Yes, sunburst will probably always be a must in PvP, but you're underestimating the power of Exaltation. I've already used it extensively on the PTR in PvP, and in the right hands its incredibly game changing. You can literally give you and your teammate a 2 second Soulforge every 13 seconds. I imagine you can drop that to 10 seconds with enough recovery and recharge speed.
And when I say it makes you immune to all damage, I mean ALL damage, even from dailies like Shocking Execution (Not to mention it heals). This skill is just way too strong.
I think, this work in premate group. But random... i try and disappointed. Not help with experienced TR.
Yet another problem - rangers. At this time - 60 lvl ranger - imba. "Ranger in the garden", WTF ?! ))
- See a gopher?
- No
- I too not see it. But he is. (c) one russian film
I think, this work in premade group. But random... i try and disappointed.
That's the case with all DC builds. In a premade group that knows what it is doing the DC has a clear role and he can carry it out. In PuGs you'll be lucky to find anyone to heal, that can get the job done...before 5 people are hitting you with their dailies.
I got to admit though, Exaltation seems really good for constructed PvP.
seriously, if u really wan to pvp, get urself a guild. PuG makes ppl mad usually when u didn't slot AS. "Where is ur AS u dumb? We die because of u!!" Then suddenly someone left the party... GG...
Sounds good. Is it good enough to drop Foresight for?
Foresight is not as good as its made out to be, yes there is currently nothing better to slot in for it in PvP, but there are clear advantages to going the other paragon right now. I have a build running with Exaltation on PTR and was able to tank a BIS TR and a DC purposely using damage skills and debuffing me (at my request) for about 6 minutes before I went down.
You have to also understand that the potential for the new paragon path has not yet been fully realized. I'm doing a lot of testing with it on PTR and I only have a vague sense of the possibilities, not to mention that Cryptic can change the way something works or ninja nerf something without you even realizing it. SF has already been changed twice now on PTR.
Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s * TWITCH * YOUTUBE * MY GUIDES *
I have a build running with Exaltation on PTR and was able to tank a BIS TR and a DC purposely using damage skills and debuffing me (at my request) for about 6 minutes before I went down.
Gctrl 6 mins?? so if u run away every 5 min for a pot, u wont die at all, not to mention u got teammates too... which means u can hold the cap ANY moment if u wan? TR and CW from opposite team will cry and leave the game if u in PuG i think...
So, in competitive pvp, in conclusion tanker cleric contributes more than healer/debuffer/dps cleric??
Foresight is not as good as its made out to be, yes there is currently nothing better to slot in for it in PvP, but there are clear advantages to going the other paragon right now. I have a build running with Exaltation on PTR and was able to tank a BIS TR and a DC purposely using damage skills and debuffing me (at my request) for about 6 minutes before I went down.
So let's hope that it ends up to be a good choice for more DC builds. Probably a good healing spec for PvP.
So, in competitive pvp, in conclusion tanker cleric contributes more than healer/debuffer/dps cleric??
The tanky cleric has a specific role in constructed PvP. As long as CWs are as squishy as they are now (I guess the addition of another Ranged Damage Dealer only makes their survivability worse), the tanky DC will be a point contester and will effectively hold a point against 3 people. If you put a CW in the mix, things get really really worse.
Having said that...GCTRL, have you played against any lvl60 Ranger in your PvP in the test realm? How bad are they for DCs? (if they are any). Do they have any stuns/prones from 80' like CWs?
The new paragon path clearly has a more defensive bent than the old one. It's got a lot of defensive passives (class features), a slow but defensive at-will, an offense-type daily and of course Exaltation.
Based on my own tests its playstyle is the reverse of the current DC's - instead of attacking/healing so you can drop a powerful defensive daily the new paragon plays defensively, using various buffs/healing from encounters/at-wills to keep teammates alive while using its daily to boost offense instead of defense. Its main daily will probably be Anointed Army (which is effectively a DPS buff with a minor defense mechanic, as it goes away if you take a lot of damage) or Hallowed Ground. You only need defensive dailies for emergencies.
This is basically the paragon path healbots have been waiting for.
Its easy to see how the new DC would be very difficult to kill in PvP. Think of the toughest cleric you've ever fought (like Gctrl's cleric) and now stack +AC, +mitigation, extra healing and some immunity on that. One thing to note though, the wording on Exaltation makes me think that at some point it may only work if you have someone else to cast it on.
Another thing to note, the addition of artifacts, companion bonuses, new boons, new items, a new refinement method and new sets may mean that you don't have to be just a tanky or a glass cannon cleric anymore. With all these new features I don't think its impossible to build a cleric with good crit/rec/deflect/regen + defense/power. At the very least, expect to start seeing power/crit/rec clerics with good deflect and regen, and hp/deflect/regen clerics with decent crit/rec and power.
