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Maintenance Giveaway - Knight of the Feywild Pack

dezstravusdezstravus Member Posts: 2 Arc User
edited October 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
Hey Everyone!

Looking for something to do while the Neverwinter shards are offline?

Everyone knows that on the digital end, the merging of the shards was a matter of improving the infrastructure, but the lore behind these changes remains unwritten! Just for fun, let's come up with interesting D&D/Forgotten Realms based stories that explain the unification of Dragon, Beholder, and Mindflayer.

The best story will receive a Knight of the Feywild pack, and the runner up will receive a Feywild Starter Pack.

You have one hour, starting now. Winner selection begins at midnight PDT. Looking forward to the stories. :)
Post edited by dezstravus on


  • ambisinisterrambisinisterr Member, Neverwinter Moderator Posts: 10,462 Community Moderator
    edited October 2013
    Good Luck everybody!

    I may join in on this...
    But the last few days of work have me feeling like I went through a meat grinder. As such my creativity is in the pits atm, but who knows. A spark may catch fire. ;)
  • safrynsafryn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I am in much the same boat, my mind is fried but I may try my hand at it.
  • rhoricrhoric Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Mine won't be real creative.

    The gods all decided that they were tired having their followers split between 3 worlds. As on some worlds they had less than on another. So they agreed to sever the link between the worlds and have all their followers on one world.

    Edit. Well I'm out. wont win now.
  • latestcaperlatestcaper Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Once, there were three worlds. Everything in them were the same, the landscapes, the buildings, the animals, except one thing. The people in them. Invocation of these people became confusing to the Gods. The gods have to go back and forth to these worlds and they were getting tired of it. One day, they had a meeting about this... and they decided TO MAKE THESE THREE WORLDS ONE! With their combined power, this is very easy. They made all the people sleep and after six hours, they woke up surprised. They didn't know who was this person sleeping by their sides. Then the gods announced... "All of ye, be friends. Ye all came from three different worlds, which are now one. Hard to explain, but we gods have decided to do this for our own reasons! We know this will benefit everyone. Welcome to the new world of Faerun!"
  • latestcaperlatestcaper Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    What the the one above me (1 min advance) had the same idea as me XD
  • evilporcupineevilporcupine Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Neverwinter and the realm where destroyed by a giant volcano. But most people didn't know that the rift that tore open through the center of the Kingdom also ripped apart the world through different dimensions. Many of the inhabitants of the city and from around the world though that they have lost friends, comrades, and loved ones. But with the influx of people exploring and balancing the evil within the realm. Eventually the rift was able to stabilize do to the balance being restored. In an unforeseen or expected situation, the worlds started to balance out. Bringing everyone back together to unite with one another to fight, explore, and unite against Valindra. Will the races overcome and win, or is a dark and sinister future ahead?? Only we can tell.
    With self-discipline most anything is possible.
    -Theodore Roosevelt
  • karacrackkaracrack Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Dragon, Beholder and Mindflayer were the the ones who founded Neverwinter. They founded the city and made some progress, but soon chaos ensued splitting the shards apart, for each their own. They gathered followers in each of their realms and grew the population every day. When the Fey started to attack Sharandar they united forces to combat the evil.

    Not saying that is a whole story because well, I'm a big picture kinda person, details are not really my forte.
  • sunsfire2004sunsfire2004 Banned Users, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 141 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    valindra made rift in the forgotten realms with her stuggle for power fracturing it In to 3 alternate realist one was named dragon one was named beholder 1 was named mindflayer a group brave advantages stormed malborg castle vanquishing her and upon her defeat all plains where set back right into 1 forgotten realm again all fey and all neverwinter was hole once more
  • furtharkfurthark Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The Greater Elemental God has awaken. In the centuries of its absence, humanoids have battle each other and the Gods both old and new have shed sacred blood in attempts to dominate the heavens.

    IO the Great God of the Dragons has now rallied his children and sent a rallying cry to two unlikely banners- Illithid, God of the Mind Flayers and the Great Mother of the Beholders.

    Seers have heard and foreseen a future of Strength, Intelligence and Visionary Wisdom; overwhelming Power to seal the Great Elemental God once more.

