My contribution story (cannot spell even if my life hanged on it)
The end of all is here..... There can only exist one...
The three mighty rulers of the shards, Lord of the Illithid, the Ancient dragon and the lawful evil floating flesh orb Beholder has parished.. The argonacy of the Illithid believe themselves to be the dominant species of the multiverse destroyed the rift between the multiverese. By using thier combined psionic powers they doomed them selfes, the rulers of the shards and the shatterd the multiverse and created a singel shard that has no ruler. With no rulers the gods fight for the faviour of the races, there can only be one victor. Death and glory awaits the brave adventuers that venturers in to this new realm called...........
leeb0tMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2013
A lonely Moon-elf was doing some research as she was trying to practice her new spells as a Control Wizard. She found a long lost book of the forgotten realms, tucked away in a dungeon chest. She blew off the dust and began to read it from morning until night. Then tucked away in the book was a loose letter with a spell. She quickly went to the protector's enclave where she knew she would be safer. She began the spell. suddenly, the invasion portals began to open and the sky started to change color starting to grow dark, then it began to glow brighter. upon investigation other allies began to emerge with many tales from the forgotten realms. And so it is true, the myths of the forgotten realms where true!
The Spellplague: On 29th Tarsakh, the Year of Blue Fire, 1385 DR Cyric The Mad God and Shar the Mistress of the Night conspired and succeeded in assassinating Mystra. With the death of the Mother of all Magic the weave convulsed and the Prime Material plane was fractured into three shards which became known as Dragon, Beholder, and Mindflayer. Over time the effects of the Spellplague began to diminish and the weave strengthened. As the weave approached its full strength the shards snapped back together and became whole once again.
In this case the Wizard is a necromancer named Valindra. Her attempts to rule Neverwinter ended in countless failures. So she devised a desperate plan. While the specifics are shrouded in mystery, it seems she sought and used a powerful artifact to combine Abeir-Toril with similar alternate prime material worlds. Her goal to triple the amount of undead available for her control. If she can't have Neverwinter, she'll drown it in a sea of rotting bodies.
Fortunately her plan also triples the number of heros to fight her.
At the beginning of time, the deities of Neverwinter created three identical worlds to alleviate there possessiveness and jealousy of one another. Each of these world would be watched over by four deities at a time and they would rotate to prevent any lingering attachment the gods would have on the mortals they were watching over. These worlds were named Dragon, Mindflayer, and Beholder. But overtime, corruption and jealously grew rampant. Each god had there favor individual and would often dote upon them. Oghma, the deity of thought and knwledge proposed that the worlds shall be destroyed and reformed to a singular entity, so that they would prevent further favoritism in the future. Many of the deities agreed with Oghma's proposal, reluctantly.
The Clerics of Neverwinter, with their powers of Foresight, was able to Prophesize their impending doom. The destruction of the worlds meant the destruction of their lives. They quickly assemble the best and brightest minds of Neverwinter to decide on a course of action. With the help of the Wizards, they managed to steal a portion of time and situate everyone in it, til the creation of the new world is in place. By putting everyone to sleep for 6 hours, their livelihood would be carried over to the new world.
The End
chudleyoneMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited October 2013
And when the spell was completed, a large, single eyed, creature with mouth tentacles & wings was left cackling in glee.
Selenae Darksword landed on the floor at the top of the Tower of Solace, her greatsword burying itself deeply into the wood as she knelt into a crouch. Behind her, the mutated form of the creature that once had been the wizard Rhazzad crumpled to the floor in a bloody, abhorrent heap. Selenae took great pleasure in the guttural curses he swore at her, his masters, and fate itself.
Meanwhile, Selenae's companion, the Sunite priestess Laeaornya Soulprayer, smiled at the drow. "You always had a flair for the dramatic, Sel."
"Whatever," Selenae scoffed, standing to her feet. "Let's just get out of here before that fat man Knox finds out we..."
Selenae stopped cold when she heard Rhazzad's voice begin to chuckle.
"You think you've defeated me, but you have not," Rhazzad choked. "Even now, my own life's blood fuels the fire of the ritual. Soon, this world will be torn asunder. Toril will be many worlds, haphazardly disconnected. And there is nothing you can do about it."
Selenae scowled and spun her greatsword about to lob off Rhazzad's head once and for all when suddenly a voice cried out.
"No! Wait!"
