that's a bummer, because you could have converted the $80 to AD and just bought the companion off of the AH
Last I saw 2000 Zen would get you 660,000 A.D. Prices on Dragon are about 2.6 million and up. (Does math) That $80 would get you approximately 2,640,000 A.D. Which is juuuust about enough to buy the companion. Beriad1 has a point, sell what you got from profession packs for A.D. put that towards Lillend and get enough Zen to convert to A.D. to cover the cost of Lillend.
You might be able to recover a decent amount of A.D./Zen depending upon what you got in the packs. Good luck!
"You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him."
"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."
"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught."
"Life is too important to be taken seriously.":)
obviouslydrizztMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
I know, man. That IS a bummer. I'm so upset. And PWE has still done NOTHING about me getting hacked.
wraithynMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 53
From now until August 1, you can purchase a Professions Asset Pack or a Professions Booster Pack from the Zen Market and have a chance to receive Lillend, the first purple quality companion healer!
During this promotional period, if you don't receive a Lillend Companion in your Professions Pack, you will find Tarmalune Trade Bars instead!
The assets pack is $16 dollars and what exactly do you get in that pack? I thought it was tools and boosts to assist with creating quality items and leveling. No, you get sqwat for $16. I am in the process of demanding a refund of my Zen on this item.
I would like to have the Lillend, but I'm not spending more than the $10.00 I've already spent on Profession Booster Packs. That's the extent of what I'm putting into chasing that rare.
It would be nice if we knew the percentage chance to get one for each type of pack. Same goes for the Nightmare boxes. I haven't bought any keys for them and I'm not going to. I'd rather buy them straight from the Zen Market or get nice items in the Founder/Expansion pre-order packs. That's a much better use of my money because I KNOW what I'm getting.
Anyways, the game's not perfect. It still needs a lot of work (class balancing for PVP, class roles in group PVE content, and Companions, companions, companions), but the game has potential and hopefully the money they are generating from these gambles will be put towards fixing the major issues that, if not corrected, could prematurely end the lifespan of the game. *cough SWTOR *cough*
sixty9teaMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 13Arc User
edited July 2013
Someone could report this to the BBB?
breshenthMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited July 2013
Well - How about those "Coming Soon" companion upgrade books?
At least when I spend money I actually get something that may be worthwhile. . .
strykurrMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 16Arc User
edited July 2013
After hearing the low odds of winning anything but junk in the chests, and now the extremely low odds of winning Lillend companion I am sorry I spent any money on this game. Very disappointing and spendy.
Can we get a Drunken Dwarf Companion next?
He should sing, burp and beat people up with his hammer.
Something like that one drunken dwarf at the Icespire Peak.
But just a question. Im not gonna read it, but a CM or Admin should be able to find this for me since its regarding the ToS. Is there anything in the ToS that says they can change the percentage that an item will drop in a lockbox? With or without notification to the players/users? And how would we know if these changes were made w/o buying a billion boxes? Im just curious if there is anything in the ToS about this.
After hearing the low odds of winning anything but junk in the chests, and now the extremely low odds of winning Lillend companion I am sorry I spent any money on this game. Very disappointing and spendy.
What I don't get is that the sell the boosters, everything's alright. Then they add a small chance to get something extra for free and then people act as if they're the bad guys. It's not really their fault if people buy it solely to get a companion and then feel bad that they don't get it, that's why it's a game of chance. That's not to say that i think their prices on boosters and especially on the asset pack is fine and that they're doing it completely out of the kindness of their hearts. But I see a lot about people complaining about these kind of things. If you had the choice of a chance (yet small) to get something free or to not get the chance at all on a bought item, which would you pick? It's up to you do decide whether you think it's worth the chance, if you view boosters as useless, then you should consider not taking part. You would've had a little too much wishful thinking if you would've expected a high chance (such as lower than 1/10) to get one. I do think chances should be more transparent though.
