First off, all of these paragon abilities are most likely still a work-in-progress and may not be a true reflection of what we will see on the live servers. For example, the GF/GWF paragon abilities are currently swapped with each other on the test realm -- the GF paragon page is displaying the current (live) paragon abilities for the GWF and the GWF paragon page is displaying the current paragon abilities for the GF. I wasn't able to find any new GF/GWF paragon abilities because of this unfortunately. I still don't know if they are planning to release these with the Feywild patch or if they were just added into the current PTR patch because they're being worked on for a future release. Either way, here they are.
I find it quite amusing that with the current proposed changes to TR and the crying there has been about their ranged abilities, that these abilities can make you a fully a ranged rogue. While I realise this may not be the finished article, it still made me chuckle a bit. I can already hear the crying hehe. Thanks for this.
reagenlionel1Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
Im surprised. I thought they were going to save the fire abilities for Warlock.
Though they still could. Nice to see the control wizard get some.
I do like the TR having a full ranged option. Though I trust there are going to be many many people taking up that route now mostly for pvp.
Dont know what to say on DC.
Shame the GF and GWF abilities are out of whack at the moment. Was interested in seeing what they have.
They look extremely promising from a PvP perspective. You'd have to give up foresight, brand of the sun and hammer of fate for the new paragon abilities though, and those are currently some of the best PvP abilities clerics currently have.
They look extremely promising from a PvP perspective. You'd have to give up foresight, brand of the sun and hammer of fate for the new paragon abilities though, and those are currently some of the best PvP abilities clerics currently have.
What in particular strikes you as good for PvP? I was pretty underwhelmed when I saw these - the daily looked interesting but it's dispelled if a buffed team-mate takes damage I didn't see anything there that'd make me sacrifice Foresight and Hammer of Fate in PvP...
What in particular strikes you as good for PvP? I was pretty underwhelmed when I saw these - the daily looked interesting but it's dispelled if a buffed team-mate takes damage I didn't see anything there that'd make me sacrifice Foresight and Hammer of Fate in PvP...
These tooltips are far too vague to really know what's good/bad, but:
Exaltation looks like it could be extremely good depending on how much damage reduction it gives, how much bonus damage it gives, how long the damage immunity lasts, and how much regeneration you get from it. You could potentially immune entire burst attempts, including dailies if you're real quick about using it.
Blessing of battle could be extremely good depending on how much damage reduction it gives and how long the buff lasts. Imagine if it was a 15-20% damage reduction for 3-5 seconds.
Anointed Holy Symbol could be extremely good if it grants 1-2k temporary hitpoints every time you cast a spell in divinity, especially if it works like Linked Spirit where you can cast a spell and then swap to divine mode and still get the spell proc.
Anointed Army could be extremely good depending on how long the damage reduction and cc-immunity lasts, how much it buffs damage and how long that buff lasts, and how many temporary hitpoints it grants. I really doubt the buffs will end the second you take damage, that would be absurdly weak for a daily. You most likely have to be hit multiple times before the buff ends.
Anointed Action could potentially be extremely good depending on how much damage reduction it gives, how much it buffs damage, and how long these buffs last.
Anointed Armor will most likely be pretty bad. It would have to give 15+ AC (so +5 per rank), which would be 7.5% damage reduction on yourself, for me to even consider using this. But if it does end up being 15-20 extra AC, this would be extremely good.
All 5 of these abilities focus on damage reduction and damage reduction is exactly what clerics need (that and control immunity and some extra CC). DPS clerics will obviously be better off staying with the current (live) paragon path, but this new paragon path seems to be a lot like a disc priest/tank-cleric which will be great for PvP.
We can create a decent AoE and Ranged TR with this new path, albeit it not being too exciting. Disheartening Strike, Cloud of Steel for At-Wills, Blitz, Impact Shot and Shadow Strike for Encounters. And maybe Razor Action and Dagger Threat for Class Features. Razor Action with Whirlwind of Blades should show pretty good AoE damage. Hopefully it deals a good amount as well. I can't wait to test them all out!
