Take out ranged adds fast, handle the melee adds as you can (kiting, CC or great DPS if thats what you have), keep some dps on the boss as much as possible except if help needed to take out ranged (especially hexers).
Usually works in the groups I'm in but I do not claim to have the definitive winning tactic for all groups and all line-ups.
Roo. Cleric. Mad as a bag of badgers, will heal for beer.
I managed to beat this dungeon the second time I tried. First time PUG we wiped several times. I should've known as I was leading the charts by 500-600k, GWFs usually don't do that.
Second time we were: TR, GWF(me), CW, GF, DC (an experienced player, Mr.Healz)
At the final boss, we wiped for once. Than second time, our GF and TR died, and we could not res them. So we finished the three of us, DC healing like crazy, CW controlling like crazy, and me, GWF dashing in all directions avoiding red circles, killing ads, and dps-ing the boss until finally we beat him. Great fun it was, too bad I outleveled it o fast.
One thing I'd say to casuals or new players. Don't give up ! If you fail, there is a reason. Try to find out what you do wrong, what you are supposed to do. Than try it. It will work out eventually. It is called adapting and learning.
Whatever we deny or embrace, we belong togheter./ Pat Benatar
I am seeing a lot of comments about the end game dungeons. I know nothing of those and being the only thing to do at cap, they really don't need to be nerf. I was talking about all the dungeons that lead up to that point. Going into a lowbie dungeon after a 45 minute queue then 60 minute waste of time with the dungeon not finished, sucks. It's not an endgame dungeon and even for a learning curve, it's kind of steep.
I joined Pirate King without knowing what I was getting into. So sad to have to stand on the other side of the boat not able to join in again after dying. (Not re-accessible)
In general, I dislike that the dungeons are deceptive. They can be really easy for your toon, until the end boss who is insane/impossible for my toon to do. If the end boss is going to be so impossible for me, I believe there should be some warning, such as the critters in the dungeon getting harder and harder as you go, so you will know not to continue onward if you've reached a point of too-tough-for-toon gameplay, rather than make it easy so one wastes an hour or two of time only to find that completing the dungeon is going to be an impossibility. So sad. Really has turned me off to dungeon explorations.
1. Gear Score Requirements: This has no baring as to how hard a dungeon is and if players that meet the score are even equipped properly to complete it. Just like in WoW when they added GS requirements for dungeons players can equip gear just to boost their GS to enter the dungeon and expect to be carried.
2. Bad Queue system: Players that queue with 1 or 2 friends can have unbalanced teams as you just experienced with 2 DCs. If everyone queue's solo the system will normally queue 1 DC, 1 GF & 3 DPS.
The dungeons themselves are actually very easy once you know how to handle many adds and have a properly geared team. The problem is the actual GEAR Score required to beat may of the dungeons is far beyond the minimum to enter. Players with 11-13k GS failing to complete a 8600 GS required dungeon.
But then how are you going to make AD if you do not farm the Dungeons or get GEAR to increase your GS in the first place. Previous to the MOD 1 patch it was to farm the AH but after MOD it's now forcing you to farm dungeons in bad gear.
Recommendation is to find a guild with experienced and geared players and get carried till you have decent gear. Once you complete your sets and have rank 5 enchants and know the fights, know the dungeons you too can easily conqueror Neverwinter. The game is not a solo player game and pretty much forces you to get into a guild just like GG did.
Enforced Threat and Knights Valor FTW...run in a circle like the edge of that nice BLUE one that keeps healing me it usually appears near the MAST...I WILL stack on a wizard and make him repel/blow shield 8p...I run thru the ICY GROUND that keeps appearing too the adds seem to slow down in it even FREEZE for a moment...sometimes I steal the boss if the Rogue cannot keep his attention or even dies then same formula BUT I drag boss...don't let aoe hit party
The boss mechanics are garbage for the most part - endless tough adds is joke and that is why most of the dungeons are harder then they need to be it's not getting to them it's getting past the bosses and the endless army of adds that leads to some creative BS tactics like pulling everything to some section to blow them off with repel etc...
The boss mechanics are garbage for the most part - endless tough adds is joke and that is why most of the dungeons are harder then they need to be it's not getting to them it's getting past the bosses and the endless army of adds that leads to some creative BS tactics like pulling everything to some section to blow them off with repel etc...
I found this to be true for single player mini dungeons. I found I can pull the boss into another room and dps it down with out ads. I can also pull them over traps giving me an edge and keeping them in place. I am going to get band for using tactics in a Dungeon and Dragons game, aren't I, lol.