Selenae stopped and glanced back behind her. It wasn't Laea, she knew. The voice sounded more like a halfling's.
Indeed it was. In a magical portal view that had suddenly manifested nearby, a beautiful dark-skinned halfling fighter stood looking on.
"What would you have me do, Hin?" the drow asked, invoking the technical name of the halfling race. "Let him live and tear the world apart?"
"The ritual has already succeeded in one timeline," the halfling replied. "I'm Lindell Honeyglade. My mage companion, Kalanthia Moonleaf, just told me what she saw in an augury. There are already three worlds. But if one person from each world joins swords, Kalanthia can cast a ritual to rejoin the worlds as one."
"Right!" Selenae laughed. "And how're we going to find the third person before the sundering ritual has a chance to..."
Selenae was interrupted again, this time by Laea tapping her on the shoulder. Selenae turned to see the Sunite point to yet another portal. This time, a beautiful blonde sun elf in leather armor looked on.
"That would be me," said the rogue. "I'm Allorana Whitecloud and I'm from that third world. Lindell already found me."
Selenae sighed. "Fine. Whatever. If this'll stop Rhazzad, let's get this done and over with."
With that, the three adventurers stepped forward and lifted their weapons to touch together as one. As they did, they heard a moon elf wizard on the other side of Lindell's portal begin to chant. Suddenly, a flash of blinding white light filled the room.
Selenae woke up. Sitting up, she rubbed her temples. What a weird dream. She thought she'd dreamt of killing Rhazzad the Wizard and then...
Selenae blinked awake when she saw not only Laea, but the halfling and the sun elf from her dream.
"We did it, Selenae," Lindell smiled. "Thanks to you and Allorana, we were able to join the three worlds back together as one. We saved Neverwinter. And Toril as a whole."
Selenae shook her head in exasperation. "Knox better have a bonus in this for me, I swear."
As Lord British beheld the shattered world gem, he cried. He sent Iolo, Shamino, and Dupre to rule over each shard. After awhile, he made peace with Mondain, and he restored the gem to it's original form.
Once thought to be fiction. All three of our realms one. No its not real. Well thats what we thought. Sitting around one day feeling a long for something is missing inside of us. It seems the world is growing lonely amongst us all. A few days ago our sky turning dark left a shivering glow of light to its center. People now turning crazed staring and what could be our very end , we pull together our strongest of wizards and clerics to figure out what this could be. Many traveled far and wide within a couple of days there were thousands studying our new strange event. One man having a piece of ancient text from never winter's long forgotten world of lore. He speaks of the time when there were three worlds.
For centuries the people of never winter lived and died together helping one another searching for new sciences alchemy magic .
The peoples count finally grew so populated food and other items quickly became luxury of life.
Our beloved Never Winter is in crisis everyone agreed.
It wasn't long before the three guilds of the realm came together to find a solution .
These guilds rule over our lands .
In the western region of our world there were the Dragon's a powerful guild set in different beliefs of religion than others.
to the southern continent there were the Beholders , guarding there great eye was all they ever really thought about.
To the east Mindflayer. In most power these people monitor most of Never Winter .
All guilds searched deep through there ancient text of each culture and soon realized all of there cultures pointed to the same beginning.
We all were part of three different realms joined together by the stone of Winter.
With each guild holding a piece to the stone such as the eye of the beholder they soon realized it was time to act.
The rift is growing daily soon we will be out of food we must pull our selves together with our lost brothers and sisters once again. To do this they used power astral projection magic to speak to the other realms they all agree we must be one again.
Six months later after storing all of there energies together within an astral diamond the realms are ready .
Each realm placed there winter stones together .
Every thing began to shake the whole world turned dark rain began to fall we are all doomed we have lost they thought.
After hours of devastation and darkness. A mist set in to surround the people of Never Winter Opening all of there eyes we see now Never Winter citizens every world the world is full and flourished there is gardens and drink everywhere.
They all feel they have made it home thank you to our gods we have succeeded we praise you .
Once there were three Sergeant Knox training new players, then the two Sergeant Knox's got tired and decided to give all the workload to the dumbest of them three...
akwartz01Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited October 2013
Woe to the fallen adventurer, trust betwixt the trickster's hands
Given the choice of his demise, at the fate of a three sided dice
Death from a single stare or at the breath of legends
To find his mind melted by his new master's commands ?
