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Graphic Bug - Character/Mobs Disappear next to Wall.

neverwinter1973neverwinter1973 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
edited September 2013 in Bug Reports (PC)
I'm not sure if this is a bug or not so I didn't post in the bug section. I've noticed, during two lower level quest, that when I was inside a place during the quest, the wall would turn grey and not display and my character and the npc's would disappear and reappear.

Noticed this on two lower quest as of right now. I'm still basically a nube. I re ran those quest and the exact same thing happened at the exact same locations.

Has anyone else experienced this ? Can it be corrected by reinstalling the game or is it just a glitch at the moment ?
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • fondlezfondlez Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Is this inside a building of the Blacklacke District zone?
  • neverwinter1973neverwinter1973 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    fondlez wrote: »
    Is this inside a building of the Blacklacke District zone?

    Yes it is. And there was another 1 that happened during one of the beginning quest in the main city. I'll look it up on my completed quest log to see if I can recall the exact quest.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 556 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    I think it is a known, on-going issue? Somewhere (patch notes, maybe??) I remember seeing this and a claim that it had been improved or cured.

    Its a graphics glitch and I am unsure of the status but report it as a bug.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited September 2013
    . . . . . Moved to bugs and renamed the Subject title. Thanks for the report, if you can provide any other details as any other places this happens, please reply or make an in-game bug report. Thanks!
  • neverwinter1973neverwinter1973 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    zebular wrote: »
    . . . . . Moved to bugs and renamed the Subject title. Thanks for the report, if you can provide any other details as any other places this happens, please reply or make an in-game bug report. Thanks!

    Thanks. The exact bug I ran into thus far happened in the Cornering Kanoz quest during the raid Nasher Headquarters part. The walls turned grey, on and off, and my character along with the NPC's would disappear and reappear making it difficult to complete the quest.
  • neverwinter1973neverwinter1973 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    noroblad wrote: »
    I think it is a known, on-going issue? Somewhere (patch notes, maybe??) I remember seeing this and a claim that it had been improved or cured.

    Its a graphics glitch and I am unsure of the status but report it as a bug.

    Ah Okay, thanks for your reply.
  • combinationcombination Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013

    I'm not sure what information I should put in the post, but this is what happens in MANY spots on this map/area
    Also, I can turn the camera and find certain spots where it fixes the graphic glitch and I can see enemies again. Then I can turn around once more and they disappear. :( new to neverwinter so wanted to play, but this is a rough bug to be honest. It gets to the point of non-playabilty in my opinion.
  • shazecshazec Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    Hi, im having the exact same problem. It happens to me with Cornering Kanoz quest and during the quest in Ruined Tunnels as well. Walls are turning gray just like on the picture above and npc's(enemies) are mostly invisible. Its very hard to play if you dont see whats going to hit you ... :-(
  • bowdidlybowdidly Member Posts: 261 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    fondlez wrote: »
    Is this inside a building of the Blacklacke District zone?

    It is the 2nd solo dungeon quest you get from Sgt Knoxx, many others have the same issues but this one is the worst, Its really bad as this is one of the first 'instance' quests a new player will see, or rather not see, lol, nearly as soon as you enter, walls disappear and you character vanishes and reappears, mobs vanish, but when you rotate your aiming reticule there HP bars appear, the whole instance is like that, and even when you manage to finish it, the chest at the end appears and disappears too, plus the ladders you click to leave the instance are invisible. It is alright for me I have done this instance quite a few times before so I know were things are , but for a new player this must be really bad

    LOL I see mods have been on and said 'thanks for the report' but this has been like this for a few months now, and was reported multiple times, theres even other threads from months ago about it, but nothing gets done..

    I have lvl'd multiple alts over the past few months due to running out of end game on my main toons and can honestly say i see more of the issues with every new toon, most are in the lower lvl questing areas from what i've seen up to now, and for new players it must be quite hard to undertsand how to finish these areas when you can see nothing.