What I'm wondering about is if the new Paragon Paths will come with a slew of new Paragon Feats.
I have respec'ed my TR on preview server but it didnt show my any new paragon paths, may i ask you how did you gain the access to them?
You have to respec (so the option to choose your paragon path is available) and then when you go to the power's page the new abilities will be shown for about a second before they change to the default paragon path abilities. So you have to quickly mouse-over them before they change. If you swap between one of the other tabs (feats page for example) and the power's page you will have ~1 second to check the new abilities each time you swap. I just quickly swapped between tabs, moused-over the abilities and took a screenshot before they changed. You can't actually test them yet unfortunately, all you can do is see the tooltip.
All 5 of these abilities focus on damage reduction and damage reduction is exactly what clerics need (that and control immunity and some extra CC). DPS clerics will obviously be better off staying with the current (live) paragon path, but this new paragon path seems to be a lot like a disc priest/tank-cleric which will be great for PvP.
Agreed, although I'll be sticking with pure DPS, I'll be theorycrafting in my head non-stop about whats possible with these new abilities/passives. I'm envisioning some very tanky troll builds coming up for Clerics (DC's the new Sentinel GWF? lol jk).
Guild: Lemonade Stand | Server: Dragon (Original) | PvP Forever | 1og0s * TWITCH * YOUTUBE * MY GUIDES *
truelokasterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1Arc User
edited October 2013
Seems like GF and GWF skills were not "BUGGY" after all.
necro thread. and these screenshots, whether they were data-mined or on a test server at some point may not be the final version of what is released when module 2 comes out. so... do with that what you will.
Perma-stealth ranged DPS TRs incoming? Aren't they supposed to be a melee close combat class? What are rangers for then?
More AoE damage for the CWs? They needed that? Aren't they already the AoE DPS kings?
GWF additions look so unuseful to me... i can see the class being left behind even more. Really, if these are the plans, they could delete the class already.
Would've been 10 times more useful to give a double-spec feature to the GWFs, so that they don't have to choose between PvP and PvE (sentinel or destroyer).
May be i'm the only one who does not see anything useful in merging GF and GWF abilities. Anyone can enlighten me? What do i miss?
LOL I say it will take less then 5 days after this new patch is released before we start seeing a flood of the ol' "nerf this/nerf that" and "fix this because its unbalanced" and of course we cant forget "OFMG THIS IS GAME BREAKING" threads. So my advice is to enjoy it while you can because the moment these changes make their way into PvP its all over.
LOL I say it will take less then 5 days after this new patch is released before we start seeing a flood of the ol' "nerf this/nerf that" and "fix this because its unbalanced" and of course we cant forget "OFMG THIS IS GAME BREAKING" threads. So my advice is to enjoy it while you can because the moment these changes make their way into PvP its all over.
i say the moment the ranger is on the test server, that's when it begins. or perhaps sooner when more details about the ranger are released.
It's sad that GFs and GWFs got no new content in the form of a paragon path. Totally lazy and a let down.
Regardless though, I'll have to test the new path on my GF and see if it somehow works better, although not liking the idea of giving up the Iron Vanguard GF paragon powers.
Im MUCH more scared of a Sent GWF with regen who has indom strength AND frontline surge.... Not to mention takedown and roar still...
Prones PLUS unstoppable? GG
Oh did I mention frontline has a really nice range?
And Threatening Rush lol. Frontline from afar->Threatening Rush->Takedown->IBS->Indomitable Strength->Threatening Rush->Takedown. But I'm afraid this paragon path will make GWFs even more useless in PvE.
M6 almost drains your soul given how boring it is. (c) joocycuzzzzzz
Though they still could. Nice to see the control wizard get some.
I do like the TR having a full ranged option. Though I trust there are going to be many many people taking up that route now mostly for pvp.
Dont know what to say on DC.
Shame the GF and GWF abilities are out of whack at the moment. Was interested in seeing what they have.
They look extremely promising from a PvP perspective. You'd have to give up foresight, brand of the sun and hammer of fate for the new paragon abilities though, and those are currently some of the best PvP abilities clerics currently have.