Thinking that a single of those creature would not suffice
The adventurer scratched his head once and rubbed his chin twice
Came up with a grin and said "Death is quite the unique affair,
If I am to go down fighting, might as well make the fight fair !"
There was once a man from Nantucket (on Mind Flayer), he wanted to hit on this super hot chick on Beholder (played by a male), and because of the Universal Laws of Attraction, his will manifested itself!
After the fact that Valindra has risen with her army of the undead and aid of the Dragon. The Fight for Neverwinter still continues with little hope. The only way to truly defeat her and her army is by uniting all who helped in trying to stop her before it’s too late. The fate of Neverwinter now relies on the unification of all those who serve to protect Neverwinter and its people. Sgt. Knox along with his fellow soldiers are in dire need of assistants and the Kingdom once divided shall once again return as a whole. There are times where aid against the Evil Dragons , Kobolds, Orcs and other foul creatures have close to no success but now as all who fight for freedom come together. The outlook of defeating our foes is higher. Valindras evil has already spread over many areas of Neverwinter and other parts of the Kingdom like those sewer Rats who have their own selfish goals in mind. So many strange conspiracies are happening within Neverwinter that it has become harder to trust anyone. The dead are continuously running amok and those of us left are still hanging by a thread. In the end, as long as we remain united there is still hope for the people of Neverwinter along with the Future of those who live elsewhere.
the red dragon was very territorial of his lands, and trusted no one, for he was suspicious that someone would find his hidden hoard of astral diamonds.
the beholder could see everything that happened in all directions, and therefore in his superior confidence, he allowed all lesser beings to freely wander in his domain.
the mindflayer subjugated the residents of his empire, bending the population's will to his demands.
one day, a cleric came along and witnessed the miserable existence of the people inhabiting the neighboring lands.
he approached the red dragon and warned him that the beholder had turned his eye on the dragon's lands, and that the mindflayer was raising an army to seek out his astral diamonds.
the cleric made next to the beholder, lamenting that the eye tyrant had become oblivious to the dragon and illithid who were appropriating his lands.
finally, he made haste to the mindflayer, and scoffed at his inability to enthrall the dragon and beholder, who fed off the domesticated inhabitants of the illithid's domain.
this cleric had rolled his character with a wisdom of 3.
the dragon, beholder and mindflayer decided to split the cleric into 3 parts. the dragon took his heart, the beholder took his eyes, and the mindflayer consumed his brains. ever since then, they have gotten along, dividing amongst themselves the heroic challengers of neverwinter.
The gods had decided that the dungeons of the world were too easy and out of balance. They had previously tried to spawn more add-ons to bosses, but that swung the pendulum of balance in the opposite direction. They came to the conclusion the only solution would be to give you more friends to help.
locoloperMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited October 2013
the realm is at war. three continents fight relentlesly for their right to live. each with their own mortal enemy. to the north, the continent of dragons were fighting a losing battle againts the undead invasion that was led by a warlock hailing from the little village upcoast.
south-west of the dragons, the continent of beholder is brutally savaged by eight-legged freaks. the arachnids.
and in the south the mindflayers is facing a certain genocide from an unknown race that invades their cities using flying saucer.
little that they know the actuall enemy is hiding in their plainsight. it's the gerbils. the cunning race of gerbils is the real mastermind of the invasion. using their deceit and cuteness that can even manipulate a mindless zombie they started this war for world domination.
and now, having a common enemy the three continents put aside their selfishness and arogance and decided to unite their power under a same banner. this is a new realm, a new war, this is <insert newly merged shard name here>
And Valindra Shadowmantle merged all the parallel worlds to gather her troops for an epic battle against all of mortal kind.
Only a few mortals will live to tell the tale of The Greatest Battle.
yogokouMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited October 2013
The High mage rested his fist firmly on the table. He had never been more certain for anything else in his life. The words burned clear in front of him, everything else was greyed out like shadows.
"For this is the joke in witchcraft, the witch knows, though the initiate does not, that she will get three times what she gave, so she does not strike hard."
A very basic concept, familiar even to apprentice mages, from the pages of High Magik's Aid. How could have everyone missed that?
That was Valindra's plan all along. A three front battlefield.
And now, her plan would be undone, after months and months of preparations. The spell went off, and everyone went asleep. When they woke up, the world would be reborn anew.
Far in the horizon, the three-tailed comet was almost gone from view.
The High Mage run through his notes one more time. An old man's habit, that had proven useful more than once in his career.