    A rallying call to all humanoids is beckoning to join in this fight and to unite under this great banner. Join the call or stand aside because the movement has begone and the crush of those marching towards the mighty Dragon will soon reach you.

    What will you do? Will you be a sheep or will you be Neverwinter Knight?
  • onarogonarog Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    When the Lords of Neverwinter noticed that they where not able to muster the forces for that final push, they decided to do something about it.
    Looking to the wisest scholars and mystics they devised a plan to open interdimensional portals to other worlds. They hoped to find a world where they could either find some kind of help or maybe somewhere to flee if things got worse.
    When the day came and all those powerful sorcerers started chanting for opening the portal, there was a sudden attack. As a horde of undead attacked the spell got disrupted. Amongst all the chaos the portal instead became a connection with two other parallel universes.
    With the help of people from the parallel universes, the attack was stopped.
    If this odd occurrence is better or worse than the actual plan is yet to be seen, but now we have more people. On the downside there is also more monsters.
    Most people means it will be easier to organize greater efforts, so maybe this is what we where looking for.

    Seamless movement between parallel universes brings new friends, new enemies, new challenges and rewards. Bring on a new era of prosperity.
  • chudleyonechudleyone Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Rumor had spread of an incredible item that would grant one wish to the next creature lucky enough to claim it.

    Dragon had to have it. It would give him more treasures than all the dragons combined.

    Mindflayer must possess it. His rule would be unstoppable.

    Beholder swore to find it. He would join the Great Mother to command all things.

    The competitors appeared in a clearing as the glowing ball whispered secrets to each of them. They attacked, determined to have the prize floating so near.

    With the battle ended, the dust cleared. Mindflayer lay burned to death by Dragon. Dragon petrified by Beholder. Beholder crushed under the Dragon's stony corpse.

    The prize lay waiting, unclaimed, as another gazes upon the scene through her portal. With a snap of her fingers, the orb is gone and a loud, cruel laughter fills the darkness.
  • safrynsafryn Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    In Neverwinter, all of the inhabitants and adventurers had gone through so many trials and challenges lately. Valindra was just the latest in a long stream of world altering cataclysms. Each trial, each challenge had taken its toll on the area, from broken buildings to transformed people, risen dead, and ancient places lost.

    However, what most people didn't realize was the damage these events caused on the flow of magic and space around them. Not only were physical buildings and lands being broken and shattered, but the veil between worlds was weakened. Finally, on a cold autumn night, the strain on the veil was too much and a loud ripping sound could be heard. The whole world seemed to shake and shift, though no buildings were toppled and no lands were changed. Everyone in the entire realm suddenly dropped to the ground, asleep.

    When everyone awoke, they found that the world seemed different. Smells weren't quite the same, sounds echoed at a different pitch, even the air felt different as they stepped outside. Something had happened... worlds that were once separate and parallel were now one. Three parallel versions of Neverwinter were quickly brought together, all of the lands and buildings merging perfectly while the inhabitants of all three realms were dumped together. Now the adventurers of Neverwinter will find new allies to help them, new enemies to fight, and they will have to learn to share resources to feed a population that has suddenly tripled.
  • twistedfate01twistedfate01 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The time is now, We need to unite our three existences. Dragon shard, Home of the hardened warriors of the world. They were the sword and shield of their world, nothing could stand infront of them without feeling their wrath. Beholder shard, Wielders of chaos and deception. This shard was separated amongst the others for its pure chaos and deception as the others feared that they would have there own existence taken away from them. Mindflayer shard, The wielders of magic and chaotic order. These group of beings were forced to exist in the Mindflayer world because of there devotion and magic, they also seemed to bring order through peace or chaos which didn't seem to go well for the others. Several thousands of years ago these three shards of existence would invade each other to try and take control of one another, each thinking that there own shard could be extended into another. Wars, battles and invasions were extremely common. Several thousands of people and creatures were killed to obtain power and regions to help bolster there own power to help there invasion. But as you all know there is always a more powerful creature lurking in the shadows or in another realm.....and this creature of the Black Dragon king, a creature of pure evil and raging aggression to all living creatures that are not of his brood. The Black Dragon king began sending his broods into the existing shards to obtain the most powerful magic and warriors to add to his own brood. Each shard began feeling the Kings wrath, millions were killed and the remaining rulers of the three shards held a secretive meeting to decide if this was the time to join there shards to battle the Dragon King. The King of the Beholder realm only thought of deception but knew that if they other shards were taken that he would lose his own land to. The Dragon shard King backed up the idea to merge with the others to gain ranks among the others. But as for the Mindflayers....well you know the magic users, they would do anything to obtain power and thought that this would be a good time to obtain such magics. Days past and the Kings of the other shards finally reached an agreement, they all drew up there control of there shards and merged them into one. "As These Shards Unite, we shall stand against all whom seek to destroy our existence. As we merge our realms we shall promise that we shall not break this merge under any circumstances. If this merge is broken we the kings of the merging shards will send our controlling power of the shards to those that are more worthy to uphold our promise" With these words as the kings spoke the shards merged together in a flash of marvelous light, locking there plains of existence into one and forever sealing there fates and the death of the dragon king!