My computer is getting a bit old, but it runs almost every dungeon with no problems. However, Pirate King absolutely KILLS my frame rate. I think it is a combination of all the adds + the wide open space with lots of background geometry. My FPS is reasonable for most of the dungeon, but the last fight I drop down to about 1 FPS when the adds start spawning. I attempted the dungeon 2 times before I gave up completely.
I would not be surprised if other people (even people with a slightly better system than I) run in to some problems in that mission, which can cause a wipe because you do not see a red circle before you get killed.
Ice storm has it's utility too, playing a CW well is not just about using singularity as your only daily. Now there are good times and bad times to use ice storm. Also in some places oppressive force is better. It all depends on the situation.
Not saying it doesn't have its uses besides trolling melee, and that they should only use singularity so I can feel better about myself. I have no problem with Ice Storm itself; I just have a problem with the people who use it on trash pulls as soon as I finally manage to get the enemies nice and clumped up or just about to land during Avalanche of Steel when I still used it on my GWF, or pop Lurker's Assault on my TR at the start of the fight to better burn down the elite.
Now, if they're using it to knock stuff off of cliffs or execute a ton of mobs, cool. Dead is dead, I don't have to chase the mob down again. If they're using it to knock the mobs that I can't get aggro on away from the cleric, cool. Glad to have a helping hand and a living cleric. But if they're just using it to pad their own damage at the expense of everyone else's, not cool. Unfortunately, most CWs I've had the dubious pleasure of grouping with use Ice Storm for the third reason, resulting in wasted dailies and either waiting on the mobs to group up again or frantically chasing one down.
hikariinuMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
on my 10k GS GWF i was able to solo the boss there, however im 100% certain that the only reason i was able to was because of 8% lifesteal and unstoppable's Defense buff (i was Unstoppable probably 90% of the time) then there was the *old* Imposing Scrapper set giving me insane defense every time i used an encounter.
the thing here is that if you dont know your class, you simply cant expect to faceroll on a keyboard inorder to win. I doubt however that i could have beaten that boss with anything less than what i was using for gear tho, so thats also important.
PUG's ive seen can range from fantastic to downright awful. If you get in a pug with no healers and 4 rogues, then your best option is to quit and try again later because that group isnt going to succeed no matter how much DPS they are putting out.
One of the things I am reading here is group make up. It is random on the kind of player you will get. It is also random on the group make up which can cause farther grief before you even dive into the dungeon and worry about its mechanics. Is this true? Could part of the problem be with the grouping tool itself?
Learning to play without relying on shield pop for ap gain was an adventure especially when after you use entangle or conduit, all the mobs turn and say mmm cw for dinner.
Queen of Dragon Server
Goddess Uniique, lvl 60 DC.
PinkSugar, lvl 60 CW.
Baby Cakes, lvl 60 GWF.
*******, lvl 60 TR.
Premium Juicebox, lvl 60 CW.
Pink Exxxtacy, Ranger There is NO pvp in Neverwinter.
rokoilMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 25Arc User
edited August 2013
With game play that is geared for solo friendly - everything except Dungeons - is the real problem.
From my experience: my cleric must use a completely different spell /power set-up from general play to Dungeon runs. So, typically my fingers are hitting wrong keys for five minutes before I get used to the "new" powers required for a dungeon. As I see it, each class has a specific skill set that is best solo and one for Dungeons or when you really need to make your skills work for the group and not just you.
So a PUG dungeon has a great chance to turn into 5 solo players who will fail. Over and over and over.
In short, all the solo friendly stuff is great, for Cryptic drawing a large player base. Meanwhile it makes life painful and at times miserable for the "lone wolf" competent player trying to PUG.
Usually works in the groups I'm in but I do not claim to have the definitive winning tactic for all groups and all line-ups.
Ancient Shadows: Mature. Sensible. Custard.
Recruitment info at: http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?462591-Ancient-Shadows-Become-a-Lion-Tamer-without-learning-Chartered-Accountancy-first!&highlight=ancient+shadows
Second time we were: TR, GWF(me), CW, GF, DC (an experienced player, Mr.Healz)
At the final boss, we wiped for once. Than second time, our GF and TR died, and we could not res them. So we finished the three of us, DC healing like crazy, CW controlling like crazy, and me, GWF dashing in all directions avoiding red circles, killing ads, and dps-ing the boss until finally we beat him. Great fun it was, too bad I outleveled it o fast.
