Suggestion: In order to obtain these legendaries, a "quest item" has a VERY low chance to drop from the delve chest out of the new Shadow Mantle Dungeon. This quest item starts a quest to "speak to someone about the item" first, which then leads you on a chase to "capture the power of the bosses" from all the T1/T2 dungeons by defeating them. Maybe you get the T1s quest followed by all the T2s quest. Then you must take that item into MC, and interact with some "magical item" in there near the final boss or after. Once done, head back into Shadow Mantle Dungeon and it opens up a secret area with a unique boss. Defeat that unique boss and the item is yours.
Got the idea from Diablo 3. I like the step Crytpic is taking with artifacts, however Legendary/Unique Items would be ALOT of fun in this game I think. Ill start and hopefulyl others will have fun with this as a creative outlet and this wont be a flame thread
Ethereal Blade335-405 DamageUnique Weapon Characteristic:All damage dealt with this weapon ignores 100% of all damage resist and attacks cannot be deflected.Equip: +1080 Maximum Hit PointsEquip: +1150 PowerEquip: +400 RecoveryEquip: +400 Life StealOffense Slot: Empty
Blade, Weapon
Requires Class: Guardian Fighter, Great Weapon Fighter
Requires Level 60
Note: Item does NOT have a weapon enchant slot.
Ill do another one!
Berserker's Battle Hammer865-987 DamageUnique Weapon Characteristic: Your Mighty swings of this hammer have a 10% chance to daze the target for 2 seconds upon a successful completion of Idomidable Battle Strike or the final attack of your at wills. While Dazed, opponents can still move at reduced movement speed, however cannot attack. Equip: +1954 PowerEquip: +400 DefenseEquip: +275 DeflectEquip: +275 Life StealEquip: +125 Armor PenetrationOffense Slot: EmptyWeapon Enchantment Slot: EmptyHammer, Weapon
Requires Class: Great Weapon Fighter
Requires Level 60
As far as your idea for legendary weapons; its fine as it is. Whenever a game adds a new rarity to the game it brings a whole bunch of issues balance-wise that they need to attempt to balance out or be ready to deal with people constantly complaining about it.
Mind Reaver
799-899 Damage
Unique Weapon Characteristic: Each of your At Wills strikes will have a chance to paralyze your opponent with visions of impending death for a short while. If the paralyzed enemy is hit with a control Encounter, his insanity will spread to nearby enemies making them lapse in and out of a traumatic comatose state for 3 seconds.
Equip: +500 Critical
Equip: +500 Power
Equip: +500 Armor Penetration
Equip: +500 Life Steal
Offense and Weapon slots ofc
(I have my doubts anybody will design legendaries in this game, the dungeons are just not epic enough to warrant a legendary drop)
Well I dont think you really understand the item. Its got a MUCH lower damage range than the other weapon thus affecting your damage alot, It would make ARP useless which would free up other stats, I also did NOT include a weapon enchant socket on the item either. I see it as the unique of the enchant IS the weapon enchantment....
Take for instance MY GF, I have a bronzewood (-16% DR) and 30.6% arp. Essentially ALL of my attacks ignore all DR... up to 46.6% that is... and my weapon damage is higher. So no, this wouldnt be OP imo.
NICE! Although this item does seem really strong, whats your proc %? Does the paralyze last for 3 seconds as well?
although i would have to agree that this wouldn't work so much here as it would in an ARPG world like the aforementioned.
If you dont like it you dont have to post, I really like the idea and think its ads alot to the game honestly....
You have to remember these items dont get set bonuses either so for alot of classes its a tradeoff....
Yeah I agree, I think it would be cool though to get a very rare drop off the last boss of the new content coming out. It would start a quest chain that would take you back through all the T1/T2 dungeons for some reason.
either a drop item or you have to "steal their power" into some crystal or something....
Once youve got all the boss' done, you go back to the new content, kill the boss again or maybe the final boss is replaced with a unique boss who then drops the item from a chest or something....
Just something fun that would recycle all the old content, would be kinda fun honestly.
Something small, below 5% or so for sure. The first effect shouldn't last more than a sec IMO to make the CW more alert. And the mobs in the 2nd effect should be in and out of the "nightmare" state so it doesn't become to OP. Basically only a slightly better weapon but with a nice description and a crazy graphic effect or something
0-10 Damage
Unique Weapon Characteristic: Your encounters deal no damage but cover the enemies affected in delicious cake. Enemies not affected immediately turn towards those who are, and start drooling.
Equip: +5000 HP
Equip: +500 Control Rating
Equip: +500 Movement
Equip: +10 Power.
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
I hope so, they already brought artifacts in the game with orange rarity...