    Sorry about the grammar and the summarizing, very tired and I am working on 3 hours of sleep for the past 3 days. I really really miss rp'ing D&D and wished I still had my group together to do some Pen and paper D&D again.
  • dwavezdwavez Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Sir Moe's Family Shard Bag was having a 3-for-1 sale. The rest is history.
  • hellscryehellscrye Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    With the death of Mystra came the spellplague, and a very significant change in the way magic works in the world. Or should I say worlds? Long have I belived that only my world, Abeir-Toril existed on this plane. How wrong must I be? I feel a shifting on this plane that wracks every arcanely sensitive part of me. It is as though worlds are about to collide. Using spells and rituals, expending great resources, I have scryed upon things afar and asked questions of beings with more knowledge than I.

    It is, it seems, that worlds are indeed about to collide. Mystic sages, beings from far realms, and even demons have answered my inquisitions. It would seem then, that given the answers I have been given, that worlds mostly identical to mine, are being drawn together. Merged, If you will. What will come of this, is uncertain, as the future of so many worlds and the choices laid before so many beings can be all but absolute in resolution. I will abide as best as possible.

    Shakul Terrorbane, Wizard of the Sword Coast
  • puucpuuc Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Ao, in his wisdom, had made mirror images of Faerun just in case one of Bane's or Cyric's plans had gone spectacularly wrong. With the pantheon in turmoil after the Spell plague and now with the appearance of Sharandar, Ao decided that he had no need for these mirror images anymore. He couldn't just wipe them out as new lives had been born and were being lived. To this end he subtly merged the three images into one in the dark of night. Only the cats know what happened and they aren't talking.
  • arfeudutyrarfeudutyr Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    obama decided not to pay for the other 2 worlds so only one of then had to work, the people of the other 2 worlds will be homeless and dont have work, but people on that world was friendly so they decide to invite people to their world and live in happiness
  • rexyflexx714rexyflexx714 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Neverwinter, once there were three shards, now there will be only one.... :)
  • furist24furist24 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    To make a long story short, they merged the shards and all was glorious and beautiful. Then the guy writing this had to go to school so he had to make it very short. The end.
  • yinyyiny Member, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The heat from the Dragon followed her as she ran through the blackened and charred forests that remained of the Neverwinter Woods. She ran, barefooted and afraid, heart pounding and in pain... for awhile....

    She stood suddenly in the wide open sunlight. Her eyes squinting up at the sun. It hurt to look but she could not stop herself. She gazed into what she thought was Lathandar but was actually suddenly filled with darkness. It passed over her as a man walking in front of the sun. No... not darkness, coldness. chill... that was when the Mindflayer....gazed down at her, it had stepped between the blazing star and her and then there was true darkness....

    Carried, bundled, thrown-about. Barely conscious but slightly aware that others were bandied about with her. What could be worse, she feared what it could be. She knew what no one else could know, what could be worse....