One thing I'd say to casuals or new players. Don't give up ! If you fail, there is a reason. Try to find out what you do wrong, what you are supposed to do. Than try it. It will work out eventually. It is called adapting and learning.
In general, I dislike that the dungeons are deceptive. They can be really easy for your toon, until the end boss who is insane/impossible for my toon to do. If the end boss is going to be so impossible for me, I believe there should be some warning, such as the critters in the dungeon getting harder and harder as you go, so you will know not to continue onward if you've reached a point of too-tough-for-toon gameplay, rather than make it easy so one wastes an hour or two of time only to find that completing the dungeon is going to be an impossibility. So sad. Really has turned me off to dungeon explorations.
1. Gear Score Requirements: This has no baring as to how hard a dungeon is and if players that meet the score are even equipped properly to complete it. Just like in WoW when they added GS requirements for dungeons players can equip gear just to boost their GS to enter the dungeon and expect to be carried.
2. Bad Queue system: Players that queue with 1 or 2 friends can have unbalanced teams as you just experienced with 2 DCs. If everyone queue's solo the system will normally queue 1 DC, 1 GF & 3 DPS.
The dungeons themselves are actually very easy once you know how to handle many adds and have a properly geared team. The problem is the actual GEAR Score required to beat may of the dungeons is far beyond the minimum to enter. Players with 11-13k GS failing to complete a 8600 GS required dungeon.
But then how are you going to make AD if you do not farm the Dungeons or get GEAR to increase your GS in the first place. Previous to the MOD 1 patch it was to farm the AH but after MOD it's now forcing you to farm dungeons in bad gear.
Recommendation is to find a guild with experienced and geared players and get carried till you have decent gear. Once you complete your sets and have rank 5 enchants and know the fights, know the dungeons you too can easily conqueror Neverwinter. The game is not a solo player game and pretty much forces you to get into a guild just like GG did.
I found this to be true for single player mini dungeons. I found I can pull the boss into another room and dps it down with out ads. I can also pull them over traps giving me an edge and keeping them in place. I am going to get band for using tactics in a Dungeon and Dragons game, aren't I, lol.
I would not be surprised if other people (even people with a slightly better system than I) run in to some problems in that mission, which can cause a wipe because you do not see a red circle before you get killed.
I will have to remember that. Sucks, my first character is a GWF. I am being told they are worthless now. Oh Dang.
Not saying it doesn't have its uses besides trolling melee, and that they should only use singularity so I can feel better about myself. I have no problem with Ice Storm itself; I just have a problem with the people who use it on trash pulls as soon as I finally manage to get the enemies nice and clumped up or just about to land during Avalanche of Steel when I still used it on my GWF, or pop Lurker's Assault on my TR at the start of the fight to better burn down the elite.
Now, if they're using it to knock stuff off of cliffs or execute a ton of mobs, cool. Dead is dead, I don't have to chase the mob down again. If they're using it to knock the mobs that I can't get aggro on away from the cleric, cool. Glad to have a helping hand and a living cleric. But if they're just using it to pad their own damage at the expense of everyone else's, not cool. Unfortunately, most CWs I've had the dubious pleasure of grouping with use Ice Storm for the third reason, resulting in wasted dailies and either waiting on the mobs to group up again or frantically chasing one down.
the thing here is that if you dont know your class, you simply cant expect to faceroll on a keyboard inorder to win. I doubt however that i could have beaten that boss with anything less than what i was using for gear tho, so thats also important.
PUG's ive seen can range from fantastic to downright awful. If you get in a pug with no healers and 4 rogues, then your best option is to quit and try again later because that group isnt going to succeed no matter how much DPS they are putting out.
better luck next time?
PinkSugar, lvl 60 CW.
Baby Cakes, lvl 60 GWF.
*******, lvl 60 TR.
Premium Juicebox, lvl 60 CW.
Pink Exxxtacy, Ranger
There is NO pvp in Neverwinter.
From my experience: my cleric must use a completely different spell /power set-up from general play to Dungeon runs. So, typically my fingers are hitting wrong keys for five minutes before I get used to the "new" powers required for a dungeon. As I see it, each class has a specific skill set that is best solo and one for Dungeons or when you really need to make your skills work for the group and not just you.
So a PUG dungeon has a great chance to turn into 5 solo players who will fail. Over and over and over.
In short, all the solo friendly stuff is great, for Cryptic drawing a large player base. Meanwhile it makes life painful and at times miserable for the "lone wolf" competent player trying to PUG.