You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at
Having said that...GCTRL, have you played against any lvl60 Ranger in your PvP in the test realm? How bad are they for DCs? (if they are any). Do they have any stuns/prones from 80' like CWs?
They don't seem to be any kind of huge threat for us, CW are far more dangerous. That being said, all the 60 Rangers going around do not have BIS and don't even have their real weapons yet.
Any successful damage build you could think of running on Ranger right now will simply not be fully realized. Not to mention that a lot of their abilities/features are broken and need to be patched. Again, it's probably too early to say but from my initial assessments they don't seem to be that threatening.
Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s * TWITCH * YOUTUBE * MY GUIDES *
The new paragon path clearly has a more defensive bent than the old one. It's got a lot of defensive passives (class features), a slow but defensive at-will, an offense-type daily and of course Exaltation.
Based on my own tests its playstyle is the reverse of the current DC's - instead of attacking/healing so you can drop a powerful defensive daily the new paragon plays defensively, using various buffs/healing from encounters/at-wills to keep teammates alive while using its daily to boost offense instead of defense. Its main daily will probably be Anointed Army (which is effectively a DPS buff with a minor defense mechanic, as it goes away if you take a lot of damage) or Hallowed Ground. You only need defensive dailies for emergencies.
This is basically the paragon path healbots have been waiting for.
Its easy to see how the new DC would be very difficult to kill in PvP. Think of the toughest cleric you've ever fought (like Gctrl's cleric) and now stack +AC, +mitigation, extra healing and some immunity on that. One thing to note though, the wording on Exaltation makes me think that at some point it may only work if you have someone else to cast it on.
Another thing to note, the addition of artifacts, companion bonuses, new boons, new items, a new refinement method and new sets may mean that you don't have to be just a tanky or a glass cannon cleric anymore. With all these new features I don't think its impossible to build a cleric with good crit/rec/deflect/regen + defense/power. At the very least, expect to start seeing power/crit/rec clerics with good deflect and regen, and hp/deflect/regen clerics with decent crit/rec and power.
The meta will change for sure, I don't think it will be too drastic though. Like I said, I've tested all the stuff from the new paragon tree and the only thing that has really impressed me is Exaltation. A lot of the other stuff is good, but still a bit meh. One thing is for sure though, no matter what paragon path you decide as DC we will be considerably tankier after Module 2.
Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s * TWITCH * YOUTUBE * MY GUIDES *
Besides Exaltation, Anointed Holy Symbol is surprisingly good. Each Divine encounter power use granting 1800+ temp HP? Yes, please. It can even be triggered without using Divinity a la Linked Spirit if desired.
My biggest challenge with the new path is deciding my favorite power load-outs. When playing primary support in PvE or when in PvP I'd have to cut either the all-around utility of Sunburst or the significant heal potential of Healing Word from my tray, and that's a tough call (I don't see dropping Astral Shield anytime soon). I don't think I could bear to drop Healing Word, especially with the lower CD since Recovery was fixed, but I'd definitely miss Sunburst.
...Snip.... A lot of the other stuff is good, but still a bit meh. One thing is for sure though, no matter what paragon path you decide as DC we will be considerably tankier after Module 2.
Is it because of the artifact stats that clerics will be tankier, or changes in other areas that grant this tankiness ? I am considering what to do with my main cleric on dec 5th. I have a second cleric that I am running as a dedicated healer. My main is more of a dps hybrid healing build.
The potential power load out for the new paragon path concerns me a little bit. As a party healer I am currently looking at astral shield, word of healing and exaltation (the single target buff +regen spell). I see no alternative to astral shield, and exaltation would be the main buffing spell, and word of healing lets me handle people running around at opposite ends of the map,or bastion of healing if people group up. I lose daunting light. It would be nice to have exaltation replace word of healing in my power loadout in the ideal situation.
or - a potential spell to replace astral shield would would be welcome.
Yet another problem - rangers. At this time - 60 lvl ranger - imba. "Ranger in the garden", WTF ?!
- See a gopher?
- No
- I too not see it. But he is. (c) one russian film
Diana (15,4 DC)
BigHalf (15,5 GF)
That's the case with all DC builds. In a premade group that knows what it is doing the DC has a clear role and he can carry it out. In PuGs you'll be lucky to find anyone to heal, that can get the job done...before 5 people are hitting you with their dailies.
I got to admit though, Exaltation seems really good for constructed PvP.
Having a team that pays enough attention to you to NOTICE you're not using AS? That would be quite something.
Yup, this is almost standard.
Foresight is not as good as its made out to be, yes there is currently nothing better to slot in for it in PvP, but there are clear advantages to going the other paragon right now. I have a build running with Exaltation on PTR and was able to tank a BIS TR and a DC purposely using damage skills and debuffing me (at my request) for about 6 minutes before I went down.
