PVPers wanted a real reward for PVPing, right? Well here it is.
No, don't open up Dwarf's King to everyone. Leave it the way it is.
And yes I say this as a Delzoun, but before the server merge, on Dragon server, the Delzouns would get routinely crushed all the time, even despite the imbalanced gate-jumping. Delzouns hardly ever had access to Dwarf's King back then. And I'm sure in the future, things will change and the Luskans will be consistently winning again, and then the Delz's access to Dwarf's King will be minimal.
And yes I say this as a Delzoun, but before the server merge, on Dragon server, the Delzouns would get routinely crushed all the time,
Hmm I must've been playing on different Dragon server than you. I played on the Delzoun side at Dragon server countless times before server merge and I think I lost 2-3 rounds tops. Rest was mostly easy wins, few tight ones.
Now since I moved to guild that is on Luskan side, I've seen one win. So it's stupid but understandable. Developers don't mind at all of any pvp aspect anyways so enjoy your dwarfs
ps. I found a typo from Gauntlgrym Neverwinter wiki page : the Corsairs know the way to lost Gauntlgrym Naturally lost should be lose.
We run DK 3x in 30mins. This will change once new patch is implemented maybe 2 run max. I already made 1m AD selling 3 drops from DK.
Most probably the one buying my gears are Luskans. @_@V
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2013
Seems some people are actually reading the forums. Since I accumulated some neverember GG dailies I said to myself to clear my log and do GG (been weeks).
Luskan side (mine) - nobody known. Nobody from a PvP guild. This happened in 5 PvP sessions or so.
Delzoun side: 80% people from PvP guilds, geared up to the teeth, moving always in coordinated guild groups, whatever.
I'm not doing GG anytime soon again that's for sure. At least in domination you can realistically ask for 1 vs 1, but in GG... do what, against the swarm?
Obviously 0 chance at DK so GG doesn't hold any interest to me anymore whatsoever other than this. On Mindflayer, we actually won quite a few times, even when EoA started to farm it, but without the same PvP guild participation as Delzouns have, Luskan side is doomed.
I could be wrong, but I thought Lemonade Stand was Luskan.
Yup they are, I saw one person after merge, that's all. There were also a few Silent Blade guys. We won that one. Also never saw them after that again.
our guild went luskan from an RP standpoint, not considering the side effects of being on the less popular faction. Never been in the kings tomb after 20 runs of this event (on multiple toons)
I would like to see 2 things considered - a loser's token to the events that stay in your currency tab so after x number of losses, you can cash in for the missing entry piece to allow you to run the T2 event.
It is probably too late for this, but i think there should be 3 or 4 factions, and some sort of incentive for the less popular guilds, like a golf handi cap of sorts, so if it remains all the folks are in Delzoun, then luskan or a new faction starts with a comprable bonus to make winning a possibility.
Only the super-high-geared, super-well-coordinated Delzoun premades are able to farm Dwarf's King and get 4-5 runs in and therefore "get rich". If you only read the forums, however, you'd think that was commonplace, but it's not.
MOST teams will only be able to get 1 run in, maybe 2. So 1 or 2 people get a pricey item for sale. 3 or 4 people get the same reward as in Fardelver - just Grym coins. And with a lot more work.
That same team however could probably get 3 or 4 Fardelver runs in; sure the drops are of lesser value, but they tend to be spread out more among the group members. So more people get to share in the loot. Which means more AD even for poor players.
Which would you rather have - a single 1-in-5 chance at something worth maybe 200k, or three or four 1-in-5 chances at something worth maybe *only* 30k-40k?
Grym coins aside, as a Delzoun and even with relatively more frequent access to Dwarf's King, I've made more from AD farming Fardelver than from farming Dwarf's King. Because it's rare that I get any drop at all in Dwarf's King.
Only the super-high-geared, super-well-coordinated Delzoun premades are able to farm Dwarf's King and get 4-5 runs in and therefore "get rich". If you only read the forums, however, you'd think that was commonplace, but it's not.
MOST teams will only be able to get 1 run in, maybe 2. So 1 or 2 people get a pricey item for sale. 3 or 4 people get the same reward as in Fardelver - just Grym coins. And with a lot more work.