He couldn't find it now. A sting of uneasiness in his stomach.
The notes were there, but the pages were different. The burning letters were gone. Was his mind playing tricks on him, on this moment?
A vision struck him. Fresh armies of monsters, shadows filled with death everywhere. Oh no. That was her plan all along.
It matters not. The blood of heroes must prevail, one way or another.
a great cataclysm of tornadoes and fires and earthquakes rocked the realms. and spit up a beholders from the underdark upon the lands and thrashed dragons from a the sky from far off worlds tumbling in to the mountains dazed and confused... lava from the quakes herded mind flayers who could not convince the earth to spare them,,, as they arrived together assaulted by human and dwarf army's . the were forced to work together to survive.. or Die.... using an old human saying....the enemy of my enemy is my friend... elves watched with worry finally sending forces to aide or become victim to the growing hoard of the unusual alliance of the beasts as the fight for the lands began... everyone wondered why did these events take place together ... what was the cause of the storms and quakes and would any other creatures be forced into the fray... only time will tell as the hero's of the lands were call forth once more to save us all...
as the storms calmed and battles were fought never before seen ancient fortresses and caches were found throughout the lands.. holding treasures and death to those unprepared...armor seemingly crafted for war with dragons and texts telling of an ancient battle and foretelling of a final war were being discovered at an alarming rate...information was coming in and the elves were quiet...there was something their scholars were not saying, some secret they would not share.. only few were worthy according to them to be earned loyalty to be gained.
As the days had passed things got worst for all races used to magic by the decadence of magic power as same in Faerun as Underdark.
Telling rumors in those days by a winged dragon to its murder that in the Underdark one mindflayer was sought out a beholder whom has to be beam out power to the surface of killing all dragons but nevertheless the power-supply was blasted the mindflayer and the beholder and the strongest dragon was unintentional to be summoned by this accident's power bursting in there. By all meaning dragon, mindflayer and beholder merged into a whole part and shards aren't going to split anymore!
Looking for something to do while the Neverwinter shards are offline?
Everyone knows that on the digital end, the merging of the shards was a matter of improving the infrastructure, but the lore behind these changes remains unwritten! Just for fun, let's come up with interesting D&D/Forgotten Realms based stories that explain the unification of Dragon, Beholder, and Mindflayer.
The best story will receive a Knight of the Feywild pack, and the runner up will receive a Feywild Starter Pack.
You have one hour, starting now. Winner selection begins at midnight PDT. Looking forward to the stories.
"When the Spellplague struck Neverwinter and much of its population scattered throughout the destroyed land, then when three alliances emerged, the Dragon, the Beholder, and the Mindflayer. Having and divided by their own different ways of restoring Neverwinter and defending it from Lich Queen Valindra and her skeleton army. Each alliance has its own armies of Wizards, Fighters, Guardians, Clerics and Assasins. But as the battle continues, other mysterious groups like orcs and pirates try to invade and destroy the city. The three alliances decided to become as one pushing forward to fight evil and having one purpose, to restore the city once they called home, Neverwinter."
Probably too late. Bother. Trying anyway. Short version it is
It was shortly after the spellplague devastated Faerun that people started noticing that their reflections had changed.
It was subtle, but reports started coming in from more perceptove individuals that certain details in their mirrors werenot quite right. Books in different places, the room arranged just slightly differently, though the reflection of them seemed still to obey the rules of opposites.
Several theories were put forward, several experiments conducted, until it was uncovered that the spellplague had had a far deeper effect than previously realised on the very fabric of reality. The world had been split, and notjust in two but into three seperate realities. Maybe this division was even the source of the spellplague? Work began immedoately to try to reconcile the realities into one. This could finally be a step towards curing the disease which had nearlu destroyed the world...
Three powerful entities met in the Styx Oarsman; Joretha, a dragon, Ertharex, a beholder, and Mephorda, an illithid. Each wished to prove that they were the greatest tactical mind in all of Sigil.
"I am the greatest tactician," claimed Joretha. "The traps and snares within my lair translate to a clear advantage on a battlefield. My ability to use the terrain will ensure my victory"
"No, I am the greatest," challenged Mephorda, "for my ability to directly control the actions of my thralls ensures that every step they take is precisely in line with my masterful battle strategy."
"Clearly, I am the greatest," Ertharex interjected. "While you two focus on troops that can be slain and traps that can be bypassed, it is my ability to see the battle in its entirety that would make me the victor."