    Screams, she tried to grab her fellow prisoners by their limbs as they flailed in fear. "Stay down!" she screamed, but they did not, they stood, they looked, they fell and thumped in repetitious fear. She stared at the floor. She knew it would be over soon. She would live. She would be one of those who walked in the new world. She knew that all the worlds were one, that one just had to take a step of faith, into the unknown. She stepped through the mouth of the Beholder and into the future.

    Currently: Lilyth Lightlorn@dreasimy of Hammerfist Clan.
    Formerly Neverwinterly Known As: Allsfaire of KORT ITB Lilyth Tr1sta of House Fey-Branche Sednablood of BDA NWT Cyane
  • officermashaofficermasha Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    In the centre of our world is large crystal, power of the world, which is inhabited by three strong elemets - Mind, represented by Mindflayer, - Strenght, which presence is felt most in Dragon, - and Lore, bound by Beholder. And it was Beholders intention to destroy great crystal. He wanted to rule his own world, his own realm. He used eternal struggle between elements, and tore the realm apart, and every single element had their own shard, their own paralel universe.

    Valindra Shadowmantle chained every single power, but she had no way to bringing them together, until now. The power from dead dracolich gave her great power to open huge swirling portal and bring those three shards and monsters together. World is now complete as it was before, but now the real battle of Faerun started. Valindra will use crystals power.
  • evilgodevilgod Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    It really all began hundreds of years ago. Duroth had great ambitions, everyone knew that. He fought and learned and eventually became the greatest mage the world had ever seen. His studies went well beyond the realm of the real. They took him to a place of theory. That somewhere, beyond this world, there was another, just like it. Different people, different names, but the same. The same places, the same wars, the same enemies.

    He became obsessed. Having transcended mortality thanks to his studies he had all the time in the world to learn to contact, travel to and communicate with these other realms. So he did. It took him 243 years to do it, but he did it. He met a man in one realm and they soon became fast friends. His name was Morenque an elf. Morenque was a scholar much like himself but studied religion and histories and lore rather the magics. But Morenque came to the same conclusions Duroth had.

    With his connection to his deity Morenque had traveled to another realm as well but he fell in love with a lovely elf woman by the name of Sage. They could only communicate sporadically and through much difficulty but that did not stop their love. Nothing could. Not the veil between realms, not the Gods themselves could stop this love.

    One day, all realms will know of their love and the bards and musicians and actors will recreate it in their way for all of time. It was that kind of love. So Morenque made a great in Duroth, not just to be friends but for knowledge. He figured with the knowledge and power between them they could make these realms one. He would never be separated from his love Sage ever again.

    So they studied. For another 207 years they studied and experimented and tried and failed and failed and failed. Duroth gave up hope. Saying it was impossible. You cannot merge worlds and not kill millions if not billions of people.

    But Morenque, with the power of love and the motivation of his love continued on. Sleeping only a little and always with quill and paper at hand. And one day, it hit him like a lightning bolt. Do not think of it as moving two to one but that all three are the same one and are actually supposed to be together. With this rethinking it took him a mere hour of chanting and diagrams and a lot of very expensive materials to allow him to always be together with his greatest love and his greatest friend.
  • bobpatrickbobpatrick Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    There are many worlds living in the shadows of each other. Identical in all ways, but the Destroyer had come to conquer two. It's essence crept across their lands and absorbed them into its foul gullet.
    The benevolent deities of the realms could do nothing to stop the destruction, but Amaunator, the god of time, found a way to save the people of those lands. Thus he merged them unto another world, the New World.
    The Goddess Shar shed a blanket of darkness over the the realm to shield it from the Destroyer. However, the gods of Toril know the shroud can not hold him back for long. Thus they create great quests to train the heroes of the Realms, so they will be ready when the shroud falls!
  • srazysrazy Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 207 Bounty Hunter
    edited October 2013
    Turns out there was always the ONE shard, MINDFLAYER ( i put it on caps because it is/was the best server, since i was in it), Dragon and Beholder were only reflections on alternative planes.
  • theapygoostheapygoos Member Posts: 2
    edited October 2013
    Some time ago, a guild of noteworthy heroes foiled a dark sorcerers plot to plunge the world into chaos and darkness. This sorcerer, Xerath the Dark, left himself hidden as he tried to figure out where he went wrong in his plot. Lord Neverember was a more formidable ruler than he had foreseen. If Neverwinter could be taken though, it would be the catalyst that he needed to assert his world dominance. one plain army of raised bodies and dark souls would not help, especially in a direct attack, what with all the guilds that would come to the kings aid. This is when he had the idea. Perhaps, if he was to double, or even triple his forces number, he could overwhelm any would-be heroes.