That same team however could probably get 3 or 4 Fardelver runs in; sure the drops are of lesser value, but they tend to be spread out more among the group members. So more people get to share in the loot. Which means more AD even for poor players.
Which would you rather have - a single 1-in-5 chance at something worth maybe 200k, or three or four 1-in-5 chances at something worth maybe *only* 30k-40k?
Grym coins aside, as a Delzoun and even with relatively more frequent access to Dwarf's King, I've made more from AD farming Fardelver than from farming Dwarf's King. Because it's rare that I get any drop at all in Dwarf's King.
This is pretty much it. I do GG all the time, because its mostly fun for me. Most of the time I have access to DK, but because I'm pugging it all the time I usually do Fardelvers. Personally, I have no problem with DK, but even if my team can complete it, we get one run in and thats it.
Foundry - Fight Club? (nw-dluqbofu7)
- JailBreak (in development)
The Beholder luskans used to win the GG. Dunno what the issue is with the ones from Dragon. As for the Dwarf King, you don't always win (Five attempts here, three wipes).
repnadracMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 6Arc User
Hmm I must've been playing on different Dragon server than you. I played on the Delzoun side at Dragon server countless times before server merge and I think I lost 2-3 rounds tops. Rest was mostly easy wins, few tight ones.
Now since I moved to guild that is on Luskan side, I've seen one win. So it's stupid but understandable. Developers don't mind at all of any pvp aspect anyways so enjoy your dwarfs
ps. I found a typo from Gauntlgrym Neverwinter wiki page : the Corsairs know the way to lost Gauntlgrym Naturally lost should be lose.
Agreed! im playing since beta on server Dragon.. and I have never seen Luskan Dominating on Server Dragon, not even when Lemonade Stand were at its peak (Kiwi/medic, Lantis, Lord Steroids, Mouse were still playing). It always ended up Delzoun winning 4-5 days in a row until Luskan wins once or twice a day.
Delzoun has simply more Quality Guilds than Luskan and of course a better Morale in PvP.
Only the super-high-geared, super-well-coordinated Delzoun premades are able to farm Dwarf's King and get 4-5 runs in and therefore "get rich". If you only read the forums, however, you'd think that was commonplace, but it's not.
MOST teams will only be able to get 1 run in, maybe 2. So 1 or 2 people get a pricey item for sale. 3 or 4 people get the same reward as in Fardelver - just Grym coins. And with a lot more work.
I dont think that is entirely true either its true that when i go with a good premade we can usually, meaning if the instance doesnt bug out for a while or some other HAMSTER, get 4 runs. but more frequently ill pug it as not everyone is around and 3 runs is pretty much the standard if ur running with decently geared people that know how to run it. when the team is a bit more fail... well yeah u get 2 runs. i can kill the boss solo ( as in just me hitting the boss) before the 30 min mark to get a second run.
and Im not super high geared unless u consider t2 set, r7s and a normal weapon enchant to be that.
still if its lets say we average it to 2.5 runs per session thats a 50% chance at a drop,so u could be getting a good drop every other day, which imho is better income that what u will get in fardelver.
For last 2 days we did 2 full GG events with our guild.
as Delzoun...
1st and 2nd - PvE won , PvP won (5 flags) , 2nd PvP won (5 flags), DK dungeon - 3 Runs (got a Skulker helm)
I actually forgot how fun it was , since we havent done it in months.
And specially when u play with people who kno what they doing and your 5 man party can do alot in the PvP part is really fun.
GG is probably the only thing I look forward to doing now in this game. I think they should have more content such as 20 v 20 pvp, or even 20 man raids.
The only problem with GG is that it's still so buggy, with players often getting return to instance bug, or not getting the proper reward for either of the phase resulting in not being able to do DK. If a party member disconnects/crashes during the pvp in the last 10 mins of phase 2, then it's no chance to get credit and the last 50 mins was just a waste of time for that person.
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
GG is probably the only thing I look forward to doing now in this game. I think they should have more content such as 20 v 20 pvp, or even 20 man raids.
The only problem with GG is that it's still so buggy, with players often getting return to instance bug, or not getting the proper reward for either of the phase resulting in not being able to do DK. If a party member disconnects/crashes during the pvp in the last 10 mins of phase 2, then it's no chance to get credit and the last 50 mins was just a waste of time for that person.
