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Leveling is Too fast

sapientcrowsapientcrow Member Posts: 57
edited September 2013 in General Discussion (PC)
As per the thread title I will say it again though... Leveling is TOO TOO TOO fast.

Initially I was trying to get into dungeons and do my daily skirmishes and my Foundry and I realized quite quickly I would outlevel content and even miss skirmishes if I did that.
I am currently doing the content in order and have to outright skip the dungeons and only do the skirmishes one time. In addition I am avoiding almost all enemies as I travel unless I have to fight them just to make sure I do not get enough experience to make the content too easy and boring and so I do not level past a skirmish tier during playing. Every time I level I am looking to see if I am still in a skirmish tier or if I leveled past it. I am ultimately micro managing and when I level it is not a cool I got some new points feeling it is oh **** another level really I hope the next zone is not too easy now. Usually when I am done with a zone Knox is sending me to 2 new ones and possibly a third.
This game has some of the coolest unique level design and thoughtful content in an mmo (even if its on rails so to speak) and I can not enjoy it because I am just trying to not outlevel it so it doesn't become an easy mode mash button fest. The other aspect of this candy mode exp gain is that I have been unable to play with groups to master my skill sets in battle over time.

Please add a hard mode that possibly doubles or even triples the exp needed to get to max level.
Please open skirmishes to be played later on and scale them accordingly to players. This functionality already exists in the Foundry.
Please add content that can be comfortably experienced because it is not fun to level to cap in a week or less and then run the same content over and over and over again. If the content was easier to experience at a slower pace you would have players in your game longer and we could actually experience skirmishes more than once or twice per tier as we level. Not to mention we could actually do a dungeon to complete a zone in its entirety and not outright skip it just to make sure we do not skip past other content.

Bottom line is that there are tons of mmos out there and many of them are even starting out free to play like Neverwinter. With the what I consider abysmal candy mode exp gain you literally are telling people to play your game for a month at best and move on to another world. This is excluding the people who want to have an extra few points and some new gear so they play the same levels over and over and over endlessly. So far all I see is game company after game company after game company employ the same mistake. They give everyone max level in no time at all (at this point they might as well have a button that says max level when you create characters) and then they spend the rest of the time trying their best to put out enough content to please people who have been given max level. Instead they could pace the progress so it moves at a more natural pace and then have more time to create end game content. Absence of logic...
Post edited by sapientcrow on


  • whoamarkwhoamark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I have absolutely no issues with the pace of leveling in this game. If anything I find it refreshing since for me all of the fun is at max level when (in my opinion) real character development begins. Everything prior to that is lackluster in terms of reward and sense of accomplishment. If you treat the game more like a single player game and wish to savior the experience of leveling then I see no issue with that, but keep in mind that a lot of players don't like spending weeks to level one character.

    I will say that I really dislike how each zone has no replay value. I often forget certain zones even exist.
  • yaminaboyaminabo Member, Banned Users Posts: 1
    edited September 2013
    Well, just play without praying, doing quests, and just use the craft system to level up!
    Oh well! i got a better idea! DONT PLAY AT ALL!!!!

    What was i thinking when i spoke to my friends and said "hey hey play NW its fast leveling so you can only focus at the high end content like dungeons and getting geared up!"

    Ok now, that bible u wrote is totally nuts lol.
    Just level up, focus on a character, not MULTIPLE TOONS, and then gear 1 up to like hmmm 13k? And im not saying do a conqueror spec GF to reach 13k, i say do a rogue or a cw and get him to 13k gearscore. I dare you, i double dare you to say again theres a problem with the leveling.
  • schweifer1982schweifer1982 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,662 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    As per the thread title I will say it again though... Leveling is TOO TOO TOO fast.

    Initially I was trying to get into dungeons and do my daily skirmishes and my Foundry and I realized quite quickly I would outlevel content and even miss skirmishes if I did that.
    I am currently doing the content in order and have to outright skip the dungeons and only do the skirmishes one time. In addition I am avoiding almost all enemies as I travel unless I have to fight them just to make sure I do not get enough experience to make the content too easy and boring and so I do not level past a skirmish tier during playing. Every time I level I am looking to see if I am still in a skirmish tier or if I leveled past it. I am ultimately micro managing and when I level it is not a cool I got some new points feeling it is oh **** another level really I hope the next zone is not too easy now. Usually when I am done with a zone Knox is sending me to 2 new ones and possibly a third.
    This game has some of the coolest unique level design and thoughtful content in an mmo (even if its on rails so to speak) and I can not enjoy it because I am just trying to not outlevel it so it doesn't become an easy mode mash button fest. The other aspect of this candy mode exp gain is that I have been unable to play with groups to master my skill sets in battle over time.