The Song of Harvest
371 - 511 Damage
Unique Weapon Characteristic: Your Life Steal stat heals your allies within 60' for 50% of its efficacy. You also receive a 20% chance to replenish 5% of your AP Bar whenever you critically strike a foe.
Equip: +650 Power
Equip: +250 Regeneration
Equip: +250 Life Steal
Equip: +250 Critical Strike
Offense Slot: Empty
Weapon Enchantment Slot: Empty
Blade, Main Hand Only, Weapon
Requires Class: Trickster Rogue
Requires Level 60
Aegis Fang
950-1100 Damage
Equip: +1,900 Power
Equip: +300 Critical Strike
Equip: +250 Armor Penetration
Equip: +300 Deflection
Offense Slot:
Weapon Slot:
Unique Characteristic: After you critically hit an opponent, you have a 20% chance to leave him prone for 2 seconds. This can only happen once every 30 seconds per target.
It's about time we see a 2h warhammer, especially one appearing in D&D lore
Unique armor characteristic: your pants is on fire
Equip: +5000 #SWAG
Equip: +40 item slot(its a cargo pants)
Equip: -9000 Hygiene(this pants haven't been washed since the dawn of neanderthals)
Armor of OMG-It's-Actually-Not-Effing-Useless (Legendary Armor Set)
+800 Max HP
+450 Defense
+300 Deflection
+250 Recovery
+200 Regeneration
+550 Max HP
+300 Defense
+300 Deflection
+150 Recovery
+150 Regeneration
Equip(2): Regeneration +500
Equip(4): Your self-heals are no longer affected by righteousness and you heal for 5% more. This armor contains three charges of epic win. While you have at least one charge of epic win, you are immune to control effects. When a control effect is used on you, one charge is consumed. A charge of epic win regenerates every 10 seconds or when you use a divine encounter power.
But, why would I want something like this when I can get my legendaries with armor penetration and life steal?
Mace of Shattering (a cleric weapon - yes a mace, no symbol!)
Damage 800-1200
Equip: + 2000 Power
Equip: + 500 Critical Strike
Equip: + 500 Armor Penetration
Equip: - 2000 Hitpoints
Equip: - 500 Lifesteal
Offense Slot
Weapon Enchantment Slot
Unique weapon ability:
On activation: You shatter the ground and send out a shockwave in a large area around you knocking enemies down and dealing 10000-20000 damage to them while healing allies for 2000-5000 hitpoints. The closer enemies are standing next to you the more damage they take and the longer the knock down effect lasts. The closer allies are standing next to you the more hitpoints are healed. The damage and knock down effect can not be dodged or deflected and breaks stealth. This ability can only be activated once every 30 minutes.
The idea behind it is that this item is basically a devastating weapon. If you want to use it you gain lots of damage but you would have to sacrifice health and selfhealing while wielding it. Also it has a clicky effect. Therefore you would need to have a special hotbar button to be able to activate such effects. It is no proc effect but basically an ability you could use every 30 minutes. Damage should be scaled down in PVP though.
Here is a fun one!
Quickfoot Boots
Unique Item Characteristic:You have a 10% chance upon dealing a critical strike to increase your run speed by 20% for 4 seconds
Equip: +279 Critical Strike
Equip: +279 Recovery
Equip: +143 Defense
Equip: +126 Deflect
Equip: +126 Movement
Utility Slot: Empty
Salvegebale, Feet
Requires Class: Any
Requires Level 60
This could be cool for tank GFs!
Defender's Aegis
Unique Shield Characteristic:When a Target is affected by Mark 20% of any damage they deal hits you instead of the intended teammate. YOu must be within 25' of your ally for this effect to happen.
Equip: +10 AC
Equip: +80 Recovery
Equip: +750 Defense
Equip: +250 Deflect
Equip: +100 Regeneration
Defense Slot: Empty
Off Hand, Shield, Heavy
Requires Class: Guardian Fighter
Requires Level 60
What about this Bless,
Angelic Battle Plate
Unique Armor Characteristic: Upon Receiving a critical Strike you have a chance to receive a Bastion of Light charge. At three charges you gain "Angelic Bastion", a Shield that absorbs 100% of the next critical to strike you.
Equip: +13 AC
Equip: +200 Critical
Equip: +700 Defense
Equip: +350 Deflect
Equip: +275 Recovery
Equip: +175 Regeneration
Defense Slot: Empty
Armor Enchantment Slot: Empty
Requires Class: Cleric
Requires Level 60
Cause its an almost useless stat that is a "filler"?