More enjoyable it is when you get to DK. To achieve that you gotta be Delzoun To me after the side change it's just been coin farms to few chars who could use the gear at some point. Otherwise it's awfully boring. There is a chance that GG could be made more interesting, but 1st part is hell boring and not rewarding and 2nd part, well everyone knows how it goes these days. Dungeons are ok, but would be fun to play DK sometimes :P
Last run i did 3xTRs 1xCW and 1xDC. We got in 5 runs, and the boss went down really fast.
It is going to be sad when the implement the camfires and the doors to unlock last boss in instances etc. Because eventually there will be no ways to make AD in this game, besides daily cap. If only mobs dropped AD instaed of gold, i would not mind any of the changes. Or bosses maybe dropped a slant of AD that would be divided into group of 5. But no, soon the only way to get AD will be through ZEN store.
Last run i did 3xTRs 1xCW and 1xDC. We got in 5 runs, and the boss went down really fast.
It is going to be sad when the implement the camfires and the doors to unlock last boss in instances etc. Because eventually there will be no ways to make AD in this game, besides daily cap. If only mobs dropped AD instaed of gold, i would not mind any of the changes. Or bosses maybe dropped a slant of AD that would be divided into group of 5. But no, soon the only way to get AD will be through ZEN store.
Weird, I know loads of ppl (incl myself) making AD without running DK. To many, DK isn't even an option (Luskan). So to me it's a good change, since... well I am mean :P
pers3phoneBanned Users, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Last run i did 3xTRs 1xCW and 1xDC. We got in 5 runs, and the boss went down really fast.
It is going to be sad when the implement the camfires and the doors to unlock last boss in instances etc. Because eventually there will be no ways to make AD in this game, besides daily cap. If only mobs dropped AD instaed of gold, i would not mind any of the changes. Or bosses maybe dropped a slant of AD that would be divided into group of 5. But no, soon the only way to get AD will be through ZEN store.
I agree, many changes in the game have the sole purpose to cut on player ability to farm AD for themselves. This can only have one reason: to push them to buy Zen to exchange. While I had doubts in the past if I should or shouldn't invest financially in this game, I know FOR sure know I will never put a penny in it because of these measures and developer mentality. I doubt things will ever change for the better for us.
No, don't open up Dwarf's King to everyone. Leave it the way it is.
And yes I say this as a Delzoun, but before the server merge, on Dragon server, the Delzouns would get routinely crushed all the time, even despite the imbalanced gate-jumping. Delzouns hardly ever had access to Dwarf's King back then. And I'm sure in the future, things will change and the Luskans will be consistently winning again, and then the Delz's access to Dwarf's King will be minimal.
Hmm I must've been playing on different Dragon server than you. I played on the Delzoun side at Dragon server countless times before server merge and I think I lost 2-3 rounds tops. Rest was mostly easy wins, few tight ones.
Now since I moved to guild that is on Luskan side, I've seen one win. So it's stupid but understandable. Developers don't mind at all of any pvp aspect anyways so enjoy your dwarfs
ps. I found a typo from Gauntlgrym Neverwinter wiki page : the Corsairs know the way to lost Gauntlgrym Naturally lost should be lose.
Most probably the one buying my gears are Luskans. @_@V
Luskan side (mine) - nobody known. Nobody from a PvP guild. This happened in 5 PvP sessions or so.
Delzoun side: 80% people from PvP guilds, geared up to the teeth, moving always in coordinated guild groups, whatever.
I'm not doing GG anytime soon again that's for sure. At least in domination you can realistically ask for 1 vs 1, but in GG... do what, against the swarm?
Obviously 0 chance at DK so GG doesn't hold any interest to me anymore whatsoever other than this. On Mindflayer, we actually won quite a few times, even when EoA started to farm it, but without the same PvP guild participation as Delzouns have, Luskan side is doomed.
- JailBreak (in development)
Delzoun = premade =Dwarf king killers = $$$$$$$$
Luskan = pacifists disorganized = spider hunter = 0000000
Yup they are, I saw one person after merge, that's all. There were also a few Silent Blade guys. We won that one. Also never saw them after that again.
I would like to see 2 things considered - a loser's token to the events that stay in your currency tab so after x number of losses, you can cash in for the missing entry piece to allow you to run the T2 event.