    Please add a hard mode that possibly doubles or even triples the exp needed to get to max level.
    Please open skirmishes to be played later on and scale them accordingly to players. This functionality already exists in the Foundry.
    Please add content that can be comfortably experienced because it is not fun to level to cap in a week or less and then run the same content over and over and over again. If the content was easier to experience at a slower pace you would have players in your game longer and we could actually experience skirmishes more than once or twice per tier as we level. Not to mention we could actually do a dungeon to complete a zone in its entirety and not outright skip it just to make sure we do not skip past other content.

    Bottom line is that there are tons of mmos out there and many of them are even starting out free to play like Neverwinter. With the what I consider abysmal candy mode exp gain you literally are telling people to play your game for a month at best and move on to another world. This is excluding the people who want to have an extra few points and some new gear so they play the same levels over and over and over endlessly. So far all I see is game company after game company after game company employ the same mistake. They give everyone max level in no time at all (at this point they might as well have a button that says max level when you create characters) and then they spend the rest of the time trying their best to put out enough content to please people who have been given max level. Instead they could pace the progress so it moves at a more natural pace and then have more time to create end game content. Absence of logic...

    I agree.
    If you want to do quest line you must skip some place's lvl-ing is too fast .
    Nobody go back to lvl-30 place too earn green stuff or rank 2 enchant.
    GWF 3700Ilvl Éjsötét & ProPala 3200Ilvl Menydörgés (main) & Szürkefarkas 2600 ilvl
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Yes, leveling is most certainly too fast. it is OK if you only do the quest line, but if you also do skirmishes, dungeons and foundries, not to mention the invocations and leadership professionthe fact is that you level up too fast - you outlevel the areas before you have a chance to experience everything they offer.

    Personally I would cut all quest XP by 25% or so.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • fablernfablern Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I would love to have a ring or amulet that prevents us from gaining XP when equipped.... this way we could have some control over how fast we level up.
  • lobo0084lobo0084 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 663 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    As an alternate approach, instead of increasing the work-time it takes to reach max level, add content to max level and allow players who have one level 60 to create another character at level 60 if they choose. Some need and want the training that leveling offers, but as with many gamers, the end result of reaching 60 and doing epic content with gear that will last is more the goal than enjoying each mission.

    As a benefit, revise all content in the game, including each zone, lair, dungeon and skirmish, to have the following game modes:
    - Default setting (leveled as currently)
    - Heroic setting (NPC's are level 60, rare blue drops, ultra rare purples, level 3 with occasional 4 enchant drops)
    - Legendary setting (NPC's are level 63, rare purple drops, level 4 with occasional 5 enchant drops)
    - Epic setting (NPC's are level 65, purple drops are more common, level 5 and occasional 6 enchant drops)

    That way, players can reach 60, and replay all the content, and missions, from the beginner zone to the latest module release. Open the whole game up new and fresh for max-level players to experience.
    "Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate

    "D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.

    Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    lobo0084 wrote: »
    - Heroic setting (NPC's are level 60, rare blue drops, ultra rare purples, level 3 with occasional 4 enchant drops)
    - Legendary setting (NPC's are level 63, rare purple drops, level 4 with occasional 5 enchant drops)
    - Epic setting (NPC's are level 65, purple drops are more common, level 5 and occasional 6 enchant drops)

    Not going to happen - it would cause too much hassle when you have groups with people with different modes.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • yyrkoonstyphoonyyrkoonstyphoon Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    As someone with Alt-itis, I enjoy the pace. I can run the content to 60 without the need to run every area and ever quest yet again. I can choose a path to 60 that is rather different from my last run through. I used to play DCUO and with their mature 'end game' content, you wanted to burn thorough content to get to max cap so you could begin 'The real Game'. I assume NW has this idea in mind and once they are on mod 5 or 6 and have plenty of end game content, as well as multiple campaigns, that will be the consensus, that you want to hit cap to let the 'real game' begin.