What I don't get is that the sell the boosters, everything's alright. Then they add a small chance to get something extra for free and then people act as if they're the bad guys. It's not really their fault if people buy it solely to get a companion and then feel bad that they don't get it, that's why it's a game of chance. That's not to say that i think their prices on boosters and especially on the asset pack is fine and that they're doing it completely out of the kindness of their hearts. But I see a lot about people complaining about these kind of things. If you had the choice of a chance (yet small) to get something free or to not get the chance at all on a bought item, which would you pick? It's up to you do decide whether you think it's worth the chance, if you view boosters as useless, then you should consider not taking part. You would've had a little too much wishful thinking if you would've expected a high chance (such as lower than 1/10) to get one. I do think chances should be more transparent though.
You underestimate the power of gambling addiction. Go look up online for details, and see how it applies to the lockbox and similiar nonsenses.
"Lucky" is the new FOTM.
milkbonedogMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 1Arc User
What I don't get is that the sell the boosters, everything's alright. Then they add a small chance to get something extra for free and then people act as if they're the bad guys.
The thing you forget is that buying the pack itself is a huge risk. You have a very high chance of just getting a blue map or a mark of gratitude as the best item in your pack. Those items translate into maybe 1600 ad. Or you could buy the $16 pack and get yourself some nice platesmiths which sell for nothing as well. The problem is many people do not look at the packs as a win/lose type of gamble because you always get something even if it is only worth 35k ad. For $16 you should be guaranteed a blue tool at least, but your not. I actually got more tools from the $3 pack than I did from the $16 one.
And guess what? They are adding more useless professions to the game to get people to buy even more of those overpriced packs. Unfortunately someone in the game HAS to buy them or no one will be able to craft the high tier items in the game because there is no way to get the better assets in the game unless they came from the Zen store.
werealchemistMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
What I don't get is that the sell the boosters, everything's alright. Then they add a small chance to get something extra for free and then people act as if they're the bad guys. It's not really their fault if people buy it solely to get a companion and then feel bad that they don't get it, that's why it's a game of chance. That's not to say that i think their prices on boosters and especially on the asset pack is fine and that they're doing it completely out of the kindness of their hearts. But I see a lot about people complaining about these kind of things. If you had the choice of a chance (yet small) to get something free or to not get the chance at all on a bought item, which would you pick? It's up to you do decide whether you think it's worth the chance, if you view boosters as useless, then you should consider not taking part. You would've had a little too much wishful thinking if you would've expected a high chance (such as lower than 1/10) to get one. I do think chances should be more transparent though.
the reason is because they are trying to sell those booster packs to people that don't want them but do want the companion with no other alternative to get the companion (except praying they find a reasonably priced one on the AH) and the fact it is the ONLY purple rank healing companion in the game.
It would be at least a token of good will if you had a chance for the same limited time to get the Lillend in the Booster Pack you can get for the Celestial coins too. But that doesn't generate cash like making it exclusive to the packs from the Zen market. Oh well I understand they're a business and have to make money to keep things going.
Again, I'll just wait for the Lillend to either be put regularly in the Zen market and hope this current availability is just a promotional "get it before everyone else". Or just wait til the prices come down a bit more on the AH when the next new hot companion comes out.
But besides that is the sad state of companions in general. Most of them just get dead about 60 secs into a major battle leaving you with nothing thus making the Iuon stones the only worthwhile companions. It would be nice if they actually reworked the others to make them somewhat viable in boss fights and dungeons.
And then beyond that is the mechanics of some of them that needs badly fixing. Why doesn't the Defender companions go after the strongest mob, not the one I am currently attacking? Why cant I send my Defender in first instead of me going wading into the fray? Why doesn't the Tomb Spider, which is listed as a "controller", have any controller powers?
