you abolish taco Tuesday I will be very angry and slam the door in my room... Also, what will I do with all my taco shells?

    That is about as much sense as it makes to talk about changing class in a changing your race thread. Sure they are both kinda similar, but not really THAT much?

    This message brought to you by the This Forum is Already Hard to Follow Don't Make it More Complicated Please Dept. (TFAHFDMMCP Dept.) I'm aware we need a better acronym!
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    marcioohmarciooh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 91
    edited December 2013
    ljz6 wrote: »
    The only reason this should be allowed is if they remove ALL bonuses granted from race selection. Or maybe make it so you can change your race but not your initial bonus? But that's still a bit messed up.

    To all the people that is talking about making a new thread, no. This is for discussion, if people want to relate class changes to racial changes, get over it. It's an accurate but far fetched claim. If you want your thread to be taken seriously, then don't discourage people from posting in your thread for any reason besides spam.

    Has nothing to do with discouraging players to post, has to do with trying people to post the right thing if they want to argue, which you appearently did not.

    Although, from your view of point, I wonder what is bugging you; since you really don't come with an argument why it should be or not be an option in the game. Btw, the reason why people want to change race, is BECAUSE of the initial bonus; an elf is just not made for a GWF, it's that simple.

    You can not blame a new player for making a mistake in his choice and finding it out after some time. To be honest, it's pretty common in MMO to change race for an item mall price. But maybe you don't have the pennies to get it and you don't want others to be able to do so either? Maybe? Am I wrong?

    Anyways, you are again missing the point lol (again), reason for a race change (as already said) IS the bonus you get, I don't care if I look as a dwarf, a human, an orc or an elf, I care about the bonus only and I am willing to pay 1.000 zen or more for it!

    Which means money making for Cryptic and nothing negative happens to any game balance what so ever.

    But please; don't come here to reply (yes I do discourage that) with; no I don't want this in the game and I already mentioned the reason, because I just don't want it. Serious, people like that make me feel sick!

    And not to put this to any flaming (hopefully not Zebular, if so, please change my comment), but people like you make threads look like a joke!

    Have a nice evening :-)
    "Every online game requires more to give than it offers or it's not worth actually playing. Even though we all know this we still decide to play anyway."

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    marcioohmarciooh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 91
    edited December 2013
    Definitely no. Races and classes have different bonuses and gameplay, you shouldn't be able to simply switch at will. You want different class, you need to reroll.

    I definitely support the idea of account-bound items though, character-bound items shouldn't exist as they force you to keep your character or waste everything you invested on it should you re-roll.

    I like that idea indeed, already stated that out in the other topic about account bound items as well. If they made all items account bound, instead of character bound, than this entire topic would have no legit reason of existance, including my crappy and bragging posts :p !
    "Every online game requires more to give than it offers or it's not worth actually playing. Even though we all know this we still decide to play anyway."

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    ryugasiriusryugasirius Member Posts: 996 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    marciooh wrote: »
    I like that idea indeed, already stated that out in the other topic about account bound items as well. If they made all items account bound, instead of character bound, than this entire topic would have no legit reason of existance, including my crappy and bragging posts :p !

    Yep. Also, "services" (extra bank slots, early active companion unlocks etc.) should actually be slot-bound, rather than character bound, so if you ever want to delete your character and reuse that slot, you should keep whatever you've purchased...
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    willadarkeaglewilladarkeagle Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    I am not that good that Race would make a big difference in my game play, but for those that actually have skill--I think this would be a good thing!:)
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    alaricsgirlalaricsgirl Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2013
    Wait, so you think just because you get little stat changes, you should change your race to be what D&D says is right. Why? You should play what you want. Yes I have a halfling trickster rogue because she's cute but I also have a halfling cleric. I have a half elf GWF. Why not? I have a moon elf hunter ranger. Honestly, I think only one of my races match the class but the game is supposed to be fun and limiting a certain class to a certain race is not fun at all. Where's the challenge in that?
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    marcioohmarciooh Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 91
    edited December 2013
    Wait, so you think just because you get little stat changes, you should change your race to be what D&D says is right. Why? You should play what you want. Yes I have a halfling trickster rogue because she's cute but I also have a halfling cleric. I have a half elf GWF. Why not? I have a moon elf hunter ranger. Honestly, I think only one of my races match the class but the game is supposed to be fun and limiting a certain class to a certain race is not fun at all. Where's the challenge in that?

    Why do you think that we want to change because D&D says it's right? I believe that has not been mentioned yet so far in this topic, unless you have the ability to think for all of us :-)

    But no, that surely ain't the motivation. Fact is, right now as half-elf GWF I have the +2 bonus for Constitution and I could choose between either Wisdom or Charisma, think I choose Wisdom.

    The Dwarf gives the possibility to choose between +2 Constitution and either the same amount on Strength or Wisdom. I'd rather have the strength instead of the Wisdom or Charisma. The Wisdom only gives me extra control bonus and resistance, while strength gives me damage bonus, DoT resistance bonus and stamina regen bonus. Basically for a GWF that appears to work out a bit better instead of seeing a function like control bonus gone lost!

    Not to forget also, as a dwarf, if I remember correct, you got an extra point somewhere in the feats/paragon path, like 1 more.
    "Every online game requires more to give than it offers or it's not worth actually playing. Even though we all know this we still decide to play anyway."

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