    That said, I do have to agree that there should be a way to play all skirmishes once you hit epic lvl. DDO had the TR (true reincarnation) that allowed you to start a toon over, slightly better with some added reincarnated ability (like +2 to an ability score without going past the starting maximum) and an extra feat. This allowed you to go through the content a second time and the exp needed to level was increased with each reincarnate.

    I have to assume the current exp rate is due to other ideas like what i have mentioned that have not let been implemented.
  • chaoscourtesanchaoscourtesan Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Doubt anyone in charge is paying attention to this thread, but I'd prefer not to have the leveling process stretched out. I really don't feel like going through the whole process any more slowly than necessary for the 8th time when the new class is released. Maybe just add the XP as if it were an item in a reward box and let the player choose to pick it up or leave it. Seems like a fairly simple process to 'take all' or take items selectively. And everyone can then choose his or her own pace.
    Rhyon Cawdorian GWF | Opa Loka TR | Cormac Argentus III DC | Annika Thornblade GF | Aerys Skydark HR | Bartin Findlor TR | Aellia Baalthrall CW | Lucan Hawkmoon CW | Opa Brahk GWF | Korzbyrk DC | Den Kruk GWF | Jherek Skarsin CW |
    Roland Mac Sheonin GF | Tarron Direheart SW |
  • poigtpoigt Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 89
    edited September 2013
    I don't think it levels too fast (I speak as someone who sees end game as a grind and not the start of anything I enjoy)... but I do think the comment someone made about replay value is true.

    I have altitis. Normally this means in a F2P game the first thing I buy is character slots, and that was true in neverwinter. However, once I levelled one character to about 30 and decided to make another, by the time that new character was L20 I realised how boring it was second time round because I was doing the same content again. I've never used my extra character slots as a result. My first is now at cap and more or less abandoned and I'm levelling my second character again - I not only left a good gap to try to make sure I wasn't double-dosing myself second time around, but I also deliberately skipped zones where I had outlevelled them on the first character to make sure I had new stuff to do. Second time around, I'm also running a lot more foundry, except where I have to run zones like the graveyard for the bag reward.

    After I cap this one though... unless there's some more developer content to do at lower levels I can't see how the game will have sustainability for me at all beyond the player generated content. Maybe I'll do a character who just runs dungeons after L12, I've been skipping those too to try to save myself somethign (meaning I am woefully underprepared & geared to join end game groups which is my own fault!)

    I know they need to expand the endgame because of lot of MMO players prefer end game. For the rest of us though - please don't neglect the levelling content.

    But I don't think the pace of levelling is really the issue. In fact I think if they slowed it down the replay problems would be exacerbated. Until they have a whole TON of new levelling content, they need to keep the XP track where it is in my opinion. Heck it could stand to be a bit faster in all honesty to make sure you outlevel at least one zone per bracket without running it, that way at least you can get two unique playthroughs - and I am NOT in any hurry to get to endgame, I totally get where the OP is coming from. I agree with you OP - but only once they have added a load more levelling content.

    OP, by the way, if you do foundry quests you'll get less XP because you don't get XP rewards on quest completion basically, that slows it down nicely and those quests can often be pretty long actually, cos creative players like to make quite immersive stuff in my experience. I also find Foundry actually tends to drop more loot in general. Its not going to be anything other than random drops and consumables of course, but I find I can keep myself stocked with potions and ID scrolls much more effectively by running Foundry quests then developer content. Plus of course foundry quests can get you AD. The point is you can get what feels much more like the sort of progression you are after without avoiding mobs in explorer zones and stuff - you just have to be willing to skip zones entirely without stressing about it (I canNOT live, for example, with unresolved quests in my log. So I have to just never to pick them up if I possibly can) and run foundry more often.
  • deknodekno Member Posts: 181 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    you mean like you would like to do the quest line 5 times over again?
    i mean, what else is there to do while leveling? its not like you are getting some content which isnt already in game. i mean, to be a certain level at a certain quest is not really what its about, you have the content they have provided and its almost fits 0-60 depening on how much stuff you kill and if you equip xp gems and what not.

    have u thought about that? what would u do leveling slowly up if you finish the story and all the quest at level 20, what would u do then? not sure if im missing the point or if you are totally stupid.

    i would actually prefer an option for players to roll a lvl 60 character so people who have already finished the storyline and all the questing on 5 or more characters to have the option to just concentrate on the end game grinding.