Right now it seems in my opinion that companions in general, beyond the Ioun stones, are just not very well thought out or implemented. I like the concept, but the actual execution leaves a lot to be desired. Therefore, I just don't see spending $90 plus for a Lillend or even $30 for a Galeb Dur or $25 for a broken Tomb Spider. NONE of these are currently worth their value, sadly, until they all get reworked & fixed.
shaecatMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited July 2013
I bought five profession packs, the Bar amount was generally 25 but as low as 3. 3 bars as an incentive? really? Only one of them had even a blue item (platesmith) I am sadly with the entire experience and will not be buying any more chance items. I like the gambling aspect of the lockboxes but 3 bars is hardly a bonus to incentivise buying something you really do not need.
elilusoMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 20Arc User
It would be at least a token of good will if you had a chance for the same limited time to get the Lillend in the Booster Pack you can get for the Celestial coins too. But that doesn't generate cash like making it exclusive to the packs from the Zen market. Oh well I understand they're a business and have to make money to keep things going.
Again, I'll just wait for the Lillend to either be put regularly in the Zen market and hope this current availability is just a promotional "get it before everyone else". Or just wait til the prices come down a bit more on the AH when the next new hot companion comes out.
But besides that is the sad state of companions in general. Most of them just get dead about 60 secs into a major battle leaving you with nothing thus making the Iuon stones the only worthwhile companions. It would be nice if they actually reworked the others to make them somewhat viable in boss fights and dungeons.
And then beyond that is the mechanics of some of them that needs badly fixing. Why doesn't the Defender companions go after the strongest mob, not the one I am currently attacking? Why cant I send my Defender in first instead of me going wading into the fray? Why doesn't the Tomb Spider, which is listed as a "controller", have any controller powers?
Right now it seems in my opinion that companions in general, beyond the Ioun stones, are just not very well thought out or implemented. I like the concept, but the actual execution leaves a lot to be desired. Therefore, I just don't see spending $90 plus for a Lillend or even $30 for a Galeb Dur or $25 for a broken Tomb Spider. NONE of these are currently worth their value, sadly, until they all get reworked & fixed.
Upgrade on Test server will cost:
Gray to gree 300K AD; green to blue 500K AD; blue to lila 750K AD
Just lollling ^^
The thing you forget is that buying the pack itself is a huge risk. You have a very high chance of just getting a blue map or a mark of gratitude as the best item in your pack. Those items translate into maybe 1600 ad. Or you could buy the $16 pack and get yourself some nice platesmiths which sell for nothing as well. The problem is many people do not look at the packs as a win/lose type of gamble because you always get something even if it is only worth 35k ad. For $16 you should be guaranteed a blue tool at least, but your not. I actually got more tools from the $3 pack than I did from the $16 one.
And guess what? They are adding more useless professions to the game to get people to buy even more of those overpriced packs. Unfortunately someone in the game HAS to buy them or no one will be able to craft the high tier items in the game because there is no way to get the better assets in the game unless they came from the Zen store.
I don't deny that the packs aren't that good for value for money. More professions is always a good thing, although currently I've only levelled up leadership and alchemy (which was decently quick to level up on a new character, it's a higher level (20) than my main characters leadership (18)...) and don't intend to hurry on the other ones since I'd rather buy a shirt/pants on the AH since I'd need the (expensive) tools to craft one... Although if the new professions do require multiple epic tools for the decent items, that would suck, which is a decent possibility, but it's better than not being there.
the reason is because they are trying to sell those booster packs to people that don't want them but do want the companion with no other alternative to get the companion (except praying they find a reasonably priced one on the AH) and the fact it is the ONLY purple rank healing companion in the game.
Shouldn't we be responsible for our own actions, personally I decided to get one and only one and didn't really expect to get one, I decided to contain myself so that I wouldn't lose out. If you really want the companion, wait because I got the impression that it'd be in the game more easily in some form.
gataochii70Member, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2Arc User
edited July 2013
I bought 3 booster packs @ 300 zen, and got it in the 2nd one I opened. bull HAMSTER luck for the win. It has a great heal/crowd heal in parties. Not too often would I attempt a random box, having been burnt out in another game, but I needed the profession materials anyway.
Finally a purple healer. Shame she can't heal for **** even maxed out with purples and lvl 30. Is far more useful for drawing agro than healing, but is so squishy even that seems pointless. What a shame. I'd advise you avoid.
I only use the stone augment and Galeb, who still doesn't fail me at lvl 60.
Does this event end on August 7th (ingame calender) or August 1st as it says on the forums and event page?