They argued for what seemed like days. It wasn't until a lowly goblin by the name of Sprock spoke up. "Why don't you test your theories, then meet back and compare your results?"
This stopped the high-minded discussion in its tracks. Such a simple solution. And from a goblin, no less! The three agreed to the plan, each creating a shard of the northern Sword Coast from Abeir-Toril. With the location being equal, Mephorda reasoned, the only variable would be their individual tactical prowess.
And for four months, each mind tinkered with their shard, applying their individual schemes to the world under their sway.
At the end of that four months, the entities reconvened at the tavern of their original meeting. "We are agreed, then," Mephorda began. "We combine our shards, merging them into a single shard of the Jewel of the North. Whomever has bred the last combatant standing will be declared the greatest tactical mind." With Joretha's and Ertharex's approval, the three presented their shards, and the three began the ritual to bring their versions of Neverwinter into a single reality.
Merge of the shards is the part of the "Sundering", Ao started to re-write the tables. During spellplague and after with the fallen of the old gods, young gods known as Minflayer, Beholder and Dragon managed to seize shards of existence to rule,use for prediction of future events and prepare their Chosen. Now with the renewal of the The Weave, old gods as Mystra starts to collect power and and reclaim the influence they once had. Time has come for the new ones with their Chosen Heroes from the shards to battle the old ones for a place in the new world!
Wow! So many good stories! It was challenging to select the winners from so many great entries. After much deliberation we have selected laeaornya and heraldiosas the winners of the packs! Congrats to you! You'll be receiving your packs as Private Messages shortly.
Thanks to everyone for participating! It made the maintenance much more fun and I think it would be great to do again in the future.
The end of all is here..... There can only exist one...
The three mighty rulers of the shards, Lord of the Illithid, the Ancient dragon and the lawful evil floating flesh orb Beholder has parished.. The argonacy of the Illithid believe themselves to be the dominant species of the multiverse destroyed the rift between the multiverese. By using thier combined psionic powers they doomed them selfes, the rulers of the shards and the shatterd the multiverse and created a singel shard that has no ruler. With no rulers the gods fight for the faviour of the races, there can only be one victor. Death and glory awaits the brave adventuers that venturers in to this new realm called...........
In this case the Wizard is a necromancer named Valindra. Her attempts to rule Neverwinter ended in countless failures. So she devised a desperate plan. While the specifics are shrouded in mystery, it seems she sought and used a powerful artifact to combine Abeir-Toril with similar alternate prime material worlds. Her goal to triple the amount of undead available for her control. If she can't have Neverwinter, she'll drown it in a sea of rotting bodies.
Fortunately her plan also triples the number of heros to fight her.
The Clerics of Neverwinter, with their powers of Foresight, was able to Prophesize their impending doom. The destruction of the worlds meant the destruction of their lives. They quickly assemble the best and brightest minds of Neverwinter to decide on a course of action. With the help of the Wizards, they managed to steal a portion of time and situate everyone in it, til the creation of the new world is in place. By putting everyone to sleep for 6 hours, their livelihood would be carried over to the new world.
The End
Meanwhile, Selenae's companion, the Sunite priestess Laeaornya Soulprayer, smiled at the drow. "You always had a flair for the dramatic, Sel."
"Whatever," Selenae scoffed, standing to her feet. "Let's just get out of here before that fat man Knox finds out we..."
Selenae stopped cold when she heard Rhazzad's voice begin to chuckle.
"You think you've defeated me, but you have not," Rhazzad choked. "Even now, my own life's blood fuels the fire of the ritual. Soon, this world will be torn asunder. Toril will be many worlds, haphazardly disconnected. And there is nothing you can do about it."
Selenae scowled and spun her greatsword about to lob off Rhazzad's head once and for all when suddenly a voice cried out.
"No! Wait!"
Selenae stopped and glanced back behind her. It wasn't Laea, she knew. The voice sounded more like a halfling's.
Indeed it was. In a magical portal view that had suddenly manifested nearby, a beautiful dark-skinned halfling fighter stood looking on.
"What would you have me do, Hin?" the drow asked, invoking the technical name of the halfling race. "Let him live and tear the world apart?"
"The ritual has already succeeded in one timeline," the halfling replied. "I'm Lindell Honeyglade. My mage companion, Kalanthia Moonleaf, just told me what she saw in an augury. There are already three worlds. But if one person from each world joins swords, Kalanthia can cast a ritual to rejoin the worlds as one."