    how i hated to force myself to play the content over again on my 4th character, andi got 6 of them and must have ran 10 characters to 60, its a pain in the ***.
  • baleriondrogonbaleriondrogon Member, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild Users Posts: 53
    edited September 2013
    It just seems fast because most people are used to grinding and not having fun. Neverwinter Lvling goes fast because you're having so much FUN!
    " I don't know half of you as well as I should like; and I like less than half of you as well as you deserve." -J.R.R. Tolkien
  • ordensmarschallordensmarschall Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 1,060 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    The leveling is too fast. 50% of D&D is leveling your character, the excitement of gaining a new level and how to develop your character. The problem is they have pretty much single tracked character development. Each class has very limited path to travel, the choices on which direction you take should be expanded. Read the PHB to get an idea of just of much variety there actually is. More Paragon paths would rectify this to some extent. XP for Invoking and Leadership should be removed, especially since most run Leadership for the AD not the XP. There also should 3 or 4 different quests that can be completed for each XP zone. Instead of only the Blacklake District for levels 5 thru 10, there should be 2 or 3 other areas that can be quested for levels 5 thru 10.
  • sapientcrowsapientcrow Member Posts: 57
    edited September 2013
    Well it is definitely fast. However there are many who like it for various reasons. Adding in a hard mode or a exp disabler option would be fantastic. this way I could disable my exp halfway through a zone content and turn it back on when I finally reach the skirmish and dungeon part. Like someone posted I do not think anyone is really reading or caring about such an issue when the majority are in the game to grind end game. Someone pointed out that the majority of D&D is your characters progression and feeling them grow and that is true. However just like was also stated it is streamlined and although they tried with various unique level layouts it is still onr ails and limited. However slowing the pace as someone stated I do not think would exacerbate the issue as slower pacing creates the environment for immersion and player community wherein the faster pace just creates the zerg mind.

    I admit I am a dinosaur. My first MMO experience was in Everquest. So all this force fed experience (or at least it feels that way to me) makes me feel like I am cheating actually. too easy too fast... I would have liked to learn the layouts of dungeons and been pitted against the skirmishes with my cleric to get a better handle on how to play in different circumstances but unfortunately I will be playing the end dungeons in epic mode and many of them for the first time.
  • valeriob80valeriob80 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 155 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    I don't want to read all the topic, just want to say my opinion: leveling speed is ABSOLUTELY PERFECT as it is. First game I ever played with no useless grinding. Thanks devs :-)
  • drbaalsdrbaals Member Posts: 161 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    yaminabo wrote: »
    Well, just play without praying, doing quests, and just use the craft system to level up!
    Oh well! i got a better idea! DONT PLAY AT ALL!!!!

    What was i thinking when i spoke to my friends and said "hey hey play NW its fast leveling so you can only focus at the high end content like dungeons and getting geared up!"

    Ok now, that bible u wrote is totally nuts lol.
    Just level up, focus on a character, not MULTIPLE TOONS, and then gear 1 up to like hmmm 13k? And im not saying do a conqueror spec GF to reach 13k, i say do a rogue or a cw and get him to 13k gearscore. I dare you, i double dare you to say again theres a problem with the leveling.

    Ya fun stuff and what do you do after getting the top end gear? This game doesnt have much end content at all. Even then its bugged or just exploited.
  • snottysnotty Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 476 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I agree 100% with the OP. The exp gain in this game is far too high. I don't understand the "hurry up and wait" end game mindset of most players. For me there is no real pride in having a max level toon because in this game you'd have to be a complete fail player or someone that can only play for less then an hour a day if you cant reach level 60 in a week. Hell, you can hit level 60 in 2 days if you really wanted to.

    And then once you hit level 60 the only thing left to do is get epic gear for your toon which isn't as hard as people make it out to be. So the choices here are level slowly and have to repeat same quests or level quickly and repeat the same dungeons. Honestly they should take the easy way out and make it so you level slowly but once you have a max level toon you have the option to either make another max level toon or level it up the normal way. I think everyone would be happy with that.....well, almost everyone.

