While leveling my CW in Chasm, I noticed that despite the fact that I was over 1 foot (possibly 2) outside of a few red circles (mostly from the Plaguechanged Maws, and similar types) I still got hit from the spells. This also happened to me in the Battle for the Bridge skirmish with the Obsidian Golem boss. I was outside of the cone, still got hit. No, it wasn't lag or anything, since I'd dodged other red circles and cones just fine.
Lots of red areas impact the area that lays outside of them. Happens regularly with round red areas, mainly those around a mob. For example all the Maws in Spellplague Cavers. You can stand some feet away from the red around them and yet you will be hit. Also Pyraphenia in Karrundax dungeon. Same problem. You always have to move even further away from the red to not be hit by it.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited November 2013
. . . . Yes, the splats are not working correctly. Some splats don't show at all (invisible splats), most splats hit outside their red areas, and some splats hit entirely different places than they are showing. This was broken once, then got fixed and is now broken again. It makes dungeons like Karrundax very annoying. Far too many splats there as it is let alone having them all broken.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited November 2013
Just to expand upon what Zeb stated the reason Karrundax is much harder is because one of the creatures with broken splats is Fire Giants. Their "lasso" will fairly consistently hit completely different locations than displayed.
Various circle splats, such as the Magma Brutes throw, are consistently larger than the displayed area. Sometimes it's right but I have been hit when being a full character width out of the splats at times both when standing still and actively running.
I had suspected a problem recently in dungeons but had though it was me just being too slow to move, i knew there was a problem with the red Circles/Area's a while ago and had presumed they had actually properly fixed fixed this one and for good.
I can't believe this is broken again. how does this keep happening ? It is kind of a pretty important part of a fight when a 'enemy' puts down a red circle as a warning, youi would exspect it to be in the correct place and size.
Loosing confidence in the Dev team to fix anything as each week goes by, Been playing since beta weekends and even though there was the odd bug and broken thing then i thought they would eventualy get around to fixing alot of things, 6 months later, still waiting !, Alright some things have been fixed, only to be broken again on a later date.
it is a bit disheartening, such a awesome game at start, realy enjoy every aspect of it, but the mounting list of bugs and broken things is starting to get too much and most are obviously by now not going to get fixed, weekly patches say some thing is fixed only to log in to find it is still broken ?
I had a failed run of Karrundax yesterday and found that Pyraphenia's small-circle AoE was the least of my problems; I could stand maybe a foot's width outside the circle surrounding her and not get hit. It was everything else that kept killing my whole party, and now I'm starting to see why. When it's a sea of adds that all have improper splat graphics, it's impossible to dodge them. There were a couple of instances yesterday when I was standing behind a Fire Giant and still got flung through the air.
That said, there's another problem related to red splats: I have to play certain dungeons (Spellplague, Cloak Tower, possibly others) on minimum graphics settings because huge fights in the more complicated environments (like all of Spellplague and the crystal-cave/garden sections of CT) will lag me to a point of unplayability if I don't. When I do so, most red splats become partially or completely invisible, and I have to guess what attack is coming just by the enemy animations (which are a lot harder to discern at low graphics quality anyway). I think it's because the transparency in the red splats doesn't interact properly with terrain on minimum graphics quality -- they disappear into the floor to varying degrees depending on the terrain they're on.
I just completed one of the solo instances for the sharandar dailys, and that was the same, all of the 'red circles' marking atacks or aoe were in the wrong places, i was still taking damage standing no were near them.
I gave up , no point trying to play when things are broken so badly
Noticed the same with the Pyraphenia and Hand of Meagra fights yesterday, it was the first time in a couple of months I ran Karrundax. Another interesting thing that happened was that two of us fell through the floor during the Pyraphenia fight.
there is a 3 second latency from server to your computer... if you just stepped out of the circle the server doesn't have you do it until 3 seconds later. so no matter how far you get outside it you will be hit if its not more than 3 seconds time.
That doesn't seem right, given that it's ONLY for certain skills the mobs use and not all of them. I can dodge dungeons and such just fine, in fact, I do a good job of it (last one in damage taken almost always on my DC). What I'm saying here is that there are certain mobs, with certain skills that hit me despite being out of the red circle. I may have just dodged the mob's strike less than a second earlier and have the "Dodged" thing come up, but then, the mobs use some skill and I dodge a certain length from the circle and I get hit or not.
This was an issue with a few bosses before, where people were out of the red but still getting hit. It was fixed because it was, indeed, a bug.
Now that you mention it, I do know there was some latency yesterday when I ran Karrundax; there were a couple of points where I was seeing my partymates run in place and the Fire Giants rubberbanding around. I've been playing long enough that I'm pretty sure I can tell the difference between lag on my end due to graphics overload, and latency on the server's end -- this looked like the server's end. It also had an irritating habit of registering me getting killed when the fatal attack animation happened about a second after I used a potion, which I imagine is another manifestation of the same thing.
So between latency and bugged red splats, it seems to be a hard time to run dungeons right now. :eek:
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Various circle splats, such as the Magma Brutes throw, are consistently larger than the displayed area. Sometimes it's right but I have been hit when being a full character width out of the splats at times both when standing still and actively running.
I can't believe this is broken again. how does this keep happening ? It is kind of a pretty important part of a fight when a 'enemy' puts down a red circle as a warning, youi would exspect it to be in the correct place and size.
Loosing confidence in the Dev team to fix anything as each week goes by, Been playing since beta weekends and even though there was the odd bug and broken thing then i thought they would eventualy get around to fixing alot of things, 6 months later, still waiting !, Alright some things have been fixed, only to be broken again on a later date.
it is a bit disheartening, such a awesome game at start, realy enjoy every aspect of it, but the mounting list of bugs and broken things is starting to get too much and most are obviously by now not going to get fixed, weekly patches say some thing is fixed only to log in to find it is still broken ?
That said, there's another problem related to red splats: I have to play certain dungeons (Spellplague, Cloak Tower, possibly others) on minimum graphics settings because huge fights in the more complicated environments (like all of Spellplague and the crystal-cave/garden sections of CT) will lag me to a point of unplayability if I don't. When I do so, most red splats become partially or completely invisible, and I have to guess what attack is coming just by the enemy animations (which are a lot harder to discern at low graphics quality anyway). I think it's because the transparency in the red splats doesn't interact properly with terrain on minimum graphics quality -- they disappear into the floor to varying degrees depending on the terrain they're on.
Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR
I gave up , no point trying to play when things are broken so badly
This was an issue with a few bosses before, where people were out of the red but still getting hit. It was fixed because it was, indeed, a bug.
I have many alts, I am a class and race rainbow.
So between latency and bugged red splats, it seems to be a hard time to run dungeons right now. :eek:
Kaylee Krankenwagen, level 60 GF | Tavandruil Wayfinder, level 49 GWF | Aldith Langley, level 51 HR