    Xerath, with this goal in mind started the process of creating a massive spell, one that would taint and twist the world and worlds parallel to it, attempting to merge them into one. Dark Magic most foul would have been building up for years, until finally, the event happened. Heroes were stunted, Dragons roared, and time itself seemed to cease as all in a strange moment, 3 realms were merged into one by this dark sorcerers spell. All would appear relatively normal to the citizens of the realms, but a notable population increase followed. To those observant, something quite large did in fact happen, but in the end, one thing remains uncertain, did such a spell claim the life of its caster, Xerath the Dark? Perhaps he lives on, now looking to build his forces and restore his strength, so Neverwinter, and the world, could be his puppet of chaos. One thing Xerath did not count on happened however. For every dark force from the three realms was gathered into this new one, new knights and guilds rose to balance the scales. The Heroes of the realms now stood united, ready for whatever challenges may come
  • silvermainesilvermaine Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    I hope this was supposed to be posted here. Didn't see in the post to submit it anywhere else so here goes.

    "It is something so simple though Kelemvor. Why is it that it needs such protection?" Mystra ask with curiosity spewing forth from her lips. "Why is it that this simple key needs to be guarded by such a strange and powerful creation, and hidden among such riches to obscure it's worth?"
    "It is not the key Mi'Lady that is so important, but the door in which the key opens. It is a key that opens a door from Faerun, one that would allow a mortal into the fifty-eight lair of the Abyss to a hallway where I have constrained a number of volatile demons. Demons that would grant those mortals treasures beyond the wildest desires for a chance to be free in the mortal world once more. I need a beast so dreadful that the mere though of it would chill the thoughts of anyone attempting to claim this key for themselves. Something even a god would tremble before!" said Kelemvor.
    "So be it Kelemvor. I will do as you ask and I will create a beast for you that will only answer to you, one that will strike fear into all that dare to enter it's domain, and that will dominate the minds of all in it's presence. For you I will make the Death Eater." said Mystra.
    With a whisk or her hand Mystra teleported away to her labyrinth to a huge room she had set aside for one of her favorite pets. Kriximodious lay breathing shallowly in it's slumber. As large fifty mansions, armored head to toe in man sized scales that were as black as the dark of night. Upon the creatures back, elbows, knees and brow were horns as long as spears, and it's teeth could shred stone with minimal effort from the beast. From the room Mystra summoned a portal to her left and another to her right and through the portals she pulled two more beast that would strike fear into most mortals and quickly bound them with a spell of hold monster. The first creature was a floating mass of muscle and skin, with 9 stalks protruding from it's body that each held an eye. In the center of this mass of flesh is another eye which a large tooth filled maw beneath it. The beholder was a deadly spell caster, cunning and ruthless. The second monstrosity was human in shape and size however had a head that more resembled an octopus than a human. Blueish in tint with jet black eyes this creature could show it's dread and hatred of Mystra the second it laid eyes upon her.
    With little more than a though the beholder and the mind flayer were disintegrated into small bubbles of blueish light that formed into Mystra's two hands which she then shot towards Kriximodious. The dragon awoke and let loose a thunderous roar of confusing as it began to thrash about wildly undergoing a transformation into a new being of immense power. From the maw of the drawn spouted tentacles that resembled the mind flayer that grew out half way down it's neck like a writhing beard. From it's shoulders, elbows, neck and head sprouted the stalks that would house the additional eyes of the beholder. The rest of the dragon remained the same in look but it's knowledge of psychic power and magic had increased instantly to that of a master wizard. With a snap of her fingers the Death Eater was whisked away to it's new home outside of the fifty-eight lair of the abyss to guard the treasure and key of the door that no mortal shall ever enter.... or so they believe.

    edit: well wasn't thinking along the lines of the servers merging because well.... I don't think of alter universes in Forgotten Realms being called Dragon, Beholder and Mind Flayer... so this story won't win. But it was fun creating this anyway! ><
  • martylemartyle Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Delving Into Insanity

    Day 1: I wake today as the sun rises in order to continue my work for Kelemvor. Returning the dead to their rest has been my solemn duty for years now, but today, today something felt different. Something new was there. I decided it was just my imagination playing tricks on me.