"Right!" Selenae laughed. "And how're we going to find the third person before the sundering ritual has a chance to..."
Selenae was interrupted again, this time by Laea tapping her on the shoulder. Selenae turned to see the Sunite point to yet another portal. This time, a beautiful blonde sun elf in leather armor looked on.
"That would be me," said the rogue. "I'm Allorana Whitecloud and I'm from that third world. Lindell already found me."
Selenae sighed. "Fine. Whatever. If this'll stop Rhazzad, let's get this done and over with."
With that, the three adventurers stepped forward and lifted their weapons to touch together as one. As they did, they heard a moon elf wizard on the other side of Lindell's portal begin to chant. Suddenly, a flash of blinding white light filled the room.
Selenae woke up. Sitting up, she rubbed her temples. What a weird dream. She thought she'd dreamt of killing Rhazzad the Wizard and then...
Selenae blinked awake when she saw not only Laea, but the halfling and the sun elf from her dream.
"We did it, Selenae," Lindell smiled. "Thanks to you and Allorana, we were able to join the three worlds back together as one. We saved Neverwinter. And Toril as a whole."
Selenae shook her head in exasperation. "Knox better have a bonus in this for me, I swear."
For centuries the people of never winter lived and died together helping one another searching for new sciences alchemy magic .
The peoples count finally grew so populated food and other items quickly became luxury of life.
Our beloved Never Winter is in crisis everyone agreed.
It wasn't long before the three guilds of the realm came together to find a solution .
These guilds rule over our lands .
In the western region of our world there were the Dragon's a powerful guild set in different beliefs of religion than others.
to the southern continent there were the Beholders , guarding there great eye was all they ever really thought about.
To the east Mindflayer. In most power these people monitor most of Never Winter .
All guilds searched deep through there ancient text of each culture and soon realized all of there cultures pointed to the same beginning.
We all were part of three different realms joined together by the stone of Winter.
With each guild holding a piece to the stone such as the eye of the beholder they soon realized it was time to act.
The rift is growing daily soon we will be out of food we must pull our selves together with our lost brothers and sisters once again. To do this they used power astral projection magic to speak to the other realms they all agree we must be one again.
Six months later after storing all of there energies together within an astral diamond the realms are ready .
Each realm placed there winter stones together .
Every thing began to shake the whole world turned dark rain began to fall we are all doomed we have lost they thought.
After hours of devastation and darkness. A mist set in to surround the people of Never Winter Opening all of there eyes we see now Never Winter citizens every world the world is full and flourished there is gardens and drink everywhere.
They all feel they have made it home thank you to our gods we have succeeded we praise you .
The End.
Given the choice of his demise, at the fate of a three sided dice
Death from a single stare or at the breath of legends
To find his mind melted by his new master's commands ?
Thinking that a single of those creature would not suffice
The adventurer scratched his head once and rubbed his chin twice
Came up with a grin and said "Death is quite the unique affair,
If I am to go down fighting, might as well make the fight fair !"
the beholder could see everything that happened in all directions, and therefore in his superior confidence, he allowed all lesser beings to freely wander in his domain.
the mindflayer subjugated the residents of his empire, bending the population's will to his demands.
one day, a cleric came along and witnessed the miserable existence of the people inhabiting the neighboring lands.
he approached the red dragon and warned him that the beholder had turned his eye on the dragon's lands, and that the mindflayer was raising an army to seek out his astral diamonds.
the cleric made next to the beholder, lamenting that the eye tyrant had become oblivious to the dragon and illithid who were appropriating his lands.
finally, he made haste to the mindflayer, and scoffed at his inability to enthrall the dragon and beholder, who fed off the domesticated inhabitants of the illithid's domain.
this cleric had rolled his character with a wisdom of 3.
the dragon, beholder and mindflayer decided to split the cleric into 3 parts. the dragon took his heart, the beholder took his eyes, and the mindflayer consumed his brains. ever since then, they have gotten along, dividing amongst themselves the heroic challengers of neverwinter.
south-west of the dragons, the continent of beholder is brutally savaged by eight-legged freaks. the arachnids.
and in the south the mindflayers is facing a certain genocide from an unknown race that invades their cities using flying saucer.
little that they know the actuall enemy is hiding in their plainsight. it's the gerbils. the cunning race of gerbils is the real mastermind of the invasion. using their deceit and cuteness that can even manipulate a mindless zombie they started this war for world domination.
and now, having a common enemy the three continents put aside their selfishness and arogance and decided to unite their power under a same banner. this is a new realm, a new war, this is <insert newly merged shard name here>
or is it?