You guys have to be clear with the **** dates.
I got the lillend on my 7th smaller pack the 300 zen ones so 2100 zen quite a bargain for a purple ranked healer as well as 150 trade bars. I really wasn't going to try and get her as it was a chance but after reading forums etc drop rate seemed ok so thought would spend a little.
wizzumwaltMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited August 2013
Well, I am not so lucky, over $100 spent on both profession pack types and zero healer, not even profession items I need. Think I will stick with nightmare boxes for now, I don't even want the horse, but I have bought the $59 feywild pack with NO ETA on release, just wanted this minion as a novelty item anyway, I will stick with the defence guy I bought even at a max of level 25 he isn't to shabby.
dardoveMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Well, I am not so lucky, over $100 spent on both profession pack types and zero healer, not even profession items I need. Think I will stick with nightmare boxes for now, I don't even want the horse, but I have bought the $59 feywild pack with NO ETA on release, just wanted this minion as a novelty item anyway, I will stick with the defence guy I bought even at a max of level 25 he isn't to shabby.
The release date was announced when the Knight of the Feywild pack was announced. August 22nd.
$100 really I opened 6 of the smaller packs 1800 zen in total and got one. I only tried as the drop rate seemed high from the amount I was seeing around etc, should be account wide though and im hoping they wont do many of these chance things.
Hmm the news list from the game says last chance to get the healer, so that means she won't be in the zen store or be tradable from bars? I guess I see where the other people are coming from now...
Well I just spent $200.00 on Zen and not one Lilliand so the odds suck.
I know this post is a tad old but...
Dude, you should have just bought HoTN pack like I will... It will more than likely be the only thing I'm going to buy from this game. Let alone anything from Cryptic, PWE again- unless I decide to try some more Champs Online.
Finally a purple healer. Shame she can't heal for **** even maxed out with purples and lvl 30. Is far more useful for drawing agro than healing, but is so squishy even that seems pointless. What a shame. I'd advise you avoid.
I only use the stone augment and Galeb, who still doesn't fail me at lvl 60.
Thank you much for that input on how the creature plays.
Someone got one, It's on AH for 5 mil atm, which equates to $142 rofl
A friend gifted me one of these and I love it. The Lillend is pretty durable for a healer, and on every one of the 7 or 8 dungeons or skirmishes I've done since I got her my guardian has healed the most as well as taken the most damage. Pretty impressive, plus I love the harp music.
If I knew the odds I'd try for another, but not without knowing the odds. Aion burned me on that scam long ago. Give me a definite price and I'll buy her, but not otherwise.
Last I saw 2000 Zen would get you 660,000 A.D. Prices on Dragon are about 2.6 million and up. (Does math) That $80 would get you approximately 2,640,000 A.D. Which is juuuust about enough to buy the companion. Beriad1 has a point, sell what you got from profession packs for A.D. put that towards Lillend and get enough Zen to convert to A.D. to cover the cost of Lillend.
You might be able to recover a decent amount of A.D./Zen depending upon what you got in the packs. Good luck!
"Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future."
"Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught."
"Life is too important to be taken seriously.":)
It would be nice if we knew the percentage chance to get one for each type of pack. Same goes for the Nightmare boxes. I haven't bought any keys for them and I'm not going to. I'd rather buy them straight from the Zen Market or get nice items in the Founder/Expansion pre-order packs. That's a much better use of my money because I KNOW what I'm getting.
Anyways, the game's not perfect. It still needs a lot of work (class balancing for PVP, class roles in group PVE content, and Companions, companions, companions), but the game has potential and hopefully the money they are generating from these gambles will be put towards fixing the major issues that, if not corrected, could prematurely end the lifespan of the game. *cough SWTOR *cough*
At least when I spend money I actually get something that may be worthwhile. . .
This is why we can't have nice things :c
He should sing, burp and beat people up with his hammer.
Something like that one drunken dwarf at the Icespire Peak.