Gannicus Destroyer, GWF Destroyer retired
Kate Beckinsale NB DC, Link NB GF
"There is only one way to be a champion..., Never lose"
Unique Weapon Characteristic: Upon successful Critical Strike, you drain 3% of your target's Critical Severity. Stacks up to 5 times. Multiple targets can be effected by the debuff, but the wielder may only have 5 stacks at any time in any circumstance. Buff and debuff last 10 seconds.
Damage: 967-1023
Health: 750
Power: 1300
Critical Strike: 300
Armor Penetration: 150
Recovery: 0
Defense: 0
Deflect: 0
Life Steal: 0
Regeneration: 0
Movement Speed: 0
Offense Slot:
Weapon Enchantment Slot:
Main-Hand, Greatsword
Required Class: Great Weapon Fighter
Required Level: 61
Craft Only BoE
Celestial Weapon Smithing Rank 20
Necessary Ingredients:
Fomorian Fabled Greatsword x5
Ancient Castle Champion's Greatsword x5
Iliyanbruen Fabled Greatsword x10
Celestial Scabbard: Scabbard, Sword Knot fashion
Unique Weapon Characteristic:
Celestial Power You are able to feed your offhand with T2.5 weapons or higher to gain permanent stacks of Celestial Power. Each stack of Celestial Power randomly increases one of the stats your equipped Celestial Edge permanently. Both Celestial Edge and Celestial Scabbard must be equipped. Stacks of Celestial power will be lost if Celestial Scabbard is unequipped, but will be regained once reequipped.
Celestial Power Stacks may vary from 150-250 to any stat with a maximum of 25 stacks.
Health: 450
Power: 188
Critical Strike: 188
Armor Penetration: 95
Deflection: 95
Offense Slot:
Part of Set (0/2)
Celestial Edge
Celestial Scabbard
Set 2: Equip: +450 Armor Penetration
Off-Hand, Sword Knot
Required Class: Great Weapon Fighter
Required Level: 61
Rebirth: Zen, Weapon Reset Token
1 Stack of Celestial Power will be reset and reapplied for different results. (Stat's may drop or raise)
Price: 200 Zen
Bundle of 10: 1850 Zen
Wow REALLY interesting, pretty complex as well. I like how its craftable and requires ALOT to make! THe Scabbard seems a little too strong but overall very nice!!!!
I really liked your idea bout stealing crit severity, how would that work in PVE? If a mob has +75% standard it just gets reduced?
I assume most mobs in PvE would have 75% severity, I think? Idk do we have any information on that haha
orange level artifacts can be seen in the "collections" window on the preview shard. artifacts are a new feature which provide a new power option based on what artifact you have slotted as primary and you can slot three artifacts. each one provides a power and bonus attributes. these are upgradable using the new refinement system... so orange level artifacts will have to be leveled up and cannot be purchased or looted since all artifacts thus far seem to be BoP.
but whether we will see orange level weapons/armor is pure speculation.
Opportunist Assassin's Stiletto
410-498 Damage
Unique Weapon Characteristic: While outside stealth, your NON critical hits restore a small portion of your stealth meter.
Equip: +954 Power
Equip: +250 Recovery
Equip: +225 Deflect
Equip: +225 Armor Penetration
Offense Slot: Empty
Weapon Enchantment Slot: Empty
Dagger, Weapon
Requires Class: Trickster Rogue
Requires Level 60
503-525 Damage
Unique Weapon Characteristic:On successeful Critical Hits, you have a 30% Chance to Proc Jadefire,. Giving 100% chance to Riposte and redirect 100% of non critical hit damage, back to attacker, as well as increasing Deflect, Defense, and Lifesteal by 10%. Buff lasts 5 seconds, cannot occur more then once every 30 seconds.
Power: 280
Offense Slot:
Defense Slot:
Weapon Enhancement Slot:
Dagger, Weapon
Requires Class: Trickster Rogue
Requires Level 60
Prerequisite: Immortal Title. Bloodthirsty Title. Head-Hunter Title.
Interesting! Seems VERY powerful but I like the idea! Also great idea on the title pre-reqs
Yah it would be fun! It would have to have a very obvious Spell ANimation though, like the GF's ability that has the golden swords circling them. Not fair to riposte if theres no possible way of knowing
Ancient Arch Magister's Orb
691-802 Damage
Unique Weapon Characteristic: Your at wills and encounters have a chance to refill a portion of your stamina
Equip: +1720 Power
Equip: +500 Recovery
Offense Slot: Empty
Offense Slot: Empty
Defense Slot: Empty
Weapon Enchantment Slot: Empty
Orb, Weapon
Requires Class: Control Wizard
Requires Level 60
Makes me wonder if we'll have multi-slot items soon, because of the advance search function in AH.