    P.S. this would be a great incentive for people to spend money to buy extra character slots instead of just making extra accounts.
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    only solution that we can get some skirmish quest get updated, via-ala-"Chrono"-mode like Eq2 been using for years, it help older character to get some contents that were outleveled so that way we can still go back to lower leveled zones to get some feats completed.
    they also have "mentorship" that help lower some levels you can select and help other players who were having hard time with specific quests.
    i do hope the devs can find a better way to help with low end out of reach quests, instead of lowering xp that we earned, nobody likes slow leveling grinds that i was facing with Asheron's Call 2, been stuck in level 38 for few months, it hard to find groups to get some fast xp, i have been soloing and it becoming less fun to the point of giving up.

    so, no to slow down xp, just we need "chrono" level format.
  • scififan78scififan78 Member Posts: 1,386 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I know how the OP feels but in my opinion, I find the issue with the Dungeons, not the leveling. Allow me to explain. The dungeons are set up to be a part of the story. I really like this. My issue is though that the story introduces you to the dungeon at the end of the area's story arc you are doing. By that point, you have out leveled it for use with the daily. I believe the dungeons should be an aside of the story arch, not in line with it.
  • yyrkoonstyphoonyyrkoonstyphoon Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 231 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    snotty wrote: »
    I agree 100% with the OP. The exp gain in this game is far too high. I don't understand the "hurry up and wait" end game mindset of most players. For me there is no real pride in having a max level toon because in this game you'd have to be a complete fail player or someone that can only play for less then an hour a day if you cant reach level 60 in a week. Hell, you can hit level 60 in 2 days if you really wanted to.

    And then once you hit level 60 the only thing left to do is get epic gear for your toon which isn't as hard as people make it out to be. So the choices here are level slowly and have to repeat same quests or level quickly and repeat the same dungeons. Honestly they should take the easy way out and make it so you level slowly but once you have a max level toon you have the option to either make another max level toon or level it up the normal way. I think everyone would be happy with that.....well, almost everyone.

    P.S. this would be a great incentive for people to spend money to buy extra character slots instead of just making extra accounts.

    I think you are contradicting yourself here. If you can get to lvl 60 in 2 days or a week, you are most certainly grinding your mind out and not taking the time to enjoy the content. I have 3 toons to 60 and I play a few hours every day on average, well lets say an hour a day on average. It took me several weeks to level each of my toons. I also played different areas on each, for example, 2 of my toons skipped ice peaks, 2 skipped Volosk, 2 skipped rothe... so I was able to lvl 3 toons to 60, and each played a unique area to that rise to 60.

    In DCUO, which is very endgame focused, I could lvl a toon to cap in a week. Playing the same content over and over. Or in DDO, when you level, you mostly run each instance 2-4 times in the lveling process. normal, hard, hard, hard, elite... or if you have an opener Elite, HArd, hard, hard... so I most certainly do not care for a slower leveling process.

    If you focus on a single toon, you have a point, but someone like me with 8 char slots (had 14 toons in DDO and 12 in DCUO) the leveling is really distributed well.
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    When doing Helm Hold I found it to be very challenging for my TR (who used ot have all the wrong skills btw) So I decided to level up by foundries a bit before continuing with the next area, I levelled to around 40 for a lv 34 area, and also changed my skills for better ones and it was much easier. But when I wanted to do the group dungeon in the end of the quest line, I figured out I was too high to do it, so I regret having levelled by the foundry.
    I think the levelling is fast, but that doesn't bother me, quests are actually fun for me and the areas are beautiful. I'll probably leave the foundry quests for when I'm 60 though, I don't want to not be able to enter the final dungeon of the area (which is also the final quest for that area, and closes everything) because I'm too high level.
  • psyb3rtr011psyb3rtr011 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    What the OP said! 100%
    AKA Cyber Troll and Euben Hadd
  • lobo0084lobo0084 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 663 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    I think you are contradicting yourself here. If you can get to lvl 60 in 2 days or a week, you are most certainly grinding your mind out and not taking the time to enjoy the content. I have 3 toons to 60 and I play a few hours every day on average, well lets say an hour a day on average. It took me several weeks to level each of my toons. I also played different areas on each, for example, 2 of my toons skipped ice peaks, 2 skipped Volosk, 2 skipped rothe... so I was able to lvl 3 toons to 60, and each played a unique area to that rise to 60.

    In DCUO, which is very endgame focused, I could lvl a toon to cap in a week. Playing the same content over and over. Or in DDO, when you level, you mostly run each instance 2-4 times in the lveling process. normal, hard, hard, hard, elite... or if you have an opener Elite, HArd, hard, hard... so I most certainly do not care for a slower leveling process.