    Day 2: I arose today to something unusual. As I looked toward the rising sun I felt like there was something else there. For just a moment there were 3 suns in the sky. Perhaps some unruly Wizard is wasting time "experimenting" again. Nothing else of note happened today. There's not much of interest here unless you find returning the undead to the afterlife interesting.

    Day 3: I made sure to look toward the sun today and all was well. Thankfully that Wizard has finished whatever he was doing and I can get back to my work without odd sights.

    Day 4: Today I found some artifacts that I delivered to my superiors. I don't know what to do with artifacts like that, I just bring peace to corrupted bodies.

    Day 5: Nothing of note today.

    Day 6: All is well and my health is good. Then why did I keep seeing phantoms today. What were those beings? New undead to purify? Only time will tell.

    Day 7: Those phantoms are not alone. There are others, always in groups of 2. I am trying to stay away from them. I know not what they are capable of.

    Day 8: No, they are not in groups of 2, they are always in groups of 3. 1 real body and 2 phantom projections. No matter what I try my knife cannot hurt the other 2. I just pass right through them. They don't seem to be able to harm me. I'll just stay wary for now.

    Day 9: I had myself looked over by a Cleric of Kelemvor today. I am in good health. I tried explaining what I saw, but I was alone in seeing it. I continued my work purifying bodies and have still not been able to affect the phantoms.

    Day 10: I find that if I ignore the phantom images my day is less stressful. I cannot harm them, they cannot harm me.

    Day 11: I barely even notice the phantoms any more. I am still alone in seeing them.

    Day 12: I have never felt this lonely before. Nobody knows what I am seeing, and rumors are spreading about my health.

    Day 13: My former partners stay away from me now. When I return artifacts I've discovered, I just leave them in the middle of the camp.

    Day 14: This is the first day where I have ever not spoken to anyone. If only 1 person knew what this was.

    Day 15: I made a mistake today. I was ambushed unexpectedly. My former allies rushed to my aid, but only to defeat the defiled bodies. It was as if they couldn't even see me.

    Day 16: A woman came next to me today. She was covered in blood. She looked directly at me, bloodlust in her eyes. As her mace came down upon me I welcomed it. I have no family and no friends anymore. I looked forward to bringing an end o my loneliness. To my surprise her mace passed through me, stopped abruptly in my chest and she walked away.

    Day 17: I believe I have become what I have seen.

    Day 18: I can pass through people like they aren't even there. Monsters are still in groups of 3, but 2 of them are always these phantom images.

    Day 19: While purifying walking corpses today 2 people I have not met were by my side. I could pass through them and they through me and each other. While purifying a body I noticed they did the same, but not to my target. They were engaged with the phantoms.

    Day 20: It occurs to me that maybe, just maybe these 2 people are having the same experience as me. Is my target a phantom to them?

    Day 21: The 3 of us seem to have entered an unspoken agreement. We wake together, fight together, but never speak and never interact.

    Day 22: 1 of my comrades fell today in combat. He was caught from behind by monsters I had not noticed. As I turned around I noticed 3 monsters behind me as well. I barely escaped with my life.

    Day 23: Another person has joined us. We are 3 again. It feels like I have friends, but we cannot communicate. This is even more lonely.

    Day 24: We fought as usual. Us each fighting our respective phantoms.

    Day 25: For just a moment today I thought I heard my allies. For just a moment I could hear their battle cries. Perhaps there is hope for me yet.

    Day 26: This was the best day in some time. My ally bumped into be while fighting. I haven't felt another person's touch in weeks. Maybe I'm not alone after all?