Only a few mortals will live to tell the tale of The Greatest Battle.
"For this is the joke in witchcraft, the witch knows, though the initiate does not, that she will get three times what she gave, so she does not strike hard."
A very basic concept, familiar even to apprentice mages, from the pages of High Magik's Aid. How could have everyone missed that?
That was Valindra's plan all along. A three front battlefield.
And now, her plan would be undone, after months and months of preparations. The spell went off, and everyone went asleep. When they woke up, the world would be reborn anew.
Far in the horizon, the three-tailed comet was almost gone from view.
The High Mage run through his notes one more time. An old man's habit, that had proven useful more than once in his career.
He couldn't find it now. A sting of uneasiness in his stomach.
The notes were there, but the pages were different. The burning letters were gone. Was his mind playing tricks on him, on this moment?
A vision struck him. Fresh armies of monsters, shadows filled with death everywhere.
Oh no. That was her plan all along.
It matters not. The blood of heroes must prevail, one way or another.
OOC: wish I'd seen this sooner
as the storms calmed and battles were fought never before seen ancient fortresses and caches were found throughout the lands.. holding treasures and death to those unprepared...armor seemingly crafted for war with dragons and texts telling of an ancient battle and foretelling of a final war were being discovered at an alarming rate...information was coming in and the elves were quiet...there was something their scholars were not saying, some secret they would not share.. only few were worthy according to them to be earned loyalty to be gained.
Telling rumors in those days by a winged dragon to its murder that in the Underdark one mindflayer was sought out a beholder whom has to be beam out power to the surface of killing all dragons but nevertheless the power-supply was blasted the mindflayer and the beholder and the strongest dragon was unintentional to be summoned by this accident's power bursting in there. By all meaning dragon, mindflayer and beholder merged into a whole part and shards aren't going to split anymore!
It was shortly after the spellplague devastated Faerun that people started noticing that their reflections had changed.
It was subtle, but reports started coming in from more perceptove individuals that certain details in their mirrors werenot quite right. Books in different places, the room arranged just slightly differently, though the reflection of them seemed still to obey the rules of opposites.
Several theories were put forward, several experiments conducted, until it was uncovered that the spellplague had had a far deeper effect than previously realised on the very fabric of reality. The world had been split, and notjust in two but into three seperate realities. Maybe this division was even the source of the spellplague? Work began immedoately to try to reconcile the realities into one. This could finally be a step towards curing the disease which had nearlu destroyed the world...
"I am the greatest tactician," claimed Joretha. "The traps and snares within my lair translate to a clear advantage on a battlefield. My ability to use the terrain will ensure my victory"
"No, I am the greatest," challenged Mephorda, "for my ability to directly control the actions of my thralls ensures that every step they take is precisely in line with my masterful battle strategy."
"Clearly, I am the greatest," Ertharex interjected. "While you two focus on troops that can be slain and traps that can be bypassed, it is my ability to see the battle in its entirety that would make me the victor."
They argued for what seemed like days. It wasn't until a lowly goblin by the name of Sprock spoke up. "Why don't you test your theories, then meet back and compare your results?"
This stopped the high-minded discussion in its tracks. Such a simple solution. And from a goblin, no less! The three agreed to the plan, each creating a shard of the northern Sword Coast from Abeir-Toril. With the location being equal, Mephorda reasoned, the only variable would be their individual tactical prowess.
And for four months, each mind tinkered with their shard, applying their individual schemes to the world under their sway.
At the end of that four months, the entities reconvened at the tavern of their original meeting. "We are agreed, then," Mephorda began. "We combine our shards, merging them into a single shard of the Jewel of the North. Whomever has bred the last combatant standing will be declared the greatest tactical mind." With Joretha's and Ertharex's approval, the three presented their shards, and the three began the ritual to bring their versions of Neverwinter into a single reality.
Wow! So many good stories! It was challenging to select the winners from so many great entries. After much deliberation we have selected laeaornya and heraldiosas the winners of the packs! Congrats to you! You'll be receiving your packs as Private Messages shortly.
Thanks to everyone for participating! It made the maintenance much more fun and I think it would be great to do again in the future.