    If you focus on a single toon, you have a point, but someone like me with 8 char slots (had 14 toons in DDO and 12 in DCUO) the leveling is really distributed well.

    I personally feel that, out of all the MMO's I've played, ever (starting with UO), this game has the least amount of grind. Even as I'm trying to get multiple sets of T2 armor.

    The only thing I've had to grind in this game is enchants, to be honest.

    Even on my multiple toons, the speed of the questline, and diversity (I'm hitting zones I didn't finish or couldn't touch on my first run throughs) is taking away much of that grind aspect. Add in that they are all doing professions and prayer, and sometimes I pull a level or two and haven't even actually played the character for a week.

    I won't argue with the bulk of the statements here, though: while the speed may be great for letting players get to end game, the amount of end-game content is lacking. I think this will be resolved over time, especially with the game being brand-new by MMO standards (has another MMO been released since this one went live?).

    And then I worry about the almost guaranteed introduction of new higher-end gears, new attachments, and even the inevitable level-cap increase at 24 months that most MMO's receive. But that's all normal, to be honest.
    "Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate

    "D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.

    Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
  • brutikusivbrutikusiv Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    They just need to add an xp OFF toggle for those who want to stay at each level for say 20-50 weeks per.... Not that hard I wouldn't think
  • onememberonemember Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I bet you liked the first big MMO's that came out...
    At high level you maybe gained 10% in a week of good grinding.
    Still remember the awsome "die and lose exp" function that many games had back in the old days?
    The more you learn, the more you know.
    The more you know, the more you forget.
    The more you forget, the less you know.
    So.. why learn?
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    onemember wrote: »
    I bet you liked the first big MMO's that came out...
    At high level you maybe gained 10% in a week of good grinding.
    Still remember the awsome "die and lose exp" function that many games had back in the old days?
    Ugh I hated that, once I was playing Lineage 2 (I think) in a pvp server, I was randomly killing mobs, after a while i managed to level up, and someone comes and kills me, I went back to my previous level and also lost a random piece of equipment. I learned what a pvp server was back then xD
  • kiralynkiralyn Member Posts: 1,440 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    onemember wrote: »
    I bet you liked the first big MMO's that came out...
    At high level you maybe gained 10% in a week of good grinding.
    Still remember the awsome "die and lose exp" function that many games had back in the old days?

    Typical hyperbole-based internet forum debate style. "Oh, you think leveling's too fast? Clearly you want leveling to take a crazy amount of time!" (reminds me of the good old days on the WoW forums. "I think the token costs on <epic whatever> are a little high. Maybe 10-15% less?" "Oh, so you think the whole set should be mailed to every character the instant they hit 80?!?!?!!?" /facepalm)

    No, we just think that the leveling is a bit too fast. I ran into the same problem the OP did, when I leveled my first character. My goal (as with every MMO I've played previously) was to go through the whole leveling-zone questline/story. And I found that if I dared to do anything else (the dailies they kept shoving at me, invoking, foundries, dungeons or skirmishes more than once, etc) that I was fantastically outleveling everything.

    Sure, it's great when you just want to slam Alt #5 straight to 60 (if you're one of those "the game only starts at cap!" wackos), but when you're trying to play your first character through the game and learn that you have to skip half of the content to do that? Seems a bit off.

  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    In many games you can't make every quest in every zone before outlevelling some others, think about WoW (since you mentioned it) many times you have to choose zones but can't do both at the same time.
  • stormdrag0nstormdrag0n Member Posts: 3,222 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    This is how it always goes.

    A Handful of people scream about leveling too fast.
    The Devs Knee-jerk and slow XP progress.
    The forums get flooded with WTFBBQ war on fun threads.

    It happened in CoH.
    It happened in CO.
    It happened in STO.

    They pretty much know better now.
    Always Looking for mature laidback players/rpers for Dungeon Delves!
  • svgamer0733svgamer0733 Member, Neverwinter Beta Users Posts: 0
    edited September 2013
    The good part of leveling up fast is that you can enjoy the storyline better without painful battle.
    Believe me, casual players hate difficult battles. And we casual players outnumbered hardcore players.

    I enjoy the game very very much.
    This is the only game I login everyday.
    I spend 10min/day to do incarnation and crafting.
    And I can level up my 2nd char from lvl 26 to lvl 48 without doing any battle.
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