You have to also understand that the potential for the new paragon path has not yet been fully realized. I'm doing a lot of testing with it on PTR and I only have a vague sense of the possibilities, not to mention that Cryptic can change the way something works or ninja nerf something without you even realizing it. SF has already been changed twice now on PTR.
Gctrl 6 mins?? so if u run away every 5 min for a pot, u wont die at all, not to mention u got teammates too... which means u can hold the cap ANY moment if u wan? TR and CW from opposite team will cry and leave the game if u in PuG i think...
So, in competitive pvp, in conclusion tanker cleric contributes more than healer/debuffer/dps cleric??
So let's hope that it ends up to be a good choice for more DC builds. Probably a good healing spec for PvP.
The tanky cleric has a specific role in constructed PvP. As long as CWs are as squishy as they are now (I guess the addition of another Ranged Damage Dealer only makes their survivability worse), the tanky DC will be a point contester and will effectively hold a point against 3 people. If you put a CW in the mix, things get really really worse.
Having said that...GCTRL, have you played against any lvl60 Ranger in your PvP in the test realm? How bad are they for DCs? (if they are any). Do they have any stuns/prones from 80' like CWs?
Based on my own tests its playstyle is the reverse of the current DC's - instead of attacking/healing so you can drop a powerful defensive daily the new paragon plays defensively, using various buffs/healing from encounters/at-wills to keep teammates alive while using its daily to boost offense instead of defense. Its main daily will probably be Anointed Army (which is effectively a DPS buff with a minor defense mechanic, as it goes away if you take a lot of damage) or Hallowed Ground. You only need defensive dailies for emergencies.
This is basically the paragon path healbots have been waiting for.
Its easy to see how the new DC would be very difficult to kill in PvP. Think of the toughest cleric you've ever fought (like Gctrl's cleric) and now stack +AC, +mitigation, extra healing and some immunity on that. One thing to note though, the wording on Exaltation makes me think that at some point it may only work if you have someone else to cast it on.
Another thing to note, the addition of artifacts, companion bonuses, new boons, new items, a new refinement method and new sets may mean that you don't have to be just a tanky or a glass cannon cleric anymore. With all these new features I don't think its impossible to build a cleric with good crit/rec/deflect/regen + defense/power. At the very least, expect to start seeing power/crit/rec clerics with good deflect and regen, and hp/deflect/regen clerics with decent crit/rec and power.
They don't seem to be any kind of huge threat for us, CW are far more dangerous. That being said, all the 60 Rangers going around do not have BIS and don't even have their real weapons yet.
Any successful damage build you could think of running on Ranger right now will simply not be fully realized. Not to mention that a lot of their abilities/features are broken and need to be patched. Again, it's probably too early to say but from my initial assessments they don't seem to be that threatening.
The meta will change for sure, I don't think it will be too drastic though. Like I said, I've tested all the stuff from the new paragon tree and the only thing that has really impressed me is Exaltation. A lot of the other stuff is good, but still a bit meh. One thing is for sure though, no matter what paragon path you decide as DC we will be considerably tankier after Module 2.
My biggest challenge with the new path is deciding my favorite power load-outs. When playing primary support in PvE or when in PvP I'd have to cut either the all-around utility of Sunburst or the significant heal potential of Healing Word from my tray, and that's a tough call (I don't see dropping Astral Shield anytime soon). I don't think I could bear to drop Healing Word, especially with the lower CD since Recovery was fixed, but I'd definitely miss Sunburst.
Contagion - Cleric
Testament - Wizard
Pestilence - Ranger
Dominion - Paladin
Iyon the Dark
Yeah the AC increase is good, but you have to remember a lot more people are going to be stacking Arp now that Tenes are nerfed.
Doesn't that just make the new feat better since it adds 6% AC and 6% deflect chance?
Iyon the Dark
No, that's softcap. Hardcap is 35.72%.
Iyon the Dark
Is it because of the artifact stats that clerics will be tankier, or changes in other areas that grant this tankiness ? I am considering what to do with my main cleric on dec 5th. I have a second cleric that I am running as a dedicated healer. My main is more of a dps hybrid healing build.
The potential power load out for the new paragon path concerns me a little bit. As a party healer I am currently looking at astral shield, word of healing and exaltation (the single target buff +regen spell). I see no alternative to astral shield, and exaltation would be the main buffing spell, and word of healing lets me handle people running around at opposite ends of the map,or bastion of healing if people group up. I lose daunting light. It would be nice to have exaltation replace word of healing in my power loadout in the ideal situation.
or - a potential spell to replace astral shield would would be welcome.