What in particular strikes you as good for PvP? I was pretty underwhelmed when I saw these - the daily looked interesting but it's dispelled if a buffed team-mate takes damage
These tooltips are far too vague to really know what's good/bad, but:
Exaltation looks like it could be extremely good depending on how much damage reduction it gives, how much bonus damage it gives, how long the damage immunity lasts, and how much regeneration you get from it. You could potentially immune entire burst attempts, including dailies if you're real quick about using it.
Blessing of battle could be extremely good depending on how much damage reduction it gives and how long the buff lasts. Imagine if it was a 15-20% damage reduction for 3-5 seconds.
Anointed Holy Symbol could be extremely good if it grants 1-2k temporary hitpoints every time you cast a spell in divinity, especially if it works like Linked Spirit where you can cast a spell and then swap to divine mode and still get the spell proc.
Anointed Army could be extremely good depending on how long the damage reduction and cc-immunity lasts, how much it buffs damage and how long that buff lasts, and how many temporary hitpoints it grants. I really doubt the buffs will end the second you take damage, that would be absurdly weak for a daily. You most likely have to be hit multiple times before the buff ends.
Anointed Action could potentially be extremely good depending on how much damage reduction it gives, how much it buffs damage, and how long these buffs last.
Anointed Armor will most likely be pretty bad. It would have to give 15+ AC (so +5 per rank), which would be 7.5% damage reduction on yourself, for me to even consider using this. But if it does end up being 15-20 extra AC, this would be extremely good.
All 5 of these abilities focus on damage reduction and damage reduction is exactly what clerics need (that and control immunity and some extra CC). DPS clerics will obviously be better off staying with the current (live) paragon path, but this new paragon path seems to be a lot like a disc priest/tank-cleric which will be great for PvP.
What I'm wondering about is if the new Paragon Paths will come with a slew of new Paragon Feats.
You have to respec (so the option to choose your paragon path is available) and then when you go to the power's page the new abilities will be shown for about a second before they change to the default paragon path abilities. So you have to quickly mouse-over them before they change. If you swap between one of the other tabs (feats page for example) and the power's page you will have ~1 second to check the new abilities each time you swap. I just quickly swapped between tabs, moused-over the abilities and took a screenshot before they changed. You can't actually test them yet unfortunately, all you can do is see the tooltip.
DO powers look HAMSTER.
I think they look pretty nice personally. They're certainty better than nothing too.
Agreed, although I'll be sticking with pure DPS, I'll be theorycrafting in my head non-stop about whats possible with these new abilities/passives. I'm envisioning some very tanky troll builds coming up for Clerics (DC's the new Sentinel GWF? lol jk).
They have been saying before the end of the year.
More AoE damage for the CWs? They needed that? Aren't they already the AoE DPS kings?
GWF additions look so unuseful to me... i can see the class being left behind even more. Really, if these are the plans, they could delete the class already.
Would've been 10 times more useful to give a double-spec feature to the GWFs, so that they don't have to choose between PvP and PvE (sentinel or destroyer).
May be i'm the only one who does not see anything useful in merging GF and GWF abilities. Anyone can enlighten me? What do i miss?
i say the moment the ranger is on the test server, that's when it begins. or perhaps sooner when more details about the ranger are released.
FR has a 5 minute cooldown ..
3 (symbols)
Im MUCH more scared of a Sent GWF with regen who has indom strength AND frontline surge.... Not to mention takedown and roar still...
Prones PLUS unstoppable? GG
Oh did I mention frontline has a really nice range?
Regardless though, I'll have to test the new path on my GF and see if it somehow works better, although not liking the idea of giving up the Iron Vanguard GF paragon powers.
And Threatening Rush lol. Frontline from afar->Threatening Rush->Takedown->IBS->Indomitable Strength->Threatening Rush->Takedown. But I'm afraid this paragon path will make GWFs even more useless in PvE.
At least with Threatening Rush and Frontline I would have more possibilities to reach the target instead of running around like a moron.