It is probably too late for this, but i think there should be 3 or 4 factions, and some sort of incentive for the less popular guilds, like a golf handi cap of sorts, so if it remains all the folks are in Delzoun, then luskan or a new faction starts with a comprable bonus to make winning a possibility.
Oh that's not even close to true.
Only the super-high-geared, super-well-coordinated Delzoun premades are able to farm Dwarf's King and get 4-5 runs in and therefore "get rich". If you only read the forums, however, you'd think that was commonplace, but it's not.
MOST teams will only be able to get 1 run in, maybe 2. So 1 or 2 people get a pricey item for sale. 3 or 4 people get the same reward as in Fardelver - just Grym coins. And with a lot more work.
That same team however could probably get 3 or 4 Fardelver runs in; sure the drops are of lesser value, but they tend to be spread out more among the group members. So more people get to share in the loot. Which means more AD even for poor players.
Which would you rather have - a single 1-in-5 chance at something worth maybe 200k, or three or four 1-in-5 chances at something worth maybe *only* 30k-40k?
Grym coins aside, as a Delzoun and even with relatively more frequent access to Dwarf's King, I've made more from AD farming Fardelver than from farming Dwarf's King. Because it's rare that I get any drop at all in Dwarf's King.
This is pretty much it. I do GG all the time, because its mostly fun for me. Most of the time I have access to DK, but because I'm pugging it all the time I usually do Fardelvers. Personally, I have no problem with DK, but even if my team can complete it, we get one run in and thats it.
- JailBreak (in development)
Agreed! im playing since beta on server Dragon.. and I have never seen Luskan Dominating on Server Dragon, not even when Lemonade Stand were at its peak (Kiwi/medic, Lantis, Lord Steroids, Mouse were still playing). It always ended up Delzoun winning 4-5 days in a row until Luskan wins once or twice a day.
Delzoun has simply more Quality Guilds than Luskan and of course a better Morale in PvP.
I dont think that is entirely true either its true that when i go with a good premade we can usually, meaning if the instance doesnt bug out for a while or some other HAMSTER, get 4 runs. but more frequently ill pug it as not everyone is around and 3 runs is pretty much the standard if ur running with decently geared people that know how to run it. when the team is a bit more fail... well yeah u get 2 runs. i can kill the boss solo ( as in just me hitting the boss) before the 30 min mark to get a second run.
and Im not super high geared unless u consider t2 set, r7s and a normal weapon enchant to be that.
still if its lets say we average it to 2.5 runs per session thats a 50% chance at a drop,so u could be getting a good drop every other day, which imho is better income that what u will get in fardelver.
PvP GWF - BizzyBedBug
PvE GF (salvaged)
PvE TR (salvaged)
GWF PvP/CW PvE @ http://www.twitch.tv/bizzyplusplus/
as Delzoun...
1st and 2nd - PvE won , PvP won (5 flags) , 2nd PvP won (5 flags), DK dungeon - 3 Runs (got a Skulker helm)
I actually forgot how fun it was , since we havent done it in months.
And specially when u play with people who kno what they doing and your 5 man party can do alot in the PvP part is really fun.
The only problem with GG is that it's still so buggy, with players often getting return to instance bug, or not getting the proper reward for either of the phase resulting in not being able to do DK. If a party member disconnects/crashes during the pvp in the last 10 mins of phase 2, then it's no chance to get credit and the last 50 mins was just a waste of time for that person.
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
More enjoyable it is when you get to DK. To achieve that you gotta be Delzoun
It is going to be sad when the implement the camfires and the doors to unlock last boss in instances etc. Because eventually there will be no ways to make AD in this game, besides daily cap. If only mobs dropped AD instaed of gold, i would not mind any of the changes. Or bosses maybe dropped a slant of AD that would be divided into group of 5. But no, soon the only way to get AD will be through ZEN store.
Weird, I know loads of ppl (incl myself) making AD without running DK. To many, DK isn't even an option (Luskan). So to me it's a good change, since... well I am mean :P
I agree, many changes in the game have the sole purpose to cut on player ability to farm AD for themselves. This can only have one reason: to push them to buy Zen to exchange. While I had doubts in the past if I should or shouldn't invest financially in this game, I know FOR sure know I will never put a penny in it because of these measures and developer mentality. I doubt things will ever change for the better for us.