    Also the solo Clock tower quest as some really bad issues with character disappearing and mobs vanishing, terrain greying out and disappearing

    I remember lvling up during 'open beta' and yes the was slight bugs etc along the way, but i never saw anything quite like this before. An what realy gets me in other posts concerning these issues it as been replied to as possibly being your own graphics card or PC's fault, lol, i run a high end gaming machine, raid wow 25 mans hard modes on the highest pop sever EU and on ultra settings and have never had any 'rubber banding' or lag issues ever in the game, plus many other online high pop MMO's, but this game even on medium settings there are constant lag and rubber banding issues, and huge memory sinks in random places for no reasons at all.
    It as nothing to do with high pop areas lag and rubber banding just happens randomly and anywere, i have seen it in instances which have only had 10 or less players on them. Most seem to assume it is more promenent in PE, but this is only because more people visit that area than anywere else in the game so obviously more will see it and report it, but it is not only there, it is also in solo instances too
  • dustwiperdustwiper Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited September 2013
    bowdidly wrote: »
    It is the 2nd solo dungeon quest you get from Sgt Knoxx, many others have the same issues but this one is the worst, Its really bad as this is one of the first 'instance' quests a new player will see, or rather not see, lol, nearly as soon as you enter, walls disappear and you character vanishes and reappears, mobs vanish, but when you rotate your aiming reticule there HP bars appear, the whole instance is like that, and even when you manage to finish it, the chest at the end appears and disappears too, plus the ladders you click to leave the instance are invisible. It is alright for me I have done this instance quite a few times before so I know were things are , but for a new player this must be really bad

    LOL I see mods have been on and said 'thanks for the report' but this has been like this for a few months now, and was reported multiple times, theres even other threads from months ago about it, but nothing gets done..

    I have lvl'd multiple alts over the past few months due to running out of end game on my main toons and can honestly say i see more of the issues with every new toon, most are in the lower lvl questing areas from what i've seen up to now, and for new players it must be quite hard to undertsand how to finish these areas when you can see nothing.

    Also the solo Clock tower quest as some really bad issues with character disappearing and mobs vanishing, terrain greying out and disappearing

    I remember lvling up during 'open beta' and yes the was slight bugs etc along the way, but i never saw anything quite like this before. An what realy gets me in other posts concerning these issues it as been replied to as possibly being your own graphics card or PC's fault, lol, i run a high end gaming machine, raid wow 25 mans hard modes on the highest pop sever EU and on ultra settings and have never had any 'rubber banding' or lag issues ever in the game, plus many other online high pop MMO's, but this game even on medium settings there are constant lag and rubber banding issues, and huge memory sinks in random places for no reasons at all.
    It as nothing to do with high pop areas lag and rubber banding just happens randomly and anywere, i have seen it in instances which have only had 10 or less players on them. Most seem to assume it is more promenent in PE, but this is only because more people visit that area than anywere else in the game so obviously more will see it and report it, but it is not only there, it is also in solo instances too

    I'm having the same problem with my second toon with the nasher base raid quest. The first time it happened I log out and didn't played as that character again till today. Thought the problem would be fixed, but more vanishing mobs. Gave up halfway when I killed one vanishing mob just to have another group popped out of thin air. My other toon never had this problem and I run higher level dungeons often.
  • bowdidlybowdidly Member Posts: 261 Bounty Hunter
    edited September 2013
    Like I previously posted most of the graphic problems seem to be in the very low level areas, which makes it even worse most of these areas are the first content new players see, and to be honest if I had never already experienced these area's months ago and in open beta I would defiantly be at a loss as were to go and were mobs were at.

    Most of the mobs you only actually see when you finely look around each area carefully with your aiming reticule and you get their HP bar to appear, but only their HP bar the mobs still stay hidden, most of the time you only see you have actually killed them when loot appears on the ground.

    The worst one is defiantly the 2nd solo instance you get from Sgt Knoxx and when you finaly kill the invisible end boss your reward chest appears with a yellow gold aura around it then promptly disappears, it is only due to the fact that I knew there was a loot chest there that I spammed the area with 'F' key to get my loot. then turning around to target the Ladder to leave the area only to see it was invisible, but again due to past experience I knew for a fact it was there, otherwise I would have had no clue at all how to get out of the instance.

    This is realy bad and i am pretty sure many many new players have just turned around during this instance and left by any menas they can find.

    Then most may have checked the forums for any solutions or feedback concerning these problems and most are met with posts that clearly focus on game settings and graphic card issues, but these issues are nothing at all to do with PC performance or graphic card drivers and settings. i run a pretty high end PC, way way overpowered for all MMO's, i run nearly all my games in the highest settings available in the games without any issues what so ever, even raiding 25 man hard modes in WoW on the highest populated server EU, no graphic issues ever, anywhere.

    While in this game on less than half the 'recommended' settings there are issues randomly all over the place and the memory usage is double to treble what I have in any other game.

    These issues have been going on for months and months, a few times they have been put down to bugs and memory sinks within the game and supposedly have been fixed but at the end of the day they still do persist many many people post on the forums they can not play no more it is that bad and they are told most of the time it is their system or IP which is at fault or the cause, which is total rubish
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