    Day 27: While fighting today I hit one of the phantoms. My ally noticed this and extended a hand toward me. I grasped his hand and was overjoyed that we were finally together. All 3 of us could interact, if only physically.

    Day 28: Our voices are clear to each other now. We can truly work together to defeat these monsters.

    Day 29: We worked together today, Astrid, Melchior and myself shouting commands and warnings. When we returned to the camp everyone there could see and talk to us as well.

    Day 30: Everything is back to what it was. Astrid has left us for now, but Melchior and I continue to fight in tandem. Perhaps I was just overworked as nobody else noticed anything out of the ordinary. I just wish that nothing like this happens again.
  • coffeeforevercoffeeforever Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    As with all worlds, time is a curious thing. Time will turn truth to stories, and stories to legends. Those legends turn to myths, and eventually myths turn to dust. But such a record does exist in the archives the great wizard Fistoicaes, whom few have heard of since he doesn't reside in the realm of mortals often. A manuscript of his describes a disturbance in the wills of Lord Ao, Mystra and Selune. Odd as it may seem given the natures of these wonderful deities, the three were troubled about a particular aspect of dimensional nature which only the minds of gods can even begin to fathom or understand. Mystra and Selune put wits together in the magical convergences of multiverses and came to no solution for eons, and eventually were to become almost bitter and cynical of eachother. The temperments of the Gods does not go unseen by the highest of their order and Lord Ao became restless concerning the bickering between the two. Lord Ao, in a final decree of anger, commenced a powerful magic which sundered the universe into three aspects: Dragon, Beholder and Mindflayer. The natures and reasons for those particular aspects are unknown, but Mystra and Selune were appalled and horrified at the decision of their master. Many more eons have passed and the two goddesses secretly worked in unison to find a way to bring the aspects back to their former unified glory. Trial and error, mutations of multiverses occured, horrible races and unspeakable monsters were created. But now, resolving the threshold of reality and time, the two Goddesses have succeeded in bringing together the multiverses, and restoring them. All souls, dead and alive are now as one. It is a new beginning, one we may not understand until the next Age, for the reasons of the Gods are often obscure until the story is done and told.
    If you can't dazzle them with your brilliance....

    ....baffle them with your bullsh!t
  • fluxagfluxag Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    The Merge - fluxag

    The Abolethic Sovereignty capture Maegera, and assimilate it into the choir. With the mighty voice of the primordial singing, the Symphony of Madness is amplified and all of Neverwinter is bathed in the twisted subliminal murmurings of millions of hopelessly insane plague-changed creatures, enslaved in the Underdark beneath the city. The minds of the valiant adventurers in and around the city, can not stand the terrible power of such a force, and within minutes, lose their grip on reality.
    Our brave heroes regain cohesion, but are now thoroughly convinced that they are all playing a video game, connected with other player like themselves, over something called "The Internet".
    While, deep in the Underdark, those poor souls already enslaved participate in this horrific delusion, having long considered themselves players in the game, they now believing that they are experiencing a "Server Merge". This merge will bring new players to their instances, new opportunities to make friends, and hopefully, shorter queue times. The plague-changed look forward to this greatly, like the Adventurers, with no recollection of their previous life, or their current imprisonment.
    The Abolethic Sovereignty sings all the more. With the Heroes of Neverwinter assimilated into the choir, Faerun stands no chance of escaping this lovecraftian fate.
  • mmoonshroudmmoonshroud Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited October 2013
    Somewhere even beyond the vast expanses of the Astral plane floated the bubbles, three of them to be precise. Each a mirror unto each other reflecting almost symmetrically what the others did with one exception, the bubbles couldn't reflect the actions and consequences of the free willed mortals. Slowly the effects of mortal's actions brought the bubbles closer to one another, their differences becoming more distinct and causing a more striking contrast. In that vastness watching these worlds dance closer together was IO, knowing of the coming calamity if he did nothing, he sewed the worlds together with his vast power and made them one saying: "Thus I stitch together the differences that may destroy. However, will the actions of mortals tear my stitches asunder? Not even I know..."
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