Today I am celebrating 2 months of by adding a new feature,(you can call it an event) on my blog. Every 2 weeks from now on im gonna make a neverwinter giveaway to everyone who participates by posting his name as a comment below and
here. A lottary will follow and one lucky guy will be the winner of
20 tymora boxes.The first lottary will be done during next week and after that i will keep a schedule to do a neverwinter giveaway every 2 weeks.The prize will be different everytime and it can be anything.I will sent a personal message to the winner asking his ingame name etc so i can send the prize to his inbox.A neverwinter astral diamonds prize will be most likely the neverwinter giveaway after 2 week and so.And that's not it.Get ready for my new trickster rogue build that will be available during the end of the week.A sustained trickster rogue build for pvp.A more defensive one will follow after some days or so.
>---Enter the giveaway<---
- JailBreak (in development)
Join the first neverwinter giveaway
It's always nice to see threads like this! Good job on your website continuing to grow.
It's my bday today.