And playing by myself since Aug 2009
Godtier: Lifetime Subscriber
But just a question. Im not gonna read it, but a CM or Admin should be able to find this for me since its regarding the ToS. Is there anything in the ToS that says they can change the percentage that an item will drop in a lockbox? With or without notification to the players/users? And how would we know if these changes were made w/o buying a billion boxes? Im just curious if there is anything in the ToS about this.
Fox Stevenson - Sandblast
Oh Wonder - Without You
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
- Dylan Thomas
You underestimate the power of gambling addiction. Go look up online for details, and see how it applies to the lockbox and similiar nonsenses.
The thing you forget is that buying the pack itself is a huge risk. You have a very high chance of just getting a blue map or a mark of gratitude as the best item in your pack. Those items translate into maybe 1600 ad. Or you could buy the $16 pack and get yourself some nice platesmiths which sell for nothing as well. The problem is many people do not look at the packs as a win/lose type of gamble because you always get something even if it is only worth 35k ad. For $16 you should be guaranteed a blue tool at least, but your not. I actually got more tools from the $3 pack than I did from the $16 one.
And guess what? They are adding more useless professions to the game to get people to buy even more of those overpriced packs. Unfortunately someone in the game HAS to buy them or no one will be able to craft the high tier items in the game because there is no way to get the better assets in the game unless they came from the Zen store.
the reason is because they are trying to sell those booster packs to people that don't want them but do want the companion with no other alternative to get the companion (except praying they find a reasonably priced one on the AH) and the fact it is the ONLY purple rank healing companion in the game.
Again, I'll just wait for the Lillend to either be put regularly in the Zen market and hope this current availability is just a promotional "get it before everyone else". Or just wait til the prices come down a bit more on the AH when the next new hot companion comes out.
But besides that is the sad state of companions in general. Most of them just get dead about 60 secs into a major battle leaving you with nothing thus making the Iuon stones the only worthwhile companions. It would be nice if they actually reworked the others to make them somewhat viable in boss fights and dungeons.
And then beyond that is the mechanics of some of them that needs badly fixing. Why doesn't the Defender companions go after the strongest mob, not the one I am currently attacking? Why cant I send my Defender in first instead of me going wading into the fray? Why doesn't the Tomb Spider, which is listed as a "controller", have any controller powers?
Right now it seems in my opinion that companions in general, beyond the Ioun stones, are just not very well thought out or implemented. I like the concept, but the actual execution leaves a lot to be desired. Therefore, I just don't see spending $90 plus for a Lillend or even $30 for a Galeb Dur or $25 for a broken Tomb Spider. NONE of these are currently worth their value, sadly, until they all get reworked & fixed.
Upgrade on Test server will cost:
Gray to gree 300K AD; green to blue 500K AD; blue to lila 750K AD
Just lollling ^^
I don't deny that the packs aren't that good for value for money. More professions is always a good thing, although currently I've only levelled up leadership and alchemy (which was decently quick to level up on a new character, it's a higher level (20) than my main characters leadership (18)...) and don't intend to hurry on the other ones since I'd rather buy a shirt/pants on the AH since I'd need the (expensive) tools to craft one... Although if the new professions do require multiple epic tools for the decent items, that would suck, which is a decent possibility, but it's better than not being there.
Shouldn't we be responsible for our own actions, personally I decided to get one and only one and didn't really expect to get one, I decided to contain myself so that I wouldn't lose out. If you really want the companion, wait because I got the impression that it'd be in the game more easily in some form.
You lucky dog!
I only use the stone augment and Galeb, who still doesn't fail me at lvl 60.
You guys have to be clear with the **** dates.
The release date was announced when the Knight of the Feywild pack was announced. August 22nd.
I know this post is a tad old but...
Dude, you should have just bought HoTN pack like I will...
Thank you much for that input on how the creature plays.
A friend gifted me one of these and I love it. The Lillend is pretty durable for a healer, and on every one of the 7 or 8 dungeons or skirmishes I've done since I got her my guardian has healed the most as well as taken the most damage. Pretty impressive, plus I love the harp music.
If I knew the odds I'd try for another, but not without knowing the odds. Aion burned me on that scam long ago. Give me a definite price and I'll